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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/25/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> Social Media Curse: Pakistan Violence

Pakistani troops from the army’s 111th brigade will be deployed to aid the civil administration to enforce law and order in the cities of Islamabad and Lahore, 
after social media incited rioting, resistance and nationwide protests. 
Security forces arrested over 300 protesters, and 150 in Islamabad alone were taken to various police stations across Pakistan. A mob attacked former Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan’s house in Rawalpindi and broke the main gate of his house.

2………..> The Whisper Of The Waves: Einstein’s Obsession

On the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s theory of relativity, researchers have been stunned by his fascination with sailing in the Alpine lakes of Switzerland with his landlady’s daughter, Suzanne Markwalder. Whether the soft whisper of the peaceful lake waves, which of course is an endless sequence of partial differential equations, or the charming boat crew company gave him the inspiration to create a revolutionary theory of the Universe that one day would modify the “theory of space and time” is unknown, but one thing is true for sure: All you geniuses out there, get out of the lab and go down on the water.



3…………> The Cashless Boys: China

Yet another group of Silicon Valley “would be billionaires” have decided to create a magical interface that will use an Iphone to handle all your transactions, turning a major country like China into an entirely cashless society.
Bibi1581 has been talking for years against the power grab of one world, one currency due to the simple fact that cash currency or gold are statements of private property, and monetizing the currency will automatically bundle all US debt, currently at 20.5 trillion dollars(with 12 zeros) with cash on hand, meaning an immediate devaluation of the dollar by at least 25%.
All those phone texting, instagram sending geniuses better read history, most importantly about Gruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, the infamous butcher of the Holocaust, whose “total power” dream by his blond haired, blue eyed goons ruling over the “sheeps of the world” was a complete control of information, reincarnated now with the advent of the Iphone.
To allow bunch of irresponsible apparatchiks like Janet Yellen to have powers of “God” is illegal, unconstitutional and unAmerican, and that is why the people elected President Trump despite the maddening howl of the Hollywood “PervertGate” morons and their “Fake News Media” clowns, led by “Pervert #1”, our own former President Clinton and his scrambled brains wife, “I have no recollection of my email server” Hillary.

4…………> IS Henchman Indicted: Saipov 

“When Sayfullo Saipov carried out his brutal attack last month, his intentions were to inflict significant damage, death and injury to innocent victims and terrorize this city. We announce today’s indictment with the understanding that nothing can ever reverse the unfortunate events of that day, or alleviate the pain and sorrow of the victims’ families. Today’s indictment should be a signal though that the rule of law will always prevail and we are dedicated to holding this perpetrator and anyone else who threatens to disrupt our most basic freedoms accountable for their criminal actions,” said Assistant Director in Charge Sweeney as a grand jury returned a twenty-two count Indictment against Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, 29, of Paterson, New Jersey, in connection with his terrorist attack in lower Manhattan on Oct. 31, which killed eight people and injured twelve more. 

The Indictment charges Saipov with eight counts of murder in aid of racketeering, twelve counts of attempted murder in aid of racketeering, one count of providing and attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and one count of violence and destruction of a motor vehicle resulting in death.

5………….>Then Impossible Dream: Trump vs MS13

A member of the notorious MS-13 gang, a man identified as Miguel “Timido” Angel Lopez-Abrego, 19, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in the brutal death of an yet unidentified man who was stabbed 100 times, decapitated and had his heart cut out in a park near Washington DC, with the body found in a shallow grave in Wheaton Regional Park in Maryland on September 5.

President Trump has openly spoken of his intention of wiping out the Ecuadorian gang, but given the political realities of having the parallel “Deep State” illegal government of McCain/Clinton usurping on his powers, and his own AG Jeff Session hiding under his desk in fear of being arrested by the bloodhounds of “Special Prosecutor” Gruppenfuhrer Mueller, it is very unlikely that he would be able to wipe out the 85,000 members of MS-13, unless of course he designates them as a terrorist organization.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/24/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> Internet Romance: Prison Bromance 

Two Georgia men, Richard Ugbah, 36, and Michael Adegoke, 34, Nigerian citizens living in Atlanta, were sentenced by U.S. District Judge James D. Peterson to 12 years in federal prison for wire fraud, an international romance and cyber criminal scheme that defrauded victims from the United States and Canada out of more than $12.9 million. Ugbah was also ordered to forfeit a Mercedes Benz automobile and two bank accounts. 

Jon Whipple, 60, from St. Petersburg, Florida, who was initially a victim of a similar romance fraud scheme, but later participated in the scheme by disseminating counterfeit checks in exchange for small amounts of money, was sentenced to five years of probation.

