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bibi1581 Blog For 11/22/2017:Morning Edition

1…………> Home Health Care Fraud: Miami

The owner and operator of two defunct Miami home health agencies was sentenced today to 80 months in prison for her role in a $74 million conspiracy to defraud the Medicare program.

Sila Luis, 59, of Miami, Florida, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Marcia G. Cooke of the Southern District of Florida. Judge Cooke also ordered the defendant to pay $45 million in restitution and to forfeit the gross proceeds traced to the offense. Luis pleaded guilty on June 28, to one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud. 

As part of her guilty plea, Luis admitted that, between January 2006 and June 2012, she and her co-conspirators agreed to, and actually did, operate LTC Professional Consultants Inc. (LTC) in order to fraudulently bill the Medicare program for home health care services, including diabetic injections, skilled nursing visits, physical therapy, and other treatments and services. Professional Home Care Solutions Inc. was another home health agency under Luis’s ownership and control that was involved in the conspiracy. Luis further admitted that she and her co-conspirators enlisted and paid patient recruiters kickbacks and bribes in exchange for the referral of Medicare beneficiaries to LTC. Had Medicare known that Luis paid bribes and kickbacks to attract beneficiaries to her facilities, Medicare would not have paid any claims submitted on behalf of those beneficiaries.

Judge Cooke determined at sentencing that Luis was responsible for an intended loss of $74 million to the Medicare program. 



2…………> Crimes Against Humanity: Bosnia

Former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic was jailed for life by UN judges after being found guilty of crimes against humanity, including genocide of over 8,000 Muslim men and boys who perished at Srebrenica in 1995.
His involvement extended to the genocide and persecution, extermination, murder, and the inhumane act of forcible transfer in Srebrenica.

3…………> A Handgrenade Thank-You Note: US DOD

A truck bombing in Mogadishu that killed over 350 people and was blamed on Al-Qaeda aligned al-Shabaab Islamic terrorists was repaid in full when 100 of its lunatics were killed in an American airstrike in Somalia using a pair of F35 aircraft.

 “U.S. forces will continue to use all authorized and appropriate measures to protect Americans and to disable terrorist threats,” said an AFRICOM statement.

4…………> Biohackers: Your Own Risk

“We do not advise that anyone watching this video do what is about to be done here. Tristan Roberts is completely within his rights according to the FDA and the rule of law in this nation… to self-experiment on himself in any way that he deems medically appropriate. It is his body and it is his right,” said Aaron Traywick, head of Ascendance Biomedical, about the first human to inject an untested, experimental gene therapy into his stomach fat.

5…………> Trump’s Military Aides Fired: Vietnam
Members of the White House Communications Agency, a military unit that provides secure communication channels for the White House, have been removed from their positions after being accused of improper contact with foreign women during President Donald Trump’s recent trip through Asia, and are currently being investigated by DOD.

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Over The Mountains And The Valleys: Charlie Daniels

Since 9/11 Americans have become victims of 24/7 news, breathlessly waiting for the next “big event”, an activity that has been enormously profitable for the hated “Fake News” Barons and their corporate supporters who have abandoned any moral codes or appearances of civility, relentlessly recycling an idiotic charade amplified by the latest “Pervert Gate” of mostly Hollywood Hillary Clinton supporters. But America is a land of miracles, miracles created by the always searching spirits of its people, the latest vision of the greatness of our country immortalized in few minutes trip from sea to shining sea by great musician and patriot Charlie Daniels B2AEkfjc6-o?feature=player_

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/21/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> Ready For Shake, Rattle & Roll: US North-West

“We observed very compact sediments offshore of Washington and northern Oregon that could support earthquake rupture over a long distance and close to the trench, which increases both earthquake and tsunami hazards,” Shuoshuo Han, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas and lead author of a study inferring that the Northwest Pacific region of the US is susceptible to devastating earthquakes and tsunamis because of its location along the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ), a convergent plate boundary that extends from northern Vancouver Island to northern California.

 2………..> Market Report 11/21/2017, sell stop 23,500, CG(5969),11/21/16

Our short position was covered at DIA 21800 for a gain of 50 points and a new position established at 21850, sell stop 21800 closed for a loss of 50 DIA points. A new short position was established at 21850, cover short stop at 21800 for a gain of 50 DIA points was closed and a new long position established at 21800, sell stop 23450 closed at the market 23450 for a spectacular gain of 1769 DIA points, and total cumulative gain for 2017 of 5869 points or 25% annual return. The short position at 23450 was covered at a profit of 50 DIA points. Our new position is long DIA at 23450, sell stop triggered at 23500 for a gain of 50 DIA points.

