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2021-02-28- 09:38:17 +0000 Morning Post Blog PO

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Download George Sorbane’s book “The House on #Pampanga Street” at  , a  riveting story of Philippine resistance  against the Japanese occupation of their freedom loving #island country in 1941 sneak attack.



George Sorbane Quotes: “Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones. Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture”, Ziban Must Die.


Read for free Sorbane‘s remarkable story of a Bulgarian family providing help and comfort to a dying American spy, a kindness that sent them on a harrowing escape through the Iron Curtain, with KGB in close pursuit.
“The Endless Beginning”


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump




2…………> Carbon Red Alert: UN


World’s governments must cut emissions by half  come 2030, if they intend the Earth to stay within the 1.5C “safe” range, but latest reports of national policies submitted to the UN shows emissions will merely be stabilized by 2030, hence prompting warning from the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, called it a red alert for our planet:

 “It shows governments are nowhere close to the level of ambition needed to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees and meet the goals of the Paris (Climate) Agreement.

“The major emitters must step up with much more ambitious emissions reductions targets.”

A leading researcher from the New Climate Institute agreed:

“There is a huge gap to fill if we are serious about 1.5C (the threshold nations have agreed not to pass).

“Global emissions have to be halved – but with current proposals they will only be stable. That’s really not good enough.”

Some nations have not even submitted a climate plan, and some – such as Australia – are judged to have offered no substantial improvement on previous proposals.


Climate change: Carbon emission promises ‘put Earth on red alert’ – BBC News


3…………> Facing COVID19 & Climate Disaster: The Philippines


The waters around Pilar on the Philippine island of Ponson once provided enough fish to feed the family of four kids of a local fisherman for 25 years, with some extra to sell at the market, but since the island is particularly vulnerable to the changing climate, the fisherfolk now often go home empty-handed after a day out on the sea. Surviving now have become even harder since the coronavirus pandemic struck, because the large fish markets are closed, leaving  folks no choice but to sell their leftover catch to their neighbors for a lot less money than they’d receive at the market. Communities like those in Pilar work with conservation NGO Rare to make sure they have food security into the future. They’ve established coastal protection areas to allow fish populations to recover and have set up savings clubs so fishing families have some cash to fall back on.


Philippines: Facing COVID and the climate crisis | Global Ideas | DW | 26.02.2021


4…………> Biden Would Protect America: New Statement


Thursday’s airstrikes against “Iran-backed,” Baghdad-allied Iraqi militias in eastern Syria were a “necessary” self-defenses measure designed to reduce the danger of further attacks, and sent a message to America’s adversaries that President Biden is “going to act to protect Americans,” according to White House press secretary Jen Psaki:

“[Biden is] sending an unambiguous message that he’s going to act to protect Americans when threats are posed; he has the right to take an action at the time and manner of his choosing,” Psaki said, speaking to reporters on Friday.

Calling the strikes “proportionate” and saying they had undergone a “thorough legal process,” the spokeswoman suggested they were carried out in accordance with Biden’s presidential authority under the US Constitution “to defend US personnel.”


..White House: Syria Strikes ‘Aimed at Sending a Message’ That Biden Will Act to ‘Protect Americans’ – Sputnik International (


5…………> A Week In US Air Force: Photo Gallery


F-15E Strike Eagles watch over troops in CENTCOM

A U.S. Air Force F-15 Strike Eagle flies over the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility, Feb. 10, 2021. The F-15E Strike Eagle is a dual-role fighter designed to perform air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Sean Carnes)


.6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Ziban Must Die

A Bedouin caravan traveling through the Negev desert stumbles onto the body of dying Mossad agent, Adnan Al Harirri, a momentous event that warns Western Intelligence about Chechen followers of the wayward cleric Abdul Rahman Abudaev being in possession of an MWMD, (Miniature Weapon of Mass Destruction), capable of creating enough phosgene gas to kill thousands of people in a relatively closed space. When a subliminal interrogation of a Hezbollah pilot reveals the conspiracy “Ziban must die”, a maddening race explodes in the search of the assassins, search laced with terror, blatant treachery in the highest levels of World Governments, and questions about future of our democracy that will surely put ice water in the veins of anyone who gets across the Machiavellian dream of the New world Order, Order without sacred religions or bellowed Constitutions.

Posted on

2021-02-26- 02:37:15 +0000 Evening Post Blog

Disclosure: European Union laws require that visitors from its domain must be given information about cookies used and data collected on our blog. In many cases, these laws also require that they need to consent to the use of the cookies. does not collect data on our visitors using cookies, and it is not responsible if third parties have placed them in our content without permission. Please control cookies using your browser settings.  38106 registered subscribers

Download George Sorbane’s book “The House on #Pampanga Street” at  , a  riveting story of Philippine resistance  against the Japanese occupation of their freedom loving #island country in 1941 sneak attack.



