Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-04-25 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: “Not crazy are those souls who marvel at God’s creation, but the ones who ridicule them”.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump

If the Wall Street Journal “Editorial” writers had called, as they should have, they would have easily found that I was “NOT happy with the Georgia Governor on Tuesday night.” You said the opposite, and got it wrong as you often do!

Donald J. Trump

The Do Nothing Democrats are spending much of their money on Fake Ads. I never said that the CoronaVirus is a “Hoax”, I said that the Democrats, and the way they lied about it, are a Hoax. Also, it did start with “one person from China”, and then grew, & will be a “Miracle” end!
Donald J. Trump

We have now Tested more than 5 Million People. That is more than any other country in the World, and even more than all major countries combined!
Donald J. Trump

It is a wonderful feeling to know that our States are loaded up with Ventilators, many brand new and high quality just off of our production lines, and that we are now in a position to help other countries that so desperately need them. Every person needing a Ventilator got one!


2…………> COVID-19 Immunity Passports: An Invitation To Infection Explosion?


The World Health Organization (WHO) said that since there is no evidence that people who had developed antibodies after recovering from the virus were protected against a second infection, pressed for money governments should not issue so-called,”immunity passports or risk-free certificates” as a way of easing lockdowns,  fearing such a policy could actually increase virus transmission.

People may assume they were immune, and might stop taking precautions, while governments have considered permitting people who have recovered to travel or return to work: 

“There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection”.

This suggested that another part of the body’s immune response – T-cells, which eliminate infected cells – may also be critical for recovery, and no study had evaluated whether the presence of antibodies to the virus conferred immunity to subsequent infection by the virus in humans, the WHO said,



3…………> COVID-19 vs Crime: Hoodlums In Fear?


According to law-enforcement professionals in the field, the usual hoodlums are now assaulting fewer people, and some are even following government safety guidelines, even in El Salvador, gang members are practicing social distancing and forcing others to do the same:

” It’s really about opportunity, when we reduce opportunities for crime to take place, crime goes down”, said says Dr. Scott Decker, a professor emeritus at Arizona State University, and the author of the book, “Burglars on the Job”.

“People are no longer out and about in the same way. Instead they are hunkered down at home, following the recommendations of health experts,The result of less people in public is less crime”.

In St Louis, Missouri, a stay-at-home order was imposed in March, and violence has fallen dramatically,with last year, there were 194 murders in the city; so far this year, there have been 45.



4…………>  The Global Economy Shattered: Well Before  The Pandemic?


The CPVID-19 pandemic has exposed the existing cracks in the global economy: rampant consumption, a race to the bottom and growing inequality. Now is the time for radical change, according to economist Dr. Kate Ferguson:

” For some, it will be the moment the call ended. The white blur of the nurse’s glove across the screen. The last thing to come between them and their loved one. Others will recall the long wait in the nursing home car park. The closest they could get. The lucky ones will say: Remember when people wore masks to go grocery shopping? What year was that again? 2020? Yeah. Wow. Everything closed for months. I got so good at baking! Learned to play the piano, too. They were crazy times!”(DW)



5………..>  Soros & Co, Koch Brothers Nonprofits : Seek Small Business COVID-19 Loans?


The Small Business Administration tightened the rules of the “Paycheck Protection Program”, set up by the US Congress in March to offer support for small businesses amid the coronavirus pandemic, as the initial 50 billion in funding was swiftly spent after many big companies tapped the aid, and we hear the news that “beyond left” nonprofit groups linked to billionaires George Soros, and the Koch brothers are reportedly applying for small business loans amid the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The nonprofits connected with billionaire donors are also reportedly applying for their share of hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans that can be fully forgiven if recipients use them to avoid laying off workers.

Hey, we should make the Mexico cartels also eligible for business loans, since the “Bad, bad Leroy” Trump closed the border, and dealt a blow to their very profitable business, after doing very well during the “revolving door border” reign of our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack, “We must spread freedom around the world by reading our citizens email” Obama, “May Allah Shadow fall upon him”,  and will do even better if his former VP, “Uncle” Joe,” Sleeping in a wrong century” Biden gets elected in the fall.



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Posted on Blog: Evening Edition For 2020-04-24 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: “When the lower half rules, the upper half suffers”.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump



Donald J. Trump

Presidential Message on Arbor Day, 2020 | The White House
Arbor Day is an opportunity for all Americans to acknowledge the important role that our Nation’s forests and woodlands play in supporting our economy, hea

Donald J. Trump

I will never let our Post Office fail. It has been mismanaged for years, especially since the advent of the internet and modern-day technology. The people that work there are great, and we’re going to keep them happy, healthy, and well!


2…………> Guatemalan Rapist Arrested: ICE


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Special Response Team (SRT) arrested one of ICE’s Most Wanted fugitives during a targeted operation near South Gate, California, April 24, a repeat offender and aggravated felon Julio Garcia-Castellano, also known as Victor Garcia Ignacio, 33, is an unlawfully present Guatemalan national and was convicted of second-degree rape by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, Feb. 1, 2010.

Garcia-Castellano has two previous removals in 2007 and 2016. He illegally re-entered the United States at an unknown place and time. He was arrested by California Highway Patrol for driving under the influence in December. Those charges are pending.

ERO officers obtained a federal warrant of arrest for Garcia-Castellano in Los Angeles for illegal reentry of a previously removed felon. After completion of ICE processing, Garcia-Castellano was turned over to the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) where he remains pending federal felony prosecution.



