Posted on Blog For 03/13/2019: Evening Edition

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  1. Today’s White House Tweets: President TrumpDwMZEHrV4AEvW9d.jpg



    5 hours ago


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Posted on Blog For 03/11/2019: Morning Edition

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  1. Today’s White House Tweets: President Trump
  2. DwMZEHrV4AEvW9d.jpg



2 hours ago

Republican Senators have a very easy vote this week. It is about Border Security and the Wall (stopping Crime, Drugs etc.), not Constitutionality and Precedent. It is an 80% positive issue. The Dems are 100% United, as usual, on a 20% issue, Open Borders and Crime. Get tough R’s!

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    Kate Steinle. Sarah Root. Grant Ronnebeck. We willl no longer be bystanders to these crimes committed by illegal aliens.

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    . made history by including a national paid family leave proposal in a presidential budget. This investment in affordable childcare that has led on builds on successes like doubling the child tax credit. More results for working families!

  • Making Daylight Saving Time permanent is O.K. with me!

  • At a recent round table meeting of business executives, & long after formally introducing Tim Cook of Apple, I quickly referred to Tim + Apple as Tim/Apple as an easy way to save time & words. The Fake News was disparagingly all over this, & it became yet another bad Trump story!

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    NEW: Dark money group gave $2 Million DEMOCRACY INTEGRITY PROJECT, the org that hired Fusion GPS and Chris Steele to bolster the dossier and Trump-Russia narrative.

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    BIG: Uncovers DOJ Docs Showing Numerous Bruce Ohr Communications with Clinton/DNC’s Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele & Glenn Simpson; House Dems Harass ; and sues to expose FISA abuse cover-up. Our latest Update!

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    With today touring a Gaza terror tunnel. Cost of tunnel = cost of 2 new schools = cost of 30 new homes. consistently makes the wrong choices for the people of . Heartbreaking.

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    Executive Business meeting this morning on judicial nominees in the committee. WATCH:

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    H.R.1 is a blatant power grab to give Washington bureaucrats control over what American citizens can say about politics, how we can say it, and how we cast our ballots.

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    Mar 9

    BREAKING: US Border Patrol says that after physical barriers were erected in San Diego and El Paso sectors, as well as Yuma and Tucson, they saw reductions in illegal border crossings of 95-99%, but that those barriers need to be expanded and extended to really secure the border

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    Mar 9

    BREAKING: Even Mueller’s case against Russia itself, for interfering in the 2016 election, is breaking down



2…………> Trump’s 2020 Budget Cuts: No More Hand Holding


“President Trump will unveil his fiscal 2020 budget request to Congress on Monday which calls for $2.7 trillion in spending cuts and balances [the budget] in 15 years,” Melissa Quinn reports for the Washington Examiner.

The President’s spending plan prioritizes core responsibilities for the Federal Government, “including strengthening border security to address the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border, and tackling the opioid crisis.” The plan will also keep taxes low while cutting wasteful spending to refocus money on providing quality services for the American people.



3…………> Welcome To Pelosi’s US Of USSR: Illegal Power Grab


House Democrats approved an elections reform package that would reshape campaign finance rules, impose new voter registration requirements, force presidential candidates to release their personal tax returns, establish an automatic voter registration system, allow convicted felons who have served out their sentences the right to vote, and make Election Day a federal holiday in a bid to boost voter turnout

“They’re trying to clothe this power grab with cliches about ‘restoring democracy’ and doing it ‘For the People,’ but their proposal is simply a naked attempt to change the rules of American politics to benefit one party, that should be called the Democrat Politician Protection Act,” McConnell wrote in an op-ed published by The Washington Post in January

The measure is virtually dead on arrival in the Senate, Majority Leader Mitch “Harry’s Twin” McConnell (R-Ky) said, pointing out the measure is a “power grab” by Democrats, that would benefit the party’s candidates.


