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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/16/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Mexico City Earthquake: 7.2

Images in the media showed bricks and rubble fallen from buildings, and merchandise flying off shelves in a supermarket as a 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked Mexico on Friday (local time), triggering a prolonged swaying that the government said caused minor damage to buildings in the southern state of Oaxaca. There were no preliminary reports of fatalities. The epicentre was close to a resort on the Pacific coast in Oaxaca and had a depth of 24.6 kilometres, according to the US Geological Survey.



2…………> The Tomato King: Cuenca, MX
A retired former named decided Conrado Almendra Sánchez decided to take a business risc and prove the naysayers wrong by growing tomatoes in the 
Cuenca area’s only greenhouse, and then try selling his produce to the residents of the city.

Plowing all his savings into the enterprise, Mr. Almendra decided to build his own greenhouse after enrolling in a course run by the Mexican Hydroponics Association.

“I studied and knew that with this method I could produce three or four times more than by sowing in soil,” he said.

His gut feeling and hunch soon paid off as he began harvesting up to 400 kilograms (800 pounds) of tomatoes a week in his 1,250-square-meter greenhouse.

“The Lord loves the braves” as has been said for millennias, and four years after building the first greenhouse, Almendra and his family decided to build another of the same size now producing a combined total of 1,500 kilograms (3000 pounds) of tomatoes a week, prompting him to hire two employees to help grow his bulging business.

People like Mr.Almendra make us proud, don’t they? From all tomatoes lovers at, three “Hip,Hip Hooray” to the “Tomato King” of Cuenca, MX!!!


3…………> Wray Must Resign: Gov. Scot

Absolutely infuriated by the FBI Chief excuses and idiotic lecturing the public about missing, or purposely ignoring warnings of an impending shooting by a crazed young gunman named Nikolas Cruz who killed 17 at Parkland school in Florida, Gov. Rick Scott called for FBI Director Christopher Wray to resign in the wake of revelations the bureau ignored a Jan. 5 tip.

The agency said earlier Thursday in a statement that it received a call in January from a person close to Cruz through its Public Access Line tipline to express concerns about Cruz’s erratic behavior and disturbing social media posts.



4…………> Russian Meddling: Bare & Obnoxious

Comrade Putin’s conspirators and saboteurs apparently got a flat tire on their escape buss to Siberia, as Sheriff Mueller indicted 13 Russians and three companies for messing up with the 2016 US presidential  election, being behind anti-Trump rallies after around the country.

“After the election, the defendants allegedly staged rallies to support President Trump while simultaneously staging rallies to protest his election. For example, the defendants organized one rally to support the president-elect and another rally to oppose him, both in New York on the same day,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said in a press conference, the same man who himself is under investigation for hushing up Hillary “I have no recoLlection of my email server” Clinton.

“We cannot allow those seeking to sow confusion, discord, and rancor to be successful. Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President. The results of the election were not impacted. The Trump campaign did nothing wrong – no collusion!” the President declared triumphantly.



5…………>  Market Report 02/16/2018, sell stop 24,900, CG(5192), 11/22/17

Short position closed at 24912, triggering cover short stop at 24500 with indicated gain of 1900 DIA points upon closing short position. Long DIA position was established at 24500 with a stop at 24600 was closed for a gain of 312 points. New short position was re-established at 24550 with cover short stop at 24600 for a loss of 50 points, later indexed down at closing to 24000 for a paper gain of 550 points. A market reversal triggered cover short position close at 24000 for a zero gain, new position long at 24,000sell stop at 24900 for a paper gain of 900 DIA points.

Stock market old timers have said that “you buy the rumor, and sell the news”, and that is exactly what is happening right now, with Democrats screaming murder as a close look at the new FISA memos that are suggesting an incredible Constitutional crisis brewing, a crisis that may reach the very leaders of the “opposition party”. DIA resistance is in the 27,000 area, with supports at 24135, 21354 and 18900 level, US dollar in down trend, resistance at 1.003319 CHF, support at .92 and 0.9: Gold in uptrend, watch break resistance of 1377 to be taken soon. The massive Fed balance sheet contraction will result in a $600 billion dollars being dumped on the credit markets each quarter, a leftover of the horrendous $4.3 trillion money printing of Obama’s septic tank that will surely exert a severe pressure on stocks and financial assets.


