Posted on Blog:Morning Edition For 2019-06-12 19:32:58 +0000


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George Sorbane Quotes:

1. “Not crazy are those souls who marvel at God’s creation, but the ones who ridicule them.”― George Sorbane



1…………> Today’s White House Tweet

Donald J. Trump




…..The Fake (Corrupt) News Media said they had a leak into polling done by my campaign which, by the way and despite the phony and never ending Witch Hunt, are the best numbers WE have ever had. They reported Fake numbers that they made up & don’t even exist. WE WILL WIN AGAIN!




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Donald J. Trump




The Fake News has never been more dishonest than it is today. Thank goodness we can fight back on Social Media. Their new weapon of choice is Fake Polling, sometimes referred to as Suppression Polls (they suppress the numbers). Had it in 2016, but this is worse…..




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Donald J. Trump




Wow! Just got word that our June 18th, Tuesday, ANNOUNCEMENT in Orlando, Florida, already has 74,000 requests for a 20,000 seat Arena. With all of the big events that we have done, this ticket looks to be the “hottest” of them all. See you in Florida!




Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Donald J. Trump



Jun 10

Despite the Phony Witch Hunt, we will continue to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you!!


2…………> We Ain’t Your Spike Strip: Mexico


 “To be clear, the National Guard is not a ‘Border Patrol’ because it will be implemented and deployed across the nation, mainly in the areas with more violence,” Mexico’s Interior Minister Olga Sanchez Cordero told the media.

“The entry of illegal migrants (to Mexico) is part of our national security, that’s why we want orderly and safe migration,” she said about the recently created National Guard that will only regulate the flow of immigration at Mexico’s southern border, not stop it.

According to the minister, members of the National Guard will be working “in both the northern border as well as the southern border, in Tamaulipas, in Guanajuato, wherever their presence is needed.”



3…………> Lusty Landlord: Spring Valley CA


The Department of Justice today announced that it has filed a lawsuit alleging that Larry Nelson, owner and manager of residential housing in Spring Valley, California, violated the Fair Housing Act by subjecting female tenants of his properties to sexual harassment and retaliation.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, alleges that Nelson engaged in sexual harassment of and retaliation against female tenants from at least 2005 to the present, by, among other things, engaging in unwelcome sexual touching, offering to reduce monthly rental payments in exchange for sex, making unwelcome sexual comments and advances, making intrusive and unannounced visits to female tenants’ homes to further his sexual advances, and evicting or threatening to evict female tenants who objected or refused his sexual advances.

“The Fair Housing Act prohibits sexual harassment and retaliation in housing,” said Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband. “Any landlord who sexually harasses his tenants or retaliates against them for refusing sexual advances, destroys their housing security and risks families’ ability to keep a roof over their heads.  Anyone who engages in this kind of disgusting and illegal conduct should be on notice:  the Department of Justice will be coming for you.”

“Let this be a wake-up call for abusive landlords,” said U.S. Attorney Robert Brewer. “Holding a key to someone’s property is not a license to exploit them for sex. The Department of Justice is going to make sure a tenant’s home is a place of safety, not suffering.”



4…………> In Search Of The Amber Room: Nazi Plunder


The priceless 18th century Imperial Russian artifact known as the “amber Room”, plundered by the Nazis during the invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II is not in Poland, but almost certainly inside a secret underground bunker in a city in western Germany about 50 miles from the Dutch border, Karl-Heinz Kleine, amateur historian and founder of the website says.

Kleine and his team have spent about a decade searching for the Czarist treasure in the city of Wuppertal in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, basing their efforts on research into Erich Koch, a high-ranking Nazi administrator and Wuppertal native who served as the head of administration for the city of Konigsberg, where the Amber Room was kept during the war.

“Koch was probably the richest Nazi. He had the opportunity to plunder all the museums of Eastern Europe,” Kleine explained.



5…………> Raising Ocean Water: Buy Me A Mountain


The Institute for Economics and Peace estimated that nearly billion people live in areas with high or very high exposure to climate hazards including cyclones, floods, bushfires, desertification and rising sea levels, with the top nine countries facing the highest risk of climate hazards were all Asian nations with the Philippines topping the list, followed by Japan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and China.

“Pacific Islands are going to be massively impacted by rising sea levels,” IEP founder and executive chairman Steve Killelea said, adding that they would be the first affected because of their proximity to the equator.