The market penetrated the 23450 support level and collapsed down to 23358 level, an indication that “Yellen’s bulls” are running away from the market in expectation of tighter credit and less support by the new Fed chief Powell. Then the news that US House has passed a tax bill reignited the bullish sentiment and led to 200 points reversal.

The market was flat after Yellen’s firing from the Fed, so the ominous plan of balance sheet contraction that will dump 600 billion of Obama’s monetary septic tank securities on the market every quarter is clearly on hold, a move suggesting flat interest rates due to flat dollar that would surely bleed the profits of the multinationals. The budget deficit for the last 8 months is 460 billion, in line with Obama’s and the GOP planned country wide tax cuts will explode it to new highs. All this dance and song ignores Comrade Un’s playing with matches supplied by Mr.Xi, and there are talks that that Saudi Arabia may be forced to peg the oil price to Chinese yuan, a decision that will unleash a deluge of paper dollars. Yet like an insane inmate in an asylum beating its bloodied head in a stone wall, Yellen printing money is on hold for now, halting markets push upward and leading to formation of a gold price bottom. Last week President Trump put an end to all those speculations by appointing Jerome Powell as the next Fed chair, finally showing Obama’s not so secret weapon Janet Yellen the door, a decision met with a cautious rally on Wall Street. A close look at the new budget indicates that states like California and New York who have been leading the fight to dethrone or impeach Trump may be in for a nasty surprise if the mortgage deduction is phased out, leaving millions of mansions above $500,000 with a hefty uptick in mortgage payment, a sure prelude to a crash.


We warned that it appears there is organized attempt to remove President Trump from office and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.


Stocks up 161 to 23591, DJ futures at +31.

Gold up to 1279.3 due market breaking supports, and USD/CHF down to 0.9906 due of Yellen’s removalTranslation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop 23,500. The real shocker had been predicting for months, the relentless treachery of dedicated CFR, Soros Planetary Commission and KBI(Koch Bureau of Investigation) soldiers Paul “Granny Crusher” Ryan and Mitch “Harry’s Twin” McConnell became evident last week when none of Trump’s grandiose projects were passed by the criminal consortium of Establishment GOP and Unified Party USA. Clearly defrauded and offended President Trump has now made a deal with Nancy Schumer and Charles Pelosi to fund the government for three months and get a relief for Harvey’s victims down in Texas, something that does not bode well for the future of GOP.

Yellen’s attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000 failed due to the simple fact that both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.

3…………> Net Neutrality: Obama’s “Inquisition Terror” 

Thousands of Internet bloggers and other freedom lovers can testify that over the eight years of the glorious reign of our 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama, his favorite Silicon Valley Barron’s lap dogs were given unrestricted power to be the judge, jury and executioner of what was allowed to be shown on the screen of millions of computer, and to slow down, chop of or even close any website that did not follow the convoluted, politically correct communist line of the New World Disorder. 

President Donald Trump has long been against net neutrality, likened it to the Fairness Doctrine, a US regulation from 1949 to 1987 that required broadcasters to present controversial issues of public importance in a balanced way, leading to the charge  in 2014 described Mr Obama’s proposed regulations as a “power grab”. 

“Donald J. Trump 
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media. 

10:58 AM – Nov 12, 2014 

476476 Replies


4…………> Go Home, Haitians: Trump

The Trump administration will end a temporary residency program in July 2019, that was offered to about 59,000 Haitian immigrants after a devastating 2010 earthquake, giving them 18 months to return to their impoverished Caribbean country or legalize their status in the United States. Immigrants from Sudan, Nicaragua and Honduras have also been given a deadline.

5………..> Crimes Against The Elderly: Iowa 

Five people from eastern Iowa pleaded guilty in federal court to a scheme to defraud elderly victims across the United States. 

The following Dubuque-area residents pleaded guilty to wire fraud: 
Tiffany Reynolds, 32, 
Joshua Willis, 21, 
Payton McCarville, 23, 
Morgan Cornell, 20, and 
Paul Chase, 34. 

At their plea hearings, all five individuals admitted participating in a scheme to defraud people throughout the United States and that the fraud primarily targeted the elderly. They each admitted that other individuals called victims via telephone and told these victims that a relative was in jail. The caller then asked the victims to wire money via Western Union or MoneyGram to get the relative released. Each defendant further admitted that the money was being wired to various participants in the fraud who picked up the wire transfers; each admitted being one of the participants in and around Dubuque who received wire transfers from the victims. 
Each defendant faces a maximum sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment, a fine, and three years of supervised release.

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