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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/12/2018: Morning Edition

1…………>Convert Or Perish: Sweden

The news that someone sprayed “Allahu Akbar,” on The Church of Mary in the town of Båstad, Skåne County, Islamic Sheikdom Of Sweden last week provoked anger and disbelief among citizens and on the social networks, yet took almost a week for the politically correct mainstream Swedish media to report the crime.

“Recently we could read about someone who drew a swastika in the snow at the school in Östra Karup, which was reported as incitement of racial hatred. However, it’s remarkably quiet when the Båstad church was vandalized with ‘Allahu Akbar.’ And of course hate crime is not even discussed here. Not even a short story was it worth,” a social media member wrote.
The local police have so far been unable or unwilling to establish either the culprits behind the act of vandalism or the motive, probably fearing charges of offending the righteous Muslims in the Islamic Sheikdom of Sweden.




2…………> Fury Of Gideon: Lebanon

The Iranian drone provocation that led to the downing of an Israeli F-16 in Syria ended country’s long-term aerial dominance in the region, since that was the first Israeli plane lost in 35 years.

The Israeli military has deployed anti-missile “Iron Dome” systems, as well as “missile defense batteries” on the northern part of country’s border with Syria, near the city of Baka al-Gharbiya, according to eyewitnesses.



3…………> Applied Global Warming: Cyclone Gita

“It’s quite an unusual situation because it’s not really blowing, it’s calm, except that it’s very heavy and hot, but everyone’s going around, going about getting ready and nailing up their windows and this sort of stuff”, a local news reporter in Tonga described the government declared a national state of emergency and police in Nuku’alofa enforced curfew to keep people off the streets.

Tonga Police@TongaPolice

Power out for all of Tongatapu! It is very important that you stay indoors and safe with your families and friends #TCGita #SevereCyclone

11:12 PM – Feb 11, 2018



4…………> Loyalty & Reliability: China Space Forces

China’s President Comrade Xi, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected a satellite launch site in southwest Sichuan Province as personnel was preparing for the launch of BeiDou-3 satellites.

Mr.Xi talked with the scientists and technicians, asking them about their research, work and lives, encouraging them to keep pursuing precision and perfection to ensure the success of the launch.

Xi also extended festival greetings to all officers and soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army armed police force, militia and reserve personnel, emphasizing the absolute need for political loyalty, purity and reliability of the forces.



5…………> Trump’s Budget: Infrastructure

President Trump unveiled his second budget, which will allocate $200 billion to deal with the country’s decaying highways, airports, seaports and sewage networks.

The funds will be released over a 10-year period, and are intended to correct decades of massive neglect of infrastructure, which has led to a third of major roads falling into disrepair, and one in ten bridges becoming structurally deficient.

In addition, Mr. Trump’s administration said it will eliminate bureaucracy that often delays new projects being completed.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/11/2018: Evening Edition

1…………>Applied Global Warming: Brisbane

At the height of a vicious storm in Brisbane severe storms left 130,000 south-east homes in darkness on Sunday night, with more than 500 power lines brought down in high winds and 265,000 lightning strikes recorded.

More than 45,000 homes are still without power and Logan City remains the worst affected with more than 36,000 households and businesses still impacted.  

“They are hit and miss … we saw some more widespread storms yesterday and today we’re still expecting a number of storms about,” Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Michael Paech said.,-hot-weather-forecast-for-brisbane/9421592


2…………> Trump’s Bunkers: A Nuke War

Should US be attacked in a nuclear war, the commander-in-chief President Donald Trump would be hurriedly led to a secure location, one being located under the White House, in a fortified bunker built in the 1950s, and yet another located away in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

Mr. Trump also has a low technology bunker at his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, and one originally used to store bombs at his golf course in West Palm Beach (it’s under the second hole, according to Esquire).


3…………> Market Report 02/09/2018, sell stop 24,050, CG(5192), 11/22/17

Short position closed at 24912, triggering cover short stop at 24500 with indicated gain of 1900 DIA points upon closing short position. Long DIA position was established at 24500 with a stop at 24600 was closed for a gain of 312 points. New short position was re-established at 24550 with cover short stop at 24600 for a loss of 50 points, later indexed down at closing to 24000 for a paper gain of 550 points. A market reversal triggered cover short position close at 24000 for a zero gain, new position long at 24,000, sell stop at 24050 for a gain of 50 DIA points.

