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George Sorbane Quotes: The Manitou of America will creep in you, rejoice you when she shines above, and offend and sadden you when she is put down, The Endless Beginning.
“Look at the Dow go!” Fox Business host reacts as 1.37 million jobs are created according to new figures out this morning, with a “big change” in the lowering unemployment rate
on Atlantic’s story: “Don’t you find it the least bit questionable that the Biden campaign – perhaps the slowest, clumsiest entity since Joe Biden himself – already had an ad made based on this hoax? This is obviously coordinated. The timing is way too perfect”
2…………> Twitter Takes Down Account: Trump Retweets Video Of Black Supporter
. The re-tweeted video from now-suspended account @AlwaysActions showed an elderly black man saying he was voting for Trump to take his country back, as other videos on the account criticized Black Lives Matter protests and backed police officers, forcing Twitter to take down an account that posted videos, re-tweeted by the President, of black citizens pledging support for him.
Attorney and Townhall.com columnist Maria Medvin pointed out the account Trump re-tweeted. @AlwaysActions, had been suspended:
One of the videos shows and elderly black man in a ‘Trump’ hat saying he will vote to re-elect the president ”because he is for what’s right for America, and I love it. This is my country and I want it back.”
Many Twitter users praised his comments in response to the blocked tweet, but others called for voters to take the country back from Trump on November 3.
3…………> Coronavirus: Rise in UK cases a great concern, Van Tam says
. The “big jump” in coronavirus infections across the UK is of “great concern”, England’s deputy chief medical officer has warned, as Prof. Jonathan Van Tam said people have “relaxed too much” over the summer, and “we have got to start taking this very seriously again”, and if not the UK will have “a bumpy ride over the next few months”.
France and Spain are among a number of European countries that have seen a sharp rise in coronavirus cases in recent weeks, after lockdown restrictions were eased and testing for the disease was cranked up, but Spain became the first country in western Europe to record 500,000 infections, after tallying more than 26,000 new infections over the weekend.
4…………> Typhoon Haishen Landfall In South Korea’s Southeastern Coast
Photo taken on Sept. 7, 2020 shows the flooded Taehwa river in Ulsan, South Korea. Typhoon Haishen made its landfall in South Korea’s southeastern coast on Monday. (NEWSIS/Handout via Xinhua)
5…………> Assange Hearing: Refusal To Grant an Adjournment A ‘Gross Violation’
. The judge in Julian Assange’s case has refused an application from the defense to adjourn the hearing on the basis that they could have sought an adjournment earlier and should have expected that she may ultimately decide to consider the second superseding indictment, a decision blasted by Kristinn Hrafnsson, WikiLeaks’ editor-in-chief, saying refusal by Judge Vanessa Baraitser not to permit the defense an extension of time in order to address the second superseding indictment against Julian Assange:
“Let’s face it, the Americans have had ten years to prepare this case. Julian’s lawyers have been working for a year under the… [first] superseding indictment. Throwing this [second superseding indictment] at the last minute is an absolute insult to the UK courts, and to Julian, and to justice”.
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George Sorbane Quotes: ” The truth is like a septic tank and the smell will eventually get out no matter how hard we tighten down the hatch”, The Endless Beginning
Donald J. Trump
Twitter has now shown that everything we have been saying about them (and their other compatriots) is correct. Big action to follow!
onald J. Trump
The Radical Left Lamestream Media, together with their partner, the o Nothing emocrats, are trying to spread a new narrative that President Trump was slow in reacting to Covid 19. Wrong, I was very fast, even doing the Ban on China long before anybody thought necessary, Economist Nouriel Roubini has warned of a prolonged downturn and sluggish recovery from the coronavirus.
Donald J. Trump
We pass 15,000,000 Tests Today, by far the most in the World. Open Safely!
Donald J. Trump
We are acting as a police force, not the fighting force that we are, in Afghanistan. After 19 years, it is time for them to police their own Country. Bring our soldiers back home but closely watch what is going on and strike with a thunder like never before, if necessary
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
New papers make CLEAR that the Obama Administration SPIE, in an unprecedented manner, on the Trump Campaign and beyond, and even on the United States Senate. Nobody would ever have believed that this level of illegality and corruption would be taking place in our beautiful USA!
Donald J. Trump
We have informed both India and China that the United States is ready, willing and able to mediate or arbitrate their now raging border dispute. Thank you!
Donald J. Trump
Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that….
