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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/18/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Stop Colluding, Get Shooters: Trump

@Real Donald Trump

 “Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!”

8:08 PM – Feb 17, 2018 

104K 84.5K people are talking about this 


President Trump slammed the FBI in a tweet, saying the agency “missed all of the many signals” sent by the suspect in the Florida school shooting before the deadly rampage, as his “desire to kill” and be a “professional shooter.”

Attorney-General Jeff Sessions chastised FBI for its profound failure, and  Florida’s Republican Governor Rick Scott, a Trump ally, demanded that FBI director Christopher Wray resign.



2…………> In Picasso’s Mind: Hidden Painting

An image of Barcelona was discovered under a Picasso draft work, whose  contours were used to create “La Miséreuse accroupie”, also known as “The Crouching Beggar” painting from the blue period, created in 1902.

 Researchers using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and other imaging technology discovered that Picasso had painted over another image by an unknown artist, due to differences in paint texture and other details.



3…………> Bibi Goes To War: Iranian Drone
Urging his audience at the Munich Security Conference to counter Iran immediately, and to scrap or rewrite the 2015 nuclear accord with Tehran,  

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel would act against Iran, not just its allies in the Middle East, if needed, since it is the world’s greatest threat.

Holding a piece of what he said was an Iranian drone after its incursion into Israeli airspace earlier this month, Mr Netanyahu told the Munich Security Conference: “Israel will not allow the regime to put a noose of terror around our neck. We will act if necessary not just against Iran’s proxies but against Iran itself.



4………….> The Sandstorm Of The Century: Kuwait

Buildings were shrouded by a sandstorm in Kuwait City, capital of Kuwait, on Feb. 18, 2018.



5…………> Monastery On Fire: Tibet

A fire broke out at 1,300-year-old Lhasa’s Jokhang Monastery, one of the holiest sites for Tibetan Buddhism.

“The fire was quickly extinguished, there are no casualties and order is normal in its environs,” local media said on its WeChat account.

The streets around the monastery was temporarily closed after the fire and but have been reopened to pilgrims, the state Xinhua news agency reported.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/17/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Viva Terror, Down With Trump & Guns: US “Fake News” Media

Did “Deep State” operators and its undercover saboteurs and conspirators within DOJ sacrificed 17 precious lives in the Parkland, Florida high school attack, ignoring warnings and tips of an impending National tragedy known to both police police and the FBI in order to disarm the American people? Why did the “talking heads” in “Fake News Media” jumped on the “Blame Trump” bandwagon, unleashing a blistering attack on guns and rightful owners when it is obvious that FBI was looking the other way, clearly allowing the attack to proceed?

Repeated false statements and outright lies by the hard-left did not waste time  on how to force gun control, rather on how to protect children from being victims of an brutal and deadly shooting.

Do you smell rats around here?





2…………..> The Leftover Crook: CA

Richard Pinedo, of Santa Paula, ran an online service called Auction Essistance, through which he bought and sold bank account numbers that would help users circumvent security measures of digital payment companies. Pinedo transferred, possessed and used the identities of other people in connection with unlawful activity, according to a statement of the offense. He apparently caught his tail in Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller barbed wires, pleading guilty in Federal indictment, according to court documents.




3…………>The Big Surprise: China Robots

The Centre for Intelligence Research and Analysis released a paper on China’s Industrial and Military Robotics Developments that points out that it had already surpassed Japan as the world’s largest market of industrial robots, and in fact will “erode US competitive advantages, contributing to China’s “defence industrial capabilities”.

Using the contradictory wonders of the 2nd quantum mechanics revolution and artificial intelligence, Chinese researchers have used the principle of “superposition” and photon pairing to lead the race to militarize robots, a race that threatens to upset the world order.



4…………> “Save The Last Dance For Trump”: Chinese Money

The proposed merger between the Chicago Stock Exchange and a Chinese-linked North America Casin Holdings group hit a Trump I.E.D, when an Obama approved Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States decision was chopped off by SEC on grounds that did not meet the rules that govern US stock exchanges in yet another move by US officials to deter Chinese firms doing business in the US, or partnering up with US firms to sell their goods in the country.

China’s telecommunications giant Huawei was also unable to strike a deal to sell its new smartphones via a US carrier AT&T, and US regulators blocked a $1.2bn sale of money transfer firm Moneygram to China’s Ant Financial, the digital payments arm of Alibaba.

