Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-05-21 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: ” The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch”, The Endless Beginning


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump

….Hahn, Richard Goodstein, Donna Brazile, Niel Cavuto, and many others. They repeat the worst of the Democrat speaking points, and lies. All of the good is totally nullified, and more. Net Result = BAD! CNN & MSDNC are all in for the Do Nothing Democrats! Fox WAS Great!
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Donald J. Trump

Many will disagree, but

is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected on November 3rd. Sure, there are some truly GREAT people on Fox, but you also have some real “garbage” littered all over the network, people like Dummy Juan Williams, Schumerite Chris…

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Donald J. Trump

Just departed the

for the Great State of Michigan!

0:02 / 0:16


The White House

Donald J. Trump

China is on a massive disinformation campaign because they are desperate to have Sleepy Joe Biden win the presidential race so they can continue to rip-off the United States, as they have done for decades, until I came along!


2…………>  Pennsylvania Pervert: Busted Pushing Child Pornography


ICE and the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania announced that a Hatboro, Pennsylvania man pleaded guilty to charges of manufacturing and attempted manufacturing of child pornography. These charges arose from the defendant’s sexual abuse of an infant and his videotaping of that abuse, following an investigation by HSI Philadelphia, the Horsham Police Department, and the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office.

“Homeland Security Investigations is committed to protecting the children and youth of our communities who are most vulnerable to online predators,” said Brian A. Michael, special agent in charge for HSI Philadelphia.

“When a criminal places a record of that abuse online or in other public forums, the abuse continues and can resurface throughout the victim’s life. HSI and our law enforcement partners are committed to finding, and bringing to justice, those who exploit children.”
Investigators found the video of the infant, which was created in 2010, while preparing for Zweitzig’s sentencing hearing in a separate child exploitation case filed by this Office. In that previous case, Zweitzig was charged in May 2019 with five counts of manufacturing and attempted manufacturing of child pornography and one count of possession of child pornography. Those charges arose from the defendant’s sexual exploitation of a different child over a period of years, his photographing and videotaping of his sexual abuse of that child, and his extensive collection of child pornography involving thousands of other children. Zweitzig pleaded guilty to all of those counts in October 2019.


3……….> My Grandma’s Medicine:  A Herbal Cure For COVID-19? Like Cup Of Hot Cloves Tea?

As pharma giants all over the world are racing to find a vaccine against the coronavirus, many are holding out hope that there are already natural, herbal remedies available.


4………….> A Perfect Harmony In Time Of COVID-19 Havoc:  China’s Top Political Advisory Body

As US political opposition leadership has been involved in a three year old, relentless war of throwing tomatoes, eggs, personal insults,  slurs and other things at Mr. Trump, and his no-longer deplorable supporters, never missing the slightness opportunity to inflict damage to our country’s democratically elected President, and by default to the national interest, is it almost unreal to watch China’s top political advisory body starting its annual session in a river of red flags, perfectly KGB choreographed acceptance of the Communist party line the Great Hall of Beijing, raising the curtain of a key season in the country’s political calendar which also includes an annual gathering of the national legislature to open Friday.

The session will pool the wisdom and strength of political advisors to help secure a victory in poverty eradication and complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.




5…………> Brazil In COVID-19 Flames: Infections Exploding?


People are increasingly frightened in Brazil ‘s city of Rio de Janeiro poor neighborhoods, where the coronavirus has been spreading rapidly, as a shop clerk who delivers groceries to quarantined locals by bike hopes wearing a mask and washing his hands with disinfectant will keep him safe. His wife, who ordinarily works as a cleaner for wealthy Rio families, has been staying home out of fear of contracting the virus, the couple, as millions of other can barely making ends meet, while President Jair Bolsonaro refused to take the coronavirus pandemic seriously, even though more than 17,500 Brazilians have already died from the virus. With the number of cases continues to grow exponentially, the city saw a weekend where thousands of youngsters were out and about in Rio de Janeiro, enjoying the nightlife and gathering for beers along the city’s famous beach promenades, no one ever wearing the obligatory face mask. After two months of widespread lockdown measures, residents of the city’s more affluent neighborhoods were happy to be out of the house, apparently unconcerned about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.



.Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Posted on Blog: Evening Edition For 2020-05-20 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: “The Manitou of America will creep in you, rejoice you when she shines above, and offend and sadden you when she is put down”, The Endless Beginning


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump




Congratulations to my daughter, Tiffany, on graduating from Georgetown Law. Great student, great school. Just what I need is a lawyer in the family. Proud of you Tiff!

Donald J. Trump




The Tulsa, Oklahoma area has been approved for a transportation loan from the


of up to 20M to help expand highway on the Gilcrease Expressway West Project. This will mean less congestion and faster routes to popular spots!


Donald J. Trump




We have sent our best Military &


Teams, already there. Governor must now “set you free” to help. Will be with you soon!

Quote Tweet

Donald J. Trump


· 40m

My team is closely monitoring the flooding in Central Michigan – Stay SAFE and listen to local officials. Our brave First Responders are once again stepping up to serve their fellow citizens, THANK YOU!

Donald J. Trump




Great news for the Dallas area! Dallas Area Rapid Transit (ART) will be receiving 29M in funding to keep front line workers, and the many riders that depend on transit, employed and safe. This will be critical to economic recovery!





  2…………> COVID-19 Live Updates: Coronavirus Death Toll in UK Hospitals Reaches 35,571 


The global death toll from the coronavirus infection has reached almost 324,000, over 4.87 million cases of infection have been detected, and over 1.67 million of those patients have recovered, according to Baltimore, Maryland’s Johns Hopkins University, which tracks and compiles data from national and local authorities, media and other sources.

