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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/19/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> End Of Obama Terror: No Regulations

One of the most illegal acts of the administration of our 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama was to flood the federal government with regulations that were labeled as “executive discretion orders,” a fancy way to skirt the Constitution and completely ignore the will of the people and US Congress. Now this lawlessness is coming to an end as DOJ is prohibiting issuance of guidance documents.

“Guidance documents can be used to explain existing law, but they should not be used to change the law or to impose new standards to determine compliance with the law. The notice-and-comment process that is ordinarily required for rulemaking can be cumbersome and slow, but it has the benefit of availing agencies of more complete information about a proposed rule’s effects than the agency could ascertain on its own. This Department of Justice will not use guidance documents to circumvent the rulemaking process, and we will proactively work to rescind existing guidance documents that go too far,”Associate Attorney General Brand said. 

Today, in an action to further uphold the rule of law in the executive branch, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo prohibiting the Department of Justice from issuing guidance documents that have the effect of adopting new regulatory requirements or amending the law. The memo prevents the Department of Justice from evading required rulemaking processes by using guidance memos to create de facto regulations.

2………….> Nab The Cartels: US Coast Guard

The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Spencer is about to offload 10 tons of cocaine and 23 kilograms of heroin  in Port Everglades worth an estimated $300 million wholesale seized in international waters off the Eastern Pacific Ocean.
The drugs were interdicted along Mexico and Central America by multiple U.S. Coast Guard cutters.
The offload represents 14 separate, suspected drug smuggling vessel interdictions by the Coast Guard. Yet another day of good work by the fine men and women of DHS for the American people.

3…………> Ungrateful Bastards: Trump

President Donald Trump says he should have left three American basketball players who had been detained in China on suspicion of shoplifting in jail, after the father of one of the players questioned the President’s role in their release.

“Now that the three basketball players are out of China and saved from years in jail, LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, is unaccepting of what I did for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal,” Mr Trump wrote.
“I should have left them in jail!”

4………..> Street Art: Houston 

An artist draws a street painting in Houston, Texas, the United States, on Nov. 19, 2017. More than 200 artists worldwide took part in this year’s Houston Via Colori, one of the largest and most well-known art festivals in the city.

5…………> Welcome To Tanzania: China’s Navy 

Over 500 feet long Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark that has eight operation rooms, seven health care offices and 300 beds is back in Tanzania’s commercial capital Dar es Salaam, starting an eight-day humanitarian mission of providing free medical services to local residents.
The arrival of the Peace Ark, its second in seven years, was received with joy by Tanzanians.

“China has helped Tanzania in different sectors. One of the notable areas is the construction of Tazara railway, which connects Tanzania and Zambia,” said Tanzania Navy Commander Richard Mutayoba Makanzo.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/19/2017: Morning Edition

1………..> Compounding Terror: Rohingya

More than 800,000 Rohingya refugees are stuck in camps in Bangladesh with dwindling supplies of clean drinking water, with some pumps projected to dry off within 15 days. But after that, Rohingya refugees in the sprawling Balukhali camp in southern Bangladesh must wait for its underground reservoir to refill, and many fear that water is too contaminated. There are nearly 4,600 of these pumps in the various camps, making them the primary source of water for the majority of refugees.

2…………> A Terror Warning: Russia

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said Friday that risks of terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States are rising during the upcoming New Year holiday.
The likelihood of terrorist attacks in major cities will increase between December 20 and January 20, the ministry’s department for emergency management said briefly on Twitter.



3…………>  Down With Yellen: Viva Powell

The US central bank under Jerome Powell is expected to introduce innovative and untested monetary policy measure of “Price-Level Targeting”, an experiment still met with great suspicion amongst policymakers and market participants, as some believe it could mean a greater degree of centralized economic planning to help President Trump reform the staggering US economy.




4…………> Meteor Shower Over Earth: The Video

Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli, who is currently on board the International Space Station, has published a video of a meteoroid shower, possibly a remnant of Taurid or the Leonid meteors entering our planet’s dense atmosphere over the Atlantic Ocean.


5…………> Obama Boys Weapons Cache: In Full View

During the liberation of Deir ez-Zor from Daesh(IS) terrorists the Syrian Army has found large warehouses with a huge number of lethal US-made weapons, military equipment of Western European and Israeli production, not counting M-16 automatic rifles there were TOW anti-tank missile systems and 155 mm US field guns found in abundance. 

