Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-08-25 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: Anything vertical will eventually be horizontal.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Pinned Tweet
Donald J. Trump

1:01 / 3:14


Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022)

Donald J. Trump

I am pleased to inform the American Public that Acting Secretary Chad Wolf will be nominated to be the Secretary of Homeland Security. Chad has done an outstanding job and we greatly appreciate his service!

Donald J. Trump

Beautiful Maine Lobsters will now move tariff-free to Europe! For first time in many years. GREAT new deal by USTR levels playing field with Canada. Millions of $’s more in EXPORTS…

Donald J. Trump

…More JOBS from Eastport, Cutler, & Jonesport to Stonington, Friendship, and Casco Bay. I am proud to help the great people of Maine!

Donald J. Trump

For our Country to be sending 80 million UNSOLICITED BALLOTS is very unfair and a roadmap to disaster. Even recent small and easier to control elections which did this are a catastrophic disaster. Fraudulent & missing Ballots like never seen before. 20% and 30% off. STOP!


2…………> Minnesota Man Charged With COVID-Relief Fraud And Money Laundering

A Minnesota man was charged in an indictment unsealed today for allegedly fraudulently obtaining approximately $841,000 from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

Kyle William Brenizer, 32, of St. Paul, Minnesota, was charged in a criminal indictment in the District of Minnesota with wire fraud and money laundering. He made his initial appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Becky R. Thorson of the District of Minnesota and remains in custody. He will appear for a detention hearing on Aug. 26.

The indictment alleges Brenizer was the owner and manager of True-Cut Construction LLC (True-Cut), a contracting and construction company located in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. In August 2018, True-Cut and Brenizer were ordered by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry to cease and desist from doing business and in December 2019, True-Cut’s contractor license expired and was never renewed.

According to the allegations in the indictment, instead of using the PPP funds for permissible business expenses, Brenizer transferred approximately $650,000 to a bank account unrelated to True-Cut and made a $29,000 payment to purchase a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, spent over $1,000 on golf expenses, among other retail and entertainment expenditures for his personal benefit.


3…………> Watch For Illegal COVID-19 Vaccines & Medications Sold Online: Authorities


“Using vaccine scams to make money is tantamount to murdering,” a Weibo user complained.

“Such vicious sellers should be charged, shamed and seriously punished,” wrote another, as Chinese authorities have warned against the illegal sale on social media platform WeChat of products claiming to be vaccines undergoing phase 3 trials, after sellers had advertised the products — developed by Chinese state-owned enterprises Sinovac and Sinopharm — at 1,500 RMB ($300) for three doses, and saying it could be exported overseas in two weeks.

The ads sparked widespread criticism on Weibo, another Chinese social media app, and comments with variations of the hashtag “SellingVaccinesOnWeChatIsIllegal” were viewed more than 20 million times.


4………….> ‘It’s A Scary Time For Stand-up Comedians’: A Tragedy In Motion?

We are living a virtual history unfolding right in front of our eyes, as the deadly persistent waves of the COVID-19 horror pandemic are slowly, but without mercy peeling off one job category after another from the so-called free capitalistic market, case in point being stand-up comedians replaced with elected politicians, like Trump and Biden, among many others.

Since most of shows have been cancelled, Irishman Broderick and his comedy peers have been playing a series of streamed gigs via its online replacement – billed as “a Fringe reimagined” – to raise money for out-of-work comics and comedy venues at risk of closure.




5…………> Could Biden Serve Two Terms Despite Trump MD Jokes Over His Mental Fitness?

Signs of Biden’s mental decline and his refusal to take a cognitive test have been favorite jokes of the president and members of his campaign whether the Democratic nominee for president is fit to serve, but “Uncle” Joe Biden has shot back at the Trump campaign’s claims that his mental capacities have been ‘diminished’, saying he could “absolutely” serve not just one term in office, but two:

“Watch me. Mr. President, watch me. Look at us both. Look at us both, what we say, what we do, what we control, what we know, what kind of shape we’re in. Come on. This – look, I think it’s a legitimate question to ask anybody over 70 years old whether or not they’re fit and whether they’re ready. But I just – only thing I can ask the American people, it’s a legitimate question to ask anybody. Watch me,” Biden said in defense of himself.

Biden’s comments follow in the wake of questions by Donald Trump, members of his campaign and supporters regarding the Democratic candidate’s mental fitness, with Trump repeatedly suggesting that “something is going on” with Biden amid the latter’s tendency to mix up words and sentences or have apparent moments of temporary forgetfulness on the campaign trail earlier this year.

