Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-04-20 03:21:32 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: “The Manitou of America will creep in you, rejoice you when she shines above, and offend and sadden you when she is put down. 


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump


Donald J. Trump



Donald J. Trump

I will be having a White House Press Conference today at 5:30 P.M. Thank you!

Donald J. Trump

Last month all you heard from the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats was, “Ventilators, Ventilators, Ventilators.” They screamed it loud & clear, & thought they had us cold, even though it was the State’s task. But everyone got their V’s, with many to spare. Now they scream….

Donald J. Trump

… “Testing, Testing, Testing,” again playing a very dangerous political game. States, not the Federal Government, should be doing the Testing – But we will work with the Governors and get it done. This is easy compared to the fast production of thousands of complex Ventilators!
Donald J. Trump

Received a very nice call from

of Minnesota. We are working closely on getting him all he needs, and fast. Good things happening!



2…………> China Must Pay For COVID19 Damages: Billion Dollars US Class Action 


Thousands of Americans have signed onto a class action lawsuit in Florida, seeking compensation from the Chinese Government for COVID-19 damages, with Western politicians demanding accountability from the Chinese Government that has been accused of covering up the deadly infection in the early stages of the pandemic, but Beijing has repeatedly denied suppressing information.

Conservative law firms are demanding financial compensation, starting with Miami-based Berman Law Group, that says that the lawsuit:

“Seeks billions of dollars in compensatory damages for those who have suffered personal injuries, wrongful deaths, property damage and other damages due to China’s failure to contain the COVID-19 virus, despite their ability to have stopped the spread of the virus in its early stages. [Looking] forward to fighting for the rights of people and businesses across Florida and the rest of the country, who are now becoming sick or caring for loved ones, dealing with financial calamity, and navigating this new world of panic and social distancing and isolation”.



3…………>  On The Front Lines Of COVID-19 War: Emergency Call In Queens, NY


They are the first responders who walk into the homes of those sick and dying of COVID-19., and now we can all see their heartbreak, fear and sacrifice behind the front lines in the city’s war on corona-virus.(



4…………>   A Deadly Whiff Of Deflation: US Oil Prices Turn Negative


Following the maddening, and irresponsible decision by the Federal Reserve to reduce interest rates to, or below zero, oil producers are paying buyers to take the commodity off their hands over fears that storage capacity could run out in May, since demand for oil has dried up as lock-downs across the world have kept people inside.

As a result, oil firms are renting tankers to store the surplus supply, forcing the price of US oil into negative territory.

The price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate (WTI), the benchmark for US oil, fell as low as minus 7.63 a barrel.

But some analysts said the cuts were not big enough to make a difference:

“It hasn’t taken long for the market to recognize that the Opec+ deal will not, in its present form, be enough to balance oil markets”, an analysts said.



5………..> COVID19: Cunning Trump, Lesbos Camp Children, Street Musicians & More?


Trump’s COVID-19 response may turn more blue states since 1988, according to political pundits, as opponents from the Democratic Party have escalated their political attacks against his administration over his handling of the corona-virus pandemic. 

The Trump administration has taken a barrage of criticism from Democratic leaders, lawmakers, and left-leaning media in recent weeks over the federal government’s response to the corona-virus pandemic, with activists slamming the president’s alleged scapegoating of China, his decision to cut US funding to the World Health Organization, and most recently, his provocative tweets calling on residents of Democratic-run states to liberate themselves and save their Second Amendment right to bear arms amid the crisis.

Critics have addressed the government’s response time, citing the administration’s haste to act to deal with the pandemic in February and early March, and compiled soundbites from Trump’s addresses and conversations with the press in which he appeared to play down the threat posed by the virus and made statements to the effect that the US has the situation is under control and risk to the American people remains very low.

Meanwhile, hundreds of migrant children trapped on the Greek island of Lesbos, are waiting for the decision of their life under threat from COVID19, unemployed street musicians on Islamic Merkeldom of Germany’s streets entertaining people from the sun-roofs of their cars at politically correct,  socially safe distance. This is the story of the Berlin flutist Bianca Hase who started giving a daily “window concert” a month ago, at the beginning of the corona-virus lock-down. Her leadership initiative has now grown into an street orchestra that plays every evening for the passerby’s.

And “yes”, there is still some happiness somewhere in the world, even with COVID-19 around, the German “halligbrot” shrimp sandwich with 16 different culinary variations one example, the best being the one prepped in your own kitchen.






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Posted on Blog: Evening Edition For 2020-04-19 09:16:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: “The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch”, The Endless Beginning


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump



The White House

LIVE: Press Briefing with Coronavirus Task Force
The White House
LIVE: Press Briefing with Coronavirus Task Force

Donald J. Trump

White House News Conference at 5:45. Thank you!

