Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-10-26 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: “Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones. Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture”, Ziban Must Die.


Read for free Sorbane‘s remarkable story of a Bulgarian family providing help and comfort to a dying American spy, a kindness that sent them on a harrowing escape through the Iron Curtain, with KGB in close pursuit.
“The Endless Beginning”


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump

0:48 / 1:40


Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022)

Donald J. Trump

Played this video at today’s rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania—a must watch!


Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022

Donald J. Trump

Thank you Allentown, Pennsylvania! Together, we are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Quote Tweet
Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022)
LIVE: President Donald Trump in Allentown, PA #Pennsylvania Text VOTE to 88022
Donald J. Trump


delivers for Mississippi! She helped us Cut your Taxes, Secure our Border, and Defend the Second Amendment. Cindy’s opponent, Mike Espy, is a Corrupt Politician who will Raise your Taxes and Open your Borders! Vote for Cindy! #MSSEN

Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate
Chip in to stand with a rock-solid conservative for Mississippi

Donald J. Trump

Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and others, please watch. His party, and Joe, will stop Fracking immediately. Millions of jobs lost as energy prices soar. Vote Trump!
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
As per your request, Joe……
Donald J. Trump

Corrupt politician Joe Biden makes Crooked Hillary look like an amateur!

Donald J. Trump

Watch the


at 10:00 P.M. He will importantly be talking about the corruption of Joe Biden.

and Larry Kudlow were great tonight

Donald J. Trump


Donald J. Trump

Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022)
LIVE: President Donald Trump in Carson City, NV #Nevada

Donald J. Trump

Not my Wall, which will soon be finished (and Mexico will pay for the Wall!). Totally unrelated, but I think Steve will be just fine. By the way, is this the same job hopping Tim O’Brien that headed Mini Mike Bloomberg’s humiliating 2 Billion Dollar Presidential run? Debate prep!
Quote Tweet
Tim O’Brien
“When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.” – Donald Trump on Steve Bannon, 2018. Since then, federal authorities have filed fraud charges against Bannon for a bogus fundraising scheme for Trump’s southern border wall. Only the best people.…

Donald J. Trump

Very proud of the

, my former “hometown newspaper”. They have said and shown what everyone knows about Sleepy Joe Biden. He is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN!!!

Donald J. Trump


Donald J. Trump

For years you had a President who apologized for America – now you have a President who is standing up for America, and standing up for Pennsylvania. So get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, and GET OUT AND VOTE!


Donald J. Trump

Proud citizens like you helped build this Country—and together, we are taking back our Country. We are returning power to YOU, the American People! #MAGA


Donald J. Trump


Donald J. Trump


Donald J. Trump

The Economy is about ready to go through the roof. Stock Market ready to break ALL-TIME RECORD. 401k’s incredible. New Jobs Record. Remember all of this when you VOTE. Sleepy Joe wants to quadruple your Taxes. Depression!!! Don’t let it happen! #MAGA
The White House
Pinned Tweet

Donald J. Trump

4:26 / 6:40


Watters’ World

Donald J. Trump

The Democrats are very proud!
Quote Tweet
Tony Shaffer
Yep 3 Supreme Court Justices & 3 Nobel Peace Prize nominations… Hmmm…I’d say this is pretty darn good… The Left is upset that @realDonaldTrump has not started any new wars… The never Trumpers are upset that he has lived up to his campaign promises… Strange times……

Donald J. Trump

It’s the only way they know!
Quote Tweet
Democrats are laundering their (admittedly weak) anti-religious smear of Amy Coney Barrett through Emma Brown, the same reporter they used to launch their massive and media-coordinated anti-Kavanaugh operation that so many Americans found so despicable.…


2…………> Bad Teacher Caught: ICE


CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – A former Southeast Texas elementary teacher pleaded guilty Thursday to transferring obscene materials to a minor.

This investigation was conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in Corpus Christi, Texas, Texas Department of Public Safety and the Corpus Christi Police Department Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

Lazaro Benito Rocha, 27, a resident of Odom, Texas, admitted Oct. 22 that he had responded to an ad on Craigslist advertising a “good time” with a teenage girl. He continued communicating with whom he thought was a 14-year-old female, which soon escalated into conversations of an explicit sexual nature via text messaging.

Using his cell phone, Rocha eventually sent a photograph of his genitals.

