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2021-02-11- 02:37:15 +0000 Evening Post Blog

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Free download  of George Sorbane’s book “The House on #Pampanga Street” at  , A  riveting story of Philippine resistance  against the Japanese occupation of their freedom loving #island country in 1941 sneak attack.



George Sorbane Quotes: “Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones. Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture”, Ziban Must Die.


Read for free Sorbane‘s remarkable story of a Bulgarian family providing help and comfort to a dying American spy, a kindness that sent them on a harrowing escape through the Iron Curtain, with KGB in close pursuit.
“The Endless Beginning”


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump




2…………> AstraZeneca-Oxford: Ready For Seniors & Mutations


“Taking the totality of available evidence into account, WHO recommends the vaccine for use in persons aged 65 years and older,” the 15-member Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) said in fresh recommendations that it could also be used in places where “variants are present,” despite a recent study suggesting it was far less effective against a strain of the virus first detected in South Africa, all this after several setbacks, raising questions about whether it was appropriate to use it for older people, or in places where a variant of the virus first found in South Africa is circulating.


AstraZeneca vaccine can be used for over 65s and Covid variants, WHO says (


3…………> Cold Winter &Relentless COVID19: UK Bad Year?


BBC weather presenter Simon King described the temperatures in Braemar, Aberdeenshire, as “incredible” -23C, the lowest in 25 years since 1955, and the UK’s coldest night since 30 December 1995:

“While we’ve all experienced the cold wind, it’s over the last couple of nights the temperature has got really low, especially in northern Scotland,” he said.

“There are three reasons for this: thick snow on the ground, clear skies and light winds.”


Temperature of -23C in Braemar is UK’s lowest in 25 years – BBC News


4…………> Bill Gates Wants World’s Currencies Abolished: Defeat At EU?


“The highest German administrative court had asked the CJEU (EU Supreme Court) to clarify if national rules regulating the meaning of legal tender are still valid and – if not – what European law would say on the issue at hand, and consequently the CJEU has ruled that national governments remain free to issue laws that would force all public entities, or even private ones, to accept euro cash, but also to pass laws which restrict this obligation to accept cash. The condition is that this cannot be done with the purpose of regulating what legal tender entails. It is a very complex ruling, with very questionable arguments, which I take to be a very political one”, according to Mr. Norbert Häring, a PhD in economics and is co-founder and co-director of the World Economics Association, the second largest association of economists worldwide, as Dr. Häring is a financial journalist and author of popular books on economics, publishing a blog discussing economic and financial matters called “Money and more”.


.Bill Gates and His ‘War on Cash’ Suffer Partial Defeat at the European Court, Economist Explains – Sputnik International (


5…………> Market Report for 02/11/2021: sell stop 29600:CG 12500, 11/21/2021


Stocks down to 31431, futures -24, gold down to 1823.4, USD/CHF at 0.8901, new position long 27000, sell stop 29800 for a gain of 2780.

6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Read Ziban Must Die at for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with Deep State operators, funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.

A Bedouin caravan traveling through the Negev desert stumbles onto the body of dying Mossad agent, Adnan Al Harirri, a momentous event that warns Western Intelligence about Chechen followers of the wayward cleric Abdul Rahman Abudaev being in possession of an MWMD, (Miniature Weapon of Mass Destruction), capable of creating enough phosgene gas to kill thousands of people in a relatively closed space. When a subliminal interrogation of a Hezbollah pilot reveals the conspiracy “Ziban must die”, a maddening race explodes in the search of the assassins, search laced with terror, blatant treachery in the highest levels of World Governments, and questions about future of our democracy that will surely put ice water in the veins of anyone who gets across the Machiavellian dream of the New world Order, Order without sacred religions or bellowed Constitutions.

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2021-02-06 02:37:15 +0000 Morning Post Blog

Disclosure: European Union laws require that visitors from its domain must be given information about cookies used and data collected on our blog. In many cases, these laws also require that they need to consent to the use of the cookies. does not collect data on our visitors using cookies, and it is not responsible if third parties have placed them in our content without permission. Please control cookies using your browser settings.  35866 registered subscribers

Free download  of George Sorbane’s book “The House on #Pampanga Street” at  , A  riveting story of Philippine resistance  against the Japanese occupation of their freedom loving #island country in 1941 sneak attack.



George Sorbane Quotes: “Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones. Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture”, Ziban Must Die.


