Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-04-04 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: ” Not crazy are those souls who marvel at God’s creation, but the ones who ridicule them”

George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets

Donald J. Trump


Donald J. Trump @realDonald J.Trump



I will be holding a News Conference at 3:30 P.M. at the White House. Thank you!


Donald J. Trump






is Fake News. They will take a good story and make it as bad as is humanly possible. They are a JOKE!


Donald J. Trump




Good idea Dana!

Quote Tweet

Dana Perino


· Apr 3

I think we need a 2nd task force assembled at direction of POTUS to look ahead to reopening of the economy. Made up of a nonpartisan/bipartisan mix of experts across industry sectors, so that we have their recommendations & plan – let 1st taskforce focus on crisis at the moment.


Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Dana Perino




Our surgeon general


is a very good communicator. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻



2…………> Corona-virus Update: Beijing Mourn The Dead


China had a day of mourning,  paying tribute to the martyrs who died in the corona-virus war, as the worldwide death toll continues to rise with the United States registering more than 280,000 infections, and nearly 3,000 people who have died in New York state, while health authorities in India warn lock-downs may be extended, world-wide infection confirmed hits more than 1.1 million,  and 58,937 deaths.

Younger people are experiencing severe illness, and dying from COVID-19, despite perceptions the disease is only a threat to the elderly, the World Health Organization warned, pointing out to cases in China, South Korea, Italy and other parts of Europe where people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s had died from the virus.



3…………>  Jihadist Attack At Romans-sur-Isère: The Price Of Inclusivity


Apparently the world-wide war against the COVID-19 has not reached the attention of the Islamic Sheikdom of France Jihadist “mule-headed” die-hards, as politically-correct police must  find a plausible motive for the attack in Romans-sur-Isère, where two people have been killed, and five wounded in a knife attack in south-east France, a terrorist incident promulgated by 33-year-old man from Sudan, who has been arrested.

Witnesses said the attacker entered a tobacconist in the town of Romans-sur-Isère, near Grenoble, and stabbed the owners and a customer, then went to a nearby butcher’s shop and attacked more people.



4…………> Corona-virus Global Economic Crisis:No Bottom In Site


The global economy has suffered a mortal blow in a staggeringly short space of time, courtesy of the COVID-19 profound effect on the very culture of relentless “shopping” and waste of energy, promulgated  by politicians who just sent  breathtaking $2 trillion “help package” to  the people victimized by over 30%, 1929 kind of unemployment.  After spending three years trying to remove Democratically elected President, building billion dollars aircraft carriers, submarines and other Deep State pet projects, politicians did not utter a word of caution that our nation did not have borders, NARCO State of Mexico cartels have unleashed an invisible war within, turning millions of Americans into drug addicts, no pandemic defense tools like masks and ventilators, and even basic medicines  outsourced by the globalists to our Chinese “partners,” just lies, and endless corruption within the DC swamp that is still immune to the rule of law.

So how deep would this market drop go? The monthly DJIA secular trend has a support at 15,500, hence if current selling continues, and support is broken, we are facing an depression, almost certainly a devaluation of the US dollar, as predicted in George Sorbane’s book, “The Endless Beginning”.



5………..>  The Global COVID-19 Effort: Helping Each Other?


Beijing  agreed to supply Russia with 1.05 million protective suits, and 80 million medical masks to combat COVID-19, as the testing of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier’s crew for COVID-19 is underway for 44 percent of the ship’s crew of nearly 5,000, with a total of 155 cases have so far been identified. The ship’s captain, Brett Crozier has  been relieved of his command by the brain-dead, politically correct Pentagon boss, and the Navy said that 1,548 of the carrier’s sailors have been moved ashore, and that none of those who were infected have been hospitalized.

In other news,  the number of COVID-19 cases confirmed globally has surpassed 1 million, as the World Health Organization (WHO) is stressing the need for countries to shut their economies down to curb the spreading of the corona-virus, be patient, and give time for lock-downs to work.

The number of COVID-19 cases in the United States has risen above 250,000, according to Johns Hopkins University’s real-time tracker.





Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-04-03 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: “The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch”, The Endless Beginning


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump


Donald J. Trump @realDonald J.Trump



Great job being done by


and many community banks throughout the country. Small businesses appreciate your work!


