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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/09/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> The Eyes Of Gideon: Iran

“Israel is monitoring the situation in Iran very closely. We have eyes, ears and even more inside Iran, [but] was not likely to topple the regime at present. I would be very happy to see a social revolution in Iran. That’s something that could perhaps happen in the future,” said Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen regarding the protests over rising inflation, unemployment, and perceived government mismanagement that have led to more than 20 people killed and 1,000  detained by the Ayatollahs.




2…………> Daesh Attacked: Afghanistan

In a revenge crackdown on Daesh militants suicide attack at a Tehran-backed cultural center that killed 50 people in capital Kabul, and another one during funeral prayers in Jalalabad with 15 victims, Afghan security forces shot dead 22 militants and injured another 30, while losing five police officers in a firefight at a security checkpoint in Sokai district of mountainous Kunar province.


3…………> Buy A Nigerian Slave: $35

According to a report by relief body National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA),  at least 20 Nigerians were sold into slavery for $735 in Libya, another example of blatant and inhumane treatment of prisoners in addition of the nearly 2,800 Nigerians that are still living in Libyan detention facilities under “inhuman conditions”.

A camp official said some returnees spoke of being forced to drink water from the toilet,


4………..> Applied Global Warming: Sahara In White

With temperatures touching 1 degree Celsius, residents in the Algerian town of Ain Sefra — known as the gateway to the Sahara — enjoyed sliding down the dunes before almost a foot of snowfall melted away by the afternoon.

“People were very happy, children played in the snow and everyone was taking photos,” l
ocal residents said they were surprised when they awoke to the unusual scene.
“This is the only place in Algeria that gathers four contrasting paintings. The city is topped by dunes, followed by the forest and then the mountains,” he continued.


5…………> 2+2=11: 51 Qubit Computer

A team of Harvard scientists led by Russian-born and educated physicist, , Russian Quantum Center co-founder and Harvard quantum optics professor Dr. Mikhail Lukin, created the world’s first 51 qubit quantum computer.

What is qubit? Our ancient computers use binary numbers like (0001) and (0110) or one of two states of (1 or 0) to store information, while quantum computers operate on quantum bits or ‘qubits, using states of atoms like angular momentum, spin and other attributes to allow machines to hold exponentially more information. 
Is the the end of one of most hated departments in the University, the Math Department that is? Probably not, but it will be a force to visibly exacerbate the computer induced deflation that is spreading around the world, meaning one thing for sure: more and more unemployment, even for the well educated ones. 
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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/08/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Cut Out The Jihadists: Trump
“That amount has been suspended, not cancelled or reprogrammed, as we continue to hope that Pakistan will take decisive action against the terrorist and militant groups that we seek,” DOD spokesman Col. Rob Manning said about the nearly $1 billion in security assistance to Pakistan.

The reason? Pakistan should deny a sanctuaries to the leadership of terror groups such as the Taliban and the Haqqani Network, so attack planners should no longer be able to find safe havens or conduct operations the country.

Pakistan disagreed, claiming the U.S. needs to show more appreciation after Islamabad has fought terrorism “largely from its own resources” which it said cost over $120 billion in 15 years.

2…………> Human Side Of Mr. Xi: The Memories

China’s most public dimension of President XI Jinping is one of a supreme commander of PLA, a force of millions of soldiers of a nuclear armed country, a highly successful business leader who has led a trek to enormous wealth, currently estimated to be 3.1 trillion dollars in Forex reserves when US has none, a skillful negotiator and deal maker who has initiated the return to the historical “Silk Road”  that connected his country with trade routes of Asia to distant the shores of EU. Yet Mr. Xi has apparently a human side of a former farmer who values and remembers his friends from years passed by, a humble man who rose to become be a mayor of a major city, and then flew on the top an exponential accession to immortality, unique in the annals of world’s history.

3…………> Applied Global Warming: The Cost Of Polluting

While the McCain, Clinton, “Swamp Alligators” & Co “Deep State” parallel US government saboteurs and conspirators did not miss a day to obstruct, offend and ultimately try to impeach a democratically elected President Trump, our country was unable to fully implement his agenda such as converting all US vehicles to LNG, continuing the criminal policies of our 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama of doing nothing to reduce carbon based pollution. Translation? The final tally of natural disasters in the US was $306 billion dollars, due to melting polar caps leading to hurricanes, wildfires, flooding and tornadoes to mention just few major disasters.

Despite studies clearly indicating that illegal immigration is a defining factor in covering our cities with thick, brownish smog, World New Disorder agents are continuing to resist President policy of securing the border and cleaning up our country from millions of illegals.
What’s ahead? History has shown on many occasions that when human stupidity and arrogance interferes with the nature cycles of our celestial home, the free markets and major wars tend to put the fear of God in the homosapiens, returning things to their natural order.

4…………> Market Report 01/08/2017, sell stop 25,000, CG(-60), 11/22/16

Short position closed at 23560, for a loss of 60 DIA points, with a new position long 23560, sell stop 25000 for a spectacular gain of 1440 DIA points. 

Stock market old timers have said that “you buy the rumor, and sell the news”, and that is exactly what is happening right now, with Democrats screaming murder as a close look at the new tax bill indicates that states like California and New York who have been leading the fight to dethrone or impeach Trump may be in for a nasty surprise with the mortgage deduction for state and local taxes set at only $10,000 per return, leaving millions of mansions above $500,000 with a hefty uptick in mortgage payment, a sure prelude to a crash.


