Posted on Blog:Evening Edition For  2019-08-24 13:42:33 +0000

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George Sorbane books

George Sorbane Quotes:

1. “The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch.” “The Endless Beginning”

1…………>  Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump


Looking forward to helping New York City and Governor Andrew Cuomo  complete the long anticipated, and partially built, Second Avenue Subway. Would be extended to East 125th Street in Harlem. Long in the making, they now have the team that can get it done! 


Donald J. Trump


Just had lunch with French President Emmanuel Macron . Many good things are happening for both of our countries. Big weekend with other world leaders.


Donald J. Trump


“Face It, You Probably Got A Tax Cut!” This was a New York Times headline, and it is very true. If Republicans take back the House, and keep the Senate and Presidency, one of our first acts will be to approve a major middle income Tax Cut! Democrats only want to raise your taxes!


Donald J. Trump


The Media is destroying the Free Press! Mark Levin. So True!


Donald J. Trump


Thank you both. Sooo nice!


Donald J. Trump



2…………> G7 Confrontation: Globalists vs Trump


Street by street fire fights have erupted among G7 nations as leaders gathered for an annual summit, exposing sharp differences on global trade, Britain’s exit from the EU, and how to respond to the fires raging in the Amazon rainforest, with the President of the Islamic Sheikdom of France, Rabbinical Grand Ayatollah Emmanuel Macron, the summit host, planned the three-day meeting in the Atlantic seaside resort of Biarritz as a last chance to unite a group of wealthy countries that have struggled in recent years to speak with one voice, as US has entered its MAGA transformation under President Trump. 

But two US officials said President Trump’s delegation was annoyed that Mr. Macron had skewed the focus of the meeting to “niche issues” at the expense of the global economy, which many leaders worry is slowing sharply and at risk of slipping into recession, and in a bleak assessment of relations between once-close allies, European Council President Donald Tusk said it was getting “increasingly” hard to find common ground.

Mr.Macron set an globalist agenda for the group — the Islamic Sheikdoms of France, Britain, Canada, the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany, Italy, Japan and MAGA country of the United States — that included the defense of democracy, gender equality, education and the environment.

 He invited Asian, African and Latin American leaders to join them for a global push on these issues.

Mr. Trump arrived in France a day after responding to a new round of Chinese tariffs by announcing Washington would impose an additional 5 per cent duty on some $US550 billion of Chinese imports, the latest tit-for-tat trade war escalation by the world’s two largest economies.(ABC.AU)


3…………> Ayatollah Boris Johnson: Trump Must Compromise


Traveling to the G7 summit in Biarritz, France, the PM of the Islamic Sheikdom of formerly Great Britain, Grand Ayatollah Boris Johnson said there were “very considerable barriers in the US to British businesses”, and the US must lift restrictions on UK businesses, if it wants a trade deal with the UK.

Offering an example of a restriction, Mr Johnson said: “Melton Mowbray pork pies, which are sold in Thailand and in Iceland, are currently unable to enter the US market because of, I don’t know, some sort of food and drug administration restriction. We intend to seize those opportunities but they are going to require our American friends to compromise and to open up their approach, because currently there are too many restrictions.” 

 “If you want to export wine made in England to the US you have to go through a US distributor,There is a tax on British micro-breweries in the US that doesn’t apply to US micro-breweries in the UK. There are massive opportunities for UK companies to open up, to price open the American market. UK bell peppers cannot get into the US market at al, and wine shipments are heavily restricted,” the righteous PM said.

Ayatollah Johnson also discussed the possibility of a tax on internet giants, following the French government’s decision to approve a digital services tax despite threats of retaliation by the US.


4…………> Shaw Air Force Base: A Cluster Of Suicides


Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina is planning a tactical stand-down over three days in August and September to help the personnel to “recharge” following the suicides of three airmen in the past year, with the total number of Air Force suicides already reaching 79 this year.

The 79 deaths, which occurred in the Air Force from January to July 2019, were nearly twice as many compared to this time last year, and officials fear 2019 could be the deadliest in history, as the military branch has recorded about 100 suicides per year over the past 5 years.

 Derek O’Malley of Shaw Air Force Base posted a video on Facebook Wednesday detailing their plans to allow Air Force personnel time to recharge their batteries during a Resilience Tactical Pause (RTP) at the base.

 Christopher Rhoton, 35, Justin Strickland, 26, and Jose Llanes, 28, all committed suicide at the base this year, according to Sumter County Coroner Robert Baker.


5…………> A Message of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.


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Posted on Blog: Evening Edition For 2019-08-09 14:39:59 +0000


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George Sorbane Quotes:

1. “The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch.”― “The Endless Beginning”


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump



Liberal Hollywood is Racist at the highest level, and with great Anger and Hate! They like to call themselves “Elite,” but they are not Elite. In fact, it is often the people that they so strongly oppose that are actually the Elite. The movie coming out is made in order.+


  1. unknown.jpg


Donald J. Trump



to inflame and cause chaos. They create their own violence, and then try to blame others. They are the true Racists, and are very bad for our Country!+


2…………>  Britain Blackout: Commuter Chaos


National Rail Enquiries, which is run by Britain’s train companies, said power supply problems caused disruption to a “large number of train services, after the power failure came as heavy rainstorms drwned the London area, causing flooding at Luton Airport, about 30 miles north of the capital.

Many people reported the outage lasted just a few minutes, but the impact on travelers was severe, as the London’s transit operator said some traffic lights in the city had been knocked out, and advised drivers to be careful.

