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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/15/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Locus Of Light: Lesotho Diamond

Lesotho is a small enclaved country with a population of about 2 million within South Africa, where more than 40 percent of the population live below the poverty line of $1.25 per day, yet the good Lord has send it a precious gift of 910 carats diamond of “exceptional quality” worth up to $40 million dollars.


“The diamond, the largest recovered from Letseng, is believed to be the fifth largest gem-quality diamond ever recovered. Since Gem Diamonds acquired Letseng in 2006, the mine has produced some of the world’s most remarkable diamonds, including the 603-carat ‘Lesotho Promise,'” Gem Diamonds chief executive Clifford Elphick said in a statement.



2…………> A380: Rusting Feathers
“If we can’t work out a deal with Emirates, there is no choice but to shutdown the program,” Airbus chief salesman John Leahy told reporters in Paris about company’s bets on additional orders of the superjumbo from the Dubai-based airline last November to complement its 100-planes A380 fleet. 

Having received no new orders for the world’s largest passenger airline for the past two years, Airbus admitted that it might have to end production of the A380 double-decker jet, after building only 220 planes over the last decade.


3…………> Chilpancingo: Torture Capital of MX
“Tragically, the enforced disappearance of these young men is the latest of a long line of horrors that have befallen Guerrero state,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International about five enforced disappearances in the Guerrero capital where prisoners were tortured over a period of days, and both Chilpancingo municipal police and state investigative police were complicit in the illegal activity. 

Reports surfaced that after latest arrest and kidnapping, three young men were “taken to a safe house, then transported in a dizzying ride to Acapulco and held in cells for at least three days without food, expecting to be killed.”

This is yet another proof of reports on the downward spiral of Mexico civil unrest and raising power of the drug cartels.


4…………> The Cartel Police:Chihuahua

In another blatant display of cartel interference in the social disorder of Narco State of Mexico, police in Chihuahua state yesterday arrested 10 alleged gang members who were evidently receiving instructions from an officer in the municipal police force.
A joint investigation by federal and local security organizations located and arrested the alleged gangsters, believed to be members of La Línea, the armed wing of the Juárez Cartel.

5…………> Trump’s Vacation: Free Forever

A new video following the disappearance of friends and neighbors who happened to reside illegally in the US is underlining the “stone cold” consequences of Trump’s immigration crackdown in a rural county that voted for Trump, where people are shocked to see illegals deported and schoolmates disappear. Now a community is coming to terms with the economic and emotional consequences.

The Trump team insists the actions of the deportation force, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), is simply a matter of applying the law and delivering a key election pledge.


6…………> Trump Reject “Racist” Charges

Trump says ‘I am not a racist’ in response to criticism over his labeling of African nations as “shitholes”,  as reported by Democratic Senator Richard Durbin.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/14/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Iranian Tanker Fire & Explosion

“There is no hope of finding survivors among the [missing] 29 members of the crew,” Iran’s maritime agency chief Mahmoud Rastad said on state television, as the stricken tanker, Sanchi, drifted into Japan’s exclusive economic zone and “suddenly ignited” and finally sunk, according to Chinese state media reports.
A video of the tragedy that took the lives of the Iranian crew showed flames off the burning ship rising between 2500 to 3,000 feet in the air when leftovers of some 1 million burning barrels of condensate, an ultra-light crude oil caught on fire.



2…………..> Lunar Year: A Celebration In Lights

People walk under the colorful lights which are projected along Minzhu road in Haizhou District of Lianyungang, east China’s Jiangsu Province, Jan. 14, 2018. These days the district put up several themed lighting projects to greet the upcoming Chinese lunar New Year, which falls on Feb. 16, 2018.



3…………..>Evil Personified: Islamic State

“[The physical caliphate of Islamic State of Levant] has been broken and fractured, but the work still continues. We are going to continue our operations because we ultimately have to ensure we have conditions on the ground that ISIS can never re-emerge,” she added, using an alternate acronym for the terrorist group,”Pentagon spokeswoman Dana W. White said in a press briefing on January 11.

“Even though they failed as a caliphate, there are global manifestations of their brand that we see pop up,” Marine Corps Lieutenant General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. told reporters in the press briefing.The jihadist organization “Islamic State” has been defeated in a military sense, having lost 98% of the areas they used to control in both countries, with US forces planning to take the remaining 2% from them as well.But its ideologies live on, and so is the terror in the tender minds of the children who grew up under its regime, having been witnesses of IS violence, including brutal public punishments and executions, and other challenges like guerrilla warfare remain due to new fanatical recruits pouring through the border from Turkey into Syria.

“[IS’] global brand is fading with the defeat of the physical caliphate and as stories about the horror of life under ISIS are disseminated,” officials stated on the Defense Department’s website.



4…………> ET 2018 Greetings: Mexico

An unidentified vertical flying object, caught on camera by a Mexican woman who can be heard asking “What is that?” in the background as she films, has sparked a heated debate on “YouTube”, as social media users were confused by the “out of this world” pair of videos showing what appears to be an odd UFO hovering over the skies above Mexico and Texas.
Was it a piece of dirt or even bird excrement on a window, a set of old, deflating balloons, or the jetpack of fictional billionaire Tony Stark himself in his famous Iron Man suit?

“Any ideas what this might be people? Really curious. Also saw that this has been seen in China,” the Texas clip’s uploader wrote.