The death toll from the novel coronavirus disease (COVI-19) in Brazil has risen by a record 1,179 people over the past 24 hours to 17,971, the country’s Health Ministry said.

The ministry said 17,408 new COVI-19 cases had been recorded within the past day, bringing the total number of cases to 271,628. 



3…………> China’s ‘Incompetence’ Is To Blame For ‘Mass Worldwide Killing’ : Trump 


President Trump lit the Twitter by blaming China for failing to contain the spread of the virus from Wuhan, and for reporting the disease to the World Health Organization too late, despite 

Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun said that the US should stop using scapegoating practices during the coronavirus pandemic.​

The President and  his administration have repeatedly accused China of having failed to stop the spread of the COVID-19 infection from the city of Wuhan where it was first reported in December, alleging that there exists ‘significant evidence’ that the virus was made in a laboratory in Wuhan.



4…………> Trump’s ‘Badge Of Honor’ : Handling Of World’s Greatest COVID-19 Load


President Donald Trump has argued it is a “badge of honor” that the US has the world’s highest number of confirmed Covid-19 infections:

“I look at that as, in a certain respect, as being a good thing because it means our testing is much better”, he said at the White House.

The US has 1.5 million coronavirus cases and nearly 92,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.

In second place is Russia, with nearly 300,000 confirmed cases.



5…………> Market Report for 05/20/2020: sell stop 24000:CG 15800, 11/21/2020


Stocks up 369  to 24576, futures -71, gold down to 1746.5, USD/CHF at 0.97, new position long 24000, sell stop 24000 for a gain of zero DIA points.

Read Ziban Must Die for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with Deep State operators, funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


 6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-05-20 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: ” The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch”, The Endless Beginning


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump

We have sent our best Military &

Teams, already there. Governor must now “set you free” to help. Will be with you soon!

Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
My team is closely monitoring the flooding in Central Michigan – Stay SAFE and listen to local officials. Our brave First Responders are once again stepping up to serve their fellow citizens, THANK YOU!

Donald J. Trump

Great news for the Dallas area! Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) will be receiving $229M in funding to keep front line workers, and the many riders that depend on transit, employed and safe. This will be critical to economic recovery!


Donald J. Trump

My team is closely monitoring the flooding in Central Michigan – Stay SAFE and listen to local officials. Our brave First Responders are once again stepping up to serve their fellow citizens, THANK YOU!

Donald J. Trump

Now that our Country is “Transitioning back to Greatness”, I am considering rescheduling the G-7, on the same or similar date, in Washington, D.C., at the legendary Camp David. The other members are also beginning their COMEBACK. It would be a great sign to all – normalization!
Who to follow


2…………….> Iranian Money Laundering Halted: Principal Cuffed

Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers and U.S. Attorney Erica H. MacDonald today announced the unsealing of a six-count federal indictment against Seyed Sajjad Shahidian, 33, Vahid Vali, 33, and PAYMENT24 for conducting financial transactions in violation of U.S. sanctions against Iran. The defendants were charged with conspiracy to commit offenses against and to defraud the United States, wire fraud, money laundering, and identity theft.

According to the allegations in the indictment, PAYMENT24 was an internet-based financial services company with approximately 40 employees and offices in Tehran, Shiraz, and Isfahan, Iran. The primary business of PAYMENT24 was helping Iranian citizens conduct prohibited financial transactions with businesses based in the United States, including the unlawful purchase and exportation of computer software, software licenses, and computer servers from United States companies. According to PAYMENT24’s website, the company charged a fee to circumvent “American sanctions,” and claimed to have brought in millions of dollars of foreign currency into Iran.

According to the allegations in the indictment, beginning in or before 2009 through November 2018, Shahidian, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of PAYMENT24, conspired with Vali, the Chief Operating Officer of PAYMENT24, and other individuals to commit offenses against the United States by violating the restrictions on trade and exports from the United States to Iran. On its website, PAYMENT24 sold a package to assist its Iranian clients with making online purchases from United States-based businesses, which included a PayPal account, a fraudulent “ID card and address receipt,” a remote IP address from the United Arab Emirates, and a Visa gift card. The PAYMENT24 website also offered its clients advice on how to create accounts with a foreign identity and how to avoid restrictions on foreign websites, including advising clients to “never attempt to log into those sites with an Iranian IP address.”



3……………..> COVID-19 Canine Snuffers: UK Original Research

A research team in England hopes that man’s best friend could help sniff out the coronavirus on people unknowingly infected. The team has already successfully trained canine noses to detect other diseases like malaria.


4…………> Myanmar’s Monumental Synthetic Drugs Bust: Fentanyl & Co

Anti-Drug police in Myanmar rounded-up thirty-three people in the South East Asia’s biggest ever bust of synthetic drugs, described of being “off the charts”, confiscating over 200m methamphetamine tablets, 500kg of crystal methamphetamine and 300kg of heroin that were found in raids in north-east Shan state.

The suspects told police most of the drugs were destined for sale within Myanmar and in neighboring countries, including China’s heavy drug usage that fuels return of the Golden Triangle, with
more than 3,700 liters of methyl fentanyl, a product used to make powerful opioid fentanyl, 50 times stronger than heroin, and more than 100 times more potent than morphine, the main engine of the opioid crisis in the US.

It is estimated that at least 130 Americans die from an opioid overdose every day, according to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


5………….> COVID-19 War US Homeless: Suffering Without An End?

In the US, the coronavirus pandemic has presented a challenge to the homeless, who number more than half a million people. They lack health care and even basic hygiene tools, like access to water. (DW)



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