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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/29/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Inspector Hillary Strikes Again: Cameo 

Members of President Trump’s team were not amused of a Grammy Awards sketch featuring a cameo by Hillary Clinton and several famous musicians, including Cher and Snoop Dogg, reading extracts from Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury.  Donald Trump Jr took a shot at the sketch, calling Wolff’s book “fake news”, staring Clinton reading a notorious passage about President Trump’s love of fast food. 
“He had a longtime fear of being poisoned. One reason why he liked to eat at McDonalds. No one knew he was coming and the food was safely pre-made,” she quipped. 
Her appearance was cheered by the audience in Madison Square Garden but Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations, was less enthusiastic. 

Nikki Haley 

I have always loved the Grammys but to have artists read the Fire and Fury book killed it. Don’t ruin great music with trash. Some of us love music without the politics thrown in it. 

7:12 PM – Jan 28, 2018 
34,17534,175 Replies

Donald Trump Jr used the opportunity to take a shot at Clinton’s election loss. 

Donald Trump Jr. 

Getting to read a #fakenews book excerpt at the Grammys seems like a great consolation prize for losing the presidency. #GrammyAwards 

7:39 PM – Jan 28, 2018 
6,8896,889 Replies

President Trump’s supporters will have found much to dislike during the three-hour Grammy ceremony as Bono shouted, “Blessed are the shithole countries, for they gave us the American Dream.” 
Rapper Logic addressed the same topic at the end of his performance of the anti-suicide song 1-800-273-8255. 

“To all the beautiful countries filled with culture, diversity and thousands of years of history, you are not a shithole, you are beautiful,” he said, in comments that were censored by CBS.


2…………> Breaking: FBI McCabe Out 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s deputy director, who US President Donald Trump accuses of political bias, has resigned, US media report. 
Andrew McCabe’s exit from the top law enforcement agency comes a week after a report Mr Trump wanted him out in expectation of the infamous FISA memo that is to be released at any moment today. 
It was also reported last week that the president had asked Mr McCabe during an Oval Office meeting whom he voted for. 
Mr McCabe became acting FBI director last May after Mr Trump fired its previous chief, James Comey.



3………….> Handcuffed, Shackled & Beat: Angola 

A former Major at Louisiana State Penitentiary named Daniel Davis, 41, of Loranger, Louisiana, was found guilty yesterday in federal court for conspiring to cover up the beating, punching, kicking and stomping a prisoner, causing serious injury including a bloody gash under his eye, a dislocated shoulder, broken ribs, and a collapsed lung of a handcuffed and shackled inmate, and for writing a false report, falsifying official records, and lying under oath about what happened.

“As a Major at Angola, defendant Davis had been entrusted with great power, which he grossly abused by perverting the justice system by lying, writing false reports, and using his influence to encourage others to lie,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General John Gore of the Civil Rights Division. “The Justice Department will continue to vigorously prosecute correctional officers who violate the public’s trust by committing crimes and to covering up violations of federal criminal law.” 

“Justice was served today,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Corey R. Amundson. “Although most corrections officers are good and honest public servants doing an enormously challenging and important job, Defendant Davis chose instead to become a criminal himself. His actions were unjustifiable, intolerable, and criminal. Our office remains steadfast in holding accountable those who violate the federal criminal civil rights laws and this prosecution of four high-ranking Angola corrections officers should illustrate that point very clearly. I greatly appreciate the dedication and hard work of the FBI and the prosecutors from my office and the Civil Rights Division who handled this important matter.”

4…………> Hillary’s Grammy: Trump Attacked

In a disgusting charade thinly disguised as the 60th annual Grammy Awards, an rich assortment of punks, freshly of jail or soon to be in it thugs and other well dressed shady characters like Kendrick Lamar, Camilla Cabello and even Hillary Clinton turned up to talk politics, as inner city “stars” took the opportunity to voice their opinions on everything from President Trump to DACA to gender equality.

“I’m here on this stage tonight because, just like the Dreamers, my parents brought me to this country with nothing in their pockets but hope. They showed me what it means to work twice as hard and never give up. And, honestly, no part of my journey is any different from theirs. I’m a proud Cuban-Mexican immigrant, born in Eastern Havana, standing in front of you on the Grammys stage in New York City. And all I know is, just like dreams, these kids can’t be forgotten and are worth fighting for”, an illegal alien from Cuba named Camilla Cabello told a wild applauding and admiring crowd. 

FOX NEWS FIRST: Grammys get political as Hillary makes cameo; Trump preps for first State of Union address





5…………> Pelosi Dumb Remark: Under Attack

If someone gets a Nobel prize for inventing a standard of idiocy and stupidity named “Pelosi”, he or she will be cherished forever since Nancy struck again, and then became a target of  a “friendly fire” from a fellow Democrat for her response to President Trump’s immigration plan that she called a blueprint to “make America white again.”

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., said we “don’t need that type of rhetoric on either side, from Nancy, (Speaker) Paul Ryan or anybody else” regarding Trump’s proposal of a path to citizenship for 1.8 million so-called “Dreamers,” expecting $25 billion in funding for a border wall and security in return, a crackdown on chain migration and the diversity visa lottery program.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/28/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Fire Rosenstein, Mueller Or Both: Trump

 What if Trump fired Mueller? He could sue for a judicial review challenging the basis for his firing, but the rest depends on GOP majority in both houses who are clearly not amused by the outrageous months long “witch hunt” that has infuriated their base and cost millions of dollars.