5…………> Thou Shall Not Sleep When Stealing: 11th Commandment

Police in central Islamic Merkeldom of Germany arrested a man who broke into a house, ransacked the property and then fell asleep on the sofa, giving the family from Erfurt the shock of their life to find a would-be burglar asleep on their couch. Officers have said drugs were likely the cause of the mid-theft drowsiness, and they will keep “clumsy off” in custody “in order to prevent health-endangering sleep deprivation.” 


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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/14/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Trump’s Hard Legacy: Breath Of Fresh Air

It’s a quarter of the way through President Trump’s term, but the score card has been filled in, and now we can say what promises were kept, broken or conveniently ignored. But how much have his policies changed things?

1. Immigration enforcement has also been ramped up – 143,470 arrests for violations for the year ending in October – a 30% increase.(Grade A)

2. Tax cuts:Tax code was simplified with corporate rates reduced from 35% to 21%, and personal tax cuts on the way. (Grade B)

3. Obama illegal executive orders canned, freeing energy production, distribution and exports LNG, DACA act cancelled, and hundreds others shelved. (Grade A)

4. Foreign Policy: “Paris Accord” out, “America 1st” through force has brought Comrade Un to the negotiating table, infuriating endless Soros “Open Border” saboteurs and conspirators. (Grade A)

5. Judicial Appointments: Judge Gorsuch to SUPCO, many judicial appointments, a concrete step ensuring a conservative bent of US for decades.

6. Cabinet Appointments: Trying to please his GOP so called friends, Paul “Granny Crusher” Ryan and Mitch “Harry’s Twin” McConnell has proven disastrous for President Trump, starting with AG Jeff Sessions who has failed to clean up his department of Obama stooges and conspirators, and refusing to weed out FBI of 17th floor morons, effectively stabbing Mr. Trump in the back, and unfortunately we haven’t seen the end of this bloody, anti-American confrontation. (Grade D)



2…………> Bad Landing: Turkey

A Boeing 737-800 airliner operated by Pegasus with more than 160 people aboard rolled off the airport runway of the Turkish city of Trabzon and fell off the cliff, coming to a halt in the middle of the slope, hovering over the Black Sea.

Rescue services have taken steps to extinguish possible fires. The cause of the emergency is under investigation.



3…………> A Circle Of “Fake News” Lies: “The Shit Word”

Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., who supports Trump’s immigration policies, said on ABC News’ “This Week,” that the meeting had been grossly and totally misrepresented in the press, despite attacks by George Stephanopoulos, pointing out that “mama lies” Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., have told others that the reports were more or less accurate.

“I’m saying that this is a gross misrepresentation. It’s not the first time Sen. Durbin has done it. And it is not productive to solving the problem. I’m telling you he did not use that word, George. And I’m telling you it’s a gross misrepresentation. How many times do you want me to say that?” Perdue replied.
Another pair of New World Disorder lapdogs and bootlickers like Ms. “Quack, Quack” Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and snowflake Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., did not miss the opportunity to jump on the “Fake News” blame waggon to attack President Trump of racism and bigotry, a continuation of “Deep State” McCain, Hillary & Co parallel government relentless attempt to impeach a democratically elected leader. 



4………..> The Gold Bomb:Free Markets

President Trump stated explicitly that he would like to see inflation raising, a sharp departure from years of relentless banditry by Janet Yellen’s presiding over the illegal, invisible, answerable to no one real US government, a government that reduced the real interest rates to almost zero, robbing savers, mostly the seniors from nearly a trillion(with 12 zeros) of desperately needed income during the most trying years of their lives.

Translation? Trump’s free marketeers, including new Fed Chief Mr. Jerome Powell will concentrate on growth and let the marketplace determine the equilibrium point of real interest rates by instituting sharp cuts in government spending and deporting as many illegals as possible.

Where is the gold’s place in this new juggernaut of economic data? Considering the fact that US has 147 million ounces of gold in Fort Knox, and a National debt of 21.7 trillion dollars, then the gold price should US goes bankrupt is nearly $143,000 dollars per troy ounce, so it no wonder that gold chart has made years long head & shoulders bottom, recently testing the upper range of 1330, with break-out price of 1385. How high can it go? Judging from history during previous GOP President, the 2.5 ratio has been very visible, hence George W. Bush high of $1950 is indicating a new high of nearly $5000 dollars.

The SPDR Gold Trust ETF (GLD) closed at $126.96 on Friday, up $1.52 (+1.21%). Year-to-date, GLD has gained 2.68%, versus a 4.14% rise in the benchmark S&P 500 index during the same period.



5…………> America’s Shithole: Liberal California

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Virginia welfare reforms initiated strong work requirements, leading to a collapse of welfare rolls as millions of former aid recipients entered the labor force. Who was left to feed the moochers? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but the former hippies controlled California, earning the dubious fame of having nearly one out of five residents being poor, receiving housing, food, utilities, clothing and noncash government assistance as a form of income. 

What makes this finding even more outrageous is that state’s per-capita GDP is twice the U.S. average, and still many “welfare queens” had an income of 200% above the poverty line, enough money to buy an iPhone and lease a BMW.
The generous spending, then, has not only failed to decrease poverty; it actually seems to have made it worse.

6…………> Angry Gods: Peru Earthquake

An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale hit the coast of Peru, about 42 kilometers (26 miles) south-southwest of Acari at a depth of 12 kilometers (7 miles) Sunday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

A strong earthquake has struck the coast of southern Peru, causing damage to homes, collapsing roads and killing at least two people,injuring 65 with 17 still missing.

The earthquake did not produce a tsunami, despite an earlier warning, and
Peru’s government Geophysical Institute said its epicentre in the coastal town of Lomas, in the southern region of Arequipa.

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