Posted on Blog For 04/22/2019: Evening Edition

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1…………> Today’s White House Tweets

Sen. Marsha Blackburn

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Apr 15


Here’s what #TaxReform has brought to our country:

✅3.2 million new jobs

✅A bigger paycheck for ~90% of taxpayers

✅Lowest jobless claims in 50 years

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Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Sen. Kevin Cramer

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Apr 17


Sen. Kevin Cramer Retweeted The White House

Created under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Opportunity Zones help lift low income Americans out of poverty by encouraging local investment in communities that have faced economic hardship.

Sen. Kevin Cramer added,

The White House

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LIVE NOW: President Trump at the White House Opportunity Zones Conference …

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Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Shelley Moore Capito

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Apr 17


Last year, @SenatorTimScott and I toured #OpportunityZones in Huntington and saw the incredible potential in these designated areas. You can learn more here:

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Donald J. Trump Retweeted


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3h3 hours ago


“In the heartland, they want legislating, not investigating.” -@kayleighmcenany

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Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Melania Trump

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4h4 hours ago


Another wonderful Easter Egg roll!  @POTUS and I enjoyed meeting everyone!  Thank you to the many volunteers and vendors who worked so hard to help keep this @WhiteHouse tradition alive!! #EasterEggRoll2019

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Donald J. Trump Retweeted

The White House

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Apr 21


The 2019 Easter Egg Roll is almost here!

President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS will welcome guests to the White House for this great Presidential tradition tomorrow:

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Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Louie Gohmert

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25 Apr 2018


What I have accumulated here is absolutely shocking upon the realization that #Mueller’s disreputable, twisted history speaks to the character of the man placed in a position to attempt to legalize a coup against a lawfully-elected President. DOWNLOAD:

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2…………> Counterfeit Phones Fraud: Orange County


A Laguna Hills man named Chan Hung Le has been arrested on federal charges alleging he oversaw a scheme that smuggled counterfeit Apple and Samsung cell phone components from China that were sold in the United States, generating tens of millions of dollars in revenue.

 Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) decision was pursuant to a criminal complaint that charges him with conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to traffic in counterfeit goods, conspiracy to illegally import merchandise, conspiracy to commit mail fraud and wire fraud, and aggravated identity theft.

In October 2011 and February 2012, HSI Los Angeles special agents executed search warrants at EZ Elektronix’s office and seized approximately 7,200 counterfeit iPhone parts and 11,700 other counterfeit cell phone parts that had a retail value of more than $1.

 Starting in June 2010, Le and several co-conspirators, including his relatives and employees, smuggled counterfeit goods and employed various tactics to avoid scrutiny from authorities in the United States, Hong Kong and China, the affidavit states.


3…………> Mueller Report Gossips: Trumps Rejections


President Trump dismissed questions about his staff’s reluctance to carry out his orders and the chances of impeachment proceedings in Congress, days after the Mueller report highlighted both issues.

“Nobody disobeys me,” Mr. Trump said when asked if he was worried about his orders not being followed, while remarking at the White House during an annual Easter celebration.


4…………> Hecklers Veto In Action: Herman Cain Blackmail


Though the president did not formally nominate Mr. Cain to the seven-member board, the announcement prompted backlash among Democrats and some Republicans in Congress.

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Following Following @realDonaldTrump


My friend Herman Cain, a truly wonderful man, has asked me not to nominate him for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board.

 Herman is a great American who truly loves our Country!

12:16 PM – 22 Apr 2019

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5…………> Market Report: sell stop 26200, CG 4018, 11/21/2019


Stocks down 48 to 26511, DJ futures -23, rally continuing due to anti-tariff talks, and China spending 1 trillion dollars to buy US products.

Gold down to 1277.2 and USD/CHF at 0.98 due to President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop at 26200.

We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


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Posted on Blog For 04/22/2019: Morning Edition/

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Donald J. Trump

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4h4 hours ago


How do you impeach a Republican President for a crime that was committed by the Democrats? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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Donald J. Trump

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12h12 hours ago


Can you believe that I had to go through the worst and most corrupt political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States (No Collusion) when it was the “other side” that illegally created the diversionary & criminal event and even spied on my campaign? Disgraceful!