How about firing deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, the deeply hated DOJ bureaucrat who appointed Mueller since the recusal of AG Jeff Sessions due to his Russian contacts? If the release of the FISA court memo shows next week that abuse of power had taken place during Obama administration under the watch of Rosenstein, one could be reasonably sure that “mutton heads” will roll to the delight of millions of Americans who have been traumatized by a whole year of disgusting lies, distortions and baseless fabrications by the D.C. swamp alligators.


2………..> Old Silk Road & Davos: new Beginning?


One of the crown achievements of Chinese President Xi Jinping is the “Belt and Road Initiative” that is recreating the ancient trade routes through the mountains and deserts of Asia to European and African continents, and along reviving an independent, balanced and sustainable development in the countries involved.
Now five years later, world globalists are facing the grim reality of President Trump’s “America 1st” movement, and hence are reviewing their initial resistance to that exciting project, as the comments below can testify.

“The Belt and Road is the best place to start working on the fractures in the world and creating connectivity,” Pakistani Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi aggreed in a panel discussion.

“We feel that something concerning the fractured world is discussed in Davos, Belt and Road is probably the best way to address this,” said Russian hedge fund manager Dmitriev.
Calling for “significant collaboration,” U.S. businessman Michael Burke said: “The size and scale of infrastructure projects along the Belt and Road cannot be done by any one country, neither private sector alone or public sector alone.”


3………..> A “Boot In The Kisser”: Cryptocurrency

The crazy run of the cryptocurrencies suffered a major blow when a Japanese company named Coincheck exchange said on its website it had halted sales and withdrawals of a cryptocurrency called NEM after hackers stole a reported 58 billion yen ($660 million), and stated that would return about 46.3 billion yen ($523 million) to investors.


4…………> Trump vs JZ: Obama Tremors

Judging from the remarks of billionaire rapper JZ, he cares more about the Haitians and Africans than his African Americans brothers and sisters, millions of whom have been living in appalling misery, violence and a protracted “Obama drug war.” Completely detached from what is happening in real America, he called President Trump a “superbug” during an appearance on “Fake News” CNN Van Jones show, who is reportedly is an avowed communist.

“Really hurtful because it’s like looking down on a whole population of people and you’re so misinformed because these places have beautiful people. You have sprayed perfume on the trash can. What you do when you do that is the bugs come. You spray something and you create a superbug because you don’t take care of the problem,” Jay-Z said of Mr Trump’s “shithole” comment.

President Donald Trump slammed Jay-Z by releasing the tweet below:

Donald J. Trump


Somebody please inform Jay-Z that because of my policies, Black Unemployment has just been reported to be at the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!

5:18 AM – Jan 28, 2018 
48,69248,692 Replies



5…………> CA “Ultra Radicals”: Attack On Military

“Your freakin’ stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They’re dumb s – – – s. They’re not high-level bankers. They’re not academic people. They’re not intellectual people. They’re the freakin’ lowest of our low,” that’s how a “left leaning” teacher named Gregory Salcido in Southern California high school described US military members, deeply offending the relatives of his own students and millions more across the country.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/28/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Hippie Justice Ginsburg:I Ain’t Listening

On the 25th anniversary of Ruth Ginsburg’s nomination by President Bill Clinton and her confirmation as the second woman on the court, she will miss “State of the Union” Address” by President Trump, and instead will be at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island, for a talk that was announced in August, in a clear sign of snub and defiance of a man the ultra-left Soros controlled “La Resistance” have labeled as a divisive, bigot and racist.

Ginsburg, 84, also has sent signals recently that she intends to keep her seat, a bad news  for hopes for a fresh change in the Supreme Court.



2…………> State Of Resistance Union: Snowflakes

“I think it’s important because we have a president who has a difficult time with the truth, who has a radical, divisive agenda, and spends an enormous amount of time focusing on the negative and hopelessness and despair,” that how actor turned exponent of the extreme left Mark  Ruffalo, an progressive and vocal critic of President Trump, described a scheduled event in Manhattan Town Hall where dedicated hippies and snowflakes like Michael Moore, Alyssa Milano, Rosie Perez and Whoopi Goldberg will congregate at the venue where suffragists met in the 1920s. Singer Andra Day and rapper Common will be performing the song, “Stand Up for Something,” from the biopic film “Marshall,” about the late Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.
Tickets were still available at $47 each.




3…………> Illegals Crimes: A Danger

“There appears to be a huge difference between the two groups[of immigrants]. The type of person who goes through the process to legally immigrate in the United States appears to be very law-abiding versus even the U.S.-born population,” according John R. Lott Jr., CPRC president and author of a report from the Crime Prevention Research Center, inferring that illegal immigrants between ages 15 and 35 account for 3 percent of Arizona’s population but make up approximately 8 percent of the prison population, and the  crimes of which these illegal immigrants were convicted tended to be more serious. 



4………..> First Time in 150 Years: Three Magic Moons

On the night of January 31, watch for a visible supermoon and possibly a total lunar eclipse at the exact same time, an event not observed for over 150 years.

A supermoon, a full moon at its perigee, or nearest orbital point to Earth, is the last in a string of three supermoons: the first on December 3 and another on January 1. Since the upcoming supermoon will be a second full moon in one month, it is also considered a blue moon as well.



5…………> Anti-Poverty Drive: China

Poverty-stricken people of Dong ethnic group celebrate moving to their new houses in Rongdi Village of Sirong Township in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Jan. 26, 2018. Thanks to the poverty alleviation policy, up to 2,093 households have moved to new houses provided by the government in Rongshui.

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