We warned long ago that an organized attempt to remove President Trump from office is underway, and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.

Stocks were up 19 to 25219, DJ futures at +3.

Gold down to 1356.2 and USD/CHF up to 0.9277 due to intervention crosscurrents. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop at 24,900. We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/16/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Russian Caviar:Mueller’s Big Catch

The Department of Justice announced that a grand jury in the District of Columbia today returned an indictment, charging thirteen Russian nationals and three Russian companies for committing federal crimes while seeking to interfere in the United States political system, including the 2016 Presidential election. The defendants conducted what they called “information warfare against the United States” utilizing conspiracy operation code named “Project Lakhta,” funded by shell companies around the world with the stated goal of “spread[ing] distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general,” 

“This indictment serves as a reminder that people are not always who they appear to be on the Internet,” said Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein. “The indictment alleges that the Russian conspirators want to promote discord in the United States and undermine public confidence in democracy. We must not allow them to succeed. The Department of Justice will continue to work cooperatively with other law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and with the Congress, to defend our nation against similar current and future schemes. I want to thank the federal agents and prosecutors working on this case for their exceptional service.”


2…………> Caught Asleep At The Wheel FBI
YouTube video that read “I’m going to be a professional school shooter” that was allegedly posted by shooter Nikolas Cruz, led social media aficionado named Ben Bennight to contact the FBI, yet the warning was ignored or simply lost.

“No other information was included with that comment which would indicate a time location or the true identity of the person who made the comment,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Robert Lasky said.

Thirteen wounded survivors are still hospitalized, including two in critical condition, with the shooting being the 18th in a US school this year, stirring a heated US debate on the right to bear arms, which are protected by the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.


3…………> Uncle Soros EU Meddling: Illegitimate

European Parliament lawmakers accused billionaire financier “Uncle” George Soros and his “Open Borders” Foundation of attempting to undermine European democracy via his recent closed-door meeting with a director of the European Central Bank.

“I think it’s illegitimate of Mr. Soros to instrumentalize the ECB for his own political purposes,” according to MEP Bernd Lucke from the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany. 

Planetary Commission 1st Secretary Comrade George Soros has been known for trying to influence politics across the globe, meddling in Hungarian interior business, and accusing Trump’s administration being a “danger to the world,” and firing a nasty hint that the president was a “purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner.”



4………….> Real Red “Seals”: Murmansk

Specialists from the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute in northern Russia are training seals to neutralize sea mines, inspect pipelines with cameras mounted on their backs and doing underwater work,

The “Red Navy” seals can then serve for 15, 20 or even 30 years, being perfectly suitable for both military and civilian tasks, able to survive on land and to be transported into a sea area by aircraft, ship or motor vehicle.




5…………> Trump’s Immigration Broom: LA ICE

ICE deportation officers arrested 212 illegals, 88% of those arrested being convicted criminals,  for violating federal immigration laws and served 122 notices of inspection (NOIs) to businesses in the Los Angeles area of responsibility (AOR) during a five-day targeted operation that ended Thursday.

“Because sanctuary jurisdictions like Los Angeles prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, our officers are forced to conduct at-large arrests in the community, putting officers, the general public and the aliens at greater risk and increasing the incidents of collateral arrests. Fewer jail arrests mean more arrests on the street, and that also requires more resources, which is why we are forced to send additional resources to those areas to meet operational needs and officer safety. Consistent with our public safety mission, 88 percent of those arrested during this operation were convicted criminals,” said  ICE Deputy Director Thomas D. Homan.

ICE conducted 1,360 I-9 audits, 139 criminal arrests and 172 administrative arrests in
 FY17, leading to $97.6 million in judicial forfeiture by businesses, fines and restitution and $7.8 million in civil fines, including one company whose financial penalties represented the largest payment ever levied in an immigration case.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/15/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Fox In The Chicken Hoop: ICE

Former Chief Counsel of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Office of Principal Legal Advisor Raphael A. Sanchez of Seattle, Washington,
   pleaded guilty to a charge of wire fraud and aggravated identity theft scheme involving the identities of numerous aliens 

“It is the duty of our federal immigration authorities to ensure the honest enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Cronan. “Raphael Sanchez betrayed that solemn responsibility and abused his official position to prey upon aliens for his own personal gain. We should not let one bad actor detract from the dedicated work done by all ICE agents and attorneys to keep our neighborhoods safe, and ICE should be commended for quickly and fully investigating this matter and referring it to the Justice Department for prosecution.” 

