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Bibi1581 Blog For 06/27/2018: Morning Edition

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1…………> “Dark Net” Vendors: Arrested


ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in New York, working with its law enforcement partners, conducted an unprecedented operation to infiltrate and destabilize U.S. based Darknet vendors operating across multiple markets around the country.

Special Agents of HSI New York, in coordination with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, posed as a money launderer on Darknet market sites, exchanging U.S. currency for virtual currency. Through this operation, HSI New York was able to identify numerous vendors of illicit goods, leading to the opening of more than 90 active cases around the country. The Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section (MLARS) of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, working with more than 40 U.S. Attorney’s Offices throughout the country, coordinated the nationwide investigation of over 65 targets, that lead to the arrest and impending prosecution of more than 35 Darknet vendors.

“The Darknet is ever-changing and increasingly more intricate, making locating and targeting those selling illicit items on this platform more complicated. But in this case, HSI special agents were able to walk amongst those in the cyber underworld to find those vendors who sell highly addictive drugs for a profit,” said Acting HSI Executive Associate Director Benner. “The veil has been lifted. HSI has infiltrated the Darknet, and together with its law enforcement partners nationwide, it has proven, once again, that every criminal is within arm’s reach of the law,” Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein said.

“Criminals who think that they are safe on the Darknet are wrong. We can expose their networks, and we are determined to bring them to justice. Today, we arrested more than 35 alleged Darknet vendors. We seized their weapons, their drugs, and $23.6 million of their ill-gotten gains. This nationwide enforcement effort will reduce the supply of deadly drugs like fentanyl that are killing an unprecedented number of Americans. I want to thank our federal prosecutors, and the dedicated federal agents with DEA, Homeland Security Investigations, the Postal Inspection Service, and the Secret Service for their outstanding work.”




2…………> Securities Fraud: MA

A former executive vice president of State Street Bank & Trust identified as 

Ross McLellan, 47, of Hingham, Massachusetts was convicted by a federal jury in Boston in connection with engaging in a scheme to defraud at least six of the bank’s clients through secret commissions applied to billions of dollars of securities trades.

“State Street’s clients, including institutional investors managing pensions for retirees, entrusted McLellan and his subordinates to transition billions of dollars in assets,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General John Cronan. “Rather than living up to the responsibility to act in their clients’ best interests, McLellan and his co-conspirators stole from these victims by charging hidden commissions and then lying about the scheme to cover their tracks. This conviction is a testament to the dedication of the FBI and prosecutors in the Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney’s Office to protecting innocent investors by investigating and prosecuting complex financial crimes.”
In April 2016, McLellan, a former executive vice president of State Street who served as global head of its Portfolio Solutions Group and president of its U.S. broker-dealer, was indicted with Edward Pennings, 47, of Surrey, England, a former senior managing director of State Street and the head of its Portfolio Solutions Group for Europe, the Middle East and Africa.As established by the evidence at trial, between February 2010 and September 2011, McLellan, Pennings and Richard Boomgaardt, 44, of Sevenoaks, England, a former managing director of State Street, conspired to add secret commissions to fixed income and equity trades performed for at least six clients of the bank’s “transition management” business, which helps institutional clients move their investments between and among asset managers or liquidate large investment portfolios. The commissions were charged on top of fees the clients had agreed to pay the bank and despite written instructions to the bank’s traders that generally reflected that the clients were not to be charged trading commissions. McLellan, Pennings, and Boomgaardt took steps to hide the commissions from the clients and others within the bank, including by directing that the commissions not be broken out in post-trade reports.




3…………>  Sore Losers: Dem’s States AG


Despite a decision by US Supreme court upholding President Trump’s administration’s travel ban, an LA federal judge has ordered that migrant children and their parents who were separated when they crossed into the US should be reunited within 30 days, an injunction in a case related to DOJ “zero-tolerance” immigration policy.

In a new wave of hostility towards the policy of breaking up families at the Mexico border, 17 US states, identified as
 Massachusetts, Washington, New York, California, Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia plus the District of Columbia have launched a lawsuit to terminate the policy.




4…………> Back In Manila Bay: CVN76


The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) and Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers USS Antietam (CG 54) and USS Chancellorsville (CG 62) arrived in Manila, Philippines, for a regularly scheduled port visit, June 26.