Stock market old timers have said that “you buy the rumor, and sell the news”, and that is exactly what is happening right now, with Democrats screaming murder as a close look at the new FISA memos that are suggesting an incredible Constitutional crisis brewing, a crisis that may reach the very leaders of the “opposition party”. DIA resistance is in the 27,000 area, with supports at 24135, 21354 and 18900 level, US dollar in down trend, resistance at 1.003319 CHF, support at .92 and 0.9: Gold in uptrend, watch break resistance of 1377 to be taken soon. The massive Fed balance sheet contraction will result in a $600 billion dollars being dumped on the credit markets each quarter, a leftover of the horrendous $4.3 trillion money printing of Obama’s septic tank that will surely exert a severe pressure on stocks and financial assets.


We warned long ago that an organized attempt to remove President Trump from office is underway, and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.

Stocks were up 330 to 24191, DJ futures at +133.

Gold up to 1325.2 and USD/CHF up to 0.9382 due to intervention crosscurrents. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop at 24,050. We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.


4…………..> Watch Soros Hands: Nigel Farage

“[Mr.Soros] doesn’t believe in what he calls “nationalism” [or] what I call “nation-state democracy. We all need to wake up to who George Soros is and how big his [Open Society Foundations] organization is, in an era when much of the media is obsessing about Russia collusion, [an] investigation is needed into exactly what Open Society has done,” that is how former United Kingdom Independence Party Leader Nigel Farage  described billionaire George Soros meddling into Western Countries debate for open borders and “mass migration” in order to “get rid of the nation-state.”


5…………> No Chain Migration: Trump

The Trump White House released its legislative framework for immigration reform seeks to eviscerate visa quotas for “family reunification,” using which parents and siblings of US citizens can migrate to the US (disparagingly termed “chain migration”) and completely eliminate the Diversity Visa Lottery.

The consequence of this newly created policy for current US citizens who have family members (parents and siblings) whom they would like to sponsor for an immigrant visa are extremely dangerous. If the White House proposal is followed, they will no longer be able to do so for anyone except spouses and children under 18.
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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/11/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Bad Day In Moscow: Plane Crash

The flight recorder and parts of fuselage of Flight AN-148 operated by Saratov Airlines that crashed near Ramenskoe town have been found and sent for analysis to determine cause of the crash, a crash that claimed the lives of six crew members and 65 passengers, including a child.



2…………> Goodbye Plastics: Welcome Potato Peels

A company trying to change “the plastic Holocaust” of our planet is Biome Bioplastics, which has developed a fully compostable and recyclable cup using natural materials such as potato starch, corn starch, and cellulose, the main constituent of plant cell walls. Most traditional plastics are made from oil.

We can all pray that the plastic waste that is clogging the landmass and oceans of our planet will soon be thing of the past, and so will be the “Global Warming” due to greenhouse gas emissions.



3………….> Mr.Xi War On Poverty: SE China

Chinese President Xi Jinping Sunday visited the homes of impoverished villagers of the Yi ethnic group who live deep in the Daliang Mountains of Zhaojue County, Sichuan Province in southwest China.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, asked the villagers about their lives and discussed poverty alleviation with local officials and villagers.



4…………> Cut The Cord: Trump

“Non-citizens who receive public benefits are not self-sufficient and are relying on the U.S. government and state and local entities for resources instead of their families, sponsors or private organizations,” a draft released by Trump administration describes yet another effort to reduce legal immigration, by denying permanent residence to hundreds of thousands of foreigners living legally in the United States.

DHS is proposing to deny “green cards” to legal immigrants and their children if they receive federal or state aid — even if the children are U.S.-born.



5…………> The Wall: Emperor Trump

“The walls were so high we had to suspend testing. It was unsafe. One guy made it to the top but he couldn’t get down. We had to bring him down with a cherry picker,”  that is how one Homeland Security official in Washington described to Fox News attempts by Special Forces tactical units who spent weeks trying to breach and climb Trump’s border wall prototypes — and they found it nearly impossible to scale. 

Eight prototypes of President Trump’s long-promised border wall, 
made out of concrete, steel, and other materials, and designed to withstand even the most persistent breaching violators stand in San Diego, California, at the Otay Mesa port of entry, a monument of a nation determined to take control of its rightful borders.


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