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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/05/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> Slaughter In Texas: Casualties

A mass shooting at the First Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, southeast of San Antonio, Texas, has left up to 26 people dead, including children, while as many as 20 have been wounded, according to reports by local police. The gunman who is also among the dead, was identified as former US Air Force soldier who was dishonorably discharged.

2…………> Was Chanos Right? Don’t Bet Against It

The lucky stars of business mogul Elon Musk have been getting dimmer and dimmer since the departure of our beloved 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama, whose administration provided billions in government subsidies to its favored lapdogs, including $7500 tax credit per Tesla produced car that have all but vanished, leading to a reported quarterly loss of $671 million. Jim Chanos, Wall Street greatest short seller has maintained for years that Musk was a fraud and Ponzi schemer, begging traders to short the stock, a situation impossible until the recent and never earlier than ever departure of former Fed chair Janet Yellen who has since the beginning of her tenure refused to allow the stock market to take a 5% correction. With “Trumponomics” taking hold in the marketplace and  valuations moving back to the center of the curve due to more responsible monetary policy, “Dreamers” like Elon Musk are open to considerable financial losses as certain ventures of his appear to be unable to meet the previously declared expectations. Is Mr. Bezos next to surprise the traders?


3…………> Ready For Trouble: Manila

Uniformed personnel attended the send-off ceremony of security forces for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Manila, the Philippines, Nov. 5, 2017. A massive security blanket of tens of thousands police is being put in place to protect International leaders who are part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit, the East Asia summit and related meetings in the Philippines this month. (Xinhua/Rouelle Umali)



4…………> A World Of Beauty: Miss Earth

Newly-crowned Miss Earth 2017 Karen Ibasco from the Philippines waves to the audience during the Miss Earth 2017 coronation night in Pasay City, the Philippines, Nov. 4, 2017. Eighty four beauties from various countries and regions participated in the Miss Earth 2017.


5…………> Down But Not Out: Syria’s IS

IS terrorists detonated a car bomb at close range near an evening’s gathering by refugees who had fled the fighting in the oil- and gas-rich Syrian province on the east bank of the Euphrates River, killing at least 75 civilians and injuring some 140 others.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/05/2017: Morning Edition

1………….> North Korea’s Cancer Diagnosis: Trump MD 

“The only way to ‘locate and destroy – with complete certainty – all components of North Korea’s nuclear weapons programs’ is through a ground invasion,[to disable] deeply buried, underground facilities. A classified briefing is the best venue for a detailed discussion,” Rear Admiral Michael Dumont wrote in a letter to Congressman Ted Lieu.


2………….> China Bomber Run: Guam

US National Security Advisor HR McMaster issued a thinly veiled threat to Beijing, warning that the overflights near the Pentagon Pacific bases are “not in China’s best interests,” after Chinese H-6K heavy bombers staged practice nuclear attack drills near the major US Pacific Ocean military installation of Guam ahead of the President Trump’s upcoming visit to the Pacific region.


3…………> Trump The Statesman: Asia

“No-one, no dictator, no regime… should underestimate American resolve,” President Trump told cheering US and Japanese troops shortly after his arrival in Japan, pledging to ensure the military had the resources needed to keep peace, defend freedom in an atmosphere of  heightened tensions with North Korea over its nuclear program and missile tests.

4…………> From J.Edgar Hoover With Love: The King File

A secret FBI dossier that was almost certainly closely supervised by late FBI director J.Edgar Hoover, makes it very plain that his agency spied expensively on civil rights leader Martin Luther King, alleging that he had a string of affairs and other “sexual aberrations”, as well as links to the Communist Party.
It is dated just three weeks before Dr King’s assassination in April 1968.



5…………> House Of Saud Clampdown: New Power Base

In a move by Prince Mohammed bin Salman to consolidate his growing power while pushing an ambitious reform program to move the Kingdom away from its role as the world’s oil producing giant to 21th century information based economy, a new Saudi anti-corruption body has detained 11 princes, four sitting ministers and dozens of former ministers, including Saudi Arabia’s public face, billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal who for years has been world’s stock market’s most favored primadonna and saviour of last resort.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/04/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> A Message Of Peace

Turn of the channel on people who have offended and demeaned the teachings of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Rabbi Emmanuel. Walk away, let them dry on the scorching sun. Listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope.

2…………> Target Riyadh: Yemen’s Scud

Saudi Arabia has intercepted a Scud ballistic missile from Yemen, resulting in a loud explosion near Riyadh airport after Saudi air defence forces intercepted it north-east of the capital.


3…………> McCain/Porker vs Trump: Look Who’s Talking

“I’m not really involved with the Justice Department, I’d like to let it run itself. But honestly, they should be looking at Democrats. … They should be looking at a lot of things, and a lot of people are disappointed with the Justice Department, including me.” President Trump said, prompting a nasty reply by one of McCain/Graham “Deep State” parallel US government staunchest supporters, Sen. Bob Porker (R-Tenn.), who slammed the administration, calling his intimidation of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions “totally inappropriate” and accusing the president of “undermining our justice system.” 

This is the same Senator Porker who was investigated by SEC for insider trading in a mall operator company together with his two daughters, a trading that produced double digit profits in a short period of time.


4…………> The US Of USSR: Stand By

A recent YouGov poll revealed that 44 percent of the American millennial respondents would prefer living in a socialist country as compared to the 42 percent who favored capitalism; the preferences of the remaining 14 percent of the millennials appeared split equally between communism and fascism.

5…………> Prof. Putin Beginning Russian 101 For IS Laggards: Lecture #3Russian Tu-22M3 bombers took off from Russian territory and flew to Syria via Iran and Iraq air space, conducting airstrikes against Daesh(IS) targets, bombarding and destroying arms caches, munitions depots and command posts.

The move is obviously a warm “thank you note” from Mr. Putin in response to the downing of a Russian airliner over the Sinai by mule headed Islamic radicals, resulting in more than 200 civilian deaths.
 6…………> Breaking Now:
Over 3500 people  are evacuated from Bolshoi Theater in Moscow due to bomb threat.

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