2…………> Visit To USS America: SECNAV

The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Richard V. Spencer, a former H-46 pilot with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 161, conducted his first holiday visit to the deployed Marines and Sailors of the amphibious assault ship USS America and embarked 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23. 

“You are what makes (this ship) an effective weapon. You are what sharpens the pointy end of the spear and it’s because of you that this works … we become a quick thinking organization and punch way above our weight to increase our capabilities,” Mr. Spencer said.

He also expressed his deepest gratitude for everyone’s service especially over the holidays. 

“One of the jobs [my wife] and I have back home is to make sure the civilian world knows what their Navy-Marine Corps team is doing,” said Spencer. “Today, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, I think this just epitomizes [your efforts].”  
“As a mom, I wish I could hug you all and say happy Thanksgiving,” said Polly Spencer as she thanked the service members for their sacrifices being away from family. 
Mr. Spencer conducted a mass reenlistment and fielded questions from the crowd ranging from his thoughts on the future of information and cyber warfare to expressing his excitement about being back with his old helicopter squadron. 

“It’s a big honor to have the SECNAV come visit us on Thanksgiving,” said Information Systems Technician 2nd Class Louis Espinoza, one of the Sailors that reenlisted. “But it’s an even greater honor to be reenlisted by him.” 

Immediately following the all hands call, Spencer and his wife began serving the Thanksgiving meal to Sailors and Marines, an entree consisting of 540 pounds of turkey, 520 pounds of baked spiral ham and 500 pounds of prime rib, while accompanied with a variety of side dishes and eggnog to drink. 

After the SECNAV and his wife served turkey onto each passing plate, he sat down with the crew and shared the special meal with them. 

3…………> Digging In: Beijing’s Naval Ports, Aircraft Bases in South China Sea 

New Chinese facilities have been discovered on Tree Island, a tiny island.08 square miles in area in the Paracel Islands group, an archipelago disputed by China, Taiwan and Vietnam, with some sections also claimed by Malaysia and the Philippines. In the Spratly Island group, China has been building runways, leading to accusations that they intend to turn the islands into airbases. Vietnam has also accused China of using their existing facilities for naval and coast guard deployments in the region. 

China continues to quietly dig in on disputed islands in the South China Sea, based on satellite images analyzed by an American think tank. The new land reclamation and construction initiatives have been military in nature, converting the islands into naval and air bases.

4…………> Stop Comrade Un’s Newspaper: Mr.Xi

A bridge connecting China and North Korea will be suspended for maintenance, with closure described only as “temporary” and traffic expected to resume after the repairs are finished, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry. The route of 80 per cent of trade and a large amount of personal travel between the neighbours.

Relations between Uncle Xi and nephew Kim have become strained because of Beijing’s implementation of sanctions against North Korea’s nuclear and missile program, with Pyongyang pulling back thousands of its nationals working in China, well ahead of Beijing’s deadline to close all North Korean businesses or joint venture by January 8 next year.

5…………>  Market Report 11/24/2017, sell stop 23,560, CG(0),11/22/16

 Our short position was covered at DIA 21800 for a gain of 50 points and a new position established at 21850, sell stop 21800 closed for a loss of 50 DIA points. A new short position was established at 21850, cover short stop at 21800 for a gain of 50 DIA points was closed and a new long position established at 21800, sell stop 23450 closed at the market 23450 for a spectacular gain of 1769 DIA points, and total cumulative gain for 2017 of 5869 points or 25% annual return. The short position at 23450 was covered at a profit of 50 DIA points. Our new position is long DIA at 23450, sell stop triggered at 23500 for a gain of 50 DIA points. New short position is 23500, cover short 23560, for a loss of 60 DIA points

The market penetrated the 23450 support level and collapsed down to 23358 level, an indication that “Yellen’s bulls” are running away from the market in expectation of tighter credit and less support by the new Fed chief Powell. Then the news that US House has passed a tax bill reignited the bullish sentiment and led to 200 points reversal.

The market was flat after Yellen’s firing from the Fed, so the ominous plan of balance sheet contraction that will dump 600 billion of Obama’s monetary septic tank securities on the market every quarter is clearly on hold, a move suggesting flat interest rates due to flat dollar that would surely bleed the profits of the multinationals. The budget deficit for the last 8 months is 460 billion, in line with Obama’s and the GOP planned country wide tax cuts will explode it to new highs. All this dance and song ignores Comrade Un’s playing with matches supplied by Mr.Xi, and there are talks that that Saudi Arabia may be forced to peg the oil price to Chinese yuan, a decision that will unleash a deluge of paper dollars. Yet like an insane inmate in an asylum beating its bloodied head in a stone wall, Yellen printing money is on hold for now, halting markets push upward and leading to formation of a gold price bottom. Last week President Trump put an end to all those speculations by appointing Jerome Powell as the next Fed chair, finally showing Obama’s not so secret weapon Janet Yellen the door, a decision met with a cautious rally on Wall Street. A close look at the new budget indicates that states like California and New York who have been leading the fight to dethrone or impeach Trump may be in for a nasty surprise if the mortgage deduction is phased out, leaving millions of mansions above $500,000 with a hefty uptick in mortgage payment, a sure prelude to a crash.


