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- Today’s White House Tweets: President Trump

Donald J. Trump
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15m15 minutes ago
So sorry to hear the news about Jeff Bozo being taken down by a competitor whose reporting, I understand, is far more accurate than the reporting in his lobbyist newspaper, the Amazon Washington Post. Hopefully, the paper will soon be placed in better & more responsible hands!
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Donald J. Trump
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3h3 hours ago
….Likewise, do not want the Kurds to provoke Turkey. Russia, Iran, and Syria have been the biggest beneficiaries of the long term U.S. policy of destroying ISIS in Syria – natural enemies. We also benefit but it is now time to bring our troops back home. Stop the ENDLESS WARS!
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Donald J. Trump
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3h3 hours ago
Starting the long overdue pullout from Syria while hitting the little remaining ISIS territorial caliphate hard, and from many directions. Will attack again from the existing nearby base if it reforms. Will devastate Turkey economically if they hit Kurds. Create a 20-mile safe zone…
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Donald J. Trump
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4h4 hours ago
Wish I could share with everyone the beauty and majesty of being in the White House and looking outside at the snow-filled lawns and Rose Garden. Really is something – SPECIAL COUNTRY, SPECIAL PLACE!
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2…………>In The Footsteps Of Citizen Trump: Dem’s Hound Dogs.
“I think it’s the most insulting article I’ve ever had written, and if you read the article you’ll see that they found absolutely nothing, It’s called the failing New York Times for a reason, they’ve got me wrong for three years — they’ve actually gotten me wrong for many years before that,” President Trump said that “no president has taken a harder stance against Russia than he has”, but a Virginia senator said the White House had been slow to take action against Moscow, alleging that Mr. Trump’s behavior in the days around James Comey’s firing helped trigger the counterintelligence part of the probe.
FBI became suspicious of Mr. Trump’s ties to Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign but did not open an investigation at the time because they were not sure how to approach such a sensitive probe.
3…………>Open The Government: Sen.Graham To Trump.
“Before he pulls the plug on the legislative option, and I think we are almost there, I would urge them to open up the government for a short period of time, like three weeks, before he pulls the plug (to) see if we can get a deal,” senior GOP Senator Lindsey Graham, a close supporter of Mr Trump,has urged him to temporarily reopen parts of the government shut down for more than three weeks, saying a limited re-opening of a few weeks would allow talks to resume between Republicans and Democrats.
The latest partial government shutdown is now the longest in US history, leaving 800,000 of public workers unpaid and government offices closed.
4…………>Washington D.C.: Political & Weather Freeze.
Washinton DC is not only frozen by the current government shut-down, but also by heavy snowfall that has covered the Capitol Hill with a foot of snow, as evident in this photo on Jan 13, 2019.
5…………>Nobel Winner Shocker Statements: IQ Tests
Nobel Prize-winning American scientist James Watson, one of the discoverers of the double-helix of DNA, had several honorary titles stripped from him by the laboratory in which he worked after making racist assertions expressed on the subject of ethnicity and genetics, saying that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” as “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours — where all the testing says not really.”
Watson, who, along with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins in the 1950s, discovered the double-helix structure of DNA, received the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their ground-breaking research.
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