Posted on Blog: Evening Edition For 2020-07-31 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones, Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture, Ziban Must Die.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Rep. Jim Jordan

Can’t go to church. Can’t go to work. Can’t go to school. Even Dr. Fauci says protesting is dangerous. But Democrats encourage people to riot and protest in the streets.
1:51 / 5:50


Donald J. Trump

Great job by Jim Jordan, and also some very good statements by Tony Fauci. Big progress being made!
Quote Tweet
The Hill
WATCH: Jim Jordan grills Fauci on protests, COVID-19 spread



Donald J. Trump

…..Our massive testing capability, rather than being praised, is used by the Lamestream Media and their partner, the Do Nothing Radical Left Democrats, as a point of scorn. This testing, and what we have so quickly done, is used as a Fake News weapon. Sad!
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Donald J. Trump

Somebody please tell Congressman Clyburn, who doesn’t have a clue, that the chart he put up indicating more CASES for the U.S. than Europe, is because we do MUCH MORE testing than any other country in the World. If we had no testing, or bad testing, we would show very few CASES..
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Donald J. Trump



Rep. Jim Jordan

Donald J. Trump

Great to spend time with Mike Singletary while going to Texas. He’s one of the greatest football players ever — A strong man and a really good person. Great being with you Mike!




2…………….> The Lamborghini Crook: Paid With Stolen COVID-Relief Funds


A Florida man identified as David T. Hines, 29, of Miami, Florida, was arrested and charged with fraudulently obtaining $3.9 million in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and using those funds, in part, to purchase a sports car for himself. Authorities seized a $318,000 sports car and $3.4 million from bank accounts at the time of arrest.

The defendant was charged by criminal complaint, unsealed today upon his initial appearance before U.S. Chief Magistrate Judge John J. O’Sullivan in the Southern District of Florida, with one count of bank fraud, one count of making false statements to a financial institution and one count of engaging in transactions in unlawful proceeds.

The complaint alleges that Hines sought approximately $13.5 million in PPP loans through applications to an insured financial institution on behalf of different companies. The complaint alleges that Hines caused to be submitted fraudulent loan applications that made numerous false and misleading statements about the companies’ respective payroll expenses. The financial institution approved and funded approximately $3.9 million in loans.

The complaint further alleges that within days of receiving the PPP funds, Hines purchased a 2020 Lamborghini Huracan sports car for approximately $318,000, which he registered jointly in his name and the name of one of his companies. In the days and weeks following the disbursement of PPP funds, the complaint alleges that Hines did not make payroll payments that he claimed on his loan applications. He did, however, make purchases at luxury retailers and resorts in Miami Beach.


3…………> COVID-19 Prayers: Scaled Back Hajj Pilgrimage Begins

The annual Hajj pilgrimage performed by Muslims from around the world has begun in Saudi Arabia.
It has been scaled back because of coronavirus, with only 10,000 pilgrims expected.
International visitors have been banned from making the journey to Mecca, the only foreigners allowed to attend are those who reside in the kingdom.


4…………> Explosive COVID-19 Outbreak: Mayor Carrie Lam Bans Hong Kong Small Gatherings?


Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam has warned the city is on the brink of a large-scale outbreak of coronavirus after a spike in locally transmitted cases, banning gatherings of more than two people, with the wearing of face masks is now mandatory in all public areas, and out of 106 new coronavirus cases recorded, 98 were locally transmitted.
She urged people to stay indoors as much as possible as strict new measures to curb the disease’s spread take effect from Wednesday.
“We are on the verge of a large-scale community outbreak, which may lead to a collapse of our hospital system and cost lives, especially of the elderly,” Ms. Lam said in a statement.

“In order to protect our loved ones, our healthcare staff and Hong Kong, I appeal to you to follow strictly the social distancing measures and stay at home as far as possible.”



5…………> Market Report for 07/31/2020: cover short stop 26500:CG 19000, 11/21/2020


Stocks up 115  to 26428, futures +88, gold up to 1873.3, USD/CHF at 0.92, new position short 26500, cover short stop 26500 for a gain of zero DIA points.