4…………> Miracle Of Miracles: Failing NY Times Backs-up Trump


In a shocking reversal of warring sides, the “Failing New York Times”, a long time target of President Trumps tweeter attacks, has said something that would almost certainly infuriate the “To the left of Che Guevara”, AOC led communist movement, reporting that a migrant woman from Guatemala  crossed the Rio Grande on a raft before being led to the house in the Texas border city of McAllen.

For weeks in that locked room, the men she had paid to get her safely to the United States drugged her with pills and cocaine, refusing to let her out even to bathe.

“I think that since they put me in that room, they killed me,” she said.

“They raped us so many times they didn’t see us as human beings anymore.”

On America’s southern border, migrant women and girls are the victims of sexual assaults that are most often ignored and not prosecuted, and if this is not a National humanitarian emergency, then Nancy Pelosi and her cartel paid goons need to be charged with crimes against humanity, to say the least. (Based on New York Times report)


5…………> In The Shadow Of US Army: Taliban’s Mullah Omar


It has been rumored for a long time that the Syria and Iraq “surgical airstrikes” lauded by our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama, were nothing but a farce, while in fact he supported and gave exit protection to hundreds of IS and Al Nusra Brigade jihadist punks when surrounded by the Allied forces.

Now comes the news that Taliban founder Mullah Omar lived next to a US base in the Afghan province of Zabul for years, Dutch journalist Bette Dam claims in her new Dutch-language book “Searching for the Enemy.”

“The US, and almost everyone else, had it wrong,” said Dam, who spent eight years researching the Taliban leader.

“After 2001, Mullah Omar never stepped foot in Pakistan, instead opting to hide in this native land — and for eight years, lived just a few miles from a major US Forward Operating Base that housed thousands of soldiers.”

The revelation counters the narrative put forward by Afghan and US officials, that Mullah Omar lived in exile in Pakistan, where he eventually died.

“We strongly reject this delusional claim and we see it is as an effort to create and build an identity for the Taliban and their foreign backers,” said Afghan presidency spokesman Haroon Chakhansuri.

“We have sufficient evidence which shows he lived and died in Pakistan.” (DW)




Please visit to read Bibi1581 historic blogs


Posted on Blog For 03/08/2019: Evening Edition

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  1. Today’s White House Tweets: President TrumpDwMZEHrV4AEvW9d.jpg


  1. 0:40
  2. . “The only time that Michael Cohen told the truth is when he pled that he is guilty.” Also when he said no collusion and I did not tell him to lie!”

  3. Unimaginable loss – Such great people!

  4. Retweeted

    Thank you for your exemplary service to our nation Secretary Wilson!

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    Happy International Women’s Day!

  7. Retweeted

    Victor Davis Hanson is on next. His new book, the Case for Trump, is out now!

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    Ron DeSantis, America’s governor

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    Jobs Report: Most Important Highlight Non-Supervisory Wages continue to surge and outpace overall wage increases This is amazing news for all Americans

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    Radical Dimms embarrass themselves: Debate over anti-Semitism charges exposes divide in Democratic Party.

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    : Democrats couldn’t condemn anti-semitism. That’s because the radical, left-wing socialists have taken over. Nancy Pelosi is having a hard time keeping Dems together. It is a shameful display of how our democracy works.

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  13. Retweeted

    NEW: Cohen Testimony is Abuse of : Deep State Abuse and Leaks Targets Trump Family/WH On Security Clearances; and Clinton email scandal witnesses set to testify to attorneys. Big Judicial Watch Update!

  14. Sessions didn’t have a clue!

  15. Aluminum prices are down 12% since I instituted Tariffs on Aluminum Dumping – and the U.S. will be taking in Billions, plus jobs. Nice!