“There were also Hummers, which were either used to transport people or were stuffed with bombs inside ready to explode. Israeli intelligence reconnaissance aircraft and a modern Israeli protective suit for conducting sapper work have also been found,” according to a source.

There were also boxes with ammunition and weapons stored in the underground shelters, while tanks and cars were covered with a camouflage net to protect against Russian and Syrian airstrikes, yet another proof that Obama, Hoodlums & Co and now the McCain/Clinton “Deep State” parallel government are continuing to support the “throat slashers of IS” despite lies in the “Fake News media” of “surgical strikes on the enemy”.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/18/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Navy To The Rescue: Argentina 

The U.S. Navy has ordered its Undersea Rescue Command (URC) based in San Diego to deploy to Argentina Nov. 18, to support the South American nation’s ongoing search for the Argentinean Navy submarine A.R.A. San Juan in the Southern Atlantic. 

URC is deploying two independent rescue assets based on a number of factors, including the varying depth of ocean waters near South America’s southeastern coast and the differing safe operating depths of the two rescue systems. 

Three U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III and one U.S. Air Force C-5 Galaxy aircraft will transport the first rescue system, the Submarine Rescue Chamber (SRC) and underwater intervention Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) from Miramar to Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. The four aircraft are scheduled to depart Miramar Nov. 18 and arrive in Argentina Nov. 19. 
The second rescue system, the Pressurized Rescue Module (PRM) and supporting equipment will be transported via additional flights and is scheduled to arrive in Argentina early next week. 

The SRC is a McCann rescue chamber designed during World War II and still used today. SRC can rescue up to six persons at a time and reach a bottomed submarine at depths of 850 feet. The PRM can submerge up to 2,000 feet for docking and mating, with a submarine settled on the ocean floor up to 45-degree angle in both pitch and roll. The PRM can rescue up to 16 personnel at a time. Both assets are operated by two crewmembers and mate with the submarine by sealing over the submarine’s hatch allowing Sailors to safely transfer to the rescue chamber.

2…………> Slumlords Slammed: USDOJ

“Residents of nursing homes are some of our most vulnerable citizens. Nursing home operators who bill Medicare and Medicaid for providing their residents with grossly deficient services will be held accountable,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Chad A. Readler, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division as Department of Justice announced that Hyperion Foundation, a Georgia not-for-profit entity (Hyperion), Julie Mittleider, a resident of Georgia and Hyperion’s former President, AltaCare Corporation, a Georgia corporation engaged in nursing home management (AltaCare), Douglas Mittleider, AltaCare’s Chief Executive Officer, and related companies, Long Term Care Services Inc. and Sentry Healthcare Acquirors Inc., have agreed to pay the United States a total of $1.25 million to resolve allegations of false claims to Medicare and the Mississippi Medicaid program for providing grossly substandard care to residents at the Oxford Health and Rehabilitation nursing home in Lumberton, Mississippi, from late 2005 through mid-2012, when it was operated by AltaCare, under a contract with Hyperion.

3………..> “Viva Soros”, “Viva La Liberte”: Karlsbad Conference

Liberal multi-billionaire “Uncle” George Soros will give a talk during the four-day event in Carlsbad,California titled “Beyond #Resistance: Reclaiming our Progressive Future,” with other speakers appearing in person or via video including U.S. Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, D-Minn.; and Democrats Gov. Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania and governor-elect Ralph Northam of Virginia.
Special guest speakers were listed as CNN contributor Van Jones who is reportedly the founder of the Maoist Marxist-Leninist group “STORM”, and Center for American Progress CEO Neera Tanden, i.e. a group of dedicated, always smiling communists, eye trained on the bright, shiny Bolshevik revolutionary future, bent on doing whatever it takes to get rid of President Trump and negate the will of the American people.

4…………> A Message Of Peace

Turn of the channel on people who have offended and demeaned the teachings of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Rabbi Emmanuel. Walk away, let them dry on the scorching sun. Listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope. 

5………….> Down With Macron: Protesters

A Paris rally against Islamic Sheikdom of France’s President, Rabbinical Ayatollah Emmanuel Macron’s policies has resulted in havoc, with crowds of  hooligans smashing the windows of banks and shops, a part of the “March on the Elysee Palace” organized by left-wing political parties and unions.
A number of protests have been held to express opposition to the president’s labor reforms which cut the power of trade unions and allow for easier layoffs of workers.

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