Sanchez devised a scheme to defraud seven aliens for his own personal gain, using their personally identifiable information to open lines of credit and personal loans in their names, manipulating their credit bureau files and transferring funds to and purchasing goods for himself using credit cards issued in their names.



2………….> Cheats, Crooks & Liars: MS Investors

Two real estate investors named Shannon and Jason Boykin pleaded guilty for their roles in a conspiracy to rig bids at public real estate foreclosure auctions in Mississippi, according to Department of Justice complaint.

“Shannon and Jason Boykin are the first two defendants to plead guilty in the Antitrust Division’s active, ongoing investigation into anticompetitive behavior at real estate foreclosure auctions in Mississippi,” said Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division. “In the past few years, the Division has secured convictions of over 100 individuals around the country. The Division remains committed to rooting out anticompetitive conduct at foreclosure auctions.” 

According to court documents, Jason and Shannon Boykin conspired with others to rig bids, designating a winning bidder to obtain selected properties at public real estate foreclosure auctions in the Southern District of Mississippi. Co-conspirators made and received payoffs in exchange for their agreement not to bid.


3…………> DACA Dream: Political Nightmare

President Trump has said that any immigration bill must also include funds to build a border wall with Mexico, end the visa lottery program and impose curbs on visas for the families of legal immigrants, a bill advanced by GOP Senator Chuck Grassley that gained only 39 votes, as majority of D.C. swamp alligators voted for the familiar “gang of 8” crowd bill pushing open borders, endless unchallenged immigration and no wall at all.

It was a disgusting charade of irresponsibility as the “New World Order” cronies were more concerned about bunch of DACA illegals, instead of the lives lost to terrorism down in Florida.



4…………> Ultra Processed Food: A Cancer Risk

The team at University at Sorbonne Paris Cite used food surveys on two days to work out what people were eating, using a sample of mostly middle-aged women who were followed for an average of five years.

A link between highly processed foods and cancer was suggested by French researchers as use of “ultra-processed” like mass-produced packaged breads and buns, sweet or savoury packaged snacks including crisps, chocolate bars and sweets and alike suggested that the more of such foods people ate, the greater their risk of cancer.

5…………> Market Report 02/15/2018, sell stop 24,900, CG(5192), 11/22/17

Short position closed at 24912, triggering cover short stop at 24500 with indicated gain of 1900 DIA points upon closing short position. Long DIA position was established at 24500 with a stop at 24600 was closed for a gain of 312 points. New short position was re-established at 24550 with cover short stop at 24600 for a loss of 50 points, later indexed down at closing to 24000 for a paper gain of 550 points. A market reversal triggered cover short position close at 24000 for a zero gain, new position long at 24,000sell stop at 24900 for a paper gain of 900 DIA points.

Stock market old timers have said that “you buy the rumor, and sell the news”, and that is exactly what is happening right now, with Democrats screaming murder as a close look at the new FISA memos that are suggesting an incredible Constitutional crisis brewing, a crisis that may reach the very leaders of the “opposition party”. DIA resistance is in the 27,000 area, with supports at 24135, 21354 and 18900 level, US dollar in down trend, resistance at 1.003319 CHF, support at .92 and 0.9: Gold in uptrend, watch break resistance of 1377 to be taken soon. The massive Fed balance sheet contraction will result in a $600 billion dollars being dumped on the credit markets each quarter, a leftover of the horrendous $4.3 trillion money printing of Obama’s septic tank that will surely exert a severe pressure on stocks and financial assets.


We warned long ago that an organized attempt to remove President Trump from office is underway, and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.

Stocks were up 307 to 25200, DJ futures at +27.

Gold up to 1361.8 and USD/CHF down to 0.9221 due to intervention crosscurrents. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3Watch sell stop at 24,900. We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.

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