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Donald J. Trump

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13h13 hours ago


Jobless claims in the United States have reached their lowest (BEST) level in over 50 years!

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Donald J. Trump

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14h14 hours ago


Despite No Collusion, No Obstruction, The Radical Left Democrats do not want to go on to Legislate for the good of the people, but only to Investigate and waste time. This is costing our Country greatly, and will cost the Dems big time in 2020!

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Donald J. Trump

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14h14 hours ago


The Trump Haters and Angry Democrats who wrote the Mueller Report were devastated by the No Collusion finding! Nothing but a total “hit job” which should never have been allowed to start in the first place!

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Donald J. Trump

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15h15 hours ago


Do you believe this? The New York Times Op-Ed: MEDIA AND DEMOCRATS OWE TRUMP AN APOLOGY. Well, they got that one right!

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Donald J. Trump

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15h15 hours ago


138 people have been killed in Sri Lanka, with more that 600 badly injured, in a terrorist attack on churches and hotels. The United States offers heartfelt condolences to the great people of Sri Lanka. We stand ready to help!

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2…………> Foreign Jihadists Behind Sri Lanka Terror: PM


A wave of bombings that killed 290 in Sri Lanka, and injured another 500 people in suicide attacks on churches and hotels, was carried out with the support of an international network, with the government blaming a little-known local jihadist group, National Thowheed Jamath, and police arresting 24 people in a series of raids after the president’s office declared a state of national emergency.

The emergency declaration gives police and military extensive powers to detain and interrogate suspects without court orders.

Mr. Senaratne said that authorities believed the bombers had international support.

“We do not believe these attacks were carried out by a group of people who were confined to this country,” he said.

“There was an international network without which these attacks could not have succeeded.”


3…………> The Last Boundary: Science Of Death


“Death is very likely the single best invention of life. It’s life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new,” Steve Jobs’ said in his farewell speech, before succumbing to cancer at the age of 56.

The human body has billions billions of cells that divide every day and ensure growth of our lives, having the propensity to destroy dangerous, mutating cells such as viruses or cancer cells.

Physicists are using the quantum physical phenomenon of entanglement of two particles that behave like a pair of twins regardless of the real distance, allowing measurement of the quantum state of the partner particle to help determine the state of its twin.

Numerous quantum physicists today believe that this effect actually exists when facing  the dualism of body and soul. But when the question is asked whether quantum physics can “prove” the existence of a human soul, it boils down to a question of faith, whether it is scientifically or religiously motivated.


4…………> A Peak Of Political Correctness Idiocy: Obama, Clinton Tweets


World politicians have sent their condolences to Sri Lanka after multiple explosions hit luxury hotels and churches during Easter mass on Sunday, killing at least 290 people and injuring 500 others.

Our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack, “We must spread democracy across the world by reading our citizens emails”, Obama, and his ex-Secretary of State Hillary, “I have no recollection of my email server, in fact I have no recollection of anything”, Clinton have reacted to the deadly Sri Lanka blasts in big-name hotels and churches, seemingly avoiding calling the victims targeted during Easter services “Christians”, having instead opted for a more obscure term – “Easter worshippers”.

Barack Obama

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Following Following @BarackObama


The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka.

10:02 AM – 21 Apr 2019

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Hillary Clinton

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Follow Follow @HillaryClinton


On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.

1:17 PM – 21 Apr 2019

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5…………> Welcome To San Diego: USS Charleston


SAN DIEGO (April 19, 2019) The Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Charleston (LCS 18) sails through San Diego Bay in transit to the ship’s Naval Base San Diego homeport, successfully completing the ship’s maiden voyage from the Austal USA shipyard in Mobile, Alabama. Charleston is the ninth ship in the littoral combat ship Independence-variant class and is the eleventh LCS to be homeported in San Diego. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Woody S. Paschall (Released) 190419-N-KG738-1051


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Posted on Blog For 04/21/2019: Evening Edition

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1…………>Today’s White House tweets

Donald J. Trump

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4h4 hours ago


How do you impeach a Republican President for a crime that was committed by the Democrats? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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Donald J. Trump

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12h12 hours ago


Can you believe that I had to go through the worst and most corrupt political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States (No Collusion) when it was the “other side” that illegally created the diversionary & criminal event and even spied on my campaign? Disgraceful!

