Posted on Blog For 04/25/2019: Evening Edition

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1…………> Today’s White House tweets

Donald J. Trump


45th President of the United States of America🇺🇸

Washington, March 2009

46 Following


Followed by The White House, Sarah Sanders, and 247 others you follow


Tweets & replies



Donald J. Trump’s Tweets



Donald J. Trump




I will be interviewed on


at 9:00 PM.  In 5 minutes – Enjoy!




Donald J. Trump




Thank you! #MAGA🇺🇸




Donald J. Trump




Our Border Control Agents have done an incredible job under very adverse conditions. I am very proud to have increased their salaries because of the great job they do. Nobody deserves it more. THANK YOU and keep up the outstanding work!




Donald J. Trump Retweeted

The White House








traveled to Atlanta, Georgia, yesterday for the Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit, continuing their fight against America’s opioid crisis.

2…………> Robbing Investors: Celadon Inc.


Celadon, a transportation company headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, that was listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), entered into a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) in connection with a criminal information filed today in the Southern District of Indiana charging the company with securities fraud.

  The case was primarily focused on the fact that Celadon knowingly filed materially false and misleading statements to investors and falsified books, records and accounts with regard to the values of assets involved in four trade transactions that were recorded at inflated values and not fair market value.

Instead of properly reporting Quality’s financial difficulties to investors, members of Celadon’s and Quality’s senior management team, all acting within the scope of their employment, participated in a scheme that resulted in Celadon falsely reporting inflated profits and inflated assets to the investing public through Celadon’s financial statements.

In December 2016, after allegations of misconduct had arisen publicly, Celadon’s management approved a memorandum that falsely stated the trucks involved in the above-described transactions were purchased and sold at fair market value, and were accounted for properly on Celadon’s books.

  “Securities fraud harms all investors — from the most sophisticated to those everyday Americans saving for retirement, and the Criminal Division remains committed to investigating and prosecuting these complex crimes.


3…………> Mr.Xi Project Of The Century: Belt & Road


More than 120 countries and 29 international organizations back the Belt and Road Initiative,Switzerland and Peru are expected to sign a Memorandum of Understanding within days, China will aim to make initiatives sustainable and prevent debt risks, finance minister, China is hosting its second Belt and Road Forum — the first being in 2017 — from April 25-27 to further promote and reaffirm support for President Xi Jinping’s trillion-dollar global trade initiative.

What is actually in the MOU the Victorian Government signed with China on the One Belt One Road initiative, and what does it mean for the state?

Nearly 40 foreign leaders and 5,000 representatives from 150 countries are on this year’s guest list, including President Ueli Maurer of Switzerland, which is expected to be the second Western European nation to sign an accord backing the initiative after Italy broke away and pledged their support last month

And while there was no summit held in 2018, many developments have been taking place in the meantime as the initiative continues to evolve from what’s been described as “a genius marketing ploy” into a foreign policy and economic framework that’s slammed by many Western powers as a way to spread Beijing’s influence abroad and saddle developing countries with unsustainable debt.


4…………> US Carriers In Danger: PLA NAVY Missile Shield


Robert Haddick, a former US Marine Corps officer and an adviser to the US Special Operations Command, said that “China’s anti-ship missile capability exceeds those of the United States in terms of range, speed and sensor performance”.

While a former PLA colonel admitted that “US missiles are superior to ours in terms of quality and quantity,” Beijing still has the advantage in terms of cost: it can produce vastly more missiles than US air defenses could hope to shoot down, and a carrier might cost 10,000 times what a missile does.

We are at a disadvantage with regard to China today in the sense that China has ground-based ballistic missiles that threaten our basing in the Western Pacific and our ships,” Admiral Harry Harris, former head of US Pacific Command, told the US Senate Armed Services Committee in March 2018.

 However, Beijing has spent decades building up an effective deterrent of cheap, long-range missiles aiming not for parity with the Pentagon, but deterrence of its most dangerous assets: the dozen super carriers Washington uses to terrorize countries that stand against it.

While Beijing has never made public the size of its missile arsenal, the Communist Youth League has posted some figures about the PLARF, showing it’s roughly 100,000-men strong and has 200 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 300 medium-range ballistic missiles.


