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Bibi1581 Blog For 03/05/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> “I Need A Hug”: Baby Chimp

An orphaned baby chimpanzee named Mussa that was rescued from poachers in Africa has taken a scenic flight to its new home — sitting on the pilot’s lap, and even “helped” adjust the plane’s throttle during the flight, rescue organisation Lwiro Primates in the Democratic Republic of Congo said.

“People ask me why I didn’t put Mussa in a cage during the flight,” pilot Anthony Caere posted on his Instagram page.

“A baby needs hugs and compassion instead of being locked up in a cage during a stressful flight.”



2…………> Hamburger Flippers: The End

The Caliburger restaurant chain in Pasadena, CA is testing a hamburger flipping robots in 50 of its locations that are using image recognition and infra-red sensors to cook 12 burgers to perfection at the time.



3…………> More Boots, More Guns: China DOD

The Chinese leadership said the defence budget will increase to 1.11 trillion yuan (€142 billion, $175 billion), an 8.1% increase in defence spending in 2018, marking a sharp increase in the military budget compared to the previous two years, according to Prime Minister Li Keqiang.


China will “advance all aspects of military training and war preparedness, and firmly and resolvedly safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests,” said Li during the NPC.

“Faced with profound changes in the national security environment,” the Communist Party must continue to provide absolute leadership to the military, he added.



4………..> Applied Global Warming: Reduce CO2 Footprint

“After 14 years of saying to myself, ‘I do my part because I’m a climate scientist,’ I decided it was time to do more. I got the news at a research site in the remote Pacific Ocean where we were studying a reef that had just been killed by global warming. It was a shock, and I think had a much deeper resonance of despair and doom for those of us working in the climate science and policy world. For me personally, it was the start of a profound two-month depression. We have to talk about climate protection solutions. It’s not enough to just complain,” said Kim Cobb, a researcher at Georgia Tech University in the United States,  as she took concrete steps to reduce her greenhouse gas footprint, and reflect on the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States.

As millions of other concerned inhabitants of our celestial paradise who are painfully aware of global warming’s damage to the planet, she has responded to recent political developments and changes in climate policy by trying to cut her own carbon footprint.

“[We] need inspiration, leadership, and a sense of collective action. And scientists can play a key role in building that momentum.”



5…………> “Oscar” The Communist: Down To 19%

“The Tinseltown elite genuinely hates the people they expect will pay to see their movies and watch their TV shows. Why do we support them?” that is the reaction of Media Research Center’s Dan Gainor about the “divisive, left-wing politics Oscars” charade by the well dressed, good looking Hollywood punks led by “Trash Commander in Chief” Jimmy Kimmel, a cultural disgrace whose ratings collapsed down to 19%, compared to 22.4% last year.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 03/04/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Cult Of Personality: China Secrecy

While thick smog enveloped Beijing, the 2,158-member Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) annual two-week meeting began on Saturday, March 3, in the capital city. Its elevated secrecy was immediately observed, as reporters who have ordinarily been allowed access to delegates were pointedly prevented from approaching the building, no cell phones have been allowed in the chambers, and city’s Great Hall of the People was protected from reporters and onlookers by double lines of security guards, a move not seen in past gatherings.

“This is a new year, and we have new rules,” stated a guard in response to ramped-up security measures, cited by SCMP.

What’s going on? Sweeping changes are expected in 2018 as the legislature is expected to amend the state constitution for the first time in over 14 years to enshrine in law the elevation of Mr.Xi to a position of a supreme leader like late Mao Zedong.




2…………> PNG Earthquake

Three recent aftershocks measuring higher than magnitude-5 rocked Papua New Guinea’s remote and rugged highlands as landslides cut roads, preventing delivery of aid, and agencies raised concern for an estimated 150,000 people who are in urgent need of food and water supplies in the mountainous Southern Highlands, about 400 miles north-west of the capital Port Moresby.

“We haven’t slept. It’s been shaking all through the night,” said William Bando, provincial administrator of Hela Province, by telephone from Tari, about 25 miles from where the shocks hit.



3…………> Comrade Xi: Our New Leader

Delegates handpicked by the Party to enforce decisions taken months ago are expected to rubber stamp critical changes to China’s Constitution that will give the Party more control than ever and give one man, New Supreme Leader Comrade President Xi Jinping the potential to rule for life in a carefully orchestrated show of unity and strength at the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.


If anyone observing this outrage is having shivers in their bones, they better try to imagine the reaction of a dictator to Mr.Trump “America First” policies.


4…………> Back To Nam: Carl Vinson

US aircraft carrier Carl Vinson is making a historic call to Vietnam, the first time a ship of this size has visited since the Vietnam War ended, as the nuclear-powered “city” will anchor off the port city of Danang, where US combat troops first landed in the war, making this a highly symbolic location.
The visit sends a message to China as it continues to develop the disputed South China Sea, claims almost all reefs and islands, including the Paracel and Spratly islands.


