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1…………> Today’s White House Tweets: President Trump

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2h2 hours ago
Will be going to Camp David tomorrow morning for meetings on Border Security and many other topics with @WhiteHouse senior staff.
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2h2 hours ago
AP-NORC POLL: “Immigration among the top concerns in 2019.” People want to stop drugs and criminals at the Border. Want Border Security! Tell the Dems to do the inevitable now, rather than later. The wait is costly and dangerous!
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2h2 hours ago
“The number of employed Americans has now set a 14th record under President Trump. Over the year, average hourly earnings have increased by 84 cents or 3.2%. Participation Rate hits Trump-Era High.” CNS NEWS. And we will do even better with new trade deals and all else!
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3h3 hours ago
“Jobs up big, plus 312,000. Record number working. Manufacturing best in 20 years (Previous administration said this could not happen). Hispanic unemployment lowest ever. Dow plus 747 (for day).” @DRUDGE_REPORT
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7h7 hours ago
V.P. Mike Pence and his team just left the White House. Briefed me on their meeting with the Schumer/Pelosi representatives. Not much headway made today. Second meeting set for tomorrow. After so many decades, must finally and permanently fix the problems on the Southern Border!
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7h7 hours ago
Drug makers and companies are not living up to their commitments on pricing. Not being fair to the consumer, or to our Country!
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11h11 hours ago
“Former @NYTimes editor Jill Abramson rips paper’s ‘unmistakably anti-Trump’ bias.”
Ms. Abramson is 100% correct. Horrible and totally dishonest reporting on almost everything they write. Hence the term Fake News, Enemy of the People, and Opposition Party!
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12h12 hours ago
Great Tweet today by Tyler Q. Houlton @SpoxDHS on the #FakeNews being put out by @CNN, a proud member of the Opposition Party. @TSA is doing a great job!
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12h12 hours ago
The Democrats want Billions of Dollars for Foreign Aid, but they don’t want to spend a small fraction of that number on properly securing our Border. Figure that one out!
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2…………>State Of Emergency Coming: Trump’s Wall
As the US government shutdown is heading into its third week without any agreement on funding for President Trump’s wall, he told reporters that his executive authority could be used to build the defensive structure along the border, while still hoping to resolve the issue by negotiating with Congress, having designated a team of his staffers to resolve the standoff this weekend.
His hopes may turn to be hollow since Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s own daughter describes her as a someone who will “cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding”; i.e. a very stubborn and irresponsible person.
Caught in all this “bloody mess” are 800,000 federal workers who have been, and maybe without a paycheck for months, even years, courtesy to the globalists Democrats that defend illegal aliens, drug dealers, and outright murderers, instead of caring for their electorate.
3…………>Mr.Xi 21th Century Communism: Detractors Disappearances
Not counting the millions of Uighurs that have vanished, and are reportedly rotting in Chinese re-education camps, some of the country most internationally known people have also disappeared, starting with super-star actress Fan Bingbing, gene-editing scientist Dr.He Jiankui, photographer Lu Guang and Christian church leader Wang Yi, just to mention few, according to China researcher Michael Caster.
How long will the ever greedy “New World Disorder” globalist billionaires, and their own governments tolerate this outrage of doing business as usual with Mr.Xi while turning a blind eye to the horrible human rights violations in China?
Many observers have said that the secret detentions violate international law and the silence needs to end. Will Mr.Trump lead the world of denouncing this communist brutality? Let’s pray that he does.
4…………>The Dancing 70% Tax Communist: Rep. Alexandria Cortez
The super left-leaning Democratic US House of Representative Alexandria Cortez has been the darling of the new, Pelosi led a block of globalists to attempt to impeach a democratically elected President Trump, and turn our country into a “Venezuela like” banana republic.
Will the American people tolerate an illegal, anti-American, anti-Constitution gang of lobbyists continue the destruction of our country from within by Trotsky like communists, including Ms.Cortez?
5…………>Trumponomics vs Globalists: Who’ll Blink First?
President Trump lashed out at the Federal Reserve and its Chair Jay Powell as US stock markets plunged at the end of last year, having realized that it is the invisible, illegal, and answerable no one real US government that is doing a lot of harm, so much so that his Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin felt the need to say publicly that the president had no desire to dismiss Mr.Powell.
Are we witnessing the first crack of revolt against an anti-American institution, an illegal fossil incompatible with the modern social media revolution, a foreign controlled body that does not have the legal right in dictating the fate of this country? Don’t bet against it.
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