Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-06-11 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: ” The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch”, The Endless Beginning


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump
The Federal Reserve is wrong so often. I see the numbers also, and do MUCH better than they do. We will have a very good Third Quarter, a great Fourth Quarter, and one of our best ever years in 2021. We will also soon have a Vaccine & Therapeutics/Cure. That’s my opinion. WATCH!
Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump
Sleepy Joe Biden refuses to leave his basement “sanctuary” and tell his Radical Left BOSSES that they are heading in the wrong direction. Tell them to get out of Seattle now. Liberal Governor
is looking “the fool”. LAW & ORDER!

Donald J. Trump
Our great National Guard Troops who took care of the area around the White House could hardly believe how easy it was. “A walk in the park”, one said. The protesters, agitators, anarchists (ANTIFA), and others, were handled VERY easily by the Guard, D.C. Police, & S.S. GREAT JOB!


2…………> COVID-19 Pains In US & Around The World: Young Hit Hardest


New coronavirus infections in the US have risen slightly as the country gradually opens up, sending its citizens back to work and play, following five weeks of declines, coronavirus infection rates are growing in the US, discovered nationally due to more than 21 million tests that have been conducted, and aided by recent protests adding to another spike in cases that surpassed 2 million.

Increased testing hit a record high on June 5 of 545,690 tests in a single day, nationally registering more than 21 million tests have been conducted so far.

Meanwhile, younger men and women have been hardest hit financially by Covid-19 lockdown as more of their money goes on essentials, the youngest and oldest workers are most likely to have lost their jobs or seen income cut owing to the system of state-paid wages.

With little in savings and less chance to cut spending, the under-30s would be hit hardest by this, which is true around the US and EU.

A recent survey found that a typical household in the Islamic Sheikdom of UK normally spent an average of £182 a week on activities, such as travel, holidays and meals out, that have been mostly ruled out under health guidance during the virus outbreak. This is equivalent to 22% of a usual weekly budget of £831.

Many households have been saving that money instead or using it to cover any loss of income.

Thousands of people have lost their jobs and millions have received only 80% of their usual wages as they have been furloughed – in other words, told not to work while the government covers their pay.




3…………> Winston Churchill: Hero Or Villain?

A statue of Winston Churchill was sprayed with graffiti during recent protests in London, with claims that the former prime minister was racist, and Government ministers condemned the “vandalism and desecration” of the statue.

But Britain’s wartime leader split opinion in his own lifetime, and remains a divisive figure today.

To many he will always be known as the man who helped inspire the allies to victory in WW2, but some question other parts of his legacy.



4…………> EU Charge: Are Russia, China & Co Behind COVID-19 ‘Disinformation Wave’?

“Foreign actors and certain third countries, in particular Russia and China, have engaged in targeted influence operations and disinformation campaigns in the EU, its neighborhood, and globally,” the European Commission said in an unusually blunt statement, charging that they engaged in “targeted” campaigns to spread health hoaxes and false information about the coronavirus. Brussels urged social media giants to take action EU experts said they’ve logged a “massive wave” of health care hoaxes, false claims, online scams, hate speech and COVID-19 coronavirus conspiracy theories circulating on social media platforms — as well as attempts by foreign actors to insert themselves in domestic EU issues.

“Such coordination [by third country actors] reveals an intention to use false or misleading information to cause harm,” the policy paper read.



5………..> President Trump: No US Bases Re-Naming

Saying that the US military bases have become part of a “Great American Heritage”, President Trump rejected any proposal to rename US military bases that are named for Confederate leaders from the 1860s Civil War, dismissing appeals made in the wake of the death of African American George Floyd,  with discussions about renaming the bases viewed as a way of achieving racial reconciliation.
Bases named for Confederate military leaders are all located in former Confederate states, and protesters called for the removal of Confederate statues from the US Capitol, and the ten bases carry the names of Confederate military leaders, including Fort Bragg in North Carolina, one of the largest in the United States, and Fort Hood in Texas.

Discussions about renaming the bases have emerged as a way of achieving racial reconciliation.

