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1…………> Today’s White House Tweets: President Trump

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2h2 hours ago
Our GREAT MILITARY has delivered justice for the heroes lost and wounded in the cowardly attack on the USS Cole. We have just killed the leader of that attack, Jamal al-Badawi. Our work against al Qaeda continues. We will never stop in our fight against Radical Islamic Terrorism!
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3h3 hours ago
Excited to see our friends in Egypt opening the biggest Cathedral in the Middle East. President El-Sisi is moving his country to a more inclusive future!
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2…………>Brazil Earthquake: USGS
An 8-magnitude earthquake shook northwestern Brazil, with the epicenter of the quake 55 miles west of Tarauaca, and 204 miles east of Pucallpa, Peru, striking Tarauaca at a depth of 357 miles.
It was one of a string of earthquakes that rumbled around the world today, but fortunately, no casualties were reported in Brazil.
3…………>Obama Minefielders Resigning: The Pentagon
In a pattern of unmistakable “Deep State” secret minefield plan clearly concocted by the globalists of the Obama administration that left behind a multitude of key high ranking officials that swore allegiance to the Council of Foreign Relations, instead of the US constitution, rear Admiral Sweeney resigned from his post.
He served as General James Mattis’s chief of staff, and his resignation followed his boss departure on New Year’s Eve after General John Kelly’s left his post as President Trump’s Chief of staff.
Why are so many “New World Disorder” rats jumping USS battleship Trump, and why now? Is it because it is getting too hot for their clandestine activities, or is it something more devious, like perhaps a military overthrow of a democratically elected President by rogue generals? Stand by for more on this evolving spy story.
4…………>No Wall Compromise: Trump
President Trump is allowed by US law to direct military construction projects under emergency circumstances like the country is facing down on the Mexico border, but the money would have to come from defense department funds, and he face legal challenges by the Democrats that would drag the matter in court.
Pelosi, Schumer, Cortez, Waters & Co tried to beat “city hall” by pushing separate bills to reopen the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department, but Mr.Trump has refused to back down.
Mr. Trump also advanced the idea of building the wall out of “steel instead of concrete”, but that was shot down by the opposition also. Translation? The only politically incorrect thing in the US is the stock market, and if this incredible arrogance by the Democrats continues, a drop below the 20,000 level of DJIA will lead to trillions of dollars in losses to the leftist supporters of the New Wolrd Disorder. We have to patiently wait and see if a hit in the wallet will bring the two sides to back to the table.
5…………>Justice Done: Al Qaeda Bomber
President Trump confirmed reports that justice had finally caught up with bomber Jamal Badawi, an operative of the al-Qaeda terrorist group responsible for a 2000 attack on the USS Cole that killed 17 American sailors.
“Our GREAT MILITARY has delivered justice for the heroes lost and wounded in the cowardly attack on the USS Cole. We have just killed the leader of that attack, Jamal al-Badawi,” Mr.Trump tweeted.
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