  16. Retweeted

    Mar 6

    Cohen claimed his shady father-in-law’s “in the clothing business” when in fact he’s loan shark in same taxicab medallion biz as Cohen. More, his father-in-law’s a convicted fraudster who was named, along with Cohen’s wife, in investigation. Cohen chose to sing on Trump instead

  17. Retweeted

    Mar 4

    BREAKING: Democratic Rep. Jerry “Joe McCarthy” Nadler, who just yesterday declared that Trump obstructed justice, just now on CNN admitted he doesn’t have the facts to prove obstruction of justice but just personally knows it to be true and will investigate.

  18. Retweeted

    Mar 5

    Despite running informants/stings on Trump camp, electronically spying for yr,unmasking NSA intercepts, rummaging thru Trump fixer’s files, recordings, garbage, exploiting British intel & probing by CIA, FBI/DOJ, DOS, SSCI/HPSCI, MSM & SCO, Deep State still cannot prove collusion

  19. Retweeted

    Glenn Simpson & Christopher Steele r 2 of biggest villains in Russia collusion hoax, yet neither has faced serious scrutiny. They manufactured & seeded the dossier lies & disinformation. Yet Simpson still hasnt been subpoenaed to testify publicly before Senate. Ur move Sen Graham

  20. Retweeted

    Mar 7

    Now that even some MSM acknowledging there never was a “collusion” scandal, when will MSM start investigating the real scandal of Obama DOJ/FBI & Clinton campaign making it look like there was? Oh that’s right, the MSM were accomplices in that scandal. Never mind.

  21. Retweeted

    We have reached 6,577,623 pledged new career opportunities, apprenticeships, continuing education and on-the-job training for American students and workers from 205 companies and trade associations!


2…………>Being Anti-Trump Means Never Having to Say You Are Sorry’


“All during the fight over a border wall, we were told by the media and progressives commentators that the border is practically locked down,” Rich Lowry writes in Politico Magazine

“Being anti-Trump means never having to say you are sorry or you were wrong, so the latest evidence won’t make an impression on anyone who blithely dismissed the idea of border crisis, but it should, every indication is that the situation is going to get worse.”



3…………>Fake News And Deep State Lies: Border Falsehoods 


The reason Democrats defend the status quo is not because they or anyone else believe that America’s broken immigration system is working, but the problem has only gotten worse since former President Obama himself called it a “humanitarian crisis” nearly five years ago.

Pelosi, Schumer & Co claim that there is no crisis at the border, while in fact more than 76,000 people attempted to cross our border illegally last month alone, the most of any February during the past 12 years.

Another lie is that the problem at the border used to be much worse, but unfortunately today, we face an unprecedented number of illegal immigrants that loopholes prevent from being returned quickly to their home countries, while criminal smugglers exploit these rulings and use children as leverage to gain entry.

And the final lie is that the wall wouldn’t help stop the flow of drugs, but we not know the amount of drugs smuggled between ports of entry, and building the wall will help law enforcement personnel carry out their missions more safely and effectively in remote areas of the border.



4…………> A Hot US Job Market is Coaxing People in from the Sidelines


“A surprisingly strong burst of job growth over the past year has led many economists to wonder, where are all the workers coming from?” Christopher Rugaber writes in The Associated Press.

 “The pace of hiring in 2018 was the most robust in three years, and for a surprising reason: Many more people have decided to look for work than experts had expected”.

 The influx of those job seekers, if sustained, could help extend an economic expansion that is already the second-longest on record.



5…………>Market Report for 03/08/2019, cover short stop at 25600, CG 4710, 11/21/2019


Long position at 22900, sell stop at 25100 triggered for a gain of 1900 points, last position short 25050, cover short 25150 for a loss of 100 points, new position long 25150, sell stop closed at 25850 for a gain of 700 points, new position short 25850, cover short stop 25600 for a gain of 250 points.

Stocks down 23 to 25450, DJ futures +27, rally continuing due to anti-tariff talks to end the government shutdown and China spending 1 trillion dollars to buy US products. Gold up to 1298.6.



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