5………..> All For Comrade XI; Deputies

Deputies to the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) walk to the Great Hall of the People for the opening meeting of the first session of the 13th NPC in Beijing, capital of China, March 5, 2018.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 03/04/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> ICE Broom Sweep: Indiana

Nine criminal aliens and immigration violators, mostly from South America, but some from afar as the Middle East were arrested in a two day sweep in Indiana’s Allen, Elkhart, and St. Joseph counties in the cities of Elkhart (6), Fort Wayne (1), and South Bend (2). 

Most had prior criminal histories that included felony drug convictions and convictions for possessing fraudulent identification documents, immigration violations, and three were arrested for illegally re-entering the United States after having been deported, which is a felony.




2…………> ICE Broom Sweep:

Missouri ICE arrested 20 criminal aliens and immigration violators from Brazil (1), El Salvador (3), Guatemala (6), Honduras (1), Mexico (7), Romania (1) and Sierra Leone (1).  in the Kansas City metro area during a four-day enforcement operation in the following cities: St. Joseph (6), Belton (1), Blue Springs (1), Independence (2) and Kansas City (6). ICE officers also made arrests in the Kansas cities of Olathe (3) and Lawrence (1).Most of the detainees had long rap sheets, starting with driving under the influence, child neglect, child abuse, drug offenses, fraud, larceny and illegal re-entry.

“The continued results of our deportation officers underscore ICE’s ongoing and steady commitment to public safety,” said Ricardo Wong, field office director for ERO Chicago. “As part of this operation, we continue to focus on the arrest of individuals who are criminal aliens and public safety threats. Because of the tireless efforts of these professional officers, there are fewer criminals in our communities.”



3…………> Tariffs War: The Motion Picture

Chinese elite did not appreciate President Trump’s threats to impose tariffs on steel, aluminum and EU cars, leading to a statement by Zhang Yesui, a spokesperson for China’s National People’s Congress, warning that it does not want a trade war with the US, but will not sit idly by if its economy is hurt.

The tweet that generated howls of scorn and threats for revenge by the ” New World Disorder” clowns, the same people who took advantage of eight long years of money printing by our 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama and his masters at US Federal Reserve, is listed below:

Donald J. Trump

The United States has an $800 Billion Dollar Yearly Trade Deficit because of our “very stupid” trade deals and policies. Our jobs and wealth are being given to other countries that have taken advantage of us for years. They laugh at what fools our leaders have been. No more!
9:43 AM – Mar 3, 2018
98.7K47.9K people are talking about thisCouncil of Foreign Relations cronies in US Congress took side with China and EU globalists, spitting fire at Mr. Trump and predicting “dire consequences” for the so-called “global economy”.



4…………> Russians Are Coming: Finland

It has been known for centuries that people react promptly only to fear and hunger, and this what exactly happened in Finland’s capital of 

Helsinki, where an elaborate 125-odd miles-long network of underground tunnels, shelters, and passageways, routinely used by Finnish soldiers for training, is now prepped for the new threat just across the border. What’s the fear now? A Russian invasion that may follow a major Russian-Belarusian Zapad 2017 exercise to be held in September. 


Someone may argue about this, but the Soviet Union was a “Godsend” money maker for Western and global arms dealers, and every since every opportunity to revive it is flashed in capital letters on “Fake News” media, while completely ignoring the biggest robbery in recorded history promulgated by the Central Banks zero interest rate policies, that led to trillions in accumulated debt to be dealt with for at least a century, with US debt increment only equal to four WW2 wars.



5…………> The US Did It, They Did: Iran General

It is not even a secret that during the eight long years of the bumbling Obama presidency the US supported AlQaida wholly owned subsidiary Al Nusra brigade, aka “Obama Boys”, who in turn fought hand in hand against their common enemies: the US supported so-called anti-Assad rebels, all this while reports about surgical strikes were making news on friendly media outlets in the US.

Enter the Iranians now:
Major General Qassem Soleimani, a senior commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force, has threatened to provide the country’s Foreign Ministry with documents proving US collaboration with Daesh beyond a shadow of a doubt.
He is conveniently forgetting to mention that while Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama was supplying the Al Nusra Brigade with weapons, he also gave his Ayatollah’s brethren a planeload of US cash, all illegally.



6…………> Breaking: Explosion In East London

A huge blast occurred in London’s district of Harold Hill, located in the northeastern part of the British capital, prompting evacuations in the area.

The fire crews and police officers arrived at the scene of a reported explosion.

The police haven’t deemed the incident was a terrorist act so far. A police spokesman said to the Sunday Express that “officers are unable to confirm the cause of the explosion but inquiries are underway.”

There’s no information about those wounded or killed in the incident.

The roads have been closed and drivers were advised to avoid the area.


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