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Bibi1581 Blog For 08/16/2018: Evening Edition

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1…………> “Fake Goods Smugglers”: China


Six indictments and one criminal complaint were unsealed in federal court in Brooklyn, New York, charging a total of 22 defendants with illegally bringing into the United States millions of dollars of Chinese-manufactured goods by smuggling them through ports of entry on the East and West Coasts. One defendant is also charged with unlawful procurement of naturalization. Twenty-one defendants were arrested this morning, and their initial court appearances and arraignments are scheduled before U.S. Magistrate Judge Lois Bloom.

The charges include conspiracy to traffic, and trafficking, in counterfeit goods; conspiracy to smuggle, and smuggling, fake products into the United States; money laundering conspiracy; immigration fraud and unlawful procurement of naturalization. Besides, the government restrained nine real properties in Queens, Staten Island, and Brooklyn, New York belonging to the defendants.

“The defendants allegedly smuggled millions of dollars of counterfeit luxury goods into our country, depriving companies of their valuable and hard-earned intellectual property,” said Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski.

“The illegal smuggling of counterfeit goods poses a real threat to honest businesses, and I commend our federal prosecutors and partners at HSI and the NYPD for their outstanding work on this important investigation. The Department of Justice is committed to holding accountable those who seek to exploit our borders by smuggling counterfeit goods for sale on the black market.”

“As alleged, the defendants used many forms of deception to smuggle large quantities of counterfeit luxury brand goods from China into the United States, and then profited by distributing and selling the fake merchandise,” said U.S. Attorney Donoghue.

“This Office, working with our law enforcement partners, is committed to securing our country’s ports of entry, as well as to protecting the integrity of intellectual property upon which free and fair international trade and markets depend.”

According to the court filings, the defendants played various roles in the trafficking of counterfeit goods manufactured in China, brought by ocean-going ships to the United States in 40-foot shipping containers, smuggled through ports of entry disguised as legitimate imports and distributed throughout the country. The counterfeit goods included items such as fake Louis Vuitton and Tory Burch handbags, Michael Kors wallets, Hermes belts and Chanel perfume.






2…………> “Crossing The Swamp”: The Masterpiece


A revisionist version of the famous George Washington Crossing Delaware painting by German-American artist Emanuel Leutze back in 1851, has been reincarnated with new actors including United States President Donald Trump holding a beacon of light at the helm of a boat making its way through a swamp outside the White House went viral on social media, a work of art by Jon McNaughton many in the “Fake News” media were calling a “propaganda.”

“You know, it’s interesting that word ‘propaganda’ — it brings up ideas of Nazi Germany and Chairman Mao,” McNaughton told the ABC.

“The difference between that kind of art and what I do is that I’m a citizen, I paint what I want. I’m not being hired by the state to paint something to prop up a certain idea; this is my personal feelings and how I feel about things.”

But “Crossing The Swamp” has increased already sky-high polarity in the social media with Mr. Trump’s supporters hailing the image while others attacking or ridiculing it as an insult to the original work of art.




3…………> Bomb Threats: South America


Eight planes made emergency landings in Chile, Peru, and Argentina over bomb threats, making emergency landings in Rosario, Argentina, and Pisco, Peru among other locations. Chilean police are investigating.

The bomb threats appear to be false at this time as the authorities inspected three of the planes with no bombs found and the fourth in undergoing inspection at Santiago’s Arturo Benitez international airport.

The threats were made through an anonymous phone call to the office of the DGAC; Chilean media reported later in the evening that at least eight false bomb threats to commercial flights had been made.



4………….>PLA Air Force: Aerobatics

China best pilots show their flying skills over the capital city of Beijing.






5…………> Market Report 08/16/2018, sell stop 25400, CG(12,302), 11/22/17


Extended position at 24400, sell stop 25400 for a gain of 1000 DIA points closed. Short post established at 25380, covering short at 25300 for a gain of 80 DIA points. New position long 25300, sell stop at 25400 for a gain of 100 DIA points.

Stocks up 396 at 25559, DJ futures +57, attempt to stage a short covering rally continuing due to anti-tariff talks with China.

Gold up to 1184.7 and USD/CHF down 0.99 due to President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop at 25,400.
We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 05/25/2018: Morning Edition



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1…………> Trump New Immigration Tool: 287(g)

In the ever-flaming war between pro and anti-immigration forces in the US, the former trying to expel as many illegals as possible, while the latter being strongly determined to double the currently estimated 30 million migrants in order to change the demographic balance of the country, and consequently destroy the GOP, the 287(g) program of state and local law enforcement agencies in agreement with the DHS has been used to deputize a select few officers within their departments to enforce federal immigration laws in addition to their regular police duties.

Since the dispersion of illegals aliens varies greatly across the country, some deputized officers are generally authorized to question individuals about their immigration status, check DHS databases for such information, transfer non-citizens into ICE custody and launch deportation proceedings by issuing official Notices to Appear in immigration court. They are also able to enter personal data into the ICE database, recommend non-citizens for detention and immigration bond as well as voluntary departure and issue requests for immigration detainers to hold people until they can be taken into ICE custody.


The story of an illegal alien named Bernardo Gabriel whose family crossed the border from Mexico in 2004 and settled in the US is an eye-opening affidavit of the ups and downs of the family relentless confrontations with itself and the American system of justice.






2…………> Stash House: Texas

DHS ICE officers found 39 smuggled illegal aliens hidden in a suspected stash house awaiting transportation from their human smugglers when a search warrant was executed at a residence just south of Eagle Pass, Texas on May 23, leading to the arrest of one U.S. citizen who is a suspected human smuggler and was charged as such.

The temperature inside the residence was 114 degrees Fahrenheit when initial interviews of those discovered inside the residence indicated to authorities that they had limited access to water, and the group was of comprised mostly of men and women from the four countries of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua.

All individuals were provided medical assistance. They are being processed for immigration violations.



3…………> Bribery Inc.: Corrupt People


 Two employees of an international engineering consulting firm identified as Azat Martirossian, 62, a citizen of Armenia, and Vitaly Leshkov, 50, a citizen of Russia, were charged by a superseding indictment filed in the Southern District of Ohio with one count of conspiracy to launder money and 10 counts of money laundering. A third man named Petros Contoguris, 70, a citizen of Greece, was also charged on these counts, as well as one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and seven counts of violating the FCPA. 

All defendants were charged in a superseding indictment filed today for their alleged participation in a scheme to launder bribe payments to foreign government officials for the benefit of a Columbus, Ohio-based subsidiary of Rolls-Royce plc, to secure a contract to supply equipment and services to power a gas pipeline from Kazakhstan to China.






4…………> “Medal Of Honor”: Trump

WASHINGTON (May 24, 2018)

Retired Master Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Britt Slabinski stands at attention during a Medal of Honor ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C. Slabinski received the Medal of Honor for his actions during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan in March 2002. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Raymond D. Diaz III (Released) 180524-N-BB269-006




5…………> Fight For Life: Eagle vs Fox

A wise fox caught a rabbit but then got attacked from above for his lunch.

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