In Australia, the main risks come from hurricanes and cyclones in the north, rising sea levels in the south and east, as well as drought and desertification which is already affecting thousands of farmers, he said.



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Posted on 1 Comment Blog for 04/04/2019: Evening Edition

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1.    Today’s White House Tweets: President Trump

Donald J. Trump

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9h9 hours ago





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Donald J. Trump

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2h2 hours ago


I am pleased to announce that Jovita Carranza will be nominated as the new @SBAgov Administrator. She will be replacing Linda McMahon, who has done an outstanding job. Jovita was a great Treasurer of the United States – and I look forward to her joining my Cabinet!

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Donald J. Trump

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3h3 hours ago


.@ByronYork: “How bad does border have to be for Democrats to admit it’s an emergency?”

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Donald J. Trump

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3h3 hours ago


“Conservative support for Trump wall soars to 99 percent”

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Donald J. Trump

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3h3 hours ago


“Democrats need to help fix the border crisis or get out of Trump’s way”

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Donald J. Trump

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4h4 hours ago


Thank you @Trish_Regan!

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Donald J. Trump

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12h12 hours ago


The New York Times had no legitimate sources, which would be totally illegal, concerning the Mueller Report. In fact, they probably had no sources at all! They are a Fake News paper who have already been forced to apologize for their incorrect and very bad reporting on me!

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Donald J. Trump

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14h14 hours ago


There is nothing we can ever give to the Democrats that will make them happy. This is the highest level of Presidential Harassment in the history of our Country!

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Donald J. Trump

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14h14 hours ago


According to polling, few people seem to care about the Russian Collusion Hoax, but some Democrats are fighting hard to keep the Witch Hunt alive. They should focus on legislation or, even better, an investigation of how the ridiculous Collusion Delusion got started – so illegal!

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2…………> A Madman’s Last Day: Pilot’s Diary


Lieutenant-general Hans Baur, who is thought to be Adolf Hitler’s pilot and a close confidant, has revealed in his journal that the Nazi leader told him “’I’m ending it today” on the day of his suicide. Baur’s diary, re-released recently, sheds light on the Reich’s leadership in the days before the fall of Berlin when the German capital was taken by the Soviet Union in 1945.

According to the pilot, he “tried to persuade him that there were still planes available” and suggesting that he could take him “to Japan or Argentina, or to one of the Sheiks, who were all very friendly to him on account of his attitude to the Jews”. But Hitler refused, insisting he would “stand or fall with Berlin”.

“A man must summon up courage enough to face the consequences — and therefore I’m ending it now. I know that tomorrow millions of people will curse me — that’s fate”, he said, according to Baur’s notes.


3…………> Clumsy Robbery, Dead Gangsters: Brazil


Eleven suspected gang members armed with high-calibre rifles, five armored cars, and body armour have been killed after Brazilian police reportedly foiled a coordinated attempt to blow up automatic bank tellers to steal the money inside, after the gang of 25 targeted ATMs around Sao Paulo, with one of the ATMs blown up was at a bank next to a police station, Sao Paulo’s Public Security secretariat said approximately 25 suspects were involved in the attempts to blow up the machines, a common type of crime in the country.

One police commander told local television the criminal group was “prepared for war,” and the suspects broke into a home at one point and held residents hostage, “but police managed to free them”, a note from the secretariat said, without providing more details.


4…………> Finally A Trump’s Man On The Fed: Herman Cain


President Trump confirmed he recommended former Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board, telling reporters at the White House that Mr. Cain is undergoing background checks to join America’s central bank.

Mr. Trump has been accused of putting forward political loyalists to the Fed, the world’s most influential bank, that has been traditionally an independent body, until out 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama appointed Janet Yellen, who drove rates down to zero in violation of the Fed’s mandate, and help him skyrocket Nation’s debt to nearly 20 trillion dollars, that is with 12 zeroes.

The president last month offered a Fed position to another ally, conservative economist Stephen Moore.



5…………> Market Report for 04/04/2019, long sell stop 26100, CG(4710)


Stocks up 167 to 26385, DJ futures +38,  as President Trump selected another conservative ally Herman Cain for appointment on the Fed, sparking a rally that continued the momentum due to anti-tariff talks to end the government shutdown and China spending 1 trillion dollars to buy US products.

