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George Sorbane Quotes: “Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones. Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture”, Ziban Must Die.
Read for free Sorbane‘s remarkable story of a Bulgarianfamily providing help and comfort to a dying Americanspy, a kindness that sent them on a harrowing escape through the Iron Curtain, with KGB in close pursuit.
. His efforts to reach every demographic has positively expanded the future of the GOP. Join me for a news conference starting soon.
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Donald J. Trump
Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who has done nothing but betray you for 47 long years – selling out to lobbyists, China, big pharma & foreign countries. He will stab you in the back. He only cares about political power & he will use that power to hurt you & enrich his cronies!
Donald J. Trump
Biden has pledged a staggering 700% increase in refugees from the most dangerous and violent terrorist hot spots on earth. He has also vowed to terminate our national security travel bans, allowing for unlimited migration from war zones, and terrorist havens…
Donald J. Trump
…Biden’s deadly migration policies will overwhelm taxpayers and open the floodgates to terrorists, jihadists, and violent extremists. Under my Administration, the safety of our families will always come FIRST!
Donald J. Trump
On my way to Nebraska, after a great evening in Wisconsin with hardworking American Patriots! http://Vote.DonaldJTrump.com
Donald J. Trump
Thank you WISCONSIN, get out and VOTE! Together, we are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!
0:00 / 0:43
Dan Scavino
Donald J. Trump
Joe Biden is a corrupt politician. He wants to send YOUR jobs to China, while his family rakes in millions from the Chinese Communist Party. If Biden wins, China will OWN the USA. When we win, YOU win, Wisconsin wins, and AMERICA wins! #VOTE
delivers for Mississippi! She helped us Cut your Taxes, Secure our Border, and Defend the Second Amendment. Cindy’s opponent, Mike Espy, is a Corrupt Politician who will Raise your Taxes and Open your Borders! Vote for Cindy! #MSSEN
Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate
Chip in to stand with a rock-solid conservative for Mississippi
Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and others, please watch. His party, and Joe, will stop Fracking immediately. Millions of jobs lost as energy prices soar. Vote Trump!
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Donald J. Trump
As per your request, Joe… twitter.com/joebiden/statu…
LIVE: President Donald Trump in Carson City, NV #Nevada
Donald J. Trump
Not my Wall, which will soon be finished (and Mexico will pay for the Wall!). Totally unrelated, but I think Steve will be just fine. By the way, is this the same job hopping Tim O’Brien that headed Mini Mike Bloomberg’s humiliating 2 Billion Dollar Presidential run? Debate prep!
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Tim O’Brien
“When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.” – Donald Trump on Steve Bannon, 2018. Since then, federal authorities have filed fraud charges against Bannon for a bogus fundraising scheme for Trump’s southern border wall. Only the best people. twitter.com/warroompandemi…
, my former “hometown newspaper”. They have said and shown what everyone knows about Sleepy Joe Biden. He is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN!!!
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
For years you had a President who apologized for America – now you have a President who is standing up for America, and standing up for Pennsylvania. So get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, and GET OUT AND VOTE! http://Vote.DonaldJTrump.com
Donald J. Trump
Proud citizens like you helped build this Country—and together, we are taking back our Country. We are returning power to YOU, the American People! #MAGA
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
The Economy is about ready to go through the roof. Stock Market ready to break ALL-TIME RECORD. 401k’s incredible. New Jobs Record. Remember all of this when you VOTE. Sleepy Joe wants to quadruple your Taxes. Depression!!! Don’t let it happen! #MAGA
The White House
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Donald J. Trump
4:26 / 6:40
Watters’ World
Donald J. Trump
The Democrats are very proud!
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Tony Shaffer
Yep 3 Supreme Court Justices & 3 Nobel Peace Prize nominations… Hmmm…I’d say this is pretty darn good… The Left is upset that @realDonaldTrump has not started any new wars… The never Trumpers are upset that he has lived up to his campaign promises… Strange times… twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
Donald J. Trump
It’s the only way they know!