George Sorbane Quotes: “Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones. Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture”, Ziban Must Die.


Read for free Sorbane‘s remarkable story of a Bulgarian family providing help and comfort to a dying American spy, a kindness that sent them on a harrowing escape through the Iron Curtain, with KGB in close pursuit.
“The Endless Beginning”


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump




2…………> COVID19 Mutations Generator Nation: India?


With almost 100,000 new infections reported each day when the virus took hold of the nation of 1.3 billion people in September – and India was on course to overtake the USA and record the biggest of case toll of any nation, the coronavirus pandemic had taken world’s most populous nation on a maddening ride that saw it on the brink of utter chaos, then a sudden drop in cases and deaths that has left health experts all over the world scratching their heads, authorities having grave fears over the impact of the surge, as hospitals in some of India’s major cities reached capacity.

Things began to change unexpectedly and suddenly, as cases started to plummet overnight and the number of daily deaths linked to the disease soon followed, as new daily cases were hitting around 11,000 each day – a 90 per cent drop from the peak– prompting life to return to normal in many parts of the nation, but number has increased substantially in the past few days, to over 14,000, and health experts have made some concerning discoveries among the new infections.



3…………> Biden Human Rights Call: Saudi King?


When Mr. Biden made the call after reading a forthcoming US report into the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the president “affirmed the importance” the US “places on universal human rights and the rule of law”, the White House says, hence the report, due to be released shortly, is expected to implicate the king’s son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Mr. Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, pursued closer ties with Saudi Arabia.

There was no mention of Khashoggi by name in the White House statement but it said:

“The President noted positively the recent release of several Saudi-American activists and Ms. Loujain al-Hathloul from custody, and affirmed the importance the United States places on universal human rights and the rule of law.”


Jamal Khashoggi: Biden raises human rights in call with Saudi king – BBC News


4…………> Biden Strikes At Iranian Cronies: A Surprise Move?


The Pentagon confirmed that airstrikes, and multiple facilities that had been used by militant groups, such as Kata’ib Hezbollah and Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, were destroyed on order by the US president, Joe Biden:

“At President Biden’s direction, US military forces earlier this evening conducted airstrikes against groups in eastern Syria. These strikes were authorized in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel”, the statement read.

The Pentagon highlighted that the attack, described as a “proportionate military response”, was conducted “together with diplomatic measures, including consultation with Coalition partners”.

“The operation sends an unambiguous message: President Biden will act to protect American and Coalition personnel. At the same time, we have acted in a deliberate manner that aims to de-escalate the overall situation in both eastern Syria and Iraq”, the statement read.


US Carries Out Airstrikes Ordered by Biden Against ‘Iranian-Backed’ Groups in Eastern Syria – Sputnik International (


5…………> Market Report for 02/26/2021: sell stop 29600:CG 12500, 11/21/2021


Stocks down to 30932, futures +3, gold up to 1733.0, USD/CHF at 0.9084, new position long 27000, sell stop 29800 for a gain of 2780.


6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Read Ziban Must Die for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with Deep State operators, funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.

Ziban Must Die

A Bedouin caravan traveling through the Negev desert stumbles onto the body of dying Mossad agent, Adnan Al Harirri, a momentous event that warns Western Intelligence about Chechen followers of the wayward cleric Abdul Rahman Abudaev being in possession of an MWMD, (Miniature Weapon of Mass Destruction), capable of creating enough phosgene gas to kill thousands of people in a relatively closed space. When a subliminal interrogation of a Hezbollah pilot reveals the conspiracy “Ziban must die”, a maddening race explodes in the search of the assassins, search laced with terror, blatant treachery in the highest levels of World Governments, and questions about future of our democracy that will surely put ice water in the veins of anyone who gets across the Machiavellian dream of the New world Order, Order without sacred religions or bellowed Constitutions.

Posted on

2021-02-25- 02:37:15 +0000 Evening Post Blog

Disclosure: European Union laws require that visitors from its domain must be given information about cookies used and data collected on our blog. In many cases, these laws also require that they need to consent to the use of the cookies. does not collect data on our visitors using cookies, and it is not responsible if third parties have placed them in our content without permission. Please control cookies using your browser settings.  37840 registered subscribers

Download George Sorbane’s book “The House on #Pampanga Street” at  , a riveting story of Philippine resistance  against the Japanese occupation of their freedom loving #island country in 1941 sneak attack.