‘This Guy Doesn’t Come Out of His Basement’, Mr. Trump alleges.

In search of the real truth, please consider Bibi1581’s three stages of mental decline due to an old age:

1. You go to the bathroom, sit down, do the job and then leave, forgetting to flush the water.

2. You go to the bathroom, sit down, then  get up, flush the water and leave, forgetting why you went there in first place.

3. You go to bathroom, sit down, do the job, flush the water and leave, forgetting to pull your pants down.

From what we have heard of Mr. Biden, he appears to be very close to stage 3, and Mr. Trump is at, or close to stage 2. So dear friends, choose wisely!!!


Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs


Posted on Blog: Evening Edition For 2020-08-18 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: Not crazy are those souls who marvel at God’s creation, but the ones who ridicule them.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump

0:31 / 0:38

Donald J. Trump

In California, Democrats have intentionally implemented rolling blackouts — forcing Americans in the dark. Democrats are unable to keep up with energy demand…

Donald J. Trump

…Meanwhile, I gave America energy independence in fact, so much energy we could never use it all. The Bernie/Biden/AOC Green New Deal plan would take California’s failed policies to every American!

Kim Reynolds

Thank you for being here President

! Appreciate the strong partnership from you and the entire team. #Derecho2020

Quote Tweet
The White House

US government account
LIVE: President @realDonaldTrump participates in Iowa disaster recovery briefing

Donald J. Trump



Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)


2…………> CIA Officer From Chinese Descent Betrays US: Top Secret Level Penetrated


Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, was arrested on Aug. 14, 2020, on a charge that he conspired with a relative of his who also was a former CIA officer to communicate classified information up to the Top Secret level to intelligence officials of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), as the the criminal complaint was unsealed this morning, a river of disgusts and resentment poured at the criminals from high level officers of the US Government:

“The trail of Chinese espionage is long and, sadly, strewn with former American intelligence officers who betrayed their colleagues, their country and its liberal democratic values to support an authoritarian communist regime,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers.

“This betrayal is never worth it. Whether immediately, or many years after they thought they got away with it, we will find these traitors and we will bring them to justice. To the Chinese intelligence services, these individuals are expendable. To us, they are sad but urgent reminders of the need to stay vigilant.”

“The charges announced today are a sobering reminder to our communities in Hawaii of the constant threat posed by those who seek to jeopardize our nation’s security through acts of espionage,” said U.S. Attorney Price. “Of particular concern are the criminal acts of those who served in our nation’s intelligence community, but then choose to betray their former colleagues and the nation-at large by divulging classified national defense information to China. My office will continue to tenaciously pursue espionage cases.”

“This serious act of espionage is another example in a long string of illicit activities that the​People’s Republic of China is conducting within and against the United States,” said Alan E. Kohler Jr., Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. “This case demonstrates that no matter the length or difficulty of the investigation, the men and women of the FBI will work tirelessly to protect our national security from the threat posed by Chinese intelligence services. Let it be known that anyone who violates a position of trust to betray the United States will face justice, no matter how many years it takes to bring their crimes to light.”

“These cases are very complicated and take years if not decades to bring to a conclusion,” said Eli Miranda, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Honolulu Division.

“I could not be more proud of the work done by the men and women of the FBI’s Honolulu Division in pursuing this case. Their dedication is a reminder that the FBI will never waiver when it comes to ensuring the safety and security of our nation.”



3…………>  COVID-19 Pandemic Doubles Human Depression: UK Study

Inferences derived by a survey of more than 3,500 adults followed up over a 12-month period in the Islamic Sheikdom of UK suggests that twice as many adults are reporting symptoms of depression now compared with this time last year, Office for National Statistics figures suggest, meaning that one in five people appeared to have depressive symptoms compared with one in ten before the pandemic, when asked the standard set of questions used to assess the mental condition.

People under 40, women, people with a disability and those who said they would struggle to meet an unexpected cost were the groups most likely to show symptoms of depression.



4………….> Kalashnikov Smart-Rifle Syncing With Mobile Devices: Watch The Tweets, Comrades?

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Kalashnikov will demonstrate its smart-rifle that can sync with mobile devices at Army-2020 expo, the company said Tuesday.

According to the arms manufacturer, the new firearm is based on MR-155 smoothbore rifle.

The video on the company’s VKontakte page shows the rifle’s futuristic design. The new firearm has a collimator sight and a synchronization display.

The expo is scheduled to take place from August 23-29 near Moscow.