The investigation revealed he was a part-time elementary music teacher at the Incarnate Word Academy in Corpus Christi.

Sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 25, 2021. At that time, Rocha faces up to 10 years in federal prison as well as a possible $250,000 maximum fine.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Sara Popejoy is prosecuting the case.



3…………> The New US President Nightmare: How To COVID19?


With more than 200,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 — the highest death toll in the world, and a country with 331 million people, 50 state governments employing 50 different approaches to the coronavirus crisis, whoever wins the election in November has a unbearable task ahead to contain the virus outbreak that had killed more than 205,000 people in the United States, accounting for one out of five deaths worldwide despite the country’s wealth and world-class medical resources.

Twenty-eight states reported their daily record high of COVID-19 cases in the month of October as experts warned another wave, maybe even bigger than the last two, would hit the US this winter.



4………….> Wrong COVID Therapy: Infected Belgian MD Working?


Doctors in the Belgian city of Liège have been asked to keep working even if they have coronavirus amid a surge in cases and hospital admissions, as a quarter of medical staff there are reportedly off sick with Covid-19, and ten hospitals have requested that staff who have tested positive but do not have symptoms keep working.

The head of the Belgian Association of Medical Unions told the BBC they had no choice if they were to prevent the hospital system collapsing within days, with Dr. Philippe Devos acknowledged that there was an obvious risk of transferring the virus to patients.

One in three people tested are coming back positive with the virus in the eastern Belgian city. Hospitals are transferring patients elsewhere and cancelling non-urgent surgeries, days after Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke warned the country was close to a “tsunami” of infections  where authorities “no longer control what is happening”.



5………….> Jihadists vs Judeo-Christians; Culture Rejection Of Beheadings?


France and Turkey are in an escalating diplomatic fist-fight after President Erdogan said French President Emmanuel Macron had “lost his way” over his attitude towards Muslims, leading to the recall of France ambassador from Turkey, Pakistan joining the fight by accusing encouragement of Islamophobia, following the beheading of a teacher by an Islamist jihadist.

Turkey’s second insulting swipe at Mr. Macron came as France continued to reel in the wake of the beheading murder of teacher Samuel Paty, who had shown caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed in class.

“The person in charge of France has lost his way,” Mr Erdogan said on Sunday.

“He goes on about Erdogan while in bed and while awake. Look at yourself first and where you’re going. I said yesterday … he is a case, and he really must be examined.”

A day earlier Mr Erdogan said the French leader needed mental help for condoning the caricatures.

“What is the problem of this person called Macron with Muslims and Islam? Macron needs treatment on a mental level,” Mr. Erdogan said.



 6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs


Ziban Must Die

A Bedouin caravan traveling through the Negev desert stumbles onto the body of dying Mossad agent, Adnan Al Harirri, a momentous event that warns Western Intelligence about Chechen followers of the wayward cleric Abdul Rahman Abudaev being in possession of an MWMD, (Miniature Weapon of Mass Destruction), capable of creating enough phosgene gas to kill thousands of people in a relatively closed space. When a subliminal interrogation of a Hezbollah pilot reveals the conspiracy “Ziban must die”, a maddening race explodes in the search of the assassins, search laced with terror, blatant treachery in the highest levels of World Governments, and questions about future of our democracy that will surely put ice water in the veins of anyone who gets across the Machiavellian dream of the New world Order, Order without sacred religions or beloved Constitutions.

Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-07-25 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: Every disorder is the beginning of new, and higher order


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Sen. Jim Inhofe

Stories you won’t hear on liberal media: Small businesses needed the regulatory relief they’ve gotten from

. The Johnson family shared their story with me and I was honored to speak about it on the floor. Looking forward to delivering the t-shirt to


1:24 / 2:16

Donald J. Trump

So Obama and his team of lowlifes spied on my campaign, and got caught – Open and shut case! More papers released today which are devastating to them. Will they ever pay the price? The political Crime of the Century!

Donald J. Trump

96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!


2…………> Indivior Solutions Pleads Guilty Felony Charge: $600 Million Fine

“Combatting the opioid crisis is a Department of Justice priority,” said Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General Claire M. Murray.

“Today’s announced resolution and related actions hold accountable entities and individuals that unlawfully marketed opioid-addiction products.”