“Manila is one of the favorite port visits for Sailors in the Pacific thanks to the beauty and welcoming people of the Philippines,” said Rear Adm. Marc Dalton, commander, Task Force 70. “I’m very proud of all the Sailors in this task force. They are dedicated, capable, professionals and they are the core of the United States Navy, and they allow this task force to conduct its operations.”





5…………> Trump To Meet Putin: Austria


President  Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton met President Putin in the Kremlin as a prelude for talks intended to set the stage for a US-Russian summit, a first step toward improving ties.

“Your visit to Moscow raises hopes that we may make the first steps in the restoration of fully-fledged relations between our governments,” Mr. Putin said, adding that Russia “has never been seeking confrontation” with the US, offering to discuss what can be done to “restore full-fledged relations based on equality and mutual respect.”

Mr. Bolton said he was looking forward to discussing “how to improve Russia-US relations and find areas where we can agree and make progress together.”

He added that when Moscow and Washington had differences in the past, Russian and US leaders still met.

“Even in earlier days when our countries had differences, our leaders and their advisers met, and I think that was good for both countries, good for civility in the world,” Mr. Bolton said, emphasizing that “President Trump feels very strongly on that subject.”

Vienna, Austria has been mentioned as a possible location for such a meeting, but no details have been made public.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 06/26/2018: Evening Edition

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1…………> Trump’s ICE Broom: NY 

A Canadian national convicted of felony sexual assault is among the 40 aliens taken into custody last week during a four-day enforcement operation that ended June 21, by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) targeting at-large criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants, immigration fugitives, and other immigration violators. 

This operation targeted public safety threats, such as convicted criminal aliens and gang members, and individuals who have violated the immigration laws of the United States – including those who re-entered the country after being deported and immigration fugitives ordered deported by federal immigration judges. 

Of those arrested in central, western and northern New York state, almost 30 percent had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges. 

“I commend the brave men and women of ICE who work tirelessly to keep our communities safe in the State of New York,” said Thomas Feeley, field office director for ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Buffalo, which covers the 48 county region. “ICE will continue to ensure that New York state will never be a safe haven for criminal aliens.” 

The arrestees (35 men and 5 women) included nationals from 13 countries: Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Jamaica, Malawi, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Somalia, and Latvia. 

2…………> President Trump Victory: AG Sessions 


Tuesday, June 26, 2018 

Statement from Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Today’s Supreme Court Decision in Favor of the Trump Administration in Trump v. Hawaii 

Today Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision in Trump v. Hawaii:

“Today is a great victory for the safety and security of all Americans. The Constitution and Acts of Congress confer on the President broad discretion to protect the interests of the United States. Today’s decision is critical to ensuring the continued authority of President Trump – and all future presidents – to protect the American people. We will continue to take and defend all lawful steps necessary to protect this great nation.” 

3…………> African Cyber Scam Cartel: Under Arrest 

The Justice Department announced Operation Keyboard Warrior, an effort coordinated by the United States and international law enforcement to disrupt online frauds perpetrated from Africa. Eight individuals have been arrested for their roles in a widespread, Africa-based cyber conspiracy that allegedly defrauded U.S. companies and citizens of approximately $15 million since at least 2012. 

Five individuals were arrested in the United States for their roles in the conspiracy including Javier Luis Ramos Alonso, 28, a Mexican citizen residing in Seaside, California; James Dean, 65, of Plainfield, Indiana; Dana Brady, 61, of Auburn, Washington; Rashid Abdulai, 24, a Ghanaian citizen residing in the Bronx, New York, who has been charged in a separate indictment; and Olufolajimi Abegunde, 31, a Nigerian citizen residing in Atlanta, Georgia. Maxwell Atugba Abayeta aka Maxwell Peter, 26, and Babatunde Martins, 62, of Ghana and Benard Emurhowhoariogho Okorhi, 39, a Nigerian citizen who resides in Ghana, have been arrested overseas and are pending extradition proceedings to face charges filed in the Western District of Tennessee.

The indictment also charges Sumaila Hardi Wumpini, 29; Dennis Miah, 34; Ayodeji Olumide Ojo, 35, and Victor Daniel Fortune Okorhi, 35, all of whom remain at large. Abegunde had his detention hearing today before U.S. District Court Judge Sheryl H. Lipman of the Western District of Tennessee, who ordered him detained pending trial, which has been set for Oct. 9.

“The defendants allegedly unleashed a barrage of international fraud schemes that targeted U.S. businesses and individuals, robbing them to the tune of approximately $15 million,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Cronan. 