We warned that it appears there is organized attempt to remove President Trump from office and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.


Stocks up 32  to 23558, DJ futures at +34.

Gold up to 1291.8 due market breaking supportsand USD/CHF down to 0.9794 due of Yellen’s removal. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch cover short stop at 23,560. The real shocker had been predicting for months, the relentless treachery of dedicated CFR, Soros Planetary Commission and KBI(Koch Bureau of Investigation) soldiers Paul “Granny Crusher” Ryan and Mitch “Harry’s Twin” McConnell became evident last week when none of Trump’s grandiose projects were passed by the criminal consortium of Establishment GOP and Unified Party USA. Clearly defrauded and offended President Trump has now made a deal with Nancy Schumer and Charles Pelosi to fund the government for three months and get a relief for Harvey’s victims down in Texas, something that does not bode well for the future of GOP.

We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact  both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/24/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> Egypt Mosque Attack

Gunmen arrived in four off-road vehicles in the town of Bir al Abed, launching a bomb and gun attack on the al-Rawda mosque in Egypt’s North Sinai province, killing 235 people and injuring hundreds.

2…………> “Fake Drugs” Fraud: Indiana

Caprice R. Bearden, 63, of Carmel, Indiana, a former compliance director of an Indiana compounding pharmacy pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, three misdemeanor counts of introducing an adulterated drug in interstate commerce, and six misdemeanor counts of adulterating drugs while held for sale after shipment of a drug component in interstate commerce.

“This guilty plea demonstrates the Justice Department’s commitment to protecting patients and ensuring that compounded drugs are safe. Distributing out-of-specification drug products poses a serious risk of harm to patients. The Justice Department will not tolerate efforts to impede FDA’s ability to uncover these types of safety concerns,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Chad A. Readler of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. 


3………….> International Mail Fraud: New York

 A federal court in New York entered consent decrees in two civil actions, permanently barring 14 individuals and entities from operating alleged multi-million dollar international mail-fraud schemes. 

Both schemes followed a similar pattern, involving a complicated web of actors located across the world. Fraudulent “direct mailers” created letters falsely claiming that the recipient has won, or will soon win, cash or valuable prizes, or otherwise will come into good fortune. In order to collect these benefits, the letters say that the recipients need only send in a small amount of money for a processing fee. The letters appeared to come from legitimate sources, typically on official-looking letterhead, but were in fact fictitious individuals and organizations including “Baroness de Rothman,” “DNF Funds Office,” “Finkelstein & Partner,” the “Harrison Institute,” and Marie de Fortune. Moreover, even though the solicitations are in reality identical form letters sent to thousands or tens of thousands of recipients – the letters appear to be personally addressed. 

“The Department of Justice is committed to protecting all Americans from fraud and exploitation,” Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand said. “This exploitation is repugnant and the Justice Department will pursue those who target our nation’s seniors and other vulnerable American consumers for financial gain. These consent decrees are just one example of the department’s broad efforts to protect seniors—and every American—from mail fraud.”

“The defendants preyed on the elderly and other vulnerable citizens through fictitious lotteries and other exploitive games, unfairly enriching themselves at the expense of these victims,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Bridget M. Rohde for the Eastern District of New York. “These consent decrees put the defendants out of the exploitation business. This Office is committed to pursuing the perpetrators and enablers of such schemes, in New York and abroad, to hold them accountable and to protect others from being swindled.”

4………..> The Battle Of The Arctic: Russia
The Arctic Ocean is estimated to hold billions of barrels of oil, and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas – accounting for 16-26% of the Earth’s undiscovered reserves. And there’s a superpower scrambling to beat all others in the race to exploit this chilly mother lode of polar resources: Russia, a country that has
embarked on a mission to drill deep into the Arctic seabed, sending a fleet of underwater robots and unmanned submarines into the Earth’s harshest waters.
“An abnormal, singular, short, violent, non-nuclear event” was recorded in the south Atlantic by the Vienna-based Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) last week, dashing hopes that the 44 crew of a missing Argentine submarine might still be alive after the navy said an event consistent with an explosion had been detected.

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