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It is FAKE NEWS that
is “sidelined” from the great job he is doing on the CoronaVirus Task Force. He has the total confidence of the
and myself, and is doing a fantastic job, as the numbers would indicate!
I will protect your Social Security and Medicare, just as I have for the past 3 years. Sleepy Joe Biden will destroy both in very short order, and he won’t even know he’s doing it!
✓ SIGNED by @realdonaldtrump The coronavirus emergency funding package provides an aggressive surge in resources to [combat + contain] the virus.
US added 273,000 jobs in February, vs 175,000 expected
The U.S. was expected to add 175,000 jobs in February, down from the 225,000 jobs created a month earlier. The unemployment rate was expected to drop to 3.5% from 3.6%.

2…………> Obama’s Revolving Door Mexican Repeat Border-Crosser: Nailed By ICE
Our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack,”We must spread freedom around the world by reading our citizens email” Obama, “May Allah Shadow fall upon him”, his Vice President “Uncle” Joe,” Sleeping in a wrong century” Biden, and their “Russian hackers” Lynch, Brennan & Clapper, spent three years trying to remove a Democratically elected, Electoral College confirmed President Trump, completely, and criminally ignoring the law, and the wishes of millions of his deplorable supporters, while in the same time left US southern border open to drug cartels, and criminals like Hector Manuel Bautista-Cardenas, a 31-year-old Mexican national illegally in the United States who is facing state charges for domestic violence was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Tuesday.
“Working with our law enforcement partners to take a criminal alien into custody while incarcerated is always the best case scenario for the community and ICE officers,” said Jamison Matuszewski, ICE deputy field office director in San Diego.
“ICE will continue to perform its mission using all its authority with the public’s safety at the forefront.”
According to ICE records, Mr. Bautista was previously removed from the United States on at least two occasions, including July 17, 2008, and January 29, 2010. He was transferred to the San Diego Metropolitan Correctional Center, Federal Bureau of Prisons, where he is facing criminal prosecution for illegal reentry into the U.S.
3…………> Bangladeshi Slave Driver: Smuggled Illegals From Mexico?
A Bangladeshi national formally residing in Tapachula, Mexico, “American dream” ended up in smoke, after getting arrested by ICE, and pleading guilty for his role in a scheme to smuggle aliens from Mexico into the United States.
Mohamad Milon Hossain, 39, conspired to bring, and brought, Bangladeshi nationals to the United States at the Texas border in exchange for payment, operating out of Tapachula, Mexico, hotel that housed aliens on their way to the United States, including plane tickets and other assistance for the aliens to travel from Tapachula to Monterrey, Mexico where co-conspirator Moktar Hossain assisted their illegal crossing into the United States.
U.S. District Judge Diana Saldana accepted the guilty plea. Sentencing has not been scheduled.
“Hossain’s brazen scheme to smuggle Bangladeshi aliens into the United States put our national security at risk,” said Assistant Attorney General Mr. Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “This guilty plea underscores the Department’s commitment to working with our law enforcement partners here and abroad to disrupt the flow of illegal aliens into the United States and bring human smugglers to justice.”
“Border Security is national security,” said U.S. Attorney Mr. Ryan K. Patrick of the Southern District of Texas. “Our DHS law enforcement partners work on both sides of the border to make sure it is secure. The Southern District of Texas is on the front line of the fight against illegal immigration and we will continue to lead the nation in doing so.”
4………….> COVID-19 Global Explosion: A New High
As corona-virus spreads to more countries across the world, with the number of confirmed cases being over 100,000 according to the World Health Organization (WHO) has urged countries to make corona-virus containment their highest priority.
President Trump signed a bill to approve $US8.3 billion to crank-up the country’s capacity to test for corona-virus, funding other measures to stem the outbreak there, expand testing capacity, the key weapon key for slowing the spread of the respiratory illness in the United States whose the death toll reached 14, with more than 250 cases confirmed.
“We’re doing very well,” the president said after signing the bill.
5…………> CNN, “Fake News” & Co. Under Attack: Trump’s Legal Warriors
President Trump’s reelection campaign filed a lawsuit against “Fake News” Central, i.e. CNN, alleging that statements suggesting the president was seeking Russia’s assistance in the 2020 presidential election are false, with the complaint filed in the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia saying that the outlet had claimed and has decided to leave that option on the table.”
“The complaint alleges CNN was aware of the falsity at the time it published them but did so for the intentional purpose of hurting the campaign while misleading its own readers in the process,” Jenna Ellis, the Trump campaign’s senior legal adviser, said in the Friday news release.
“The campaign filed this lawsuit against CNN and the preceding suits against The New York Times and The Washington Post to hold the publishers accountable for their reckless false reporting and also to establish the truth: that the campaign did not have an agreement, quid pro quo, or collusion with Russia, as the Mueller Report concluded.”
In a social media post, the legal adviser noted that she would be further discussing the matter in a few hours.
Earlier this month, Ellis announced in a March 3 news release that the campaign was suing the Washington Post for “false statements published in two articles” that related to the debunked Russigate narrative surrounding the 2016 US presidential election.
Prior to the filing against the Washington Post, a libel suit was filed against the New York Times to “hold the news organization accountable for intentionally publishing false statements against President Trump’s campaign,” according to a February 26 news release.
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