The airport said in a statement the “unprecedented rainfall” caused “water damage in a number of locations in the terminal” and apologized for the disruption.



3…………> A Hunt For Mexicans: El Paso Shooter


The man accused of killing 22 people at a shopping center in El Paso, Texas last Saturday said he deliberately targeted “Mexicans” during the assault, according to police documents.

Crusius emerged with his hands up from his vehicle after it was stopped at an intersection shortly after the attack and told police, “I’m the shooter.”

He then told detectives he entered the Walmart store with an AK-47 assault rifle and several magazines, and that he was targeting Mexicans.

 Authorities believe he wrote a racist screed decrying a ‘Hispanic invasion’ of the US.



4…………> President Trump: ‘Hollywood is Racist’


Trump remarked that “liberal Hollywood is racist at the highest level, and with great Anger and Hate! They like to call themselves “Elite,” but they are not Elite. In fact, it is often the people that they so strongly oppose that are actually the Elite. The movie coming out is made in order….to inflame and cause chaos. They create their own violence, and then try to blame others. They are the true Racists, and are very bad for our Country!”

The president’s remarks about Hollywood are in reference to growing conservative outrage over the impending release of “The Hunt,” a movie that reportedly shows his supporters being hunted by liberals who refer to their captives as “deplorables,” following a nickname given to them by 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary, “I have no recollection of my e-server” Clinton.





5…………> Market Report for 08/09/2019: cover short stop 26600:CG 7868, 11/21/2018


Stocks down -91 to 26287, DJ futures+28, rally collapsed after President Trump added new 10% tariffs on Chinese customer goods, and Fed reduced rates by only 1/4.

Gold down to 1508.00 and USD/CHF at 0.98 due to President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic  WW3.Cover short stop at 25200 triggered with a gain of 1200 points, long 25150 position sold at 27,000 for a gain of 1850 points. New position short 27,000, cover short 26600, for a gain of 400 points.Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs


Posted on Blog: Evening Edition For  2019-07-23 01:28:46 +0000


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George Sorbane Quotes:

1. “Not crazy are those souls who marvel at God’s creation, but the ones who ridicule them.”


Today’s White House Tweets

Donald J. Trump




….I got to know him over his many years as Chairman of the Police Athletic League, for which he devoted so much time and energy. Bob Morgenthau, a legend, will be greatly missed!




Show this thread

Donald J. Trump




I was saddened to learn of the recent passing of Bob Morgenthau, a truly great man! Bob served as a Naval Officer in World War II, was an extraordinary US Attorney, Manhattan District Attorney, and always a warrior for our Country that he loved so dearly….




  1. unknown.jpg


Donald J. Trump




Leaving for Turning Point USA. Will be speaking to some of the greatest and smartest young people on the planet. See you there!




Donald J. Trump




When an old Wall at the Southern Border, that is crumbling and falling over, built in an important section to keep out problems, is replaced with a brand new 30 foot high steel and concrete Wall, the Media says no new Wall has been built. Fake News! Building lots of Wall!


2…………> Defrauding The US: Chinese Nationals


A federal grand jury has charged four Chinese nationals and a Chinese company with violating the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), conspiracy to violate IEEPA and defraud the United States; conspiracy to violate, evade and avoid restrictions imposed under the Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferators Sanctions Regulations (WMDPSR); and conspiracy to launder monetary instruments.

 The indictment alleges that from December 2009 to September 2015, the defendants established front companies in offshore jurisdictions such as the British Virgin Islands, the Seychelles, Hong Kong, Wales, England, and Anguilla, and opened Chinese bank accounts held in the names of the front companies at banks in China that maintained correspondent accounts in the United States.

“Through the use of more than 20 front companies, the defendants are alleged to have sought to obscure illicit financial dealings on behalf of sanctioned North Korean entities that were involved in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction,” said Assistant Attorney General Mr. John Demers.



3…………>  UK’s Trump Has Arrived: Enter Boris Johnson


Lady’s and gentlemen, if you have trouble digesting the times and deeds of President Trump, please tighten your seat belts for an expected heavy turbulence,  since Boris “Blondie” Johnson is about to land at 10 Downing Street as the next prime minister of the Islamic Sheikdom of Great Britain, creating seismic shift in the landscape of always politically correct, constantly excusing themselves cowards, “New World Disorder” globalist clowns, and knife carrying jihadist exponents that have turned the British isles into a disgrace of  its former self.

Just as politics was transformed in the US with the arrival of Mr.Trump, so will be Mr. Johnson hurling through the doors of status-quo, and even Bibi1581 needs to reconsider if he should be labeled as “Ayatollah” PM of a country that has been a victim of relentless and brutal Islamization, that had threatened the very essence of the rich British culture and tradition.



4…………> The Islamic Sheikdom Of UK Energizer: Ayatollah “Blondie” Johnson


Boris Johnson has been elected as the new Conservative Party leader, and vowed to deliver Brexit, unite the county and defeat Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn.

The Uxbridge and South Ruislip MP beat Jeremy Hunt comfortably, winning 92,153 votes to his rival’s 46,656.



5…………> Market Report for 07/23/2019: sell stop 27000:CG 6018, 11/21/2019


Stocks up 177 to 27349, DJ futures -9, rally leveled off following President Trump attack on four Democratic Party women, lead by “Comrade” AOC.

Gold up  to 1417.80 and USD/CHF at 0.98 due to President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Cover short stop at 25200 triggered with a gain of 1200 points, new position long 25150, sell stop 27000 for a gain of 1850 points.

We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


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