Read for free Sorbane‘s remarkable story of a Bulgarian family providing help and comfort to a dying American spy, a kindness that sent them on a harrowing escape through the Iron Curtain, with KGB in close pursuit.
“The Endless Beginning”


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump




2…………> Super Bowl LV Security Preps: HSI

TAMPA, Fla. – Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) will join federal, state, and local law enforcement partners to provide essential public safety efforts in and around the Tampa Bay area for Super Bowl LV. HSI personnel will be on the front lines of the interagency effort to mitigate the threat posed by criminal organizations seeking to exploit and profit from criminal activity through the identification and seizure of counterfeit goods and enhanced efforts to combat human trafficking.

“I am proud of the efforts of HSI Tampa, the National Intellectual Property Rights Center and our public and private sector partners, who are working hard to make sure this is a safe event for everyone, despite the global pandemic,” said HSI Acting Executive Associate Director Patrick J. Lechleitner.

“Large-scale events like the Super Bowl provide opportunities for transnational criminal organizations to commit and profit from illicit activity. As in years past, effective teamwork will be the key to success on and off the field. For HSI, the size and scope of the task will again be met with personnel who are prepared to successfully execute the agency’s game plan and safeguard the city from national security and public safety threats during Super Bowl LV.”
Through Operation Team Player, the IPR Center, HSI, and its partners crack down on the illegal importation of counterfeit sports apparel and merchandise. Throughout the year, warehouses, stores, flea markets, online marketplaces and street vendors selling counterfeit and game-related sportswear and tickets are identified throughout the country. The IPR Center leads coordinated efforts to target contraband that negatively impacts the economy, restricts the competitiveness of U.S. products in the global market, and poses health and safety hazards to the public.



3…………>  HSI Top Friday’s Five Missions


1). SUPER BOWL LV Ensuring Public Safety Tops HSI’s Mission at Super Bowl LV

While the past year has looked nothing like any year in recent history, one thing that won’t be different is the presence of the men and women of HSI at the Super Bowl.

2). CHILD EXPLOITATION HSI, Australian Federal Police identify 245 victims of child exploitation by predator posing as popular YouTube star
An investigation by HSI and the Australian Federal Police resulted in the arrest of a 25-year-old Australian citizen who is now facing a total of 247 charges related to 245 alleged child victims in the United States.

3). ICE announces extension to I-9 compliance flexibility

COVID-19 PRECAUTIONSICE announces extension to I-9 compliance flexibility
ICE announced Jan. 27, 2021, an extension of the flexibilities in rules related to Form I-9 compliance that was granted earlier this year. Due to the continued precautions related to COVID-19, DHS will extend this policy until March 31, 2021. 

4). Arizona sex trafficking:

SEX TRAFFICKING: Arizona sex trafficker sentenced to 10 years in prison, as a local area man was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Jan. 7, 2021, for sex trafficking three women, including one minor, in a probe spearheaded by HSI and the Mesa Police Department. 

5). CAREERS | #ICYMI: ICE is hiring  hiring for multiple positions across the United States. Interested? To learn more and apply, visit USAJOBS.



4………..> Russia’s Prisons: Overcrowded With Navalny Protesters?


“Number 15! Who is number 15?” yells a woman standing in line, it is 10 below zero (14 degrees Fahrenheit), as her breath steaming in the cold air, but after standing in line for hours on end it feels like at least 20 below, with hundreds of people have been waiting here at the entrance to the Sakharovo correctional facility since 6:00 a.m. , hoping to help friends and family stuck behind the razor wire-topped walls since being arrested over the past several days in the capital Moscow.



5…………> Combined Mutations Wave Fear: UK


Nasty things seldom come alone, hence in the UK, COVID experts have detected the first cases of a British variant of the virus that is carrying an additional gene mutation seen also in a South African variant, is making an existing mutation there more infectious and may even reduce the effect of vaccines, the cases are causing concern because it is possible that the two negative characteristics could combine.

In Britain, the variant B.1.1.7 has already made the virus more infectious, while the South African variant 501Y.V2, meanwhile, carries a mutation called E484K, and that very same mutation — E484K — has been found in Brazilian variants as well, namely, variants B.1.1.33 and B.1.1.28. These mutations are thought to be especially infectious among people under the age of 20 years, hindering the immune system’s neutralizing antibodies — either those you would get through vaccination or after surviving a COVID-19 infection — from binding to the virus and doing their work.