America 1st in motion, ain’t it? It feels good to see a halt in selling prized American assets to foreign entities, a policy that in fact is injurious to our sovereignty.



5…………> A Message Of Peace

Turn of the channel on people who have offended and demeaned the teachings of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Rabbi Emmanuel. Walk away, let them dry on the scorching sun. Listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/17/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Al Qaeda Soldier: Life In Prison

Al-Qaeda operative Ibrahim Suleiman Adnan Adam Harun, aka Spin Ghul, 47, was sentenced to life in prison on multiple terrorism offenses, including conspiracy to murder American military personnel in Afghanistan, conspiracy to bomb the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria, and providing material support to al-Qaeda.

“With the sentence handed down today, our justice system has once again held accountable an al-Qaeda operative for his terrorist activities, ensuring that he will spend the rest of his life in prison,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General O’Callaghan. “The evidence presented at trial established that the defendant and other jihadists attacked a U.S. military patrol in Afghanistan, resulting in the death of two American soldiers and the serious injury of others. Working with our partners in the law enforcement and intelligence communities, the National Security Division will continue to vigorously pursue and disrupt terrorists who target Americans and American facilities around the world. Thank you to the many agents, analysts and prosecutors whose hard work and dedication made this result possible.”

Harun traveled to Afghanistan weeks before Sept. 11, 2001, where he joined al-Qaeda, trained in its camps, and eventually swore allegiance to Osama bin Laden. Harun, also known by the nom de guerre “Spin Ghul,” a Pashto name meaning “White Rose,” then traveled with other al-Qaeda jihadists to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan, where he operated under Abdul Hadi al-Iraqi, one of bin Laden’s deputies and a senior al-Qaeda military commander.



2…………> Produce The Letters, The Letters: FISA Court

“While this analysis is underway, you may note that the Department of Justice possesses (or can easily obtain) the same responsive information the Court might possess, and because of separation of powers considerations, is better positioned than the Court to respond quickly,” the head of a top secret surveillance court replied to Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif. request for documents related to FISA order to spy on the Trump campaign. 


This seem to put pressure on the Justice Department, i.e. AG Sessions 1st deputy Rod Rosenstein to consider releasing documents related to the 2016 surveillance warrant granted against a Trump campaign aide.


3…………> No More Vodka:McMaster

The national security adviser to President Trump General H.R. McMaster said, “with the FBI indictment, the evidence is now incontrovertible” that Moscow meddled in the 2016 campaign, and that “we would love to have a cyber dialogue when Russia is sincere about curtailing its sophisticated form of espionage: i.e. “Stop spying on US, Vladimir, send your KGB goons back to Siberia”.


“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein stated at a press conference.


One name Mr. Rosenstein tacidly failed to mention is that of “Uncle” George Soros, who has spent millions paying “Antifa” punks to incite, distort and ultimately cause social mayhem bent on the removal of the Democratically elected President Trump, all part of his trek to a world without borders and national identity.



4…………> Year of the dog: China

“The traditional culture represents ancient people’s aspiration for a good life. “I want my daughter to see with her own eyes and get to know the root of our culture,” said Peng Lei, 33, who visited the Ditan Park temple fair with his little daughter, and has lived in Beijing for 18 years.


“I bring my parents to the flag-raising ceremony and pay respect to late Chairman Mao Zedong,” said Kong, a native of northeast China’s Jilin Province now working in Beijing.


“It’s a tradition of my family to watch Tibetan operas in new clothes,” said Soinam Pedron, who watched performances with her two-and-a half-year-old daughter in a park near the Potala Palace in Lhasa, capital of Tibet, another one of millions of people across China that celebrated the Spring Festival, the country’s most important occasion for family gatherings, with fireworks, greetings, delicious food and performances.



5…………> To Facebook “Gestapo”: Stop Or Pay

“Facebook informs us insufficiently about gathering information about us, the kind of data it collects, what it does with the data and how long it stores it. It also does not gain our consent to collect and store all this information,” a statement from the court said as Facebook was ordered to stop tracking Internet users without their consent or risk fines of up to €100 million ($124 million). 


In the case brought by Belgium’s privacy watchdog, the social media “Perpetual Graveyard” was ordered to delete all data it had gathered illegally on the country’s citizens, including non-Facebook users.

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