Donald J. Trump

Thank you to my boy!
Quote Tweet
Donald Trump Jr.
Since the media won’t show you this and since they’re trying really hard to rewrite history in yet another attempt to hurt @realDonaldTrump I suggest you watch this, send it to your friends, and RT.


2…………> COVID-19: US Facing Protests & Pressure To Reopen


Protesters have taken to the streets in states across the US, demanding that governors reopen economies shut by the coronavirus pandemic, as rallies in Arizona, Colorado, Montana and Washington state were expected on Sunday, following earlier protests in half a dozen states.

Agitation for easing restrictions has grown, despite the risk of a Covid-19 resurgence posed by reopening too soon, yet President Trump has indicated his support for the protests.

The US is the epicenter of the Covid-19 crisis, with over 735,000 cases and some 40,000 deaths, but governors in several states have begun discussions to plan reopening amid signs of the slowdown, but other regions remain under strict lockdown.

California Governor Gavin Newsom was the first in the nation to issue a statewide stay home order, shuttering the country’s most populous state since 19 March. Neighbouring west coast states Washington and Oregon followed suit days later, putting their combined 11.5 million residents under a stay at home order since 23 March, with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announcing this week that the state would extend its stay home measures until 15 May. Speaking at his daily virus briefing on Sunday, Mr Cuomo urged caution to residents, beset with “cabin fever”:

“We still have to make sure we keep that beast under control, as we all get very eager to get on with life and move on. This is only halftime in this entire situation”.



3…………> Bring Supply Chains Back To US: Trump


At the COVID-19 briefing, President Trump also stressed that the coronavirus outbreak had shown that it was vital to bring and production back to the US, and not rely on imports in times of crisis.

President Trump thanked New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for his work amid the virus outbreak:

“We’re building hospitals, he’s worked very well with us. Frankly, the governor of Michigan was very good with us on beds” Mr. Trump said of Governor Gretchen Whitmer in regards to supplying hospital beds for patients, a change in tone for the president who has traded barbs with governors over their virus response.

Trump played a video clip of Cuomo praising the White House:

“I just think it’s so good because it’s bipartisan”, he said, as 4.18 million Americans have been tested for the coronavirus, adding that testing is expanding “rapidly and by millions and millions of people. No country is close to us, in testing” he said, while holding a swab used for testing.

“We have ordered a lot of them, swabs are easy, ventilators are hard,US is the the king of ventilators”.

On Iran, the US president said he was willing to provide aid to Tehran to tackle the coronavirus, if the government of the Middle Eastern nation asked for it.

In 2018, Trump pulled out of a nuclear deal between Iran and world powers and later reinstated American sanctions on Iran’s oil industry and other key sectors of the country’s economy.



4…………>   How To Keep COVID-19 Out: Music World In Shambles?


Firstly, bunch of hints how to keep COVID-19 out of your house video, from using gloves to disinfecting your shoes.

Secondly, the COVID-19 pandemic has dealt the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany’s music & arts scene a deadly, and lasting blow, as now many desperate for ‘crucial’ help, with mounting calls for rapid, unbureaucratic federal funding for self-employed musicians and artists, backed by top music stars like Anne-Sophie Mutter and Christian Thielemann who are saying colleagues are “neck-deep” in trouble.

The international music stars said it was unimaginable that quick German state aid had been offered to businesses such as Adidas and dentists while self-employed, trained musicians and artists faced a drastic drop in income over the next eight to 12 months.

They demand that state-subsidized institutions such as theaters, opera houses and concert halls should provide freelance artists with the income they would have otherwise received for events canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.




5………..>  ” Nervous & Dumb” Pelosi On The Way Out: Trump  


Legislation which would provide loans for small business’ suffering from the economic crash caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which has thrown millions of Americans out of work, has been held up in Congress as Democratic representatives push for further and more expansive funding, President Trump predicted that Democratic House Speaker Nancy, “Anyone caught urinating in front of my mansion will be deported to Arizona” Pelosi will be overthrown during the coronavirus crisis after she launched criticism against his national leadership.

Describing the speaker as “Nervous Nancy” & a “dumb person”, the president said that her tenure could come to an end either from “inside or out”, mentioning another tweet from the Republican Party accusing Pelosi of playing politics by delaying increased funding for a loan program for small businesses impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

The president also launched an attack against Fox News Sunday, describing them as on a “bad path”.

President Trump indicated again US willingness to provide Iran with aid need during  the coronavirus pandemic:

“If they needed help, if they needed aid, if they needed ventilators … we would certainly be willing to help, what they should do is be smart and make a deal”, Trump said at the Sunday White House coronavirus task force briefing.