In a series of tweets, Mr. Trump argued the bases had become part of a “Great American Heritage”:

Donald J. Trump
· 22h
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
…history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars. Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations…

Donald J. Trump
…Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!

11:40 AM – Jun 10, 2020
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Posted on Blog: Evening Edition For 2020-06-09 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: ” The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch”, The Endless Beginning


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Donald J. Trump

Thank you George, great honor!
Quote Tweet
The Hill
George P. Bush says he’ll vote for Trump: “Only thing standing between America and socialism”


Donald J. Trump

Great work in the Republican Senate on some big nominees. Still 154 to go, hope they don’t adjourn until the job is done!

Donald J. Trump

Relief is on the way to Utah! I’m proud to send $187.18M in CARES Act funding to

. This money will keep people moving and support a swift and smooth economic recovery for the GREAT people of Utah!

Donald J. Trump

I am allocating $2.96 BILLION in Emergency Solutions Grants to support homeless Americans and those at risk of becoming homeless because of job or wage loss, or illness due to COVID-19. We are taking care of our Nation’s most vulnerable citizens. Thanks




2………….> South Texas Slave Driver Busted: Transported Illegal Aliens

Federal authorities discovered 63 illegal aliens in back of trailer after truck driver fled a police checkpoint, and a South Texas man identified as Leonidas Navarro, 30, from Zapata, entered a guilty plea for his role in a conspiracy to transport illegal aliens within the country, the case being investigated by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Laredo Office with the assistance of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Border Patrol.

The defendant entered a guilty plea June 8, before U.S. District Court Judge Diana Saldana for conspiracy to transport illegal aliens within the country.

According to court documents, on Jan. 21, Leonidas Navarro drove a semi-truck and trailer combination through the Laredo North Border Patrol checkpoint on Interstate 35. Upon inspection, a K-9 alerted to the presence of contraband in the trailer. Navarro also could not provide a bill of lading for the goods he was supposedly transporting. He was then referred to secondary inspection.

Instead of complying with the officer’s direction, Navarro increased his speed and drove through a fence and into a field before he ultimately crashed. He jumped out of the truck and attempted to flee but was soon captured. Authorities found a total of 63 illegal aliens that had been hidden inside the truck. No one was seriously injured during the crash.

U.S. District Court Judge Saldaňa will impose sentencing later, at which time, Navarro faces up to 10 years in federal prison. He remains in custody pending that hearing.



3………….> A Mystery COVID-19-Linked Disease: Target Young People

When 17-year-old David Vargas woke one night with chest pain, he was a little worried at first, but after admitted to hospital in New York and tested positive to COVID-19, he was diagnosed with MIS-C, a new disease unknown to him that had stricken many young people, a disease linked to feared world-wide infection.

David’s father was deeply concerned, and so were his health providers about why the young, healthy and active man was showing signs of a heart attack.
After first testing negative for the coronavirus, a second test came back positive, and doctors suddenly had an answer.

It turned out David had developed a new, rare condition linked to COVID-19 called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C), which so far has seemed to only affect children and young people, often several weeks after exposure to the coronavirus.



4…………> DC National Guardsmen Test Positive for COVID-19: No Face Masks?

After being deployed to police tens of thousands of protesters in Washington, DC, and rarely wearing masks during their patrols for more than a week, the city’s National Guard garrison had an unknown number of DC National Guard (DCNG) soldiers testing positive for the COVID-19:

“We can confirm that we have had COVID-19 positive tests with the DCNG,” DC National Guard spokesperson Air Force Lt. Col. Brooke Davis told McClatchy DC on Tuesday.

“The safety and security of our personnel is always a concern, especially in light of the COVID-19 era.”

Photos from the protests showed that few soldiers wore the proper personal protective equipment necessary to stem the spread of the coronavirus, and a much larger percentage of the demonstrators did wear masks, but both groups did not maintain the 6-foot social distancing advised by US medical authorities.



5…………> Market Report for 06/09/2020: sell stop 26500:CG 15800, 11/21/2020


Stocks down 300 to 27272, futures +175, gold up to 1722.3, USD/CHF at 0.98, new position long 24000, sell stop 26500 for a gain of 2500 DIA points.