Read Ziban Must Die for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with Deep State operators, funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


 6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



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Posted on Blog For 02/14/2019: Morning Edition

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  1. Today’s White House Tweets: President TrumpDwMZEHrV4AEvW9d.jpg

  1. Verified account 2 hours ago

    One year ago today, a horrific act of violence took the lives of 14 students and 3 educators in Parkland, Florida. On this somber anniversary, we honor their memory and recommit to ensuring the safety of all Americans, especially our Nation’s children…

  2. Reviewing the funding bill with my team at the !

  3. ….Many of the top FBI brass were fired, forced to leave, or left. McCabe’s wife received BIG DOLLARS from Clinton people for her campaign – he gave Hillary a pass. McCabe is a disgrace to the FBI and a disgrace to our Country. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

  4. Disgraced FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe pretends to be a “poor little Angel” when in fact he was a big part of the Crooked Hillary Scandal & the Russia Hoax – a puppet for Leakin’ James Comey. I.G. report on McCabe was devastating. Part of “insurance policy” in case I won…

2………..> A380 Sad Day: No Orders
The crown achievement of the European aviation industry, giant Airbus 380 soon may stop being produced due to lack of customers, after billions spent on design, development, and add-ons, building new runways, modifying terminals to accommodate it, and carriers putting in showers, lounges, duty-free shops and bars on both decks.
A decade after the 500-plus-seat plane started carrying passengers, Airbus said in a statement that key client Emirates is cutting back its orders for the plane, and as a result “we have no substantial A380 backlog and hence no basis to sustain production”.
Last week, Qantas canceled eight of the 20 A380s it ordered, further contributing to Airbus’ loss.
3…………> Serial Killer Art: Samuel Little
The FBI has released portraits serial killer Samuel Little has drawn of his victims in prison, in the hope the women can be identified by members of the public.
The most prolific serial killer in US history Samuel Little confessed to 90 murders dating back to the 1970s last year, with police matching as many as 34 unsolved murders to his confessions, and the drawings of his victims published to help identify some 60 still unsolved murders. 
The 78-year-old former competitive boxer last year confessed to committing 90 killings in the US since the 1970s.

3…………> Delta Wild Turbulence: Northern Nevada


Severe turbulence during a flight from Orange County, California to Seattle, Washington injured five Delta Airlines flight passengers, who were sent to a hospital after an emergency landing in Reno, Nevada.
According to the Reno Gazette-Journal, the incident occurred after the plane departed from the Californian city of Santa Ana with 63 people on board, including four crew members.
4…………..>  In The House Of Allah: Bin Salman

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman walked around the roof of the Kaaba, also called the House of Allah, a cube-shaped building at the centre of the Great Mosque in Mecca, one of the holiest cities for Muslims, the site of pilgrimage for the Hajj, which every Muslim is required to perform at least once in their lifetime.

As the son of Saudi King Salman, whose formal title is the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques (in Mecca and Medina), the crown prince was there to inspect the construction work underway to renovate and expand the gigantic complex surrounding the Kaaba.


5…………> Trump’s New Broom: AG Barr


The US Senate has voted 54-45 confirming President Donald Trump’s attorney general pick William Barr to serve in the role for a second time, with nearly every Republican and three Democrats voted to confirm Mr. Barr, who will head the politically independent US Justice Department.

Mr. Barr previously held the attorney general title from 1991 to 1993 under Republican President George H. W Bush and as the nation’s top law official, will oversee the special counsel’s Russia investigation, angering the left-leaning Democrats with his previous criticism of the Russia inquiry.

AG Barr will take charge from treacherous Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who was appointed when Mr. Barr’s predecessor Jeff Sessions recused himself, and oversee the special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia inquiry, and outrage of American injustice called a “witch-hunt” by President Trump.

The main question remains: Will AG Barr now investigate infamous Hillary “I have no recollection of my email server” Clinton, and her hoodlum associates of the “Deep State” parallel US government that has been trying to negate the will of the American people and impeach a democratically elected President?




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