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Donald J. Trump

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13h13 hours ago


Jobless claims in the United States have reached their lowest (BEST) level in over 50 years!

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Donald J. Trump

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14h14 hours ago


Despite No Collusion, No Obstruction, The Radical Left Democrats do not want to go on to Legislate for the good of the people, but only to Investigate and waste time. This is costing our Country greatly, and will cost the Dems big time in 2020!

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Donald J. Trump

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14h14 hours ago


The Trump Haters and Angry Democrats who wrote the Mueller Report were devastated by the No Collusion finding! Nothing but a total “hit job” which should never have been allowed to start in the first place!

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Donald J. Trump

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15h15 hours ago


Do you believe this? The New York Times Op-Ed: MEDIA AND DEMOCRATS OWE TRUMP AN APOLOGY. Well, they got that one right!

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Donald J. Trump

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15h15 hours ago


138 people have been killed in Sri Lanka, with more that 600 badly injured, in a terrorist attack on churches and hotels. The United States offers heartfelt condolences to the great people of Sri Lanka. We stand ready to help!

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Donald J. Trump

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16h16 hours ago


Happy Easter! I have never been happier or more content because your Country is doing so well, with an Economy that is the talk of the World and may be stronger than it has ever been before. Have a great day!

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Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Byron York

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Apr 20


Lotta stuff in the report. From @SecretsBedard: Kushner cleared of seeking Russian money to pay real estate debt.

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Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Sean Hannity

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Apr 20


Prior Reporting Confirmed That Some FBI Agents Were FED UP With Comey

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2…………> A Multiple Bloody Jihadist Attacks: Sri-Lanka Christians


“A foreign intelligence agency warned that the NTJ [National Thowheeth Jama’ath, a radical Muslim group in Sri Lanka] is planning to carry out suicide attacks targeting prominent churches as well as the Indian high commission in Colombo,” the alert said, with the politically correct politicians ignoring it to the tune of 450 people injured, and 207  killed, after eight explosions ripped through churches and luxury hotels.

“Prior information” of an imminent attack on churches up to 10 days before the Easter Sunday bombings came true, with three bombed during services, three at hotels, one outside a zoo south of the capital Colombo, and another on the outskirts of the city.

Police issued an intelligence report warning of possible suicide bombings 10 days prior


3…………> Sri-Lanka Carnage:The Aftermath


Destruction, death, and suffering follows an attack by Islamo-Fascist Sri Lanka jihadist group on civilians, with more than 200 people killed, and hundreds of others injured, after several blasts aimed at churches and hotels in Colombo, Sri Lanka.


4…………> Mr.Xi Friends Join The Celebration: China’s Navy


South Korean navy’s guided missile frigate ROKS Gyeonggi arrives in the port city of Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, April, 21, 2019, to join multinational naval events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy. The events will be held between April 22 and 25 and a naval parade will be held in Qingdao and nearby sea areas and airspace on April 23. (Xinhua/Li Ziheng)



5…………> The Dream Of Maxine: “Impeach 45”


“Sore Loser” California Rep. Maxine Waters stated that there is enough evidence in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report to move forward with the impeachment of President Donald Trump, saying that Congress has to “step up to the plate” and press for impeachment.

“The fact of the matter is, I think that when you look at this report, you can see that there is enough information there not only on obstruction of justice but also on collusion or conspiracy, whatever you want to call it, to move forward with impeachment on this president,” she said.

Not a word of impeachement during the infamous reign of our 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack, “We need to spread freedom across the world by reading the emails of our citizens” Obama, a man who gave away 1/2 of US treasure to his hoodlum Iranian friends, increased US Nation debt by $9.1 trillion dollars, open the border to Narco State of Mexico cartels, and did not lift a finger to stop the murders of some 3800 of his own neighbors, cut down by the Chicago drug dealers.

Waters record is one of relentless treachery, stupidity, rasism and creating havoc in the US by attacking a democratically elected President.


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