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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/19/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> CIA Secrets: Ocean Floor Riches

The Glomar Explorer Legacy: Enter Howard Hughes and history as in the summer of 1974, a large and highly unusual ship departed from Long Beach in California, heading for the middle of the Pacific where its owners boasted it would herald a revolutionary new industry beneath the waves.

Equipped with a monstrous rig and drilling gear, the vessel was designed to reach down through the deep, dark waters to a source of incredible wealth lying on the ocean floor.

Now 50 years later, as robots have penetrated the depths and secrets of “blue water” in the middle of the oceans, we have an idea of the immense treasures available for mining as robotic subs dig minerals thousands of feet below the waves.   

Is this the new “Wild West” of 21th century? Don’t bet against it.



2…………> Death To Christians: IS

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on churchgoers in Russia’s predominantly Muslim Dagestan region. At least five people were killed and four wounded when a gunman opened fire on people leaving a Sunday service at a Russian Orthodox church in Kizlyar.



3…………> Sushi vs Egg-Rolls: New Trade Block

Watch it “Silk Road” initiative, here comes US, Australia, India and Japan “Highway Road” West Atlantic pact to establish a regional trading infrastructure plan as an alternative to China’s “Belt and Road” project, and in fact the “Eurasian Block” alliance that had threatened US dollar dominance as world reserve currency and replacement with the IMF SDR yuan based alternative.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s brainchild, the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the 21st-century “Maritime Silk Road”, calling for the integration of the region through broadening trade and increasing cultural exchanges.

Historically, China’s Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that for centuries were indispensable to cultural interaction across Eurasia, connecting East and West.



4…………> UFO Over Oregon

An UFO object was first detected in the air above Northern California by radar stations in Oakland, moving “very fast at 37,000 feet,” then observed in broad daylight flying through the heavy traffic of the United States’ air corridors above the state of Oregon.

The object did not respond to radio calls, had no collision-avoidance transponders, clearly visible, and tracked by radar intermittently  moving at unusually high speeds.

 Was it the mysterious top secret US aircraft “Aurora” flying at MACH 5, dark and practically invisible to centimeter frequency radars?



5…………>Grab Trump’s Suitcase, The Suitcase: Chinese Attacker

“An individual, not part of the official delegation, attempted to prevent one of our protectees from entering a room. A US Secret Service agent quickly intervened and a short scuffle ensued. The individual complied with the agent’s directions and no further action was necessary,” a story of a confrontation that broke out between Chinese and US officials over the “nuclear football” — the briefcase containing US nuclear launch codes — during a visit to Beijing by US President Donald Trump last year, according to website Axios. 

Multiple sources confirmed an incident in which Chinese officials tried to block a military aide with the briefcase from following Mr Trump into the Great Hall of the People, despite the aide being required to stay close to the President at all times. 

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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/19/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> VIX Revenge: Blame Obama

Thousands points stock market drop a day, panic selling, panicked investors rushing to the exits to cash in on their “Trump 401k” profits, what’s going on?

Plain and simple, a transition from Communist led, Yellen controlled centralized US economy where there was no statistics, no supply and demand, no volatility or VIX index crashes, only money printing presses to support the convoluted visions of our no sooner than ever departed 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama, transition to no intervention, market oriented economy, common sense economics of President Trump.

Why then the panic? “Comrade” Yellen left rates at or near zero, at about 1.5%, and now as the Federal Reserve, the unelected, invisible, answerable to no one real government of US is dumping the illegal Obama septic tank of 4.3 trillion dollars poorly disguised under the politically correct description of “Quantitative Easing”, rates jumping by .5% or more. Translation? .5% is 33% of 1.5% base rate, or 33% jump in rates used to compute the option and hedge premiums models, hence the volatility(aka the dispersion index) exploded, finally giving the VIX index a “kick in the pants,” a shot unheard of in eight long years of Communist economics courtesy of Obama, Hillary, Hoodlums & Co.

P.S. Professional market traders consider a volatility of 25% to be extreme.




2…………> Paternal Genes: A Cancer Cluster

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that our body uses to repair damage to the cells DNA. If people inherit a mutated version of either of these genes it puts them at greater risk of certain cancers, with BRCA 1 mutation gives women a lifetime risk of ovarian cancer of 40-50%. 

Research team led by Dr. Kevin Eng at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute have targeted one suspect gene, called MAGEC3, located on the X chromosome from fathers.

“What we have to do next is make sure we have the right gene by sequencing more families. This finding has sparked a lot of discussion within our group about how to find these X-linked families. It’s an all-or-none kind of pattern: A family with three daughters who all have ovarian cancer is more likely to be driven by inherited X mutations than by BRCA mutations”, Dr. Eng said.

Annwen Jones, Chief Executive of “Target Ovarian Cancer”, said: “These findings, if borne out by further research, would represent a significant step forward in ovarian cancer prevention, saving thousands of lives”.




3…………> Mount Sinabung: Anger And Fire

A large eruption at Mount Sinabung Volcano in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, was visible on the Bureau’s high definition satellite images, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency said, adding that there were no fatalities or injuries from the eruption on Monday. 

Disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said hot ash clouds travelled as far as 4.9 kilometres south, and that 30,000 people may have been forced to leave homes around the mountain in the past few years.




4…………> Check Then Out, Lock Them Up: Trump

“While discussions are ongoing and revisions are being considered, the president is supportive of efforts to improve the federal background check system,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said about Mr.Trump willingness to support efforts to improve vetting of prospective gun ownership.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) currently relies on state and federal officials to report any criminal convictions and mental health issues that should legally stop someone buying a gun, a policy full with loopholes.