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Democrats are laundering their (admittedly weak) anti-religious smear of Amy Coney Barrett through Emma Brown, the same reporter they used to launch their massive and media-coordinated anti-Kavanaugh operation that so many Americans found so despicable. twitter.com/bethreinhard/s…
2…………> A “Dream” Vaccine Under The Christmas’s Tree: Santa FDA?
It is the job of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to decide if the COVID19 vaccine is safe to roll out, but the US government expects to approve the vaccine in the first half of December, as testing data from an advanced trial showed the vaccine protects 94% of adults over 65, the sample involving 41,000 people worldwide. Half were given the vaccine, and half a placebo, as the UK has pre-ordered 40 million doses and should get 10 million by the end of the year.
As thousands of US companies are facing bankruptcies due to the COVID19 epidemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has told Americans to avoid travel for the Thanksgiving holiday amid soaring Covid-19 cases:
“In the last week, we’ve seen over a million new cases,” said the CDC’s Erin Sauber-Schatz.
“Thanksgiving is a week away.”
Even though the agency stopped short of issuing a travel ban for Americans, it is clear that it left the hard decisions for our new beloved President, “Uncle” Joe, “Sleeping in a wrong century” Biden, who is reportedly planning a long COVID19 holyday to suppress the infection wave, but probably initiate a market crash due to mass bankruptcies.
4…………> The Islamic Kingdom of EU Needs Imams: Looking for a Job?
EU urgently needs to work out a common approach to the training of imams and to share best practices on the ways to counter religious radicalization after the recent terror attacks in France and Austria, as President and Rabbinical Grand Ayatollah Emmanuel Macron met with the French Council of Muslim Worship, asking it to come up within two weeks with the charter of the values of the Republic that its member organizations and affiliates should respect:
“We need to create conditions on the European level in order to train imams. Otherwise, other countries will do so, like Turkey. Erdogan would like to rein over Islamic communities,” Manuel Valls, the former prime minister of France, said.
The appeal of Tennessee resident identified as Friedrich Karl Berger, a German citizen who was ordered removed from the United States earlier this year on the basis of his service in Nazi Germany in 1945 as an armed guard of concentration camp prisoners in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp system (Neuengamme) was denied by US authorities:
“Berger’s willing service as an armed guard at a Nazi concentration camp cannot be erased and will not be ignored,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian C. Rabbitt.
“On the eve of tomorrow’s 75th anniversary of the commencement of the Nuremberg trials of the surviving leaders of the defeated Nazi regime, this case shows that the passage of time will not deter the Department from fulfilling the moral imperative of seeking justice for the victims of their heinous crimes.”
A Bedouin caravan traveling through the Negev desert stumbles onto the body of dying Mossad agent, Adnan Al Harirri, a momentous event that warns Western Intelligence about Chechen followers of the wayward cleric Abdul Rahman Abudaev being in possession of an MWMD, (Miniature Weapon of Mass Destruction), capable of creating enough phosgene gas to kill thousands of people in a relatively closed space. When a subliminal interrogation of a Hezbollah pilot reveals the conspiracy “Ziban must die”, a maddening race explodes in the search of the assassins, search laced with terror, blatant treachery in the highest levels of World Governments, and questions about future of our democracy that will surely put ice water in the veins of anyone who gets across the Machiavellian dream of the New world Order, Order without sacred religions or beloved Constitution.
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George Sorbane Quotes: “Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones, brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture”, Ziban Must die
….Does anyone ever notice how few quotes from an actual person are given nowadays by the Lamestream Media. Very seldom. The unnamed or anonymous sources are almost always FAKE NEWS.
Donald J. Trump
When the Failing @nytimes or Amazon @washingtonpost writes a story saying “unnamed sources said”, or any such phrase where a person’s name is not used, don’t believe them. Most of these unnamed sources don’t exist. They are made up to defame & disparage. They have no “source”…
Donald J. Trump
“I think the situation is unprecedented, and there is no question about that. It’s whiplash! The economy was moving forward at a rapid pace in terms of growth, jobs and even wage increases, and all of a sudden the pandemic hit and the….
Donald J. Trump
….economy was shuttered. This is unprecedented, it is unsettling and challenging but, we will rise to meet the occasion.” MACK MCLARTY, Clinton White House Chief of Staff.