“The opioid crisis is a public health emergency. Prevention and access to effective treatments for opioid addiction are critical to fighting this epidemic,” said Deputy Assistant Attorney General Michael D. Granston for the Justice Department’s Civil Division.

“When a drug manufacturer claims to be part of a solution for opioid addicts, we expect honesty and candor to government officials, as well as to the physicians and patients making important treatment decisions based on those representations.”

Indivior Solutions today pleaded guilty to a one-count felony information and, together with its parent companies Indivior Inc. and Indivior plc, agreed to pay a total of $600 million to resolve criminal and civil liability associated with the marketing of the opioid-addiction-treatment drug Suboxone, a drug product approved for use by recovering opioid addicts to avoid or reduce withdrawal symptoms while they undergo treatment for opioid-use disorder. Suboxone contains buprenorphine, a powerful opioid.

Together with a $1.4 billion resolution with Indivior’s former parent, Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC (RB Group), announced in 2019, and a plea agreement with Indivior plc’s former CEO, Shaun Thaxter, announced last month, the total resolution relating to the marketing of Suboxone is more than $2 billion — the largest-ever resolution in a case brought by the Department of Justice involving an opioid drug.


3…………..> UN Slams Trump’s “Law & Order Campaign”: Look Who’s Talking?

UN human rights office that had never accused the Chinese communist party in the blatant terrorizing of the Uighur Muslim minority by placing millions in labor camps, had the audacity to issue warning to US authorities as Black Lives Matter protesters continue to face off against police, and Democrats across the US have levied heavy criticism on the Trump administration over the use of riot-dispersing tactics on largely peaceful protesters, who by the way have engaged in looting, arson and attack on civilians.

They have accused authorities in the US against using disproportional force against protesters and journalists involved in anti-systemic racism protests across the country, and of concealing police badges while arresting violators.

“There have been reports that peaceful protesters have been detained by unidentified police officers,” said Liz Throssell, UN human rights spokesperson.

“That is a worry because it may place those detained outside the protection of the law and may give rise to arbitrary detention and other human rights violations.”


4…………..> Trouble In Trump’s Family: GOP Rhinos Working To Get Rid Of Him?


With only about 100 days from the US election, the battle lines in the campaign to be president are clearly drawn between Republicans and Democrats, with the most outrageous twist being that the Lincoln Project, a group of rogue Republicans trying to throw President Trump out of office, and one of its members is married to Mr. Trump’s closest advisor and ally Kellyanne  Conway.

“Some of the ads are … psychological warfare with Donald Trump. Those ads are very much meant to disrupt his campaign at a meaningful level,” founder Rick Wilson said.

“The most powerful office in the world needs more than a weak, unfit, shaky president. Trump doesn’t have the strength to lead, nor the character to admit it,” the ad says.

“We’re not doctors, but we’re not blind. It’s time we talk about this. Trump is not well.”

The burning question now is as follows: Is the former VP of our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack, “We must spread freedom around the world by reading our citizens email” Obama, “May Allah Shadow fall upon him”, the constantly confused and forgetful “Uncle” Joe,” Sleeping in a wrong century” Biden, who the other day labeled the deadly pandemic ‘COVID9″, and had numerous more memory lapses to enumerate, more up to the presidency than Trump? Stand by for the November judgement.



5…………> COVID-19 Vaccine:  Will Santa Claus MD Gift Us One?


The deadly pandemic that fallen over the world still poses a significant threat, as trials of the vaccine developed by Oxford University show it can trigger an immune response, and a deal has been signed with AstraZeneca to supply 100 million doses in the UK alone, with the first human trial data back in May indicated the first eight patients taking part in a US study all produced antibodies that could neutralize the virus.
A group in China showed a vaccine was safe and led to protective antibodies being made, available only to the Chinese military, and while many other completely new approaches to vaccine development are in human trials, no-one knows how effective any of these vaccines will be in real life treatment of patients.



.Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs


Posted on Blog: Evening Edition For 2020-07-10 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: The Manitou of America will creep in you, rejoice you when she shines above, and offend and sadden you when she is put down, The Endless Beginning.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump Retweeted

> The White House

> @WhiteHouse

> ·

> 8h

> LIVE: President

> @realonaldTrump

>receives a briefing at

> @Southcom


> The White House

> ·

> 711.4K viewers

> 0:03 / 33:35


> The White House

> @WhiteHouse

> LIVE: President @realonaldTrump receives a briefing at @Southcom

Donald J. Trump> ·

> 7h  With Tropical Storm Fay heading towards the Great State of New Hampshire this weekend, we are forced to reschedule our Portsmouth, New Hampshire Rally at the PortsmouthInternational Airport at Pease. Stay safe, we will be there soon! #MAGA2020

Donald J. Trump Retweeted

> ·

> Jul 3

> We will always prevail. God Bless America!