Donald J. Trump
….happen again. Just like we can’
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Gregg Jarrett
May 23
Trump on Russia Hoax: ‘When the Papers Come Out’ We Will Learn Obama ‘Knew Everything’ – Gregg…
National Intelligence irector Richard Grenell announced his office will “strip the FBI of its duties briefing the presidential 2020 candidates.” Grenell’s decision comes after an overwhelming amount…
2…………> NYC Profiteer Pharmacist Busted By DOJ: N95 Masks Fraud & More
NYC licensed pharmacist identified as Richard Schirripa, a/k/a “the Mask Man,” was charged with hoarding and price gouging of N95 masks, in violation of the Defense Production Act, making two false statements to law enforcement, committing healthcare fraud, and committing aggravated identity theft.
“At this time when our nation is battling the COVID-19 pandemic, and we expect that our healthcare professionals to be standing in solidarity with us, the defendant, Richard Schirripa, a licensed pharmacist, allegedly sought to capitalize and profit from the suffering of others. As the pandemic was starting to take shape in March and April of 2020, Schirripa allegedly began hoarding desperately needed personal protection equipment (PPE). As demand for the PPE was peaking, he then purportedly took the opportunity to sell the hoarded PPE at prices as much as 50% above his acquisition costs”, said Peter C. Fitzhugh, special agent in charge of HSI New York.
“HSI, along with law enforcement partners, and the United States Attorney’s Office, Southern District of New York, will tirelessly pursue those in our society who choose to put their personal greed and gain ahead of the laws of the United States and our fellow citizens”.
3…………> “Fake News” Media Will Be Held To Account: President Trump
President Trump threatened social media companies after Twitter fact-checks his tweet, yet another attack by the arrogant, answerable to no-one Silicon Valley Barron’s crowd, financed by few ultra rich billionaires that Bibi1581.com had identified as a long term security risk for the well being of US, the same smiling faces that created what is now known as the “Deep State” US parallel government, controlled by Unified Party USA, the criminal consortium of “Establishment” GOP clowns, and “beyond left” Trotsky communists that rules the US House of Representatives now.
Even though the President can not unilaterally regulate or close the companies, which would require action by Congress, or the Federal Communications Commission, he may introduce stern and costly regulation, or even shutter some after Twitter added fact-checks to two of his tweets:
“Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen”, Mr. Trump concluded.
4…………> World At Fateful Juncture: Locust Swarms, COVID19 Pandemic, US Election & More?
If Indian authorities did not have enough trouble with the spiraling COVID-19 pandemic, they were now forced to sent out drones and tractors to track desert locusts and spray them with insecticides, in one of the worst locust swarms seen by the country in nearly 30 years. With about 50,000 hectares of cropland destroyed by locusts, the country is facing its worst food shortages since 1993.
In a Finnish study, dogs learned to recognize the distinctive odor of a coronavirus infection, hence giving us a new, cheap and very reliable tool for dogs to be able to detect infected people in nursing homes, or at airports. In a pilot study at the University of Helsinki, dogs trained as medical diagnostic assistants were taught to recognize the previously unknown odor signature of the COVID-19 disease caused by the novel coronavirus. And they learned with astonishing success: After only a few weeks, the first dogs were able to accurately distinguish urine samples from COVID-19 patients from urine samples of healthy individuals: Dogs are man’s best friends, ain’t they? Please find time from your very busy COVID-19 social schedule to give your pooch a hug, won’t you?
In other world news, and according to human rights report groups, Egypt’s prisons are not fit for humans, well known for blatant overcrowding, rampant abuse and no access to healthcare, as the death of a young Egyptian artist in prison has sent shockwaves across the country. Shady Habash was far from a criminal, in fact a rising filmmaker with a gift for larger-than-life aesthetics, enjoying the thrill of his craft before he was torn from his life, and thrown into Cairo’s Tora prison.
In 2018, he was charged with joining a terrorist organization and spreading fake news after directing a music video for exiled activist rocker Ramy Essam’s track. Habash died in his cell earlier this month, at the age of 24. For hours, fellow prisoners had urged prison officials to get medical assistance, reportedly banging on the walls to try and jolt guards into action before it was too late.
5…………> In “Uncle” Heinrich Himmler Bloody Footsteps: Plundered Gold Stash
Researchers looking for billions of dollars-worth of Nazi treasures stolen from across occupied Europe during World War II may have zeroed in on one of the hiding places –a 16th century German castle, the Hochberg Palace to be exact, situated in the village of Roztoka, Lower Silesia, about 25 miles north of the Czech border, situated in modern-day Poland where some 28 tones of gold and other treasures may be hidden.
It is one of 11 locations described in the diary of SS Standartenfuhrer Egon Ollenhauer, a diary was kept in a German Freemason lodge in Saxony-Anhalt for many decades, its existence revealed last year, after the last of the former Nazi officers connected with it had passed away.
The diary entries suggest the existence of a room underneath the palace, at the bottom of a blasted well shaft, where Reichsbank gold bars and other treasures from Breslau (the former German city transferred to Poland after WWII) worth as much as .54 billion in today’s dollars may be buried.