5…………> Market Report for 04/25/2019: sell stop 26300, CG 4018


Stocks down 135 to 26462, DJ futures -23, rally continuing due to anti-tariff talks, and China spending 1 trillion dollars to buy US products.

Gold up to 1282.6.2 and USD/CHF at 0.98 due to President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop at 26200.

We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


Please visit https://bibi1581stem.blogspotcom/ to read historic blogs


Posted on Blog For 04/25/2019: Morning Edition

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1…………>Today’s White House tweets

Donald J. Trump


45th President of the United States of America🇺🇸

Washington, March 2009

46 Following


Followed by The White House, Sarah Sanders, and 247 others you follow


Tweets & replies



Donald J. Trump’s Tweets

Donald J. Trump




Look forward to seeing everyone in Indianapolis, Indiana tomorrow!

Quote Tweet



· Apr 19

President @realDonaldTrump and @VP Mike Pence are speaking next Friday, April 26 at the @NRAILA Leadership Forum in #Indianapolis! You don’t want to miss this. Get your tickets → (link:… #NRAAM





Donald J. Trump




I will be interviewed by


tonight at 9:00 PM on


. Enjoy!




Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Rep. Matt Gaetz




“The man who killed my son never did a day in prison. Not one day.”

On January 22nd, 2015, Grant Ronnebeck was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant over a pack of cigarettes. Listen to his father’s story:






Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Ronna McDaniel




If Joe Biden wants to keep score:

In 8 years, Biden & Obama had a net loss of 193,000 manufacturing jobs.

In just over 2 years,


has created 453,000 manufacturing jobs.

Don’t let Biden take us backwards!





2…………> Big Pharma Fraud:Kickbacks


“When pharmaceutical companies use foundations to create funds that are used improperly to subsidize the copays of only their own drugs, it violates the law and undercuts a key safeguard against rising drug costs,” said Assistant Attorney General Jody Hunt of the Department of Justice’s Civil Division

“As today’s settlements make clear, the FBI  will aggressively go after pharmaceutical companies that look to bolster their drug prices by paying illegal kickbacks — whether directly or indirectly — to undermine taxpayer funded healthcare programs, including Medicare,” said Joseph R. Bonavolonta, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Boston Division.

With respect to Kyprolis, the government also alleged that Amgen’s predecessor, Onyx, asked a foundation to create a fund that ostensibly would cover health care related travel expenses for patients taking any multiple myeloma drug, but which was actually used almost exclusively to cover travel expenses for patients taking Kyprolis, which must be infused at certain health care facilities.

 With respect to Sensipar, the government alleged that, in late 2011, Amgen stopped donating to a foundation that provided financial support to patients taking any of several secondary hyperparathyroidism drugs and approached a new foundation about creating a “Secondary Hyperparathyroidism” fund that would support only Sensipar patients.


3…………> IS Fanatics Till The End: Suicide Vest


The pregnant wife of a Sri Lanka bomber detonated a suicide vest when police raided the affluent family’s home in the wake of the terror attacks, killing her own children, and deputy defense minister Ruwan Wijewardene told a press conference most of the suicide bombers were well-educated and from wealthy families, with the death toll from the suicide bombings standing at 359 killed, 500 injured.

Two brothers at the centre of the plot were the sons of a wealthy spice merchant.


4…………> Comrade Un Visits Uncle Vladimir: Sitting On Two Chairs At The Time


Russian President Vladimir Putin and the top leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Comrade Un started their first meeting at Russia’s Far Eastern Federal University on the Russky Island here on Thursday, as Mr.Kim expressed the hope that the meeting will contribute to the development of Russia-DRPK relations and facilitate the settlement of the Korean Peninsula issueIn his opening remarks, and Putin expressed confidence that Kim’s visit will help resolve the situation on the Korean Peninsula, adding that Moscow welcomes the DPRK’s efforts to develop inter-Korean dialogue and to normalize its relations with the United States

The two leaders are expected to discuss a wide range of topics including the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, security in Northeast Asia and bilateral ties.


5…………> Get Of My Strait: Mr.Xi To French Navy


The Chinese navy warned off a French warship which entered the Taiwan Strait earlier this month, adding that it had submitted an official protest to Paris over the move, and the Defense Ministry claimed that a French warship “illegally entered China’s territorial waters” on 7 April.

