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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/15/2017: Morning Edition

1………….> Airbus Gets A Buzz: Billions

Airbus has struck its biggest single deal with an order for 430 aircraft worth $49.5bn at list prices from US investment firm Indigo Partners.
Indigo, whose interests include Europe’s Wizz Air, US-based Frontier, and Mexico’s Volaris. In addition, the deal beats a 2015 order for 250 single-aisle planes valued at $27bn by Indian budget carrier IndiGo. The two companies are unrelated.



2…………> Traceable Pills: Finally

For you brilliant Einsteins who frequently forget if you ever took that important pill, help is on the way as US regulators have approved the first pill that can be digitally tracked through the body. 
The Abilify MyCite aripiprazole tablets – for treating schizophrenia and manic episodes – have an ingestible sensor embedded inside them that records that the medication has been taken.


3…………> Zimbabwe’s military has seized state TV, saying it is targeting people close to President Robert Mugabe for causing “social and economic suffering”.
Heavy gun and artillery fire could be heard in northern parts of the capital Harare early on Wednesday.



4…………>Antifa Troubles: US Clamp-Down

“On the inauguration, there were dozens of autonomous actions resisting the inauguration and protesting against the racist, sexist, homophobic, imperialist, money-grubbing a**hole that Donald Trump is. As part of that there was the anti-capitalist, anti-fascist march that was met with a lot of resistance from the DC Police Department. Over 230 people were arrested before and after being repeatedly exposed to chemical weapons. After having tear gas canisters fired at them, more than 200 people were charged with felony rioting, which carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence. Some of the protesters are also facing felony conspiracy charges with prison sentences of up to 70 years. Although a superseding indictment resulted in charges being dropped for journalists or legal observers, many of the protesters have been charged with eight felonies each,”  Antifa spokesperson Menefee-Libbey explained, charging that indictments against anti-government activists is a form of political persecution aimed to suppress resistance.
What Antifa participants failed to mention is that many of them were paid to go to the streets and cause mayhem and destruction of property by wealthy DNC donors, an illegal action against the democratically elected President Trump who overwhelmingly captured the Electoral College.



5…………> Phone Scammers In The Slammer: India

An Illinois man pleaded guilty today to money laundering conspiracy, joining six other defendants who recently pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges for their roles in liquidating and laundering victim payments generated through a massive telephone impersonation fraud and money laundering scheme perpetrated by a network of India-based call centers responsible for defrauding U.S. residents of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Miteshkumar Patel, 42, most recently residing in Willowbrook, Illinois; Sunny Joshi, 47, of Sugar Land, Texas; Jagdishkumar Chaudhari, 39, of Montgomery, Alabama; and Rajesh Bhatt, 53, of Sugar Land, each pleaded guilty to one count of money laundering conspiracy. Raman Patel, 82, of Gilbert, Arizona; Praful Patel, 50, of Fort Myers, Florida; and Jerry Norris, 47, of Oakland, California, each pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering offenses. The pleas were entered before U.S. District Court Judge David Hittner of the Southern District of Texas between Sept. 22 and Nov. 13, except for Raman Patel’s plea, which was entered before U.S. District Court Judge Michelle Burns in the District of Arizona on Nov. 6. Six of the men have been in federal custody since their arrests in October 2016 and will remain detained until their pending sentencing dates.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/14/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> Sessions Hound Dogs: Get Hillary


After lot’s of complaints from President Trump and his loyal base, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that he may appoint a special counsel to investigate Clinton’s Foundation money laundering dealings and the transfer of 1/4 of US uranium to a company controlled by Putin’s government.

2…………> Doctors Without Beards: Get The “Infidels” Out

“Cut the beard, if you want to work in a hospital” — this is the Danish People’s Party (DF) warning to doctors who wear ‘Islamic’ beards, a ban to put an end to “concessions for Muslim traditions”.

“When you have a beard this size, you are likely to have a certain religion I don’t really care about, you’re making a statement: I am a Muslim. No Danish man, if they were a doctor, would walk around with such a beard,” said local leader Henrik Thorup.


3………….> Merkel Is A Fascist:Lagerfeld

Renowned fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld has compared Islamic Merkeldom of Germany Chancellor liberal asylum policies to the Holocaust, where fleeing refugees led to Hitler’s infamous “final solution” which in turn ended in the deaths of millions, all this despite a wave of complaints from the Muslim lobby.


4…………> House Of Saud Tremor: Rid Of Petrodollar

“For the last 44-45 years, the petrodollar system has been ruling the world, which means that the international oil trade had been mostly paid for in US dollars. It stems from the Middle Eastern crises of the 1970s, when Saudi Arabia bound itself to selling oil only in US dollars. Given that Saudi oil has played the major role in the US dollar becoming the world’s reserve currency, the US turned into the guarantor of the security of Saudi Arabia. Being the world’s reserve currency, the US dollar has remained the foundation of the US’ global hegemony. First, after becoming self-sufficient in natural gas supplies, the US is becoming self-reliant in oil, which means it has less demand for Saudi energy resources. In other words, it has yielded to China as the major consumer of Saudi oil. Therefore, as I see it, there is an ongoing process in Saudi Arabia of cleaning out the elements who are against the petrodollar system,” Turkish energy expert Dr. Ozdemir explained the Saudi Arabia sudden movement to price its oil in Chinese yuan instead of US dollar.

