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1…………> Today’s White House Tweets: President Trump


  1. I hope the discovery and eventual recovery of the Argentine submarine San Juan brings needed closure to the wonderful families of those brave missing sailors. I look forward to hearing more from my friend President in Argentina later this month.

2…………> Obstruction & Sabotage: Dem’s New Normal


In continuation off the street by street battles between Trump’s administration and “Deep State” exponents, an Obama appointed judge temporarily blocked the executive order that barred asylum for immigrants who enter the country illegally from Mexico — the latest courtroom setback for Mr. Trump on immigration policy.

US District Judge Jon Tigar issued a temporary restraining order against the asylum rules, and will consider whether to apply a longer-lasting injunction later on.

Mr. Trump cited an overwhelmed immigration system for his recent proclamation, countering civil rights groups lawsuit, arguing that Mr Trump’s order violated administrative and immigration law.




3…………> IS “Happy Holidays” Postcard: A Suicide Attack


“Hundreds of Islamic scholars and their followers had gathered to recite verses from the holy Koran to observe the Eid Milad-un-Nabi festival at the private banquet hall,” according to Kabul police    Inspector Basir Mujahid, a suicide bomb attack that killed at least 43 people, and left more than 83 injured as the clerics met at the Uranus hall to mark the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Islamic State group said it was behind most of the recent deadliest attacks. 




4…………> Bloodshed In Chicago: Mass Shooting


A doctor, a newly graduated pharmacist, and a police officer were killed after a gunman opened fire at a hospital in Chicago, police say, following the gunman argument with one of the victims, Tamara O’Neal MD. 

 “I was in the gunfire and had to duck down,”  an eyewitness at the cancer center reported, following the gunman identified as Juan Lopez, 32, shooing of the doctor and two other people.




5…………> A Fallen Hero Honored: Chicago


Hundreds of police officers and other citizens lined up to a pay tribute to the offices who died during cancer center shooting in the city of Chicago.



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Bibi1581 Blog 11/14/2018: Evening Edition

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1…………> Today’s White House Tweets: President Trump





2…………>  Rushing Ahead: Chinese Scientists


While spoon-headed, “Deep State” US globalists politicians are threatening to destroy President Trump and his very positive agenda once they take control of House of Representatives in January, Chinese nuclear scientists have reached an important milestone in the global quest to harness energy from nuclear fusion, a process that occurs naturally in the sun.

A team of researchers from China’s Institute of Plasma Physics announced this week that plasma in their Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), code-named the “artificial sun” has reached the incredible 100 million degrees Celsius, the temperature required to maintain a fusion reaction that produces more power than it takes to run.

To put that in perspective, the temperature at the core of the sun is said to be about 15 million degrees Celsius, making the plasma in China’s “artificial sun” more than six times hotter than the original.

Dr. Matthew Hole said the achievement is significant for fusion science around the world Fusion is seen as a solution for energy issues as it is clean, sustainable and robust. The news comes after China shocked the science community last month with plans to launch an “artificial moon” bright enough to replace city streetlights by 2020.




3…………> Fox News Back-Stabbers: Supporting CNN


Fox News is backing arch-rival CNN in its lawsuit against the White House for revoking the press credentials of one of its Washington correspondents, as the White House argues it was lawful to punish Acosta for his behavior during the press conference. Fox News head said passes for working White House journalists “should never be weaponized.” CNN launched legal action against the Trump administration after reporter Jim Acosta had his “hard pass” — which gives him daily access to White House grounds — revoked after a heated exchange with the President during a press conference after last week’s midterm elections.




4…………> Border Deployment “Lawful”: Gen. Mattis


During his visit near the Texas town of Donna, where US troops have set up a base camp near a border crossing point with Mexico, DOD Chief General James Mattis defended the deployment of thousands of troops to the border with Mexico, saying the mission was “absolutely legal” and justified, and that it was improving military readiness.

About 400 migrants reach the border city of Tijuana, but thousands more are expected as Customs, and Border Protection closes lanes at two major border crossings into California.

Mr. Trump’s supporters, including Republicans in Congress, have embraced the deployment, comparing the caravans of Central American migrants, including women and children, to an “invasion.”

Mr. Mattis, speaking to reporters traveling with him, rejected criticism and said the deployment was the right thing to do.