3…………>    COVID-19 Fraud Website/Domain Busted: ICE


U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia obtained a warrant Friday authorizing seizure of following an HSI Philadelphia investigation in support of Operation Stolen Promise. HSI recently launched Operation Stolen Promise to protect the homeland and global supply-chain from the increasing and evolving threat posed by COVID-19-related fraud and criminal activity by combining HSI’s expertise in global trade investigations, financial fraud, and cyber investigations with robust private and public partnerships.

“Sadly, criminals are using the current pandemic as an opportunity to generate proceeds while so many Americans are suffering,Homeland Security Investigations and our partners will continue to aggressively pursue those who attempt to illegally capitalize on this crisis through illicit money-making schemes”, said William S. Walker, acting HSI Philadelphia special agent in charge.



4…………> “Eight Reasons Why I Love You”: Connect Back To Nature 


Spending time in nature is crucial for mental and physical health, but efforts to contain COVID-19 mean millions of people are now confined to their homes, below are some suggestions on how to cope when the great outdoors is off limits.

Go for a walk — if you’re allowed to, because spending time in green spaces can reduce stress, and help us feel happier and healthier. If exercising outdoors is still an option where you live, make the most of it by going for a daily walk in a nearby park or nature reserve. Just avoid busy areas, keep a safe distance from others and wash your hands as soon as you get home. 




5…………> Market Report for 04/24/2020: sell stop 22300:CG 12100, 11/21/2020


Stocks up 260 to 23775, futures -19, gold up to 1745.8, USD/CHF at 0.98, position long 20500, sell stop 22300 for a gain of 1800 DIA points.

Read Ziban Must Die for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with Deep State operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.


6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-04-24 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: “The Manitou of America will creep in you, rejoice you when she shines above, and offend and sadden you when she is put down”, The Endless Beginning.


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump


Donald J. Trump

I will be having a White House Press Conference today at 5:30 P.M. Thank you!
Donald J. Trump

Presidential Message on Arbor Day, 2020 | The White House
Arbor Day is an opportunity for all Americans to acknowledge the important role that our Nation’s forests and woodlands play in supporting our economy, hea

Donald J. Trump

I will never let our Post Office fail. It has been mismanaged for years, especially since the advent of the internet and modern-day technology. The people that work there are great, and we’re going to keep them happy, healthy, and well!

House Republicans


President Trump just signed the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act to empower American families, workers, hospitals and small business owners. + emergency relief for small businesses + more resources for hospitals + investments for expanded testing



2…………> Caught With Million In Cocaine: South Texas Trucker


A Michigan man was charged in federal court for money laundering and conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine, as Edgardo Serrano, 51, from New Boston, Michigan faced U.S. District Judge Ignacio Torteva III.

According to court documents, HSI filed the criminal complaint April 18, against Serrano. It alleges that on April 17, HSI and EA had searched a mechanics shop in Hidalgo, Texas, which resulted in the discovery of .7 million hidden in a commercial tractor. The investigation revealed Serrano had been driving the vehicle, according to the charges. The complaint further alleges Serrano was in the Rio Grande Valley to pick up a load of carrots, but it appeared to be a cover for what was a shipment of cocaine destined for Florida. The hidden cash was allegedly the proceeds of the illegal narcotics sales in Florida.

If convicted, Serrano faces up to life in federal prison and a possible 2 million fine.



3…………> A World Away, Immune From COVID-19: Hubble’s “Birthday” Nebula


It’s been 30 years since the Hubble Space Telescope began providing us with images from distant corners of the universe, one of the most photogenic examples of the many turbulent stellar nurseries the Hubble Space Telescope has observed during its 30-year lifetime. The portrait features the giant nebula NGC 2014 and its neighbour NGC 2020 which together form part of a vast star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, approximately 163,000 light-years away.



.4…………> Stop Blatant China “Trojan Horse”: US Government   


After President Trump finally realized that WHO was suppressing West’s reaction to the already boiling, and rapidly spreading GOVID-19 infection, by sampling only 6% of the reported cases, hence blinding US decision makers, and delaying the “social distance rule” by months that led to thousands of unnecessary deaths, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued show cause orders to China Telecom Americas, China Unicom Americas, Pacific Networks, and ComNet, urging them to provide an explanation as to why the FCC should not launch the process of revoking their domestic and international section authorisations enabling them to operate in the United States. In other words, the completely idiotic claim by “Fake News” media about the “good chemistry” between President Trump and Chinese dictator Mr.Xi was exactly that, a handful of sand thrown in the face of the American people, a hostile and deceitful act by a determined enemy who should be expelled from doing business in the US, and held to account for suppressing the truth about the COVID-19 pandemic.



5………..>    COVID-19 As A Genetic Weapon: US Intelligence


There have been rumors that Jihadist groups in the Middle East have encouraged their COVID-19 infected members to mingle with the “cafirs”, spreading the illness to the infidels, and now  an anonymous former big-wig told the media outlet that a “hostile actor” would likely leave the virus unchanged as manipulating its genome might leave a signature leading back to the actor itself during a closer study, the goal being to infect a person in the targeted group with an existing virus.

COVID-19 already has already demonstrated its capability to spread in social groups, especially among those in small or cramped quarters – as was the case with the American aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, which was forced to abandon its duties and is likely to be in quarantine for weeks.



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