“The Department of Justice will continue to work with our international partners to aggressively disrupt and dismantle criminal enterprises that victimize our citizens and businesses.”

4…………> Trump Hits Harley-Davidson: “White Flag”?

President Trump took aim at Harley-Davidson after the motorcycle maker said it would begin to shift the production of motorcycles headed for Europe overseas as it faces spiraling costs from European Union tariffs.

The company said that tariffs will cost up to $135m a year, and shifting production overseas could take 18 months.

Donald J. Trump


Surprised that Harley-Davidson, of all companies, would be the first to wave the White Flag. I fought hard for them and ultimately they will not pay tariffs selling into the E.U., which has hurt us badly on trade, down $151 Billion. Taxes just a Harley excuse – be patient! #MAGA

2:28 PM – Jun 25, 2018


43.5K people are talking about this

5…………> Market Report 06/26/2018, sell stop 24450, CG(10322), 11/22/17

Closed position short 24400, cover shortstop 24500, for a loss of 50 DIA points.

Last position long 24500, stop 25100 for a gain of 600 points. New position short 25050, cover short 24450 for a gain of 600 points.

Stocks were up 30 to 24283, DJ futures -49, attempt to stage a covering short rally.

Gold down to 1257.2 and USD/CHF down 0.99 due to President Trump setting tariffs on Chinese products. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch cover short at 24,450.

We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempt to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires’ supporters of the New World.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 06/26/2018: Morning Edition

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1…………> Dirtiest Cities: A List 

Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) crunched some big data, surveying the carbon footprints of 13,000 cities worldwide, and find out that just 100 cities around the world account for 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
 And the envelope goes to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The largest city in Saudi Arabia is also the most polluted, mainly due to its industrial activity. Looking at 13,000 cities, researchers found that highly populated centers contributed a major part of countries’ total emissions. Large urban areas use up more than 70 percent of the world’s total energy — meaning metropolises hold the power to change the global climate situation.



2…………> A Middle Finger To “Deep State”: US Supreme Court


Despite dedicated and persistent efforts by the “Open Borders Foundation” and numerous, Hillary “I have no recollection of my email server” Clinton activists judges, most vocal of whom was an appointee of our 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama from the State of Hawaii, the US Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Trump administration’s travel ban targeting people from several Muslim-majority countries.

The lower courts had found the ban unconstitutional, but the US top court has reversed this decision in a 5-4 ruling announced on Tuesday.
The ban prohibits most people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen from entering the US, and was criticised by refugee and human rights groups.President Donald Trump’s met with the congressional leadership to celebrate the victory of the law over the anti-Constitutional hordes of the “Deep State” conspirators and saboteurs.


3…………> Trump, Heller & Co: Win Nevada

President Trump pressed his tough anti-illegal immigration stance before West Coast supporters during a visit to Las Vegas, saying “we have to be very strong” as he sought to help boost the candidacy of a one-time critic Dean Heller,  the only Republican U.S. senator seeking re-election in a state that Democrat Hillary Clinton won in 2016.

Eager to keep the Republican Party in control of the Senate, Trump and Heller tried present a united front in their shared goal of helping Republicans maintain, if not expand, their thin 51-49 majority in the Senate in November’s congressional elections. 

Heller was among the officials waiting on the sweltering airport tarmac to greet Trump.
In remarks to several hundred often-cheering attendees at the Nevada GOP Convention, Trump portrayed himself as the toughest against illegal immigration, saying at one point, “I think I got elected largely because we are strong on the border.”



4…………> Champagne & Rosses: Erdogan Victory

President Trump congratulated his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his success in Sunday’s presidential and parliamentary elections in a phone call, according to Turkey’s presidential press office on Tuesday.

The sources said Erdogan and Trump confirmed joint commitment on the development of bilateral cooperation on defense and military.

Erdogan won an absolute majority in the presidential poll with 52.5 percent of the vote, while his main rival Muharrem Ince gathered 30.6 percent.




5…………> Cannabis: Alzheimer Treatment

Current research results are suggesting that old mice suddenly had ‘young’ brains after receiving low doses of a THC compound found in marijuana, indicating that the discovery has huge potential for people suffering diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Osmotic minipumps were implanted under the skin of the test mice,  constantly releasing the drug for four weeks, then stopped the delivery, and implemented several tests on learning and memory.

The results observed were quite staggering,  as “patients” remembered as well as young animals, and also, their working memory was absolutely indistinguishable. (



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