Posted on Blog:Morning Edition For  2019-07-03 01:33:33 +0000


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George Sorbane Quotes:

1. “The important papers the Founders left us were the most significant writings in recorded history after the Holy Books, a magic trek for peace and guidance in times of trouble, a forgotten and often ignored dimension of the Nation founding.”― “The Endless Beginning”


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets

Donald J. Trump




The News Reports about the Department of Commerce dropping its quest to put the Citizenship Question on the Census is incorrect or, to state it differently, FAKE! We are absolutely moving forward, as we must, because of the importance of the answer to this question.




Donald J. Trump




Congratulations to Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, his wonderful wife Andrea, and his entire family. You have been through much together. Glad I could help!




Donald J. Trump




The cost of our great Salute to America tomorrow will be very little compared to what it is worth. We own the planes, we have the pilots, the airport is right next door (Andrews), all we need is the fuel. We own the tanks and all. Fireworks are donated by two of the greats. Nice!





Donald J. Trump




China and Europe playing big currency manipulation game and pumping money into their system in order to compete with USA. We should MATCH, or continue being the dummies who sit back and politely watch as other countries continue to play their games – as they have for many years!





2…………> The Heat Is On: China Anti-Ship Missile Tests


“The Pentagon was aware of the Chinese missile launch from the man-made structures in the South China Sea near the Spratly Islands. What’s truly disturbing about this act is that it’s in direct contradiction to President Xi Jinping’s statement … that he would not militarise those man-made outposts,” US military spokesman Lt. Col. Dave Eastburn said.

The Pentagon has confirmed it monitored at least one anti-ship weapon being launched in the crucial maritime trading passage over the past few days, a development Australian military officials have described as “concerning“:

“Australia does not take sides on competing territorial claims in the South China Sea,” it said.

“However, we do have a substantial interest in the stability of this crucial international waterway and the norms and laws that govern it. [And] we consistently urge all claimants to take meaningful steps to ease tensions and build trust, including through dialogue.”

Not surprisingly, China claims almost all of the strategic South China Sea and frequently lashes out at the US and its allies over naval operations near Chinese-occupied islands.



3…………> US World’s #Number One: In Waste Creation 


Out of the two billion tonnes of municipal solid waste shelled out every year, per head of population the worst offender is the US, as Americans produce three times the global average of waste, including plastic and food, only recycling 35% of solid waste.

Germany is the most efficient country, recycling 68% of material.

The lovely questions is, how much of the pollution is due to the millions of homeless that live on America’s streets, “the invisible population” that have turned major sanctuary cities starting with overpopulated San Francisco, LA and New York into public health hazards, with a thick cloud of grey smog over them, in certain places with particle concentration per unit of air enough to saddled non-smokers with damage equal to a half-pack of cigarettes per day.

US citizens produce over 1500 pounds per head of population, roughly 12% of the global total. Their output is three times that of their Chinese counterparts and seven times more than people living in Ethiopia.



4…………> Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Davos Experience


A guest experiences a massage therapy during a traditional Chinese medicine tour on the sidelines of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2019, or Summer Davos, in Dalian, northeast China’s Liaoning Province, July 3, 2019. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)



5…………> China & EU Are Currency Manipulators: Trump


President Trump used Twitter to attack China and Europe of “playing a big currency manipulation game and pumping money into their system in order to compete with USA”:

“We should MATCH, or continue being the dummies who sit back and politely watch as other countries continue to play their games – as they have for many years!” he tweeted.

The verbal tirade came in the heat of the ongoing trade dispute between China and the US, which began last year when the President slapped 25-percent tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods, in a bid to fix what he called Beijing’s “unfair trade practices”. Since then, the sides have exchanged several rounds of additional import duties.



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The Heat Is On: China Anti-Ship Missile Tests.

US Is World’s #Number One: Waste Creation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Davos Experience.

China & EU Are Currency Manipulators: Trump.


Posted on Blog:Evening Edition For  2019-06-28 01:18:47 +0000


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George Sorbane Quotes:

1. “Hey Americans,” he screamed furiously at the drones.

“Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture.”― George Sorbane, “Ziban Must Die”


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets

Donald J. Trump




After some very important meetings, including my meeting with President Xi of China, I will be leaving Japan for South Korea (with President Moon). While there, if Chairman Kim of North Korea sees this, I would meet him at the Border/DMZ just to shake his hand and say Hello(?)!




  1. unknown.jpg

Donald J. Trump




54% in Poll! I would be at 75% (with our great economy, maybe the best ever) if not for the Phony Witch Hunt and the Fake News Media!




Donald J. Trump




I am in Japan at the G-20, representing our Country well, but I heard it was not a good day for Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie. One is exhausted, the other is nuts – so what’s the big deal?




Donald J. Trump




The Stock Market went up massively from the day after I won the Election, all the way up to the day that I took office, because of the enthusiasm for the fact that I was going to be President. That big Stock Market increase must be credited to me. If Hillary won – a Big Crash!


2…………> ICE Rounds Up An Trafficker’s Army: Weapons, Criminals & More


Matthew T. Albence, deputy director of ICE, and Anthony Salisbury, special agent in charge of ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Miami, announced the results of an international weapons trafficking operation with law enforcement partners in Argentina and Brazil, that have conducted multiple search warrants and arrests netting significant quantities of firearms, firearms parts and more than $100,000 in cash, seized 5,300 firearms and components, 167 explosives/ordinances and 15 silencers from the transnational criminal organization (TCO).

 The TCO exploited the US Postal Service by illegally exporting weapon parts and ammunition regulated by the International Trafficking in Arms Regulations without the proper State Department licenses, but ICE international operation resulted in a total of 25 arrests and 53 search warrants executed in three countries.



3…………> On Pacific Patrol: USS Nimitz


PACIFIC OCEAN (June 27, 2019)

An F/A-18E Super Hornet assigned to the Kestrels of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 137 takes off from the flight deck aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Nimitz is currently underway conducting routine operations. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Olivia Banmally Nichols (Released) 190627-N-KO930-0110View



4…………> Uncle Don To Meet Young Man Un: DMZ Love Story


Donald J. Trump


After some very important meetings, including my meeting with President Xi of China, I will be leaving Japan for South Korea (with President Moon). While there, if Chairman Kim of North Korea sees this, I would meet him at the Border/DMZ just to shake his hand and say Hello(?)!

3:51 PM · Jun 28, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone





President Trump tweeted out  from Japan that during his next stop in South Korea, where he would like to meet North Korean leader Comrade Un at the demilitarized zone “just to shake his hand and say Hello.”

At a peace summit that ended without a deal in Hanoi, Vietnam,  Kim insisted that Trump lower some of the economic sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) before he would proceed further with his denuclearization program, but Mr.Trump refused, maintaining it wouldn’t remove any sanctions until irreversible and verifiable destruction of DPRK’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs was under way.

Both in Hanoi and at their first summit in Singapore in June 2018, Kim and Trump reportedly got along famously. However, Pyongyang warned earlier this week that time was running out to restart negotiations, and has protested Trump’s primary negotiator, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, as not being “mature” enough to handle the delicate task of negotiating with the socialist state, with whom the US is technically still at war.

In 1953, the Korean War ended without a permanent peace treaty, but rather only a ceasefire. The DMZ, where Trump wants to meet Kim, is the no-man’s-land separating the socialist North from the capitalist South, a heavily fortified zone emblematic of the standoff between the two sides.



5…………> Market Report for 06/28/2019: sell stop 26400:CG 6018, 11/21/2019


Stocks up 73 to 26600, DJ futures +58, rally leveled off following President Trump statement that he may “obliterate” Iran should  it attacks anything American.

Gold down to 1412.5 and USD/CHF at 0.98 due to President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Cover short stop at 25200 triggered with a gain of 1200 points, new position long 25150, sell stop 26400 for a gain of 1250 points.