6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Ziban Must Die

A Bedouin caravan traveling through the Negev desert stumbles onto the body of dying Mossad agent, Adnan Al Harirri, a momentous event that warns Western Intelligence about Chechen followers of the wayward cleric Abdul Rahman Abudaev being in possession of an MWMD, (Miniature Weapon of Mass Destruction), capable of creating enough phosgene gas to kill thousands of people in a relatively closed space. When a subliminal interrogation of a Hezbollah pilot reveals the conspiracy “Ziban must die”, a maddening race explodes in the search of the assassins, search laced with terror, blatant treachery in the highest levels of World Governments, and questions about future of our democracy that will surely put ice water in the veins of anyone who gets across the Machiavellian dream of the New world Order, Order without sacred religions or bellowed Constitutions.

Posted on

2021-01-24-2021 02:37:15 +0000 Evening Post Blog

Disclosure: European Union laws require that visitors from its domain must be given information about cookies used and data collected on our blog. In many cases, these laws also require that they need to consent to the use of the cookies. does not collect data on our visitors using cookies, and it is not responsible if third parties have placed them in our content without permission. Please control cookies using your browser settings. 34791 registered subscribers

Free download  of George Sorbane’s book “The House on #Pampanga Street” at  , A  riveting story of Philippine resistance  against the Japanese occupation of their freedom loving #island country in 1941 sneak attack.



George Sorbane Quotes: “Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones. Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture”, Ziban Must Die.


Read for free Sorbane‘s remarkable story of a Bulgarian family providing help and comfort to a dying American spy, a kindness that sent them on a harrowing escape through the Iron Curtain, with KGB in close pursuit.
“The Endless Beginning”


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump




2…………> A Major Earthquake Warned: Chilean Antarctica


.A 7-magnitude earthquake has occurred near the South Shetland Islands, prompting Chile to issue a tsunami warning and order the evacuation of the country’s Antarctic military base, after the shaker occurred at 23:36 GMT on Saturday, at a depth of 4.8 miles, near the Antarctic South Shetland Islands, according to United States Geological Survey (USGS) data.
The Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (Shoa) put the earthquake’s magnitude at 7.1, saying that it occurred 216 kilometres northeast of Bernardo O’Higgins Base (research station) in the Chilean Antarctica.
Chile has issued a tsunami warning and ordered the evacuation of the military bases located in the area, including the Eduardo Frei military base.


3…………> Trump’s Election Claims To Be Tested: Schumer

US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called on the internal auditor of the US Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate former President Donald Trump over media reports claiming he was conspiring to oust former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen in a bid to reverse the outcome of the election, after posting a tweet senator arguing that the DOJ Inspector General should conduct an investigation into the matter.  Trump announced Attorney General Bill Barr’s resignation “just before Christmas”, allegedly over Barr’s conclusion that there was no evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election, contrary to what Trump has long claimed. 


4…………> COVID19 World Mutations: Spreading Threat?


The COVID19 mutation which was declared a pandemic in March, has infected more than 98.1 million people worldwide, with over 2.1 million fatalities, with South Africa detecting a new strain of the virus, that the one found in the United Kingdom have since spread across the world, and now Portugal has detected the first case of the South African coronavirus variant: 
“We are undergoing due process to rapidly test and interrupt this potential chain of transmission,” country’s research institute was quoted as saying.
The South African strain was detected in December, around the same time the UK informed the WHO of a mutated highly-transmissible coronavirus variant which has since spread to other nations despite efforts to suspend air traffic with Britain.



5…………> Trump “Black Eye Days” Still A Thorny Issue?

Texas man identified as Garret Miller, who was arrested on Wednesday, facing five criminal charges including trespassing and making death threats, posted on social media before and during the incident, saying a “civil war could start” and “next time we bring the guns”, forcing his attorney Clint Broden to state that “certainly regrets what he did” and that “a lot of the comments, as viewed in context, are really sort of misguided political hyperbole”.
It came as Donald Trump’s former campaign spokesman Hogan Gidley admitted that his final days in office were a “black eye” on the presidency, ahead of his looming Senate impeachment trial for allegedly inciting an insurrection in the January 6 unrest.



6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Ziban Must Die

A Bedouin caravan traveling through the Negev desert stumbles onto the body of dying Mossad agent, Adnan Al Harirri, a momentous event that warns Western Intelligence about Chechen followers of the wayward cleric Abdul Rahman Abudaev being in possession of an MWMD, (Miniature Weapon of Mass Destruction), capable of creating enough phosgene gas to kill thousands of people in a relatively closed space. When a subliminal interrogation of a Hezbollah pilot reveals the conspiracy “Ziban must die”, a maddening race explodes in the search of the assassins, search laced with terror, blatant treachery in the highest levels of World Governments, and questions about future of our democracy that will surely put ice water in the veins of anyone who gets across the Machiavellian dream of the New world Order, Order without sacred religions or bellowed Constitutions.