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Bibi1581 Blog For 03/03/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Trump’s ICE Broom: Bay Area

ICE deportation officers arrested 232 individuals for violating federal immigration laws in the San Francisco area of responsibility, extending from the Bakersfield area north to the Oregon border, despite illegal interference by Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf.

Of those arrested, 180 were either convicted criminals, 115 had prior felony convictions for serious or violent offenses, such as child sex crimes, weapons charges, and assault, or had past convictions for significant or multiple misdemeanors.

Recent legislation has negatively impacted ICE operations in California by nearly eliminating all cooperation and communication with our law enforcement partners in the state by prohibiting local law enforcement from contracting with the federal government to house detainees.



2…………> Back Home, Sweet Home: CGC Diligence

After 65 days of a counter-drug patrol in the Eastern Pacific, during which 13 drug traffickers were arrested and over 5600 pounds of cocaine seized, worth $90 million, Coast Guard Cutter Diligence and its crew returned to the home port of Wilmington, DE. 

“I am extremely pleased with the professionalism, dedication, and success of Diligence’s crew,” said Cmdr. Rob Mohr, the cutter’s commanding officer. “The crew remarkably adapted to the dynamic operational tempo and superbly responded to reports of suspect vessels at all hours of the day and night. Their tremendous efforts prevented nearly three tons of cocaine from entering the U.S. I am overwhelmed with pride to serve alongside this phenomenal crew.”


3…………> Botched Robbery:
Three men who were planning to murder two armored car employees of PNC Bank in Port St. Lucie, Florida, and make off with millions of dollars in cash, got instead into hot water with police after dozens of police cruisers and a helicopter above forced them to surrender.

The “Apple Dumpling Gang” of Daryl Canady, Alger Lee Ellison, and Martiavius Leon Williams will now face having a long citizen paid vacation behind bars.–abc-news-topstories.html?.tsrc=fauxdal 


4…………> Against The Infidels: Hate Crimes 

In a sign of resistance to the blatant conversion to Islam in the continent of Europe in general and the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany in particular, the Interior Ministry reported that there were 950 attacks on Muslims and mosques in 2017, resulting in at least 33 injuries to the righteous ones. 


Other attacks which included assaults against Muslim women wearing headscarves and attacks against mosques and other Muslim institutions, also increased as compared to 60 during the previous year.

The Islamic Merkeldom of Germany, a country of 81.8 million people, has the second largest Muslim population in Western Europe after the Islamic Sheikdom of France, led by Grand Rabbinical Ayatollah Emmanuel Macron. 


5…………> Breaking: Shots Outside White House 
The Secret Service tweeted about noon Saturday that personnel is responding and a person “allegedly suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound along the north fence line” of the White House. 

White House press secretary says “we are aware of the situation, the president has been briefed.”–politics.html?.tsrc=fauxdal

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Bibi1581 Blog For 03/02/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> An Yacht Of Thieves: Bali


A luxury yacht 270 feet long, with a swimming pool on deck, a helipad, movie theatre, spa and sauna, cabins for 28 crew and 18 guests, and an interior lined with marble and gold leaf, did not prevent the FBI from tipping Indonesia’s criminal investigation bureau from tracing it to the island of Lombok last weekend, then seized it as it sailed into Bali.

Why? Police suspected it was purchased with stolen funds, according to a senior police commander Agung Setya:

“We know that only the crew were on board.We are checking the ship’s captain to know more about what they were doing in Indonesia.We’re still investigating.”




2…………> Taiwan War: Threat Or A Bluff?


Despite the fact that US-Taiwan bill only needs President Trump’s signature to become a law, and the US is bound by law to help the island defend itself, the Chinese Government warned Taiwan it will get burnt if it seeks to rely on outsiders, adding to warnings from state media that China could go to war if the United States promotes closer ties with the self-ruled island that China claims as its own.

So much for the “good chemistry” between a Chinese General of KGB named Mr. Xi, and an ardent exponent of everything capitalistic, yours truly President Donald Trump, “good vibrations” heralded by the globalist “Fake News” media.


The only question is, who will blink first?

“[It] would lead to the inevitable consequence of triggering the Anti-Secession Law that allows Beijing to use force to prevent the island from seceding,” the China Daily said, referring to a Chinese law passed in 2005.

“Since the US is bound by domestic law to act on behalf of the island in that instance, it would only give substance to the observation that the descent into hell is easy.”




3…………> Breaking: A Coup In Progress: Burkina Faso


“Avoid these areas as much as you can for now… you can help forces in action by giving information on any movement, individual, or suspicious behavior,” police warned after gunshots and explosions were heard near the Prime Ministry in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

“The attack concerns the following areas according to the first information available: around the Prime Ministry, the roundabout near United Nations,” it said.

”Confirmed reports of gunfire in downtown Ouagadougou in the vicinity of the Prime minister’s offices as well as the United Nations Rond-point. Avoid the area of downtown Ouagadougou. Seek secure shelter. We will keep you updated as the situation evolves,” Canada Embassy tweeted.





4…………> A Diabetes Cluster: Genome

A large study of diabetes, an immune system illness that affects 1 in 11 people worldwide, was conducted by Lund University Diabetes Centre in Sweden and the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, working with a sample of 14,775 patients and a detailed analysis of their blood tests, concluded that in fact, it is a cluster of five separate diseases, giving hope to sufferers than one day a patient-tailored treatments may be possible.


Prof Leif Groop, one of the researchers, told the BBC: “This is extremely important, we’re taking a real step towards precision medicine. In the ideal scenario, this is applied to diagnosis and we target treatment better.”