5…………> Market Report for 08/18/2020: sell stop 27000:CG 19000, 11/21/2020


Stocks down 67  to 27778, futures +16, gold up to 2014.7, USD/CHF at 0.92, new position long 26500, sell stop 27000 for a gain of 500 DIA points.

Read Ziban Must Die for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with Deep State operators, funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


 6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs


Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-08-14 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: The Manitou of America will creep in you, rejoice you when she shines above, and offend and sadden you when she is put down, The Endless Beginning.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


The White House

US government account

LIVE: President

holds a news conference

The White House
LIVE: President @realDonaldTrump holds a news conference

Donald J. Trump

1:48 / 1:52


Senate Republicans

Donald J. Trump

I am ready to send more money to States and Local governments to save jobs for Police, Fire Fighters, First Responders, and Teachers. DEMOCRATS ARE HOLDING THIS UP!

Donald J. Trump

I am ready to have


send additional PPP payments to small businesses that have been hurt by the ChinaVirus. DEMOCRATS ARE HOLDING THIS UP!



2…………> Las Vegas Elderly Victims Caught In Prize Notification Scam: Perpetrators Busted

A Las Vegas area resident charged with perpetrating a prize-notification scheme that bilked victims out of more than $10 million pleaded guilty today, the Department of Justice announced.

Andrea Burrow, 50, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail fraud based on her participation in a scheme that preyed upon hundreds of thousands of victims, many of whom were elderly and vulnerable, with fraudulent prize notices. The notices led victims to believe that they could claim a large cash prize if they paid a small fee. This was false; victims who paid the fees did not receive anything of value.

Burrow is the fourth defendant to plead guilty in connection with the scheme. Three other individuals – Patti Kern, Edgar Del Rio, and Sean O’Connor – pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail fraud in 2019. Following these guilty pleas, Burrow was indicted in November 2019 along with five others: Mario Castro, Jose Salud Castro, Salvador Castro, Miguel Castro, and Jose Luis Mendez. The trial of the remaining five defendants is currently scheduled for Sept. 28, 2020.

“The defendant and her co-conspirators exploited the elderly and vulnerable by bombarding them repeatedly with false promises of wealth,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Ethan P. Davis of the Department of Justice’s Civil Division.

“Today’s guilty plea demonstrates the Department’s continuing commitment to bring to justice those who prey upon the elderly.”


3…………>  ‘Firenado’ Burns Over 10,000 California Acres: Massive Evacuation 


A massive wildfire erupted north of Los Angeles at Lake Hughes, the cause still unknown, after over 1,000 personnel were deployed to battle the blaze, which had still not been contained, engulfing large chunks of land exceeding 10,500 acres within three hours of breaking out, with the fire destroying three structures and forcing the authorities to evacuate homes affected by the  incident.

The fire department of the county of Los Angeles posted a video of the conflagration in which large clouds of smoke are seen rising into the sky while fires rage on the ground.


4…………> Mars Alien Temple’ Found In NASA Images: UFO Hunter 

Renown UFO hunter Scott Waring has spotted an out-of-this world “structure” in archive taken by NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover:

“Ancient temple found on Mars with doorway! Proof of intelligent life”, he said.

“I was looking over some NASA Mars photos and came across something on a hilltop”, after posting on his blog an oddly-shaped anomaly, about (7ft by 7ft) in size, pointing how exquisitely shaped the walls forming the structure are:

“Its upper walls were made with horizontal layers, but its doorway was made of vertical layers. That shows intelligent design. That is undeniably alien made”, the enthusiastic observer inferred.
Addressing the size of what looks like the roughly 07m x 0.7m square doorway, Waring remarked the builders had to be small enough to squeeze inside.

The most astonishing feature, the UFO hunter believes, are the horizontal lines observed in the structure intermingling with vertical ones.



5…………> Chinese Officials Find Brazil Chicken Testing Positive for COVID-19: Watch The Ice?

A sample of chicken wings imported to China from Brazil recently tested positive for COVID-19, prompting Chinese officials to warn residents to exercise increased caution when buying imported frozen foods, as Shenzhen Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office revealed that they became aware of the contamination after an August 11 inspection of imported chicken returned a positive COVID-19 test the following day.

The contaminated chicken was imported to the Chinese city of Shenzhen from an Aurora Alimentos plant in Brazil’s Santa Catarina state, forcing officials to immediately trace and conduct tests on everyone who may have come in contact with the food products, but fortunately  all individuals tested negative for the novel coronavirus.

“The headquarters office reminded the general public to be cautious in buying imported frozen meat products and aquatic products in the near future, and to take personal protection to reduce the risk of contracting the new [coronavirus],” the final report read.



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