The development comes after Taiwan scrambled warplanes late last month to “drive away” two Chinese fighter jets which it said flew past a maritime border in the Taiwan Strait.


Please visit https://bibi1581stem.blogspotcom/ to read Bibi1581 historic blogs



Posted on Blog For 04/24/2019: Evening Edition

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Today’s White House Tweets

Donald J. Trump




The Great State of Tennessee is so close to passing School Choice. All of our Nation’s children, regardless of background, deserve a shot at achieving the American Dream! Time to get this done, so important!




Donald J. Trump






of the great state of Utah has written a wonderful new book entitled, “Our Lost Declaration.” Highly recommended!







Donald J. Trump




As ONE UNITED NATION, we will work, we will pray, and we will fight for the day when every family across our land can live in a DRUG FREE AMERICA! #RxSummit2019

Quote Tweet

Rx Drug Abuse Summit


· 6h

President Donald J. Trump thanks everyone in the room at the #RxSummit2019 and says his administration is doing all they can do to fight right by our side. #Thisiswhywemeet @realDonaldTrump @FLOTUS @RepHalRogers @nihale1956 @uniteky @SecAzar





Donald J. Trump






Melania and I were honored to join thousands of leaders from across the Country for the 2019 Prescription Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit (


) in Atlanta, Georgia! #RxSummit2019


474.1K viewers


The White House

LIVE: President Trump and the First Lady at the Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit





2…………> A State Department Spy: Uncovered


Candace Marie Claiborne, a former employee of the U.S. Department of State, pleaded guilty today to a charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States, by lying to law enforcement and background investigators, and hiding her extensive contacts with, and gifts from, agents of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), in exchange for providing them with internal documents from the U.S. State Department.

She pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States, by lying to law enforcement and background investigators, and hiding her extensive contacts with, and gifts from, agents of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), in exchange for providing them with internal documents from the US.

Despite such a requirement, Claiborne failed to report repeated contacts with two agents of the People’s Republic of China Intelligence Service, even though these agents provided tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and benefits to Claiborne and her family over five years.

Candace Claiborne was entrusted with Top Secret information when she purposefully misled federal investigators about her repeated interactions with foreign contacts which violated her oath of office as a State Department employee,” said Assistant Director McNamara.

The gifts and benefits included cash wired to Claiborne’s USAA account, Chinese New Year’s gifts, international travel and vacations, tuition at a Chinese fashion school, a fully furnished apartment, a monthly stipend and numerous cash payments.


3…………> Very Busy Mr.Xi: Road & Belt Network


While US House represenatives fossilized “MAGA” haters and saboteurs are busy with the imminent impeachment of President Trump, the Belt and Road Studies Network (BRSN), co-initiated by Xinhua Institute and 15 other think tanks, was inaugurated in Beijing Wednesday

The BRSN is supposedly an open mechanism of academic exchanges and cooperation, which is established to serve international think tanks, international and regional organizations and researchers of various countries, and promote the studies and academic exchanges on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), while in fact it is an undercover tool of Mr.Xi to spread his tentacles  around the world as the “stupid Americans” are fighting each other.

The BRSN plans to hold an academic exchange event each year, organize seminars and field trips to Belt and Road projects, and raise money to set up a non-profit Belt and Road international research fund.

Its 16 initiators formed an initiators council, and Cai Mingzhao, president of Xinhua News Agency and chairman of Xinhua Institute, serves as chairperson of the council.


4…………> Navy Week Celebration: China


Visitors view the guided-missile destroyer Guiyang of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy during a warship open day event in Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, April 24, 2019. A warship open day event was held on Wednesday in Qingdao, as part the multinational naval events marking the 70th founding anniversary of PLA Navy. (Xinhua/Guo Xulei)


5…………> Market Report for 04/24/2019: sell stop 26300, CG 4018


Stocks down 59 to 26597, DJ futures +14, rally continuing due to anti-tariff talks, and China spending 1 trillion dollars to buy US products.

Gold up to 1277.9 and USD/CHF at 0.98 due to President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop at 26300.

We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World Disorder.


Please visit https://bibi1581stem.blogspotcom/ to read Bibi1581 historic blogs