New trade long 25600, sell stop 26100 for a gain of 500 points, gold down to 1294.3.


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Posted on Blog For 02/17/2019: Morning Edition

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  1. Today’s White House Tweets: President TrumpDwMZEHrV4AEvW9d.jpg

Donald J. Trump

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5h5 hours ago



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Donald J. Trump

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5h5 hours ago


Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!

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Donald J. Trump

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6h6 hours ago


52% Approval Rating, 93% in Republican Party ( a record )! Pretty amazing considering that 93% (also) of my press is REALLY BAD. The “people” are SMART!

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Donald J. Trump

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6h6 hours ago


Democrats in the Senate are still slow walking hundreds of highly qualified people wanting to come into government. Never been such an abuse in our country’s history. Mitch should not let Senate go home until all are approved. We need our Ambassadors and all others NOW!

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2…………> “Obama’s Boys” Back In The News: Gold Hoard


Syrian state-run news agency SANA reported that local sources witnessed US forces using helicopters to transfer large boxes full of the “spoils” of war, some 40 tonnes of gold that the terrorist group stored east of al-Shadadi city, all of it stolen from Mosul in Iraq and other areas in Syria to al-Dashisha.

Washington has yet to comment on the report, but Tasnim News Agency cited Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani as alleging that the US was transporting Daesh militants to Afghanistan from Syria:

“Over the past year, the US has moved a large number of Daesh terrorists to Afghanistan, which could once again create the same troubles in some parts of Asia that it created in Iraq and Syria”, he said.

Is “Deep State” that under the leadership of our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama deceived the American public of “surgical strikes” against the Islamic State, while in actual field operations used Al Qaida wholly owned subsidiary Al-Nusra Brigade punks to fights Assad, and is still continuing to protect terrorists by lying to the voters? Don’t bet against it.



3…………>”Take Your Punks Back”: Trump To EU


President Trump said that the militant group was “ready to fall”, a day after signaling there would be “great announcements” about Syria over the next 24 hours, and calling on Europe to take back more than 800 foreign fighters captured in Syria and put them on trial

“The United States is asking Britain, France, Germany and other European allies to take back over 800 ISIS fighters that we captured in Syria and put them on trial,” he wrote on Twitter.

“We are pulling back after 100% caliphate victory!”

US-backed fighters in Syria are poised to capture IS’s last, tiny enclave on the Euphrates, according to battle commander Jiya Furat.



4…………>Hitler Actor Passes Away: Hitler’s Downfall


According to his manager, Swiss actor Bruno Ganz, renowned for his role as Hitler in the cult classic movie “Downfall”, has died at his home in Zurich on Friday aged 77, after being diagnosed with colon cancer last year, 

He received international acclaim for his portrayal of Adolf Hitler, which went on to spawn thousands of internet parodies, the fifth actor to receive Germany’s Iffland-Ring theatre award since the 1870s.

Though Ganz was a prominent figure in German-language film and television for over 50 years, he also starred in English-language movies, including “The Reader” and “The Manchurian Candidate”.



5…………>White Collar Criminals: Bribes & Payouts


A federal grand jury returned an indictment yesterday against the former president and the former chief legal officer of Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation, a publicly traded Fortune 200 technology services company based in Teaneck, New Jersey, in connection with an alleged foreign bribery scheme.

Gordon Coburn, 55, of Beaver Creek, Colorado, and Steven Schwartz, 51, of Greenwich, Connecticut, were charged in a 12-count indictment with one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), three counts of violating the FCPA, seven counts of falsifying books and records, and one count of circumventing and failing to implement internal accounting controls.  The charges stem from an alleged scheme to bribe one or more government officials in India to ensure the issuance of a construction permit necessary to complete the development of an office campus that would support thousands of employees and become one of Cognizant’s largest facilities in India.

“The allegations in the indictment filed yesterday describe a sophisticated international bribery scheme authorized and concealed by C-suite executives of a publicly-traded multinational company,” said Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski. 

“The indictment of Gordon Coburn and Steven Schwartz demonstrates the Department’s commitment to relentlessly pursuing corporate fraud and corruption wherever it is found.”

According to the indictment, in or about April 2014, Coburn and Schwartz allegedly authorized an unlawful payment of approximately $2 million to one or more foreign government officials in India to secure and obtain a necessary permit to open a new office campus.



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