5…………> Cancer Test Strip: MIT

“The technology [of the SHERLOCK paper test tool] demonstrates potential for many healthcare applications, including diagnosing infections in patients and detecting mutations that confer drug resistance or cause cancer, but it can also be used for industrial and agricultural applications where monitoring steps along the supply chain can reduce waste and improve safety,” said lead researcher Dr. Zhang Feng from Broad Institute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that developed a “test strip” that allows people’s genetic signatures to be seen with naked eyes.

“With the original SHERLOCK, we were detecting a single molecule in a microliter, but now we can achieve 100-fold greater sensitivity,” according to Omar Abudayyeh, a co-author and MIT graduate student in Zhang’s lab at Broad.

SHERLOCK, a short  for Specific High-sensitivity Enzymatic Reporter unLOCKing, is based on the powerful genome-editing technology CRISPR.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/18/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Treasury Funding: High Rates

In a whiff of “Janet Yellen good ‘ol days” melancholia, as the Fed’s balance sheet is unwinding to the tune of 600 billion dollars per quarter, and the Treasury needs are rising, bumping interest rates higher, market pundits and financial “talking heads” are observing the obvious fact that every point tick in rates raises US National debt service by 220 billion dollars per year. Sounds familiar? Anyone who had taken time from their busy schedule to read the daily market bulletin at must have observed the fact that we have been talking about this for over two years already.

Mr. Mnuchin’s Treasury Department estimating that it will borrow $955 billion in FY 2018, $1.083T in FY 2019 and $1.128T in FY 2020, another thing that has been on our “crosshairs” for a long time.

Now let’s ask the important question: Where will Trump, Mnuchin & Co get the cash to make “America Great Again”?

The usual suspects, like OPEC, US Fed, China, US savers and alike won’t do, since they overextended themselves during the “Obama Game With Mirrors” economics of printing money without a bound.

What then? Everyone who fell in Yellen’s zero rates trap will have to refinance at higher rates, leading to bankruptcies and almost surely a recession after the 2018 election.


2…………> Moscow Spies: US Disgrace

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s indictments led to an outburst of victorious tweets by President Trump:

Donald J. Trump

If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their asses off in Moscow. Get smart America!

5:11 AM – Feb 18, 2018 
92.8K/73.7K people are talking about this. 

Donald J. Trump


Finally, Liddle’ Adam Schiff, the leakin’ monster of no control, is now blaming the Obama Administration for Russian meddling in the 2016 Election. He is finally right about something. Obama was President, knew of the threat, and did nothing. Thank you Adam!

4:22 AM – Feb 18, 2018 
87.2K47.7K people are talking about this. 

In other words, Mr Trump is accusing our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama Barack Obama of failing to stop Russian election interference, decries claims by Fake News “La Resistance” that the Russia probe and the school shooting shouldn’t be linked, when in fact they are, since FBI was “witch hunting” a collusion narrative, instead of paying attention to a tip that a disturbed young man was ready to unleash a National tragedy.

Do you recall when Obama’s favored girl Janet Napolitano was the DHS Chief, ordering Federal Agencies to buy a train load of “handcuffs” to lock up the “Tea Party” hillbillies, completely ignoring the fact that two Chechen idiot brothers were cooking bombs in Cambridge, Massachusetts, leading to an attack that killed 3 and maimed 220 others.  You get the drift, don’t you?



3…………> Temple fairs held across China

An actor performs a stunt standing on knife in Danzhai County, southwest China’s Guizhou Province, Feb. 18, 2018. A variety of temple fairs were held across the country during the Spring Festival holiday.



4………….> Japan Gold Hoarding: Emperor Coins

“According to Japanese tradition, the Japanese government will issue gold coins to celebrate the new emperor ascending the throne in 2019. Japan will also issue gold coins to celebrate the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, and the market expects the Japanese government to start purchasing physical gold in the second half of this year to meet this demand. This will boost the gold price. Asian currencies and the euro are very strong while the US dollar remains weak. Many economic policies of US President Donald Trump are good for business, but they hurt US dollar strength as the market believes the US wants to see a weak US dollar to boost its exports,”  said Jasper Lo Cho-yan, a senior vice-president at iBest, a subsidiary of Haitong International Securities.

On April 30, 2019, Japan’s Emperor Akihito — the 125th Japanese emperor, in power from January 7, 1989 — will abdicate. His son, Crown Prince Naruhito, will take over the throne the next day, according to government statements.

Lo predicts that the price of gold will surge to $1,450 per ounce by the end of this year and may even rise to $1,550 in 2019.


5………….> Back In News: “Uncle” George Soros

Billionaire trader and philanthropist “Uncle” George Soros, well known for his open meddling in the domestic affairs of countries around the world, starting with Russia, Israel, China, Philippines and many others, complained that the Internet companies’ products were making people easier to manipulate, and noted that this “played an important role in the 2016 US presidential election,”: i.e. the presidential loss of niece dearest Hillary “I have no recollection of my email server” Clinton.

Insisting that Google and Facebook “have neither the will nor the inclination to protect society against the consequences of their actions,” and have been involved in “nefarious” activities, with their content, for which they bear no responsibility, “interfer[ing] with the functioning of democracy and the integrity of elections,”  Soros demanded that regulatory authorities “protect society against them,” starting in EU, where he said authorities would have a better shot at doing so than in the US.
Who do you think is a greater threat to the citizens of EU and US, “Uncle George” or “Cousin Google”?

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