5…………> Market Report 11/14/2017, cover short stop 23,500, CG(5869),11/21/16

Our short position was covered at DIA 21800 for a gain of 50 points and a new position established at 21850, sell stop 21800 closed for a loss of 50 DIA points. A new short position was established at 21850, cover short stop at 21800 for a gain of 50 DIA points was closed and a new long position established at 21800, sell stop 23450 closed at the market 23450 for a spectacular gain of 1769 DIA points, and total cumulative gain for 2017 of 5869 points or 25% annual return. Our new position is short DIA at 23450, cover short stop at 23500.

The market penetrated the 23450 support level, but closed above it, a sign that the “Yellen’s bulls” are still in the market expecting a miracle by the new Fed chief Powell.

The market was flat after Yellen’s firing from the Fed, so the ominous plan of balance sheet contraction that will dump 600 billion of Obama’s monetary septic tank securities on the market every quarter is clearly on hold, a move suggesting flat interest rates due to flat dollar that would surely bleed the profits of the multinationals. The budget deficit for the last 8 months is 460 billion, in line with Obama’s and the GOP planned country wide tax cuts will explode it to new highs. All this dance and song ignores Comrade Un’s playing with matches supplied by Mr.Xi, and there are talks that that Saudi Arabia may be forced to peg the oil price to Chinese yuan, a decision that will unleash a deluge of paper dollars. Yet like an insane inmate in an asylum beating its bloodied head in a stone wall, Yellen printing money is on hold for now, halting markets push upward and leading to formation of a gold price bottom. Last week President Trump put an end to all those speculations by appointing Jerome Powell as the next Fed chair, finally showing Obama’s not so secret weapon Janet Yellen the door, a decision met with a cautious rally on Wall Street. A close look at the new budget indicates that states like California and New York who have been leading the fight to dethrone or impeach Trump may be in for a nasty surprise if the mortgage deduction is phased out, leaving millions of mansions above $500,000 with a hefty uptick in mortgage payment, a sure prelude to a crash.


We warned that it appears there is organized attempt to remove President Trump from office and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.


Stocks down 30 to 23409, DJ futures down at -50.

Gold up to 1282.1 due to low pressure by the Fed, and USD/CHF was down to 0.9896 due of Yellen’s removal. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch cover sell stop 23,500. The real shocker had been predicting for months, the relentless treachery of dedicated CFR, Soros Planetary Commission and KBI(Koch Bureau of Investigation) soldiers Paul “Granny Crusher” Ryan and Mitch “Harry’s Twin” McConnell became evident last week when none of Trump’s grandiose projects were passed by the criminal consortium of Establishment GOP and Unified Party USA. Clearly defrauded and offended President Trump has now made a deal with Nancy Schumer and Charles Pelosi to fund the government for three months and get a relief for Harvey’s victims down in Texas, something that does not bode well for the future of GOP.

Yellen’s attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000 failed due to the simple fact that both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/14/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> Maduro Dreaming: Venezuela Bankrupting

The long decline of the bolivar has finally hit a nerve, as S&P ratings agency said the South American nation had failed to make $200m in repayments on its foreign debt, and probably will not able to make another $420 million payment whose grace period has not yet expired. Venezuela’s state-run oil company PDVSA has also been declared in default by rating agencies Fitch and Moody’s as National debt is thought to be almost 140 billion dollars, mostly owned by President Maduro’s dearest communist friends like China and other smiling “shweethearts”.

2…………> Master Salesman In Action: Trump

Unlike our dearly departed, beloved 1st Muslim President Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama, who was an world renown expert in the dubious art of spending people’s money and then borrowing double of that, listening to his citizens phone calls and reading their email, putting his nose in other people’s business around the globe and lecturing them on “human rights” when the drug dealers behind his house in Chicago were in an open drug war, President Trump is definitely a bright and pleasant surprise.

A master in collecting rents and bad debts, President Trump wrapped up a 12-day tour of Asia which he said created $300bn in sales to companies in the region and several major energy deals.

“We’ve made some very big steps with respect to trade, far bigger than anything you know, in addition to about $300bn in sales to various companies, including China – that was $250bn and going up very substantially from that,” he disclosed in Manila.

3…………> Petaflops Malaise: US Supercomputers

China’s “Sunway TaihuLight” is world’s No. 1 fastest supercomputer for the fourth time, with a performance of 93.01 petaflops.

China’s Tianhe-2, or Milky Way-2, is still the No. 2 system at 33.86 petaflops. Intel chip-based Tianhe-2 had topped the list for three years until it was displaced in November 2015 by TaihuLight, which was built by entirely using processors designed and made in China.

The No. 3 is Switzerland’s Piz Daint, which is also the most powerful supercomputer in Europe. 

A new system in Japan, called Gyoukou, is the No. 4, pushing Titan, the top U.S system, to the No. 5 slot.
“China now clearly shows a substantially larger number of installations than the United States.”

4…………> Uncle Adolf’s Mufti Friends: Get The Jews

Historian David Motadel said that hundreds of thousands of Muslims fought for the Nazis in WW2 as Adolf Hitler’s Berlin began to see Islam as politically significant in its war against their common enemies — the British Empire, the Soviet Union, America and Jews. On the eastern Front, the Nazi occupiers ordered the rebuilding of mosques, prayer halls, and madrasas — previously destroyed by Moscow — and the re-establishment of religious rituals and celebrations in order to undermine Soviet rule.

5…………> Viva Mr. Xi: China’s Reagan

President Xi has reached his political solstice after the 19th CCPC in October, consolidating his control over China’s ruling elite and grabbing the limelight away from President Donald Trump who tried to showcase himself as the supreme “New Kid On The Block”, and instead eclipsing China as the new ‘world leader.’

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