> Homeland Security Chief: To Attack Our Monuments Is To Attack America. The violent mob is not worthy of even polishing George Washington’s statue, let alone desecrating it.


Donald J. Trump

> @realonaldTrump

> ·

> 9h

> Too many Universities and School Systems are about Radical Left Indoctrination, not Education. Therefore, I am telling the Treasury Department to re-examine their Tax-Exempt Status…

> Donald J. Trump

> @realonaldTrump

> ·

> 9h

> … and/or Funding, which will be taken away if this Propaganda or Act Against Public Policy continues. Our children must be Educated, not Indoctrinated!

Donald J. Trump

> 10h

> On my way to U.S. Southern Command (

> @Southcom

> ) in the Great State of Florida!

> 0:05


> From

> The White House



2…………> Texas Human Smuggler Sent To Prison: Left Behind 7 Dead 


CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – The driver in a failed human smuggling attempt that left six unlawfully present aliens and a second smuggler dead in Southeast Texas in June 2019 was sentenced Thursday to 10 years in federal prison.

Mexican citizen Ivan ario Puga-Moreno, 31, was sentenced July 9 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern istrict of Texas to 10 years in federal prison for conspiracy to transport unlawfully present aliens into the United States causing death or serious bodily injury. Puga-Moreno pleaded guilty to the charges on Feb. 2. In handing down the sentence, U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos upwardly departed from U.S. sentencing guidelines.

On June 5, 2019, authorities discovered a wrecked Chevrolet Suburban in a ditch in Robstown, Texas. Five unlawfully present aliens and another smuggler were found deceased at the scene with 10 more requiring hospitalization due to their significant injuries. A sixth alien later died at the hospital. Puga-Moreno had been attempting to smuggle a total of 18 unlawfully present aliens with brush guide Agustin Gutierrez-Gonzalez who was from his hometown in Mexico.

After the crash, Puga-Moreno fled the scene of the accident and failed to call 911 for assistance. He fled to Houston in an attempt to avoid arrest, but was subsequently apprehended by HSI Houston on June 6. Further investigation revealed he had fled the scene with the assistance of Gutierrez-Gonzalez, 33, Elena Ruiz, 35, of Corpus Christi, and Mayra Chaver, 32, of Honduras.



3…………> Dublicious Chinese Researcher: Working In US For China?


A rheumatology professor and researcher with strong ties to China has been ordered held without bond to face a charge of grant fraud for not disclosing that he was engaged in a sophisticated scheme to use approximately .1 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop China’s expertise in the areas of rheumatology and immunology.  He is also charged with making false statements about maintaining employment in China at the same time he was employed at universities in the United States, including The Ohio State University.

Song Guo Zheng, 57, was arrested Friday, May 22, 2020, after he arrived in Anchorage, Alaska, aboard a charter flight and as he prepared to board another charter flight to China.  When he was arrested, he was carrying three large bags, one small suitcase and a briefcase containing two laptops, three cellular telephones, several USB drives, several silver bars, expired Chinese passports for his family, deeds for property in China and other items.



4…………> Welcome To Trump News: An Attack On Rival Fox News?


Having finally realized that Fox News owner, Mr. Robert Murdock is a member of the Council of Foreign relations, the beating heart of the “Deep State” true government of US, President Trump has been rumored ot be preparing his own news outfit, that would more correctly report to the American people the real trends in political preferences of the deeply divided electorate.

Welcome to “One America News Network” (OANN), a creation of the wealthy businessman Robert Herring, a news network rapidly evolved in its first few years to become seen as one of the most ardently pro-Trump voices in the media.



5…………> Market Report for 07/10/2020: sell stop 25500:CG 19100, 11/21/2020


Stocks up 369 to 26075, futures +3, gold down to 1801.8, USD/CHF at 0.95, new position long 25500, sell stop 25500 for a gain of zero DIA points.

Read Ziban Must Die for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with Deep State operators, funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


 6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



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