1…………> Government Shrink: No Money
Courtesy of Senator Charles “I cried tears for the Muslim’s” Schumer, the government shutdown will let 860,000 federal employees face unpaid furloughs, with the remaining 60 percent of federal employees who continue to work may not receive paychecks until after the government reopens.
2…………> HCBS Fraud: Forex
“HSBC’s admissions in connection with this resolution confirm that the company misused confidential client information for its own profit on more than one occasion,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Cronan. “This sort of misconduct not only harmed their clients, costing the victims money, but it also ran a serious risk of undermining the public’s confidence in our financial markets. The Department of Justice takes these types of cases seriously and will hold to account financial institutions and individuals that circumvent the rule of law in favor of illicit profits.”
United Kingdom-based global financial services company HSBC Holdings plc (HSBC) entered into a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) and agreed to pay a $63.1 million criminal penalty and $38.4 million in disgorgement and restitution to resolve charges that it engaged in a scheme to defraud two bank clients through a multi-million dollar scheme commonly referred to as “front-running.”
“Today’s agreement represents that the financial services company, HSBC Holdings, is responsible for the conduct of its employees, and that it must not be permitted to benefit from the fraud committed by bank personnel,” said Inspector General Lerner. “Such financial crimes violated the trusted relationships between HSBC and its clients, and therefore, we are pleased to join our law enforcement partners in combating this misconduct.”
“HSBC defrauded two bank clients in a front-running scheme that enabled them to acquire millions of dollars to benefit their institution and harm their clients,” said Special Agent in Charge Slater. “The FBI remains dedicated to ensuring the integrity is upheld in the financial services industry, and prosecuting those who engage in illegal business practices.”
3………….> “Paisan’s” Connection: Opioids
“Throughout this country, and certainly in Tennessee and Florida, the illegal and unconscionable mass-distribution of prescription opioids through the operation of illegal pain clinics has taken a heavy toll on our citizens, families and communities. This sort of profiteering effectively trades human lives for financial riches. The U.S. Department of Justice is determined to stamp out the operation of illegal pain clinics by all legal means, including finding and arresting those responsible wherever they may be in the world,” that is how said Attorney General Sessions described a federal grand jury in Knoxville, Tennessee, 14-count superseding indictment unsealed today charging seven individuals for their roles in a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) conspiracy and drug trafficking conspiracy to distribute and dispense oxycodone, oxymorphone and morphine outside the scope of professional practice and not for a legitimate medical purpose and resulting in deaths, maintenance of drug-involved premises, distribution of oxycodone resulting in death, conspiracy to defraud the United States through the solicitation and receipt of illegal healthcare kickbacks and money laundering.
4…………> Mr.Xi “AntiChrist”: Blowing Up Churches
Are the brute forces of Mr.Xi “inquisition” are on a warpath with China’s Christian religion by following the bloody footsteps of Stalin’s NKVD that killed thousands of priests in the infamous gulags, and burned or demolished hundreds, if not thousands of churches across Russia?
After becoming the top commander of “People’s Armed Police”, a paramilitary force of nearly 800,00 officers, Mr.Xi sent his hitmen and kidney busters in northern Shanxi province to blow up a massive evangelical church, Jindengtai mega-church, which reportedly had a congregation of 50,000 people.
In another blow to Christianity, a church named the Golden Lampstead, located in the city of Linfen, was demolished as part of a “city wide campaign to demolish illegal buildings.
The “Fake News” D.C. swamp media talked with admiration about the good chemistry between President Trump, and China’s Mr.Xi, yet another blatant example of idiocy where a dedicated Christian man befriends a man who recently established a “cult of personality” rules in his country, a prelude to bloody suppression and possibly a wider war in the region.
5…………> A Message Of Peace
Turn of the channel on people who have offended and demeaned the teachings of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Rabbi Emmanuel. Walk away, let them dry on the scorching sun. Listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope.
6…………> Soros vs Trump: Who’ll Blink First?
Finger pointing over the failure of US Senate to pass a new budget and prevent the shutdown of many federal services have begun in the earnest, with accusations flying wild from both sides, as evident from the tweets listed below:
Donald J. Trump
Democrats are far more concerned with Illegal Immigrants than they are with our great Military or Safety at our dangerous Southern Border. They could have easily made a deal but decided to play Shutdown politics instead. #WeNeedMoreRepublicansIn18 in order to power through mess!
3:17 AM – Jan 20, 2018
32,47732,477 Replies
But the leading Senate Democrat, Chuck Schumer, blamed the president, saying Mr Trump was under pressure from “hard-right forces within the administration”.
But what exactly is going on? Anyone who has find time from their busy schedule to read bibi1581.com blog over the last couple of years will tell you that the war between American Nationalists and Soros Globalists started the moment Mr. Trump announced that he is running for US Presidency. But why should the Mr.Soros “La resistance” resort to extremely dangerous manoeuvres like the “Fake News Russian Dossier”, an outright media war and “Deep State” parallel US government sneak attacks? It is all about money at the end.
The crash of 2008 that almost led to Wall Street meltdown and proclamation of martial law forced the “Planetary Commision” and its 1st secretary Comrade George Soros to invoke plan B1B2 for global control: In plain English, the invisible, unelected and answerable to no one true government of US and the globalist world, aka US Federal Reserve bank applied a new program of financing also known as the “Internal Financing Scheme”, whereby interest rates were reduced close to zero, allowing to suck up all money market cash for free, in addition to which allowing the Fed to use a criminal contraption named “Quantitative Easing” to print an unlimited amount of paper money, which led to exploding National deficit account, and loading every American human being with $65,000 of personal debt.
What in fact the Janet Yellen embezzlers have really done was the dream of medieval alchemists of creating a machine called “moto perpetuo”, a relentless stream of energy, completely independent of the brutal forces of markets supply and demand, all in service of the masters of “Open Borders” world, with one currency and a political system being poorly disguised communist regime.
But why should Establishment GOP and Unified party USA be so persistent of removing Mr.Trump from office?
The first blow to the “Planetary Commision” convoluted dream of world domination came with the firing of Janet Yellen as Fed chief, de-facto crushing the greatest robbery in human history, and the second blow is just in front of us, as President Trump firm insistence on lawful US borders and removing all illegals from our country simply infuriated Mr. Soros “La Resistance”.
Will a piecemeal patch-up fix the problem? If you think shutting US government is a catastrophe, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Please read George Sorbane’s “The Endless Beginning” for more on the subject.