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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/10/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Snooping Glasses: China Police

If someone is looking for a mischief, they should certainly stay out of China since the police has been equipped with special glasses that tap into China’s state database to root out potential criminals using facial recognition, allowing officers to identify suspects in a crowd by snapping their photo and matching it to the database. Beyond a name, officers are also supplied with the person’s address, and the technology has already facilitated the capture of seven individuals, while 35 others using fake IDs are said to have been found.

 Welcome to Mr. Xi China “communism” at play.



2…………> A Message Of Peace

Turn of the channel on people who have offended and demeaned the teachings of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Rabbi Emmanuel. Walk away, let them dry on the scorching sun. Listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope. 

3………….> The Light Of The Stars: 100 Petawatt Laser

Physicists in Shanghai are constructing what they call a ‘Station of Extreme Light’, a laser with intensity 10 trillion trillion times greater than the sunlight striking earth that can be so powerful it can produce 100-petawatt laser pulses  that would distort the Riemann geometry of space.

To give an idea of the power of such a light quanta, it is 10,000 times the power of all the world’s electrical grids combined.


4…………>The Big Red Power: China’s Silver Screen

The Special Forces of the emerging “Great Red Surprise” and 2nd world’s superpower China are increasingly likely to be the heroes of the silver screen in the world’s second-largest movie market, proudly flying the Chinese flag, as a new action film, Operation Red Sea relives the true story of the Chinese Navy evacuating hundreds of Chinese and foreign nationals from Yemen during a conflict three years ago.

Who will be the Chinese equivalents to Gregory Peck, Kirk Douglas, Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney is not yet known, but one thing is true for sure: 

Moviegoers in China, like the rest of the world, will celebrate the raise of their country as a great power on the world’s stage, and adore their heroes on the silver screen, until a bloody war in some God forsaken place cracks the illusion into millions of broken pieces, bringing fear and humility back to the masses, as has been happening for millennias to the endless “great civilizations” that have perished in the dust of time.



5…………> OxyContin Stop: Purdue Pharm

Purdue Pharmacy, the maker of the highly addictive painkiller OxyContin will no longer market opioids to doctors, after agreeing to pay $634.5 million fines in 2007 and pleading guilty to federal charges related to misleading the public about the risks of OxyContin.

It was the world’s top-selling opioid painkiller, unfortunately drug abusers quickly discovered they could snort or inject crushed pills to induce a heroin-like high.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 42,000 people died from opioid-related overdoses in 2016. That’s about 115 deaths per day. Most opioid deaths involve illicit drugs such as heroin.



6…………> US Life Expectancy: Downtrend

The rate of fatal drug overdoses in US surged 137% between 2000-2014, and  deaths from alcohol abuse and suicide dramatically increased by 24% percent. White middle-aged Americans, people with limited education, women and those in rural areas experienced the largest increase in suicide rates.

“The problem is concentrated in rural, largely white counties that have often struggled for many years with stagnant wages, unemployment, poverty and the loss of major industries that fueled local economies. We are seeing an alarming increase in deaths from substance abuse and despair,” co-author of a report published the British Medical Journal Steven Woolf said about the latest data on US life expectancy that was set at 78.6 years, a 0.1-year drop from 2015.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/10/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Cuffed In Sarov: Surfing The Internet, Eh?

Several scientists working at a top-secret Russian nuclear warhead facility have been arrested for mining crypto-currencies using its supercomputer rated at 1 petaflop, in a town unofficially named “Sarov” that was not even marked on the maps, and it is surrounded by a tightly guarded no-man’s-land.  
British experts have been suspecting that the radioactive polonium-210 used to kill ex-FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006 came from Sarov.
A nice, homey place ain’t it?


2…………> Rogers: Bear Market Ahead?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted for the second time this month, losing over 2,000 points, or about 10% of its value, followed by Nasdaq and  S&P 500, that saw drops of 9.7% and 12%.

Famed investor Mr. Jim Rogers stated in part that: “The real reason in my view is that the American stock market has been going up for over two years with no correction – not even a five percent correction. Normally markets correct ten percent all the time. This is a very overextended, overbought market, and so it was time for a correction. I can give you [other] reasons, but that’s the real reason.”

His statement completely agrees with what has been saying for more than two years, when the leader of the invisible, illegitimate and answerable to no one real US government Janet Yellen and her hoodlum friends over at ECB printed out trillions of dollars in support of the so called “global economy”, melting the polar caps along the way and robbing savers out of billions of fixed income.
Now the monocle is on the other eye, and the electorate that was not paying attention and instead watching TV and drinking beer will have to face the hard way.


3…………> US Nuke Doctrine: Madness Or Reality?