George Sorbane Quotes: “Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones. Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture”, Ziban Must Die.


Read for free Sorbane‘s remarkable story of a Bulgarian family providing help and comfort to a dying American spy, a kindness that sent them on a harrowing escape through the Iron Curtain, with KGB in close pursuit.
“The Endless Beginning”


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump




2…………> Divide & Conquer: China Splitting EU?


China has been Germany’s most important trading partner in 2020 for the fifth consecutive year, with its second and third most important trading partners being the Netherlands and the United States, with foreign trade at 172.8 billion euros and 171.6 billion euros, but after 2019, foreign trade with both non-communist countries declined by 8.7 percent and 9.7 percent, implicitly suggesting that an act of “divide & conquer” is in place, clearly designed to drive an wedge between the US and the rest of EU countries from Merkel’s favorite customer:

“The importance of China for German imports is growing steadily,” and since 2015, and last year, goods worth 116.3 billion euros were imported from China to Germany, an increase of 5.6 percent compared to 2019, that is despite the coronavirus crisis, foreign trade turnover with China increased by 3.0 percent compared to 2019, with goods worth 212.1 billion euros (256.7 billion U.S. dollars) traded between China and Germany last year.



3…………> COVID19 Priority List: Down Under


Due to the early approval of the Pfizer vaccine, the Aussie Government is aiming to vaccinate 80,000 people each week as the first doses are rolled out and to slowly build that number over the following weeks, with the first groups on the Government’s priority list will receive, quarantine and border workers, frontline healthcare workers, aged care and disability care staff and aged care and disability care residents will be the first groups to be vaccinated against coronavirus in Australia, as Prime Minister Scott Morrison hopes that by the end of March four million Australians will be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Aged care residents will also have access to the vaccine through their facilities, with 240 facilities in more than 190 towns and suburbs to administer vaccines for this priority group.


COVID-19 vaccine Australia: Who will be first in line? (


4…………> The Nuke Clock: Iran vs Israel?


“Israel isn’t pinning its hopes on an agreement with an extremist regime like [Iran’s]. We already saw what these agreements are worth… with North Korea,” Mr. Netanyahu said at a memorial service for the 1920 Battle of Tel Hai.

“With or without an agreement, we will do everything so [Iran isn’t] armed with nuclear weapons,” the Prime Minister said.

A plea agreement entered in the U.S. District Court in Denver, from as early as 2012 and continuing at least into 2017, indicates that  Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation (Pilgrim’s), a major broiler chicken producer based in Greeley, Colorado, participated in a conspiracy to suppress and eliminate competition for sales of broiler chicken products in the United States that affected at least $361 million in Pilgrim’s sales of broiler chicken products, and now has pleaded guilty and has been sentenced to pay approximately $107 million in criminal fines for its participation in a conspiracy to fix prices and rig bids for broiler chicken products.

The District Court accepted Pilgrim’s guilty plea and sentenced the company to pay a criminal fine of $107,923,572:

“Today’s guilty plea demonstrates our unwavering commitment to prosecuting companies that violate the nation’s antitrust laws, especially when it involves something as central to everyday life as the food we eat,” said Richard Powers, Acting Assistant Attorney General of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division.

“This guilty plea is a direct result of the tireless efforts of our dedicated career prosecutors and staff, and partners at the FBI, Commerce Office of Inspector General (OIG) and USDA OIG.” 


One of the Nation’s Largest Chicken Producers Pleads Guilty to Price Fixing and is Sentenced to a $107 Million Criminal Fine | OPA | Department of Justice


5…………> Market Report for 02/25/2021: sell stop 29600:CG 12500, 11/21/2021


Stocks collapse to 31402, futures +40, gold down to 1770.7, USD/CHF at 0.9045, new position long 27000, sell stop 29800 for a gain of 2780.

6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Read Ziban Must Die for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with Deep State operators, funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.

Ziban Must Die

A Bedouin caravan traveling through the Negev desert stumbles onto the body of dying Mossad agent, Adnan Al Harirri, a momentous event that warns Western Intelligence about Chechen followers of the wayward cleric Abdul Rahman Abudaev being in possession of an MWMD, (Miniature Weapon of Mass Destruction), capable of creating enough phosgene gas to kill thousands of people in a relatively closed space. When a subliminal interrogation of a Hezbollah pilot reveals the conspiracy “Ziban must die”, a maddening race explodes in the search of the assassins, search laced with terror, blatant treachery in the highest levels of World Governments, and questions about future of our democracy that will surely put ice water in the veins of anyone who gets across the Machiavellian dream of the New world Order, Order without sacred religions or bellowed Constitutions.