We warned that it appears there is organized attempt to remove President Trump from office and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels. 

Stocks were down 13 to 25283, DJ futures at -9.

Gold down to 1319.3 and USD/CHF up to 0.9769 due to tax bill passage. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop at 25,000. We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.

5…………> Ancient Astronomers:Bright Stars Above 

An Indian team of space scientists have calculated that supernova HB9 that exploded sometime between 5000 B.C. and 2000 B.C. was the only one to satisfy the stelar configurations observed on a rock painting in the Burzahama region in Kashmir, India, making it the oldest sky chart ever drawn and the oldest record of a supernova.

“We suggest that this is not a terrestrial hunting scene but is actually a sky-map giving the location of prominent constellations and the Moon on the day the supernova was first observed,” lead scientist Dr. Vahia said in the study.

6…………> Sessions Is A Traitor: Rohrabacher

Last week, House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and former House Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) – two of Congress’ most far-right members were joined by Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) to call on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign.  
Cranking up the pressure even more, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) said that President Donald Trump “has a legitimate right to say that he was betrayed” by Attorney General Jeff Sessions due to Sessions’ recusal from matters relating to Russia, which in turn led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller.

“The American people, now are getting a taste of what people in Washington have known over this last year, and that is Jeff Sessions betrays the people who have had faith in him,” Rohrabacher told CNN’s Ana Cabrera in an interview.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/08/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Enough Lies Wolffy: Wikileaks

The profitability and sales of Michael Wolff’s scathing book about United States President Donald Trump may have gotten a flat tire after WikiLeaks posted a link to a free online copy.

A delight to brainless “Trump Haters” who could not wait to drive another poison needle in their “Trump Doll”, trashy and clearly hostile “Fire and Fury” has not surprisingly become an instant best-seller, with hard copies sold out in many stores within an hour.

Mr Trump has begun legal action against the author, and now Wikileaks has posted a link on Twitter to a Google Drive document that appears to contain the entire manuscript, although it is unclear whether it is the final version that went to publication.

Many buyers are still unimpressed by the book.

“Not worth wasting your time reading this nonsense. Instead should of bought a box of chocolates,” wrote one.

“I found the writing difficult. There are too many grammatical errors and run-on sentences. Have your dictionary ready. He likes to show how smart he is by using pretentious words. I hoped this would be a fun read but after chapter one, I returned it for a refund,” said another.




2…………> An Angry Volcano: PNG

Following a warning call from authorities in Papua New Guinea 700 people have evacuated since the Kadovar Island volcano became active, fearing that a strong eruption could trigger a tsunami, even though it has not erupted for around 300 years.

“The volcano was blowing out ashes, very thick ashes … It started on Friday around 11 o’clock. The volcano smoke was very thick, and ashes were thrown out from the volcano. There was no actual lava but only thick ashes and smoke. If there wasn’t any initiative by boat, there would have been a very serious disaster,” local man said.

“They were also using small canoes, paddling across to Blup Blup. There was a banana boat but no engine.”




3…………> China’s Amphibian AG600

China’s first home-grown large amphibious aircraft AG600 makes a smooth landing after its maiden flight in Zhuhai, south China’s Guangdong Province, Dec. 24, 2017. AG600, code named “Kunlong”, completed its maiden flight on Sunday. Designed to be the world’s largest amphibious aircraft, the AG600 will be mainly used for maritime rescue, fighting forest fires and marine monitoring. The AG600 is the third member of China’s “large aircraft family” following the large freighter Y-20 and large passenger aircraft C919, which made maiden flights in 2013 and 2017. (Xinhua/Liu Dawei)




4…………> Mighty Yuan: Get Ready

China’s foreign exchange reserves are in a good position to maintain stability in 2018, after the central bank announced the 11th consecutive monthly increase in Forex reserves, expanding to 3.14 trillion dollars in December, the highest since September 2016.
The central parity rate of the Chinese currency strengthened 83 basis points to 6.4832 against the U.S. dollar Monday, putting the yuan in its strongest position since May 2016.

“It was about better economic fundamentals, recovering exports and, more importantly, reduced pressure on capital outflows due to a turnabout in expectations for the yuan,” Shenwan Hongyuan Securities analysts Li Huiyong and Qiu Difan wrote in a research note.

China’s GDP expanded an annualized 6.9 percent in the first three quarters of 2017. Q3 was the ninth straight quarter of growth over 6.7 percent.




5…………> Drone Attacks Halted: Syria

In a development that should severely alarm US security authorities,  militants in Syria launched a massive attack against Russian military facilities, including the Tartus Naval base and Hmeimin airbase, with the use of unmanned GPS fitted aerial vehicles loaded with explosives from a distance of about 65 miles.

The Russian military has taken control of six drones that were sent by militants, another seven were shot down by the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun system, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

6…………> In The Tracks Of The Dragon: Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Tagou Martial Arts School, located near Mount Song is vast complex  that accommodates some 35,000 students, 90% of male gender with applicant needs to be at least 5 or 6 years old to become eligible to train here, and no ‘upper age limit’ to join.

Some of “grasshoppers” are unruly children brought by their parents in hopes  setting them straight, while others are attracted by the fame and prestige of Shaolin Tagou, dreaming to become famous martial arts film actors like Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan.

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