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George Sorbane Quotes: “Not crazy are those souls who marvel at God’s creation, but the ones who ridicule them”.
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1…………> Today’s White House Tweets
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

2…………> COVID-19 Immunity Passports: An Invitation To Infection Explosion?
The World Health Organization (WHO) said that since there is no evidence that people who had developed antibodies after recovering from the virus were protected against a second infection, pressed for money governments should not issue so-called,”immunity passports or risk-free certificates” as a way of easing lockdowns, fearing such a policy could actually increase virus transmission.
People may assume they were immune, and might stop taking precautions, while governments have considered permitting people who have recovered to travel or return to work:
“There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection”.
This suggested that another part of the body’s immune response – T-cells, which eliminate infected cells – may also be critical for recovery, and no study had evaluated whether the presence of antibodies to the virus conferred immunity to subsequent infection by the virus in humans, the WHO said,
3…………> COVID-19 vs Crime: Hoodlums In Fear?
According to law-enforcement professionals in the field, the usual hoodlums are now assaulting fewer people, and some are even following government safety guidelines, even in El Salvador, gang members are practicing social distancing and forcing others to do the same:
” It’s really about opportunity, when we reduce opportunities for crime to take place, crime goes down”, said says Dr. Scott Decker, a professor emeritus at Arizona State University, and the author of the book, “Burglars on the Job”.
“People are no longer out and about in the same way. Instead they are hunkered down at home, following the recommendations of health experts,The result of less people in public is less crime”.
In St Louis, Missouri, a stay-at-home order was imposed in March, and violence has fallen dramatically,with last year, there were 194 murders in the city; so far this year, there have been 45.
4…………> The Global Economy Shattered: Well Before The Pandemic?
The CPVID-19 pandemic has exposed the existing cracks in the global economy: rampant consumption, a race to the bottom and growing inequality. Now is the time for radical change, according to economist Dr. Kate Ferguson:
” For some, it will be the moment the call ended. The white blur of the nurse’s glove across the screen. The last thing to come between them and their loved one. Others will recall the long wait in the nursing home car park. The closest they could get. The lucky ones will say: Remember when people wore masks to go grocery shopping? What year was that again? 2020? Yeah. Wow. Everything closed for months. I got so good at baking! Learned to play the piano, too. They were crazy times!”(DW)
5………..> Soros & Co, Koch Brothers Nonprofits : Seek Small Business COVID-19 Loans?
The Small Business Administration tightened the rules of the “Paycheck Protection Program”, set up by the US Congress in March to offer support for small businesses amid the coronavirus pandemic, as the initial 50 billion in funding was swiftly spent after many big companies tapped the aid, and we hear the news that “beyond left” nonprofit groups linked to billionaires George Soros, and the Koch brothers are reportedly applying for small business loans amid the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The nonprofits connected with billionaire donors are also reportedly applying for their share of hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans that can be fully forgiven if recipients use them to avoid laying off workers.
Hey, we should make the Mexico cartels also eligible for business loans, since the “Bad, bad Leroy” Trump closed the border, and dealt a blow to their very profitable business, after doing very well during the “revolving door border” reign of our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack, “We must spread freedom around the world by reading our citizens email” Obama, “May Allah Shadow fall upon him”, and will do even better if his former VP, “Uncle” Joe,” Sleeping in a wrong century” Biden gets elected in the fall.
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