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1…………> Today’s White House Tweets
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Donald J. Trump
So we catch Obama & Biden, not to even mention the rest of their crew, SPYING on my campaign, AND NOTHING HAPPENS? I hope not! If it were the other way around, 50 years for treason. NEVER FORGET!!!!
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
The Radical Left Democrats, who totally control Biden, will destroy our Country as we know it. Unimaginably bad things would happen to America. Look at Portland, where the pols are just fine with 50 days of anarchy. We sent in help. Look at New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. NO!
Donald J. Trump
We are trying to help Portland, not hurt it. Their leadership has, for months, lost control of the anarchists and agitators. They are missing in action. We must protect Federal property, AND OUR PEOPLE. These were not merely protesters, these are the real deal!
2………….> Trump Central: US COVID-19 Data Directly To The White House
Led by physicians, scientists and epidemiologists, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been acclaimed as one of the most reliable sources of knowledge during disease outbreaks until now, as the world is in desperate need of authoritative information, one of the foremost agencies for fighting infectious disease has gone conspicuously silent.
Following a statement by CDC director Robert Redfield at the White House briefing room lectern, saying that the coronavirus pandemic had “overwhelmed” the United States, President Trump implied the director had been “totally misquoted” in his warning that COVID-19 would continue to pose serious difficulties as the US moved into its winter flu season in late 2020.
The CDC’s venerated expertise had been sidelined as the pandemic continued to ravage the US, has even been bypassed in its data collection, with the Trump administration ordering hospitals to send COVID-19 data directly to the White House.
3…………> COVID-19 War Update: Encouraging Vaccine Trials
As two dozen coronavirus vaccines are in clinical trials while another 140 are in early development, clinical studies in the US and the Islamic Sheikdom of UK reported that several experimental treatments produce a good immune response in volunteers without serious side-effects, even though some scientists are calling for volunteers to be exposed to the virus to accelerate research, with Nobel laureates being among those who say it would make it easier to see if those who had received a vaccine were protected.
The scientists signed an open letter to the head of the US National Institutes of Health, saying these “challenge trials” could accelerate vaccine development, de-facto urging the governments to simply crank-up the race to create a coronavirus vaccine.
4…………> Imminent Battle Of The Giants: Will China Challenge The US Supremacy?
Four years after the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague declared China’s claims in the South China Sea region to be legally baseless, the Trump administration has also taken side on the issue, labeling them illegal:
“The world will not allow Beijing to treat the South China Sea as its maritime empire,” said Secretary Pompeo.
Observers say this is the first time the US has taken sides against China rather than attempting to mediate a compromise, sending its warships regularly patrol the contentious maritime area, legally supported by international law thanks to the decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
Beijing on other side has leveled sanctions against US politicians, arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin, which recently announced weapons sales to Taiwan, and the most shocking step taken so far came in the form of its recently announced economic and security cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
5…………> Heatwaves: How To Stay Cool?
During heatwaves, everyone has plenty of tips on how to keep cool. But which tips and facts stand up to scientific scrutiny on the hottest days of the year? We look at the evidence for whether you should:
1) Stick to cold rather than hot drinks
2) Get a fan
3) Only older people need worry about the impact on their health
4) Open all the windows
5) Drink beer
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