We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


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Posted on Blog:Morning Edition For  2019-06-22 01:13:31 +0000


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George Sorbane Quotes:

1. “Hey Americans,” he screamed furiously at the drones.

“Brothers of the wolf, sisters of the wind, children of the Sun! Send the Choctaw warrior a quick and merciful death, instead of abandoning us into slavery or shameful capture.”― “Ziban Must Die”


1…………> Today’s White House Tweets

Donald J. Trump




I am at Camp David working on many things, including Iran! We have a great Economy, Tariffs have been very helpful both with respect to the huge Dollars coming IN, & on helping to make good Trade Deals. The Dow heading to BEST June in 80 years! Stock Market BEST June in 50 years!





  1. unknown.jpg


Donald J. Trump








Donald J. Trump




Thank you Jessica!




Trump War Room




Donald J. Trump




A great book!

Quote Tweet

Eric Trump


· Jun 17

So proud of our great friend, George Sorial, on the release of his new book “The Real Deal”. George worked incredibly hard on this book and it’s fantastic! A must-read for the summer!


2…………> Obliteration If Conflict: Trump To Iran


President Trump said he is not looking for war with Iran but has warned that if a conflict did occur, and impossible becomes a reality, it would result in “obliteration” of the Islamic Republic, rejecting claims of giving a final approval for retaliatory strikes, while Iran declared it warned the unmanned drone several times before downing it with a missile, adding that its military avoided shooting down a nearby manned US aircraft.

Mr. Trump’s claim that he learned only at the last minute of his military advisers’ casualty estimate contradicts the usual way a president is briefed on military attack options:

“I thought about it for a second and I said, ‘You know what? They shot down an unmanned drone, plane — whatever you want to call it — and here we are sitting with 150 dead people



3…………> Uncle Xi Visits Nephew UN In Person Again: Is Trump Jealousy Creeping In?


General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and President Mr. Xi Jinping has been a “traveling man” lately, having visited his close personal friend, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, as almost surely they discussed the new and troublesome reality of  having the new blond kid on the block, who threatened a close friend of the BRICK block with “Obliteration If Conflict” doctrine.

World’s greatest supporter of terror, the Islamic Republic of Iran, is now alone, all alone facing brutal embargo without the comfort of its ardent supporter, our 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack, “We must spread freedom around the world by listening to our citizens phone calls” Obama, counting on their eight fingers when the “smart bombs” of “Evil Incarnate” USA will start falling?

Mr.Xi arrived in DPRK at the Sunan International Airport around noon, greeted by sunshine over a capital exuding warmth and friendship,  national flags and large welcome banners flying , with nearly 10,000 people lined up at the airport, waving flowers and chanting cheerful slogans to welcome the Chinese guests.
Is the blatant application of American power by President Trump, amplified by merciless tariffs and accompanied by large aircraft carrier groups sailing Sought China Sea atolls  starting to play on Mr.Xi nerves? Is he jealous and suspicious of  his pit bull nephew Comrade Un, who had supposedly developed a “good chemistry” with “bad boy Trump”, secretly smoking American cigarettes and drinking “Bud Light”? Is that why he is opening the border with Russia to trading in local currencies, de-facto snubbing the US dollar? Don’t bet against it?



4…………> Japan South China Sea Patrol:Sailing Along US Navy


SOUTH CHINA SEA (June 19, 2019)

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) helicopter carrier JS Izumo (DH-183) sails alongside the Navy’s forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) while an MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 77 conducts flight operations. Ronald Reagan, the flagship of Carrier Strike Group 5, provides a combat-ready force that protects and defends the collective maritime interests of its allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific region. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Thomas Leishman (Released) 190619-N-JK118-1062



5…………> A Week In US Air Force: Photo Gallery


An Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon flies during RED-FLAG-Alaska 19-2, June 13, 2019, at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska RED-FLAG-Alaska, a Pacific Air Forces-sponsored exercise, is designed to provide realistic training in a simulated combat environment for joint and international forces

 (US Air Force photo by Senior Airman Daniel Snider)



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