2…………> Georgia COVID-19 Fraudster Busted By DOJ: Tried To Cheat The VA
Christopher Parris, a 39-year-old Atlanta, Georgia resident, was arrested and charged in federal court in the District of Columbia with fraud for attempting to sell millions of nonexistent respirator masks to the Department of Veterans Affairs in exchange for large upfront payments, the Justice Department announced.
The criminal complaint charges Parris with wire fraud.It alleges that he made and caused to be made a series of fraudulent misrepresentations in an attempt to secure orders from the Department of Veterans Affairs for 125 million face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) that would have totaled over 50 million.For example, the complaint alleges that Parris promised that he could obtain millions of genuine 3M masks from domestic factories when he knew that fulfilling the orders would not be possible.Parris also allegedly made similar false representations to other entities in an effort to enter into other fraudulent agreements to sell PPE to state governments:
“We will vigorously pursue fraudsters who exploit the COVI-19 pandemic to make money,As this case demonstrates, even beyond the typical costs associated with unlawful behavior, COVI-19 scams divert government time and resources and risk preventing front-line responders and consumers from obtaining the equipment they need to combat this pandemic.The Department of Justice will not tolerate this conduct, especially when it involves this kind of egregious attempt to target and defraud our nation’s treasures – our veterans”, AG Mr. Barr said.
Today in the US, 1,940 people died from corona-virus, and in a single day, 31,935 new infections were recorded, and yet, since the start of the crisis, the President has boasted about America’s testing capacity:
“Anyone who needs a test gets a test … and they’re beautiful”, Mr.Trump said during a tour of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as in New York, things are looking so dire that workers are being asked to don protective gear as they dig mass graves on Hart Island in the Bronx, used for decades to bury New Yorker’s with no next of kin, or no money to afford a proper funeral, and as COVID-19-related deaths surge, new trenches have been dug to cope with an expected influx of coffins.
In addition, the official death toll in New York hasn’t been counting those who died outside of hospital, hence, it’s very likely the real number of infections and deaths is much higher than the already-staggering published numbers, with the world is no longer measuring the worst case scenario against Wuhan, Italy or Spain, but now the US is the benchmark.
A nation accustomed to being a world-beater in business, innovation, sport and on the battlefield, has been reduced to its knees, as incredibly arrogant, and treacherous politicians as Nancy, “Anyone caught urinating in front of my mansion will be deported to Arizona” Pelosi, and her globalist masters have weakened the country with three years attack on a Democratically elected Mr.Trump, instead working for the public good, and provide the country with breathing masks and ventilators.
For millions, it’s been a grim awakening:
“The US was not prepared, particularly in terms of masks and basic equipment like ventilators”, a Washington think-tank observed, turning to its biggest strategic threat, China, for help, that in return, is sending 1,000 ventilators to New York, and regular planeloads of other critical protective gear.
4…………> Corona-virus Latest: US Death Toll Overtakes Italy
Global confirmed cases stand at almost 1.7 million, with more than 100,000 deaths, the US having by far the most cases of any country in the world, with almost 18,860 people dead nationwide, becoming the first country to record 2,000 deaths in 24 hours, with more than 500,000 infected and the most fatalities.
In following news, the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany President Frank-Walter Steinmeier appealed to Germans to show solidarity, the global confirmed cases stand almost 1.7 million with more than 100,000 deaths, and Iran allowed low risk businesses to reopen, except in the capital Tehran.
The former Nazi death camp Buchenwald quietly marks 75 years since liberation, with only employees of memorial site attended the anniversary event due to Germany’s corona-virus lock-down measures. as authorities called out increasing right-wing extremism in a Thuringian declaration. Around 56,000 people were killed at Buchenwald, and the nearby satellite installation Dora before it was freed by US soldiers in April 1945,
And lastly, we can rejoin and celebrate Passover in pictures, as Jews around the world are observing Passover, which coincides with Easter this year. The week-long holiday commemorates the liberation of the Israelite’s from slavery in Egypt.
5………..> Oil Patch Bankruptcies On The Horizon: A Whiff Of COVID-19 Deflation?
