Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-08-28  02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: When the lower half rules, the upper half suffers.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump



2…………> Kyle Rittenhouse Charged In Wisconsin Protest Deaths: Claims Self-Defense?


On the third day of unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin an armed teen, identified as the 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse allegedly shot three people, and has now been charged with killing two people and injuring another during protests against the police shooting of a black man in Wisconsin following the demonstrations sparked by the shooting.

He told the media that it was “his job” to guard buildings in Kenosha against protesters, is now facing six criminal counts, and his social media profiles suggests he is a supporter of President Trump, and is passionate about the police and guns.

Who is the teen accused of Wisconsin protest murders, and what happened before the shooting?
Videos on social media appeared to show a man with a rifle being chased by a crowd before he fell to the ground, and appeared to fire at them, a tragic shooting that took the lives of Joseph Rosenbaum, 36 and Anthony Huber, 26, both died in the incident. Gaige Grosskreutz, also 26, was injured.



..3…………> Trump The Conqueror, Trump The Divider: Blue-Bloods vs Rhinos?


Many “In name only/Rhinos” Republicans are not enamored with strong leader Trump, and are encouraging fellow Republicans and independents to speak up and vote him out, while other GOP faithful still see him as the only option and will back him no matter what, as his own son Donald Trump Jr. advocated for his father’s reelection, alongside his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and other Republican politicians, as well as “normal” Americans, such as nurses, soldiers and truck drivers:

“This president has a record of strength and success,” Haley said. By contrast, she said his Democrat challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, had a “a record of weakness and failure.” In the opening address, the founder of a conservative student organization, Charlie Kirk said that Trump was “the bodyguard of Western civilization.”

The second evening was more of a family affair, with two more of the president’s children, Tiffany and Eric, making appearances. His wife Melania also delivered a speech, highlighting his “honesty.” “Whether you like it or not, you always know what he’s thinking,” she said.

Among Republicans, Trump’s approval ratings were over 90% even before these laudatory speeches. So, is all well within the Republican Party as opposed to the Democrat Party, where there is a rift between the moderate and progressive wings? Not quite.



4…………> Our Inclusive Laws Let Free Gang Member: He Shoots Rival?

An unlawfully present Guatemalan citizen who was charged due to his involvement in a gang-related shooting in Queens, a man identified as Denery Steven Lemus-Najarro, 21, is in federal custody following his Aug. 18, arrest by the New York Police Department:

“It’s important that the citizens of New York City understand that the sanctuary city policies enacted by local politicians jeopardize public safety,” said Thomas R. Decker, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) New York field office director.

“These policies embolden gang members, such as Lemus-Najarro, to brazenly commit crimes in this city without fear of repercussion. It’s unfortunate that the lives and safety of the citizens they have been elected to protect are second to those of the criminal aliens. ICE detainers are an important tool this agency uses to remove violent criminals from our communities.”

According to public court documents, Lemus-Najarro is an alleged 18th Street gang member with an outstanding removal order. Law enforcement officers identified Lemus-Najarro as the suspect in the Aug. 14 shooting in Queens. The incident left one man with a gunshot wound to the leg.


5…………> “C’Mon, Man! Uncle Joe Joke” Backfires: Jeff Van Drew 


“Do you think Joe Biden is willing, and most of all able to do the same [stand up against the radical left]? As Joe says, ‘C’mon, man!”, Van Drew used Uncle’s beloved catch phrase against him to point out the dishonesty of the Former VP of our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack, “We must spread freedom around the world by reading our citizens email” Obama, “May Allah Shadow” fall upon him.

A former member of the Democratic party, Van Drew transitioned to GOP after the Democrats in the US House impeached President Donald Trump. During his speech, he slammed his former party for “moving from liberal to radical”.

“Democratic leaders told me that I had to vote for impeachment or my life would be made difficult and I wouldn’t be able to run again”, Van Drew stated, adding that voting against the impeachment was an “easy call” for him.
He attacked Joe Biden as the Democratic “puppet president”, urging to “be true to who you are now, not who the Democrats used to be”.


