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Bibi1581 Blog For 05/14/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Get Well: Melania


“The procedure was successful and there were no complications,” Walter Reed National Military Medical Centre spokeswoman Ms. Stephanie Grisham said.

“The First Lady looks forward to a full recovery so she can continue her work on behalf of children everywhere,” as Ms. Trump, 48, underwent an embolization procedure to treat the kidney condition. 


Mr. Trump tweeted he was on his way to visit his wife, who he said was in “good spirits”.

Donald J. Trump


Heading over to Walter Reed Medical Center to see our great First Lady, Melania. The successful procedure, she is in good spirits. Thank you to all of the well-wishers!

2:09 PM – May 14, 2018

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2…………> Netanyahu Defends Shootings: Gaza

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said his military was acting in self-defense against Gaza’s Islamist rulers, Hamas, who he said wanted to destroy Israel in the deadliest day of violence in Gaza since the 2014 war, with Palestinian officials saying that troops have killed 55 people and wounded 2,700.

The Palestinian Authority’s leader condemned a “massacre”, and the UN spoke of “outrageous human rights violations”, following the opening of the US  controversial embassy in Jerusalem.



3…………> Hidden Budapest: Unknown World

The limestone mined from the Kőbánya district, meaning the ‘stone mine district’, on the Pest side of the city, has led to the carving of an underground cellar system of more than 20 miles, and 90 feet below street level.


Countless buildings in Budapest, including the 1902 neo-Gothic Parliament building (pictured), were built with the stone mined below the city.



4…………> “Cyber” Islamic State: A Warning


The head of Germany’s domestic intelligence service, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Hans-Georg Maaßen said the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany should be ready with its own malware to counter hackers, aa a sister service over the channel, the British MI5 warned that IS still posed a threat to Europe despite losses in the Middle East.

The spymaster told German media that the country should be ready with “anti-sabotage” measures to deal with any future attacks.

“This means that we should implement malware in all our critical infrastructures that we could then perhaps activate at a point in time X, when a political dispute arises,” Maaßen said in the interview, held ahead of a meeting of European security chiefs in Berlin.




5…………> Another Broken Window: Sichuan Airlines


It has been a long, deadly, and horrifying cluster of broken airplane windows, now joined by Chinese Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8633 that was forced to make an emergency landing at China’s Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport on Monday after one of the airplane’s cockpit windows fell off mid-flight.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China’s Southwest Regional Administration (CAAC) reported that one of the pilots suffered scratches and waist pains, and a flight attendant also received a minor injury during the accident when the domestic flight, which was traveling from Chongqing to Lhasa, landed at the Chengdu Shuangliu airport roughly 20 minutes after the window broke.

Chief pilot Liu Chuanjian revealed that seconds after the malfunction, his fellow pilot started to get sucked out of the window, along with parts of the plane’s control unit.

“The windshield cracked suddenly and gave a huge bang. I looked aside and found half of the co-pilot’s body was already outside the window. Fortunately, his seat belt was fastened,” the South China Morning Post reported Liu saying. “The sudden loss of pressure and low temperature made me very uncomfortable and it was very difficult to make a single move when the aircraft was flying at 600 miles an hour and at such a high altitude.”

This incident comes weeks after a Southwest Airlines plane made an emergency landing in Cleveland, Ohio after a passenger alerted flight staff of a cracked window.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/15/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Locus Of Light: Lesotho Diamond

Lesotho is a small enclaved country with a population of about 2 million within South Africa, where more than 40 percent of the population live below the poverty line of $1.25 per day, yet the good Lord has send it a precious gift of 910 carats diamond of “exceptional quality” worth up to $40 million dollars.


“The diamond, the largest recovered from Letseng, is believed to be the fifth largest gem-quality diamond ever recovered. Since Gem Diamonds acquired Letseng in 2006, the mine has produced some of the world’s most remarkable diamonds, including the 603-carat ‘Lesotho Promise,'” Gem Diamonds chief executive Clifford Elphick said in a statement.



2…………> A380: Rusting Feathers
“If we can’t work out a deal with Emirates, there is no choice but to shutdown the program,” Airbus chief salesman John Leahy told reporters in Paris about company’s bets on additional orders of the superjumbo from the Dubai-based airline last November to complement its 100-planes A380 fleet. 

Having received no new orders for the world’s largest passenger airline for the past two years, Airbus admitted that it might have to end production of the A380 double-decker jet, after building only 220 planes over the last decade.


3…………> Chilpancingo: Torture Capital of MX
“Tragically, the enforced disappearance of these young men is the latest of a long line of horrors that have befallen Guerrero state,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International about five enforced disappearances in the Guerrero capital where prisoners were tortured over a period of days, and both Chilpancingo municipal police and state investigative police were complicit in the illegal activity. 

Reports surfaced that after latest arrest and kidnapping, three young men were “taken to a safe house, then transported in a dizzying ride to Acapulco and held in cells for at least three days without food, expecting to be killed.”

This is yet another proof of reports on the downward spiral of Mexico civil unrest and raising power of the drug cartels.


4…………> The Cartel Police:Chihuahua

In another blatant display of cartel interference in the social disorder of Narco State of Mexico, police in Chihuahua state yesterday arrested 10 alleged gang members who were evidently receiving instructions from an officer in the municipal police force.
A joint investigation by federal and local security organizations located and arrested the alleged gangsters, believed to be members of La Línea, the armed wing of the Juárez Cartel.

5…………> Trump’s Vacation: Free Forever

A new video following the disappearance of friends and neighbors who happened to reside illegally in the US is underlining the “stone cold” consequences of Trump’s immigration crackdown in a rural county that voted for Trump, where people are shocked to see illegals deported and schoolmates disappear. Now a community is coming to terms with the economic and emotional consequences.

The Trump team insists the actions of the deportation force, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), is simply a matter of applying the law and delivering a key election pledge.


6…………> Trump Reject “Racist” Charges

Trump says ‘I am not a racist’ in response to criticism over his labeling of African nations as “shitholes”,  as reported by Democratic Senator Richard Durbin.

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