Experts said the study was a herald of the future of diabetes care but changes to treatment would not be immediate. 





5…………> A Message Of Peace

Walk into the light of the Lord and listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope.




6…………> Market Report 03/02/2018, cover short 24,700, CG(6242), 11/22/17

Short position at 24850 was covered for a gain of 50 DIA points, and new long position established at 24900, sell stop triggered at 25350 for a gain of 450 DIA points. New position short at 25300, cover shortstop 24,700 for a gain of 600 DIA points.

Stock market old timers have said that “you buy the rumor, and sell the news”, and that is exactly what is happening right now, with the news that President Trump is about to start a metal tariff war, slapping 25% surcharge on steel and 10% on aluminum. DIA resistance is in the 27,000 area, with supports at 24135, 21354 and 18900 level, US dollar in a downtrend, resistance at 1.003319 CHF, support at .92 and 0.9: Gold in an uptrend, watch break resistance of 1377 to be taken soon. The massive Fed balance sheet contraction will result in a $600 billion dollars being dumped on the credit markets each quarter, a leftover of the horrendous $4.3 trillion money printing of Obama’s septic tank that will surely exert a severe pressure on stocks and financial assets.


We warned long ago that an organized attempt to remove President Trump from office is underway, and if this activity is not curtailed soon, the market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.

Stocks were down 420 to 24538, DJ futures at -81

Gold up to 1323.4 and USD/CHF up to 0.9381 due to the tariff imposition. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch cover short stop at 24700. We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World 

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Bibi1581 Blog For 03/02/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> In The Footsteps Of God: Primal Clusters

With the aid of a small radio telescope in the Australian outback that was tuned to detect the earliest ever evidence of hydrogen, a team of scientists has observed a signature on the sky from the very first stars to shine in the Universe, only 180 million years after the Big Bang.

Assuming that the cosmos is about 13.8 billion years old, the discovery suggests that the primal stars shined up nine billion years before our own “Yellow Dwarf” Sun brightened up the skies of “
homo sapiens” celestial home.

“We first started seeing signs in our data back in late 2015. And we’ve really spent the last couple of years trying to think of all sorts of possible alternative explanations, and then rule them out one by one. This is the first time any team has been able to present evidence for the detection of this signal and hopefully, it will go down as a milestone for this type of astrophysical observation,” the lead author Dr. Judd Bowman of Arizona State University said.

2…………> FBI Law’s Obstruction: Nunes

Citing FBI’s own operation manual named “Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide” aka (DIOG), House Intelligence Committee (HPSCI) Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., wrote a letter of discovery to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, stating that “in this instance, it’s clear that basic operating guidance was violated,” and gave the DOJ seven days to reply to Congressional oversight. 

The charges enumerated of Mr. Nunes indicated that FBI may have violated criminal statutes, as well as its own strict internal procedures, by using unverified information of the infamous “Steele’s Dossier”, ordered and paid for by our own Hillary “I have no recollection of my email serve” Clinton during the 2016 election to obtain a FISA surveillance warrant on Trump’s campaign aide Carter Page.

3…………> Another “Slap On The Wrist”: Sessions DOJ

After a year of lies, distortions, and refusals to release documents demanded by congressional oversight committees, the DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz is expected to reprimand former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for approving a leak of information about the Hillary Clinton investigation to the “Fake News” media.

One of the 7th floor FBI “Trump haters” and co-conspirators, McCabe, a frequent target of President’s tweeter attacks, abruptly “left” his position as FBI deputy director, and is expected to retire later this month after serving for several months as acting director following Trump’s firing of FBI Director and Clinton’s crony James Comey.

True to form, no one has been ever terminated by President Trump during his first year in office, whose motto “You are fired” was one of the reasons for his election to the White House, and one cannot help but wonder if he is really in charge of draining the alligator-infested swamp in D.C., or has he joined the “Deep State”, parallel McCain, Clinton & Co US government and is planning to build a new casino, spa and hotel right next to the mansion of our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama.

4…………> No Go: Sharia Zone

After years of denials, convoluted excuses and treasonous and persistent conversion to Islam, Islamic Merkeldom of Germany Chancellor admitted the existence of so-called “no-go zones” in Germany, a crime-ridden “Sharia Only” areas closed to outsiders, including police and other authorities: i.e. foreign domains within the country where German sovereignty does not exist.

Faced with the fury of the electorate for embracing and granting privileges to millions of Middle Eastern migrants, including military age Al Nusra Brigade and IS punks aka “Obama’s Boys” pretending to be “seeking freedom”, Merkel said that people have a right to feel safe when they meet in public places. 

“It means for example that there cannot be any no-go areas, that there cannot be areas where no-one dares to go but there are such places,” she said. “One has to call them by name and do something about it.”

Fellow “New World Disorder” globalist lapdog lawmakers were reportedly left “speechless”  by her admission.

Is a “German Trump” lurking on the EU horizon? Don’t bet against it.

5…………> Thanks For The Murders:’Jihadist Disease’

The explosion of “Leishmaniasis” aka “jihadist disease” began to afflict the territories captured by Daesh[IS], causing its victims to rot and decay from within, starting with their faces, a terrible disease that normally spreads by sandflies who carry this specific strain of disease carried by Iran hamsters.

The thousands of the bodies of murdered opponents were “Godsend” to the sandflies to feed on, victims bodies often left on the streets of Iraqi and Syrian towns and cities to rot.
Scientists are finally studying those infected in their search to detect the origin of the pathogen, a first step in creating a vaccine. 

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