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Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-08-25 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: Anything vertical will eventually be horizontal.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Pinned Tweet
Donald J. Trump

1:01 / 3:14


Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022)

Donald J. Trump

I am pleased to inform the American Public that Acting Secretary Chad Wolf will be nominated to be the Secretary of Homeland Security. Chad has done an outstanding job and we greatly appreciate his service!

Donald J. Trump

Beautiful Maine Lobsters will now move tariff-free to Europe! For first time in many years. GREAT new deal by USTR levels playing field with Canada. Millions of $’s more in EXPORTS…

Donald J. Trump

…More JOBS from Eastport, Cutler, & Jonesport to Stonington, Friendship, and Casco Bay. I am proud to help the great people of Maine!

Donald J. Trump

For our Country to be sending 80 million UNSOLICITED BALLOTS is very unfair and a roadmap to disaster. Even recent small and easier to control elections which did this are a catastrophic disaster. Fraudulent & missing Ballots like never seen before. 20% and 30% off. STOP!


2…………> Minnesota Man Charged With COVID-Relief Fraud And Money Laundering

A Minnesota man was charged in an indictment unsealed today for allegedly fraudulently obtaining approximately $841,000 from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

Kyle William Brenizer, 32, of St. Paul, Minnesota, was charged in a criminal indictment in the District of Minnesota with wire fraud and money laundering. He made his initial appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Becky R. Thorson of the District of Minnesota and remains in custody. He will appear for a detention hearing on Aug. 26.

The indictment alleges Brenizer was the owner and manager of True-Cut Construction LLC (True-Cut), a contracting and construction company located in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. In August 2018, True-Cut and Brenizer were ordered by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry to cease and desist from doing business and in December 2019, True-Cut’s contractor license expired and was never renewed.

According to the allegations in the indictment, instead of using the PPP funds for permissible business expenses, Brenizer transferred approximately $650,000 to a bank account unrelated to True-Cut and made a $29,000 payment to purchase a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, spent over $1,000 on golf expenses, among other retail and entertainment expenditures for his personal benefit.


3…………> Watch For Illegal COVID-19 Vaccines & Medications Sold Online: Authorities


“Using vaccine scams to make money is tantamount to murdering,” a Weibo user complained.

“Such vicious sellers should be charged, shamed and seriously punished,” wrote another, as Chinese authorities have warned against the illegal sale on social media platform WeChat of products claiming to be vaccines undergoing phase 3 trials, after sellers had advertised the products — developed by Chinese state-owned enterprises Sinovac and Sinopharm — at 1,500 RMB ($300) for three doses, and saying it could be exported overseas in two weeks.

The ads sparked widespread criticism on Weibo, another Chinese social media app, and comments with variations of the hashtag “SellingVaccinesOnWeChatIsIllegal” were viewed more than 20 million times.


4………….> ‘It’s A Scary Time For Stand-up Comedians’: A Tragedy In Motion?

We are living a virtual history unfolding right in front of our eyes, as the deadly persistent waves of the COVID-19 horror pandemic are slowly, but without mercy peeling off one job category after another from the so-called free capitalistic market, case in point being stand-up comedians replaced with elected politicians, like Trump and Biden, among many others.

Since most of shows have been cancelled, Irishman Broderick and his comedy peers have been playing a series of streamed gigs via its online replacement – billed as “a Fringe reimagined” – to raise money for out-of-work comics and comedy venues at risk of closure.




5…………> Could Biden Serve Two Terms Despite Trump MD Jokes Over His Mental Fitness?

Signs of Biden’s mental decline and his refusal to take a cognitive test have been favorite jokes of the president and members of his campaign whether the Democratic nominee for president is fit to serve, but “Uncle” Joe Biden has shot back at the Trump campaign’s claims that his mental capacities have been ‘diminished’, saying he could “absolutely” serve not just one term in office, but two:

“Watch me. Mr. President, watch me. Look at us both. Look at us both, what we say, what we do, what we control, what we know, what kind of shape we’re in. Come on. This – look, I think it’s a legitimate question to ask anybody over 70 years old whether or not they’re fit and whether they’re ready. But I just – only thing I can ask the American people, it’s a legitimate question to ask anybody. Watch me,” Biden said in defense of himself.