6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



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Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-04-19 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: “Hey Americans, he screamed furiously at the drones. Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture”, Ziban Must Die


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump

White House News Conference at 5:45. Thank you!
Donald J. Trump

Thank you to my boy!
Quote Tweet
Donald Trump Jr.
Since the media won’t show you this and since they’re trying really hard to rewrite history in yet another attempt to hurt @realDonaldTrump I suggest you watch this, send it to your friends, and RT.
Donald J. Trump

“On February 19th there was a Democratic Debate, in Las Vegas. Three words weren’t said: Virus, CoronaVirus, or COVID19. NEVER came up!”


Donald J. Trump

Great book by


Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
Our GREAT Senator from South Carolina, @SenatorTimScott just released a fantastic new book, “OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: How Hard Work, Community, and Business Can Improve Lives and End Poverty.” Get your copy today!




2…………> We Are On The Half-Time: New York Governor Cuomo 


Latest world-wide COVID-19 news:

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson delivered the UK government’s daily update saying there were currently no plans for UK schools to open over the summer period,  confirming statement by minister Michael Gove said it was too early to lift restrictions on movement

Meanwhile, Spain said it was about to relax rules that have seen children kept at home since 14 March.

Overnight, the One World: “Together At Home” show included more than 100 artists playing live from their homes, with the eight-hour event was run by the Global Citizen movement and the WHO and was live-streamed and broadcast on TV.

Lady Gaga, who helped organise the concert, also performed.



3…………> China’s Coronavirus Deaths: Trump Looking For A Punishment?


President Trump warned that China might face consequences if it was/or knowingly responsible, for the coronavirus pandemic, as he cranked- up criticism of Beijing over its handling of the outbreak:

“It could have been stopped in China before it started and it wasn’t, and the whole world is suffering because of it,” Mr. Trump told a daily White House briefing.

It was the latest US shots in a war of words between the world’s two biggest economies, showing increased strains in relations at a time when experts say an unprecedented level of cooperation is needed to deal with the coronavirus crisis:

“If it was a mistake, a mistake is a mistake. But if they were knowingly responsible, yeah, I mean, then sure there should be consequences”, Mr. Trump warned, but did not say on what actions the United States might take.

Mr. Trump and senior aides have accused China of a lack of transparency after the coronavirus broke out late last year in Wuhan. This week he suspended aid to the World Health Organisation accusing it of being “China-centric”, referencing to a theory that the virus was accidentally leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, although the overwhelming weight of scientific research so far points to the coronavirus originally stemming from animals.

The US President also again cast doubt on China’s death toll, when it said 1,300 people who died of the coronavirus in Wuhan — half the total — were not counted.

The United States has by far the world’s largest number of confirmed coronavirus cases, with more than 720,000 infections and more than 37,000 deaths.



4…………> The Un-imaginable Surprise: COVID-19 Killed Our Daddy


For you all  freedom loving millions of Americans, who are raging against the stay-at-home orders, instead of asking your Congress representatives, starting with Nancy, “Anyone caught urinating in front of my mansion will be deported to Arizona” Pelosi, her friend Charles, “I cried tears for the Muslims” Schumer, and their GOP co-conspirators “la gumbas” across the aisle, why did they vote for decades to weaken America from within by sending trillions of know-how and industry to China, so now we are caught unprepared to fight with a deadly pathogen, after being railroaded with debt,  no means to even make ventilators, and 300 million HEPA complaint, badly needed breathing masks?

A heartbreaking story from across the pond, where Bethany’s dad Steven Pearson, who was a mental health nurse, died suddenly after contracting Covid-19:

“We woke up in the morning and he was gone.”



5………..> US National Debt Skyrockets Above WWII: Courtesy Of Globalists Treachery


The United States government and the Federal Reserve have taken unprecedented fiscal measures to keep the economy afloat, trying to prevent a new depression in recent weeks, introducing round after round of new spending and loan guarantees to the tune of trillions of dollars.

The US’s national and corporate debt have hit record levels thanks to the corona-virus pandemic, with fears growing that liabilities soon may reach a “tipping point” that the country may find impossible to dig out of, as every American human being is loaded with over $75,000 of personal debt.

This should not be surprising to anyone who has read George Sorbane’s 2013 book “The Endless Beginning”, where he predicted that the “silent overthrow of the US government” by “Deep State” insider saboteurs of Unified Party USA, a criminal consortium of lefties Democrats, and GOP establishment, and unlimited printing of money by the invisible, un-elected, answerable to no one true government of the country, aka the Federal Reserve, that will lead to a deflationary, debt driven crash.



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