Donald J. Trump




The Paycheck Protection Program is now available! #CARESAct

Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources:



Donald J. Trump




Thank you








, and



Quote Tweet

Department of efense 🇺🇸


· 3h

In New York, the @USACEHQ, together w/several agencies including the @USNationalGuard, @fema, & @CCgov, has transformed the iconic Jacob K. Javits Convention Center into an emergency hospital as part of the O’s #COVID19 response efforts. Learn more:


Donald J. Trump




Thank you


, keep up the great work!

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National Guard


· 2h

Today, more than 19,700 National Guard members from all 54 states, territories, and the District of Columbia continue to fight the spread of COVI-19 with federal, state and local partners.  Camera:



2…………>  Corona-virus: New York Ventilator Problem


Unused ventilators will be taken from some New York hospitals, and redistributed to the worst-hit parts of the state under an order to be signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo, since the state saw its highest single-day increase in deaths, up by 562 to 2,935 – nearly half of all virus-related US deaths recorded yesterday.

The White House may advise those in virus hot-spots to wear face coverings in public to help stem the spread, as the US now has 245,658 Covid-19 cases, and a shortage of several hundred ventilators in New York City, the epicenter of the outbreak in the US, prompted Mr. Cuomo to say that he will order the machines be taken from various parts of the state and given to harder-hit areas.

In the deepening crisis, top health official Dr. Anthony Fauci said he believes all states should issue stay-at-home orders:

“I don’t understand why that’s not happening, if you look at what’s going on in this country, I just don’t understand why we’re not doing that. You’ve got to put your foot on the accelerator to bring that number down”, he said, referring to infection and death rates,appeared to contradict those of President Trump, who has consistently dismissed the notion of a nationwide lock-down.


3…………>   Mounting Job Losses: COVID-19 Crushes The Labor Market


U.S. employers cut 701,000 jobs in March, with the unemployment rate soaring to 4.4 percent, the first job decline in a decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“The changes in these measures reflect the effects of the corona-virus (COVI-19) and efforts to contain it.Employment in leisure and hospitality fell by 459,000 in March, mainly in food services and drinking establishments. Job losses also occurred in health care and social assistance, professional and business services, retail trade, and construction.The unemployment rate surged by 0.9 percentage point to 4.4 percent, which is the largest over-the-month increase in the rate since January 1975”, the report noted.

The U.S. unemployment rate had been hovering near a historically low level, around 3.5 to 3.6 percent, since September last year.

The bureau also noted that the March survey reference periods predated many corona-virus-related business and school closures that occurred in the second half of the month, indicating a further spike in numbers in the coming months.



4…………>   Salvation On The Way By Israeli Scientists: Human Trials for COVID-19


A team of Israeli scientists say they are just days away from finishing the production of the active component of a COVI-19 vaccine that could be tested on humans as soon as June 1:

“We are in the final stages and within a few days we will hold the proteins – the active component of the vaccine”,Dr. Chen Katz, leader of the biotechnology group at the Galilee Research Institute (MIGAL),

In late February, Israeli scientists at MIGAL said they might have a vaccine on the market within 90 days. The scientists there have also been working over the last four years to develop a vaccine against the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a corona-virus that affects chickens, but after examining the sequenced NA of COVI-19, MIGAL researchers discovered that IBV is very genetically similar to COVI-19 and uses the same infection method. Given the fact that Israeli scientists have been working on an IBV vaccine, they could be able to develop a human vaccine for COVI-19 very quickly, Katz explained at the time. Israeli Science and Technology Minister Ofer Akunis also said in February that he had ordered the fast-track approval of the vaccine to bring it to market as soon as possible.



5………..>  April Showers, Spiders And Dew: German Weather Wisdom’s


The world’s oldest mountain observatory is the meteorological observatory at Hohenpeissenberg, situated in the foothills of the Alps about 40 miles southwest of Munich, with measurements data beginning  in 1781, and the station constantly working on methods to improve weather forecast, and emergency alerts. From the start, it was part of a weather observation network including dozens of stations spread out from the Ural Mountains in Russia to North America and from Greenland to the Mediterranean Sea.



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Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-03-31 02:37:15 +0000 .

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George Sorbane Quotes 1. “Not crazy are those souls who marvel at God’s creation, but the ones who ridicule them”.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump


Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Donald J. Trump




With interest rates for the United States being at ZERO, this is the time to do our decades long awaited Infrastructure Bill. It should be VERY BIG & BOL, Two Trillion dollars, and be focused solely on jobs and rebuilding the once great infrastructure of our Country! Phase 4


Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Donald J. Trump




I watched a portion of low rated (very) Morning Psycho (Joe) this Morning in order to see what Nancy Pelosi had to say, & what moves she was planning to further hurt our Country. Actually, other than her usual complaining that I’m a terrible person, she wasn’t bad. Still praying!


Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Donald J. Trump



Mar 30


Donald J. Trump Retweeted




Mar 30

Donald Trump donated his salary to fight the virus, Nancy Pelosi asked for a raise.

This is all you really need to know.



2…………> Mexico Cartels Act Of Brotherly Love: A Cross Border Tunnel


San Diego Tunnel Task Force uncovered sophisticated cross-border drug tunnel under the US/Mexico border, and federal agents seized 4,400 pounds of illicit drugs from the tunnel’s exit, which extends under the United States-Mexico border to a warehouse in a commercial complex in the Otay Mesa area of San Diego.  The discovery of the tunnel resulted from an ongoing investigation by members on the San Diego Tunnel Task Force, which include U.S. Immigration and customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations, U.S. Border Patrol, the rug Enforcement Administration and the United States Attorney’s Office.

Agents on the San Diego Tunnel Task Force developed information about a transnational criminal organization suspected of smuggling narcotics into the U.S. via a cross-border tunnel. As the investigation progressed, agents worked in cooperation with the Fiscalia General de la Republica (FGR) and Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional (SEENA) to locate the tunnel entrance in Mexico. Agents subsequently presented evidence to a U.S. federal judge and obtained a federal search warrant for the warehouse in Otay Mesa. The U.S. exit point was discovered subsequent to the execution of the warrant.



3…………>  Corona-virus Brought Borders Back To Europe: Is US Next?


With the spread of corona-virus, many European countries have reinstated border checks, and some have even closed their borders altogether, including Denmark and Lithuania. This should not be a surprising news to many US politicians, since Rhode Island is currently engrossed in a war of words with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, after police started restricting cars with NY plates on arrival in Rhode Island.



4…………> Corona-Virus Crash: Just The Beginning?


“We are only at the beginning of the corona-virus crisis; The economic impact of the infection is similar to the situation during both world wars. It could even match the despair of the Great Depression. Still [The Islamic Merkeldom of] Germany is well prepared”, says economic historian Albrecht Ritschl in an interview with You are a historian and study economic crises. In a few words, what are the key points of an economic crisis?

Albrecht Ritschl: “Falling demand, a slump in production, mass unemployment, financial crisis and then a sovereign debt crisis usually follows. We are only at the beginning of the crisis. It can get as bad as the Great Depression of the early 1930s. A decline in gross domestic product of around 20% is also not entirely out of the question. The outlook is bleak and depends on how long the quarantine measures last.



5………..>  COVID-19 Striking Close To Home: Governor Cuomo & Others


Today we have three stories, from three different countries, and all three are affidavit of how treacherous, and dangerous the current “killer virus” COVID-19 actually is:

First, from good old USA, the death toll from the novel corona-virus disease in the US state of New York has risen to 1,550, while a total of 75,795 people have been infected, according to Governor Andrew Cuomo press briefing. Mr. Cuomo also disclosed that his brother Chris has tested positive for COVID-19 and that he will be self-isolating:

“He will be fine. I spoke to him this morning and he’s going to be quarantined in his basement in his home”, Mr.Cuomo said.

The second story comes to us from the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany, when an all of a sudden a COVID-19 test taken by 47-year-old Beatrice from Freiburg, Germany came back positive. A few weeks later, she confirms that there is life after corona-virus, expressing strong support for government measures to restrict social contacts.

It is still hard to measure the effectiveness of staying home and restricting social contacts amid the corona-virus pandemic in Germany: to date, 61,913 people have been infected in the country, of which 583 have died, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). This is ten times more than ten days ago.

The third story is unraveling as we speak, following President Putin urging people to stay at home, ordering a week with paid leave from 28 March to 5 April, just to hear today that the head of the hospital in Kommunarka, Moscow, where people with COVID-19 are being treated, Denis Protsenko, has himself been diagnosed with the virus.

“Dear friends, I am deeply touched by your concern. Yes, I tested positive for CoV, but I feel quite good. I self-isolated in my office, where I have everything for remote work, management, and tele-medicine consultations. I think that the immunity developed during this month is doing its job… Stay tuned”, he wrote.





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