A casual look at the assets/liabilities of US energy companies shows that many have little cash flow, and are highly leveraged, ETRN 90.2% Oil & Gas Pipelines, TTI84.6%, Oilfield Services/Equipment, and APA71.8%,Integrated Oil, to mention few, as the sector has been suffering from a massive drop in oil prices caused by excessive supply due to the corona-virus pandemic and the curtailment of economic activity around the world. Some US oil producers have already been forced to file for bankruptcy due to skyrocketing debts.
There is news that some US banks are currently in the process of setting up independent structures to become operators of oil and gas fields across the United States, with Colorado-based Whiting Petroleum Corp became the first producer to file for bankruptcy, while some other corporations, including Denbury Resources Inc, have been reportedly communicating with debt advisers. More than 200 billion in loans are estimated to be owed by US energy producers to their lenders.
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George Sorbane Quotes: 1. “The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch.”―”The Endless Beginning”
Donald J. Trump Retweeted Rep. Jim Jordan @Jim_Jordan · 17h Mark Meadows is smart, loyal, and a true patriot. He’s a good man and my best friend! Couldn’t have picked anyone better for the job. Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump · 17h I am pleased to announce that Congressman Mark Meadows will become White House Chief of Staff. I have long known and worked with Mark, and the relationship is a very good one…. Show this thread
Donald J. Trump Retweeted The White House @WhiteHouse · 16h President @realDonaldTrump traveled to Tennessee to survey damage from the recent tornado and meet with families. We are with you, Tennessee!
Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump · 15h Thank you @GovBillLee and @MariaLeeTN . My Administration will always be there for the Great People of Tennessee. Together, we will prevail! 0:40 Quote Tweet Maria Lee @MariaLeeTN · 20h Today, @GovBillLee and I watched the spirits of Cookeville be uplifted by @realonaldTrump’s visit. Thank you for caring so deeply for the people of Tennessee.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 17h I am pleased to announce that Congressman Mark Meadows will become White House Chief of Staff. I have long known and worked with Mark, and the relationship is a very good one….
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 17h ….I want to thank Acting Chief Mick Mulvaney for having served the Administration so well. He will become the United States Special Envoy for Northern Ireland. Thank you
2…………> Another “Swamp Creature Out”: Trump Fires 4th Chief Of Staff?
Having received repeated suggestions from his deplorable supporters to stop hiring Jeff,”All my relatives are Mexicans” Bush impersonators in the White House, using just the correct amount of hostility, President Trump has parted ways,i.e. fired acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, and replaced him with conservative congressman and close ally Mark Meadows, during a difficult time dealing with the unfolding corona-virus crisis,and preparations for the looming re-election contest in November. Mr. Meadows,the fourth chief of staff in Mr. Trump’s three years in office, is expected to bring order to a chaotic presidency, using his experience as a member of the US House of Representatives from North Carolina, and an combative defender of the President during the impeachment saga, so much so that Mr. Trump singled him out for praise after the Republican-led Senate acquitted the President from the attacking Schiff/Nadler/Pelosi barbarians.
3…………> New Trouble In The House Of Saud: A Coup Attempt?
Saudi Arabia has detained two senior members of its royal family, identified as King Salman’s younger brother and nephew, who have been arrested not surprisingly by guards from the royal court wearing masks and dressed in black, and searched their homes. Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, the younger brother of King Salman, and Mohammed bin Nayef, the king’s nephew, have been detained, as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, King Salman’s son and the de facto ruler of the world’s top oil exporter and key US ally, has moved to consolidate power since ousting his cousin, Mohammed bin Nayef, as heir to the throne in a palace coup in 2017.
A man waved a swastika flag at the Vermont senator’s campaign rally, describing himself as “a stunt activist” and is known to have posted offensive materials on his own YouTube channel, forcing old Bernie, “Spendie” Sanders to assail the Nazi flag stunt that a man pulled at the Democratic presidential hopeful’s rally in Phoenix, Arizona earlier this week. Sanders, who if elected would become the first Jewish US president, expressed being utterly “shocked” by the incident, and he has very personal reasons for it: many of the Vermont senator’s relatives were killed in the Holocaust. He said that although he distinctly heard people booing, it was not until he left the stage, that he realized what it was all about.