“It’s obvious that support to border police or border patrol is necessary right now,” he said, noting that was the assessment of the Department of Homeland Security.



5…………> Market Report 11/14/2018, cover short stop 25300, CG(13,302), 11/22/17


Last long position sold at 25450, for again of 50 DIA points.

 Short position  25400, cover short stop covered at 25350 for a gain of 50 DIA points.

Last position long 24800, sell stop 25700 closed for a gain of 900 points.

New position short 25700, cover short stop 25,300 for a gain of 400 points.

Stocks down 206 to 25081, DJ futures +61, attempt to stage a short covering rally continuing due to anti-tariff talks with China.

Gold up to 1209.6 and USD/CHF at 1.00 due to President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch cover short stop at 25,300.
 We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/08/2018: Morning Edition

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1…………> Today’s White House Tweets: President Trump


  1. 4 hours ago

    ….Great bravery shown by police. California Highway Patrol was on scene within 3 minutes, with first officer to enter shot numerous times. That Sheriff’s Sergeant died in the hospital. God bless all of the victims and families of the victims. Thank you to Law Enforcement.

  2. 4 hours ago

    I have been fully briefed on the terrible shooting in California. Law Enforcement and First Responders, together with the FBI, are on scene. 13 people, at this time, have been reported dead. Likewise, the shooter is dead, along with the first police officer to enter the bar….


2…………> California Bleeding: Another Shooting


At least 12 people were killed in a shooting at a dance bar hosting a night for college students in southern California, where the gunman, identified as the 28-year-old Marine Corps veteran    Ian David Long used a .45 caliber handgun with an extended magazine to carry out the rampage, dying at the scene after police arrived at the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks.

Police responded three minutes after receiving reports of shots fired, with a sheriff’s sergeant Ron Helus hit by gunfire “multiple times” as he entered the bar, Ventura Country Sheriff Geoff Dean told reporters. He was the first to enter the bar, was pulled out of the line of fire by a fellow officer and transported to a nearby hospital where he died of his wounds in addition to 11 victims inside.

The mass shooting is at least the second across the U.S. in less than two weeks after a gunman opened fire in a Pennsylvania synagogue, killing 11. It is also the deadliest since a gunman opened fire in a Florida high school, killing 17 people nine months ago.

President Donald Trump said on Twitter that he has “been fully briefed on the terrible shooting,” thanking first responders for their “great bravery.”

“California Highway Patrol was on scene within 3 minutes, with the first officer to enter shot numerous times. That Sheriff’s Sergeant died in the hospital. God bless all of the victims and families of the victims. Thank you to Law Enforcement,” he said.





3…………> Ginsburg In Hospital: Another Trump Chance Coming?


US Supreme Court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85 has fractured three ribs in a fall on Wednesday, the court says, after a fall in her office at the Supreme Court in Washington.

She experienced discomfort and went to George Washington University Hospital, where tests showed that she had fractured three ribs on her left side and she has been admitted for observation and treatment.

Ms. Ginsburg, who is the most senior justice on the court’s liberal wing, was not present for Thursday’s inauguration of Brett Kavanaugh, whose appointment led to protests following allegations of sexual misconduct. The appointment, confirmed last month by the Senate, restores the nine-member court’s conservative majority.






4…………> Sessions vs. Trump Story: “Deep State” Betrayal


Jeff Sessions was the first US Senator to endorse President Trump’s campaign, accepted the coveted job as Attorney General of the US, then recused himself from the “Russia Investigation,” de-facto throwing his benefactor to the Special Prosecutor “wolf pack” to devour. A story that shows how the “New World Disorder,” “Deep State” operators attempted to negate the will of the American people.




5…………> A Smog Alert: New Delhi, India


India air quality had already deteriorated sharply ahead of the main celebration of the Hindu festival of Diwali, with the US Embassy in the Delhi reporting its readings touched 526, above the critical level above 500 in the index, which measures poisonous gases and toxic particulate matter in the air, are typically associated with severe aggravation of the heart and lungs.

As winter approaches, air quality tends to worsen for various reasons, including the burning of crop residues outside the city and increased diesel emissions, with major monuments in the city, such as India Gate and the Red Fort, were shrouded in a haze of pollution with visibility on major roads reduced to about 160 feet.





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