The US Department of Defense published the new US’s new nuclear doctrine, that coupled with the National Security Strategy and the National Defense Strategy sets up a course for achieving all-round US superiority over any enemy, in line with Trump’s ‘America First’ and ‘Peace Through Strength’ slogans. The document implies that US is prepared to unleash a war against any rival who encroaches on America’s monopoly position, or who violates the ‘New World Disorder’ established by the USA, according to famed Roman adage, “divide et impera”, or “divide and conquer” in plain English.


4…………> ICE Power Challenged: LA Judge

“This is a significant ruling, especially considering the national debate around immigration and the efforts of the Trump administration to strong-arm localities to honor immigration detainers. Here is yet another court saying that any police department that does go along with detainer requests can be held liable,” said  an attorney with the ACLU as a federal judge in Los Angeles ruled that police departments violate the Constitution if they detain inmates at the request of immigration agents, throwing another “monkey wrench” in the wheels of Trump’s ICE police efforts to identify and deport immigrants in the country illegally.

“The LASD officers have no authority to arrest individuals for civil immigration offenses, and thus, detaining individuals beyond their date for release violated the individuals’ Fourth Amendment rights,” U.S. District Judge Andre Birotte Jr. wrote, as his order allows an estimated 10,000 to 12,000 people who were improperly held in L.A. County jails on ICE detainers between 2010 and 2014 may be entitled to monetary awards.
This is yet another great victory for the Mr.Soros led “La Resistance” movement against the alleged “nationalism” of the Trump’s administration trek for law and order country with well secured borders.


5…………> Money Laundering:Nigeria

Charges were unsealed today in Houston, Texas, against six individuals for their alleged participation in an elaborate international advance fee and money laundering scheme. The scheme allegedly involved the impersonation of Branch Banking & Trust (BB&T) and JPMorgan Chase (Chase) executives, the fabrication of U.S. government documents, the creation of fraudulent investment agreements in the name of BB&T and Chase, and the purchase of luxury vehicles to launder the proceeds of the scheme.

Uju Okigbo, 48, of Richmond, Texas; Chioma Okafor, 28, of Houston, Texas; Marita Ranalan Underwood, 61, of Manila, Philippines; John Christian Rutledge, 64, of Yaphank, New York; and Osa May Martin, 68, of Carthage, Missouri, were charged in an indictment unsealed today in the Southern District of Texas. All five defendants were charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Okigbo and Okafor were also charged with one count of conspiracy to launder monetary instruments, as well as two counts each of wire fraud and two counts each of concealment money laundering. Okigbo is also charged with three counts of engaging in transactions with proceeds of specified unlawful activity, and one count of aggravated identity theft for impersonating a U.S. banking executive. Underwood, Rutledge and Martin are also charged with one count of conspiracy to wrongfully use government seals.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/09/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> China’s Guard Dog : J-20 Stealth

“The appearance of advanced People’s Liberation Army fighter jets capable of attacking surface combat vessels in this region is sort of a reaction to the provocation by the US. We just received a group of jets from Russia and inaugurated the J-20 last year, and now we can put them into a real combat mission in the South China Sea,” Xu Guangyu, senior adviser to the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association said about the deployment of J-20 stealth fifth-generation fighter jet, flanked by 24 Su35 on patrol to the South China Sea disputed waters.



2…………> Global Rates: An Uptrend

The Bank of England OMC voted unanimously to keep interest rates on hold at 0.5% at their latest meeting, indicating that the increment of increases could accelerate should the economy remains on its current track, following the raise of US rates due to selling billions of Obama accrued debt.
The value of the pound jumped by about 1% against both the dollar and the euro in reaction to the Bank’s comments.



3…………> Russian Eagle: Su57

“We are buying Su-57 jets for combat trials. The first stage of state trials has been concluded. Right now it’s hard to say, because there has only been one flight. Everything seems normal, but as you might imagine, this is a whole range of trials. Many test flights must be carried out. As a rule, such testing requires two-three years,” Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said, speaking to reporters during a visit to the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Plant.

Su-57 is designed for air superiority and attack roles, and plane is fitted with a revolutionary avionics system capable of autonomous calculations of the battlefield situation to assist the pilot. 

4…………> Shattered Dream: Rep. Adam Schiff

President Donald Trump blocked the release of a memo written by Democrats Senior member on the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Adam Schiff as a rebuttal to allegations from their Republican counterparts that the FBI abused surveillance laws to improperly spy on the Trump campaign. The White House also shared a letter from Deputy AG Rosenstein and FBI Chief Wray expressing concern about the release of certain parts of the memo, that came in response to a request for the FBI and DOJ to review the Democratic memo, arguing that certain passages sparked concern about the protection of intelligence sources and methods, ongoing investigations and other sensitive information. 

5…………> A Message Of Peace

Turn of the channel on people who have offended and demeaned the teachings of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Rabbi Emmanuel. Walk away, let them dry on the scorching sun. Listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope.


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