Biden’s comments follow in the wake of questions by Donald Trump, members of his campaign and supporters regarding the Democratic candidate’s mental fitness, with Trump repeatedly suggesting that “something is going on” with Biden amid the latter’s tendency to mix up words and sentences or have apparent moments of temporary forgetfulness on the campaign trail earlier this year.

‘This Guy Doesn’t Come Out of His Basement’, Mr. Trump alleges.

In search of the real truth, please consider Bibi1581’s three stages of mental decline due to an old age:

1. You go to the bathroom, sit down, do the job and then leave, forgetting to flush the water.

2. You go to the bathroom, sit down, then  get up, flush the water and leave, forgetting why you went there in first place.

3. You go to bathroom, sit down, do the job, flush the water and leave, forgetting to pull your pants down.

From what we have heard of Mr. Biden, he appears to be very close to stage 3, and Mr. Trump is at, or close to stage 2. So dear friends, choose wisely!!!


Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs


Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-08-24 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: “The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch”, The Endless Beginning.

Get a free download of the thriller Ziban must die” at about maddening conspiracy race that explodes in search of assassins, terror & blatant treachery in the highest levels of World Governments.( 3 days only, 08/25-08/27)


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump

0:15 / 0:28


#RNC2020 GOP Convention

Donald J. Trump

0:01 / 1:58


2…………….> Putin Critic Alexei Navalny Was Poisoned: Berlin’s Charite Hospital 


The vocal critic of Russian President, Vladimir Putin, Alexei Navalny collapsed on his plane last week after allegedly drinking poisoned tea, was then flown to the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany for treatment in the Berlin’s Charite hospital that released a statement after a team of doctors there examined him upon arrival:

“The clinical findings indicate poisoning by a substance from the group of active substances called cholinesterase inhibitors,” the hospital said in a statement, but his recovery outcome remains uncertain pending long-term effects, especially to the nervous system, and could not be ruled out.

Cholinesterase inhibitors are drugs that can increase communication between nerve cells in the brain.


3…………> Trump’s Bold Move: Blood Plasma Treatment Allowed By FDA

In a long awaited move against the relentless COVID-19 war on our country, President Trump called on Americans to donate blood plasma, after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given emergency authorization to use plasma to treat pandemic patients by using antibody-rich blood donation from people who’ve recovered from the disease, and has already been applied to 70,000 people in the US – in trials, or for the gravely ill, with initial trials indicating it is safe:

“This is what I’ve been looking forward to doing for a long time. I’m pleased to make a truly historic announcement in our battle against the China virus that will save countless lives.” the president told reporters.

“It appeared that the product is safe and we’re comfortable with that, and we continue to see no concerning safety signals,” said Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.

Mr. Trump simply said that the plasma treatment had been “proven to reduce mortality by 35%”.



4…………> Black Man Jacob Blake Shot In Wisconsin: Kenosha Protests


Police shot a black man in the back multiple times in Kenosha, Wisconsin as his three sons watched on, sparking a night of unrest during which protesters hurled firebombs and bricks at law enforcement officers, with the the victim, identified as Jacob Blake, was hospitalized  in a serious condition, but his father later on said that his son was now out of surgery and stable.
Mr. Blake was shot in the back several times by police after they responded to a “domestic incident” that is likely to add to continuing outrage and protests against police brutality and racism since the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African-American man, after a white police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes.

Multiple vehicle fires were set and windows were smashed along city thoroughfares as crowds faced off with law enforcement in riot gear.



5…………> A History Of Political Poisonings: From Antiquity, To Genghis Khan, To The KGB

Poisoning has been used by intelligence agencies for over a century, and the latest alleged victim is Putin’s critic Alexei Navalny, where toxins, or even nerve agents, hidden in food or drink, may have been the weapons of choice. Russian opposition leader was rushed to hospital in Siberia after being taken ill on a flight to Moscow, after his aides alleged that he was poisoned in revenge for his campaigns against corruption. The 44-year-old ex-lawyer apparently only drank black tea before taking off from Omsk airport, which his team think was laced with a toxin that put him in a coma.



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