Read Ziban Must Die for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with Deep State operators, funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


 6…………> A Message Of Peace


Leave the madness behind and listen to the music of eternal peace and hope, Christus Vincit circa 1982.



Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs

Posted on Blog: Morning Edition For 2020-06-09 02:37:15 +0000

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George Sorbane Quotes: ” The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch”, The Endless Beginning


George Sorbane kindle books


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump



This is close to 180 degrees opposite from what it should be. Why run op-eds that do nothing but boringly comfort you? NY Times editorial page editor tells staff to flag opinion pieces that ‘give you the slightest pause’
NY Times acting editorial page editor tells staff to flag her if opinion pieces ‘give you the…
The acting editorial page editor at The New York Times is now urging staff to alert her if anything published in the Opinion section of the paper “gives you the slightest pause” following the…

Hugh Hewitt

Up next:

. Following successful demolition of the credibility of the

and its exposure as the laughing stock of “journalism,” I’ll ask him which MSM organ he will target next for internal collapse.


Marc Thiessen

They intentionally edited out “in terms of equality”
Quote Tweet
Ari Fleischer
Why does the MSM keep making factual mistakes like this? Next thing you know they’ll report Trump doesn’t know how to feed koi fish.…


2…………> Chauvin Bail Set At $1.8m, Trump Rejects Disbandment Of Police
Bail for the former police officer Derek Chauvin who is accused in the murder of African-American man George Floyd, has been raised to US$1.25 million ($1.8 million), as he is facing a Minnesota court on a second-degree murder charge.

Meanwhile House and Senate Democrats are using the terrible tragedy to gain political advantage by knelling down in silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds — the length of time prosecutors say Mr Floyd was pinned under the officer’s knee — before unveiling a sweeping police reform bill in the wake of widespread protests, a disgusting act of hypocrisy that ignored the four African-Americans killed by the looters during the “protests, including an admired and deeply respected retired police captain.

President Trump clearly did not appreciate the Pelosi crowd dishonesty, saying that is ‘appalled’ by calls to defund police departments. while “Uncle” Joe, “Sleeping in a wrong century Biden meeting ‘meant the world’ to Floyd’s family, according to a statement.



3…………> COVIDS-19: Satellite Traffic Points To An Earlier Wuhan Virus Hit 

Harvard researchers say satellite images show an increase in traffic outside five hospitals in the Chinese city of Wuhan from late August to December, an apparent surge in traffic suggesting the coronavirus hit the area earlier than reported, coinciding with a rise in online searches for information on symptoms like “cough” and “diarrhea”.

China was clearly not amused by the news, saying the study was “ridiculous” and based on “superficial” information, despite evidence that 171 cars were parked at one of Wuhan’s largest hospitals, Tianyou Hospital in October 2018, and satellite data from the same time in 2019 showed 285 vehicles in the same place, an increase of 67%.



4…………> Floyd Protests: A Ripe Time To Reform US Police? 


“The ongoing protests. and pleas to defund the police originate from “the persistent inequality before the law that African Americans confront on a daily basis”, said Dr. David Goldfield, a Robert Lee Bailey professor of history at UNC Charlotte.

“Violence under the cover of legality is nothing new to the African American community. It existed during the slavery era, during the Jim Crow period, and continues today. The key difference now is that we have cell phones that record the assault and murder of our fellow citizens and social media to spread the alarm. This is a technological change that will hopefully result in a social change”.
The protests over the killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African American, at the hands of a white police officer on 25 May in Minneapolis has led to House Democrats to introduce “The Justice in Policing Act of 2020”, a legislation that makes it easier to prosecute police for misconduct, bans chokeholds, eliminates unannounced police raids, and addresses the racism issue. The sweeping police reform bill was proposed by the Dems a day after Minneapolis lawmakers pledged to disband the city’s police force.



5…………> A Nocturnal Scenic Area In Guiyang, Guizhou: Tianhetan 


Aerial photo taken on June 9, 2020 shows a boat on the water at the Tianhetan scenic area in Guiyang City, southwest China’s Guizhou Province. (Xinhua/Ou Dongqu)



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