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Bibi1581 Blog For 10/29/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> Zoo Halloween: Croatia
Brown bears, tapirs and other wildlife representatives got to eat a pumpkin during Halloween celebrations at a zoo in Zagreb, Croatia.

2…………> Welcome To LA: Chinese Tourists

The USC and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) are popular stops for Chinese tourists, especially for those who are seeking a college education for their children in the United States.
“Study hard and you will get a chance to study here when you grow up,” Chinese tourist Ding Hong told family members as they toured

the beautiful campus of the university, fascinated by picturesque views of Romanesque buildings, exquisite sculptures and murals.

3…………> Dark Hand Of Terror: Al-Shabab

At least 23 people were killed and dozens more injured in coordinated bomb attacks at a hotel in the Somali capital Mogadishu, starting with a suicide car bomb detonated outside the Nasa-Hablod 2 Hotel near the presidential palace. Two more blasts were heard in the area, as the bombing came just two weeks after a major attack, which killed more than 300 people.

4……….> Talking To Wolves: Islamic Merkeldom Of Germany

Valeska De Pellegrini is a wolf commissioner for the German state of Brandenburg, whose daily routine, together with Tatjana Schneider, a director of the Werner Freund wolf sanctuary, greet “their friends” packs: Canadian timber wolves, their Mongolian and Swedish cousins as well as the Arctic “gang”, armed only with a logbook, a folding ruler and an electric fence tester.

5…………> Utopia In the Desert: House Of Saud

Forced to steer its economy away from oil dependence as new technologies have weakened country’s monopoly on the oil markets, Saudi Arabia announced an audacious plan to build a $500 billion super-city that is intended to become a world-class business center, a 10,000-square-mile city — over twice as large as the entire territory of neighboring Qatar — connected with neighboring Egypt via a proposed bridge. It will also touch the border with Jordan, creating a transnational hub.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 10/28/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> Letter Bomber: Athens

A 29-year-old person was arrested in Athens on suspicion of links to the extremist group “Conspiracy of the Nuclei of Fire”, having taken part in series of attacks against targets in Greece and other European countries, including a letter bomb attack against former Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos earlier this year.

2………..> New Tropical Storm: Phillipe

“Depression strengthens into tropical storm Philippe……Heavy rains occurring over central and western Cuba and spreading northward across the Florida Keys and South Florida……A couple of brief tornadoes are possible,” the US National Hurricane Center issued a summary on the tropical storm raging in central Caribbean, moving north at a speed of about 30 miles per hour with gusts of wind in the center of the storm are reaching 40 miles per hour.


3…………> A Message Of Peace

Turn of the channel on people who have offended and demeaned the teachings of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Rabbi Emmanuel. Walk away, let them dry on the scorching sun. Listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope. 


4…………> The Ugly Side Of Comrade Un: Gulags
“The brutal and arduous labor, grossly inadequate diet, and lack of medicine lead to a dreadfully large number of deaths in detention,” that’s how a spokesman for an organization observing human rights violations in North Korea described the horrors of the system of re-education camps of Comrade Un’s secret police.

Newly released satellite images offer a never-before-seen glimpse of North’s  “brutal and inhumane” network for political oppression, including secret labor gulags.


5…………> The Battle Of The Cartels: Mexico

Can this year’s spike in Mexican violence be attributed to the absence of former Sinaloa Cartel leader Joaquín Guzmán? The extradition of one of Mexico’s most famous drug lords in January unleashed an upsurge in violence that is to blame for the soaring murder rate in Baja California Sur this year, with 451 murders recorded in the first nine months of 2017 and this month’s toll has already reached 90, making it the state’s worst on record.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 10/28/2017: Morning Edtion

1…………> Opioid Clamp-Down: AG Sessions


“More than 20,000 Americans died of synthetic opioid overdoses last year, and millions are addicted to opioids. And yet some medical professionals would rather take advantage of the addicts than try to help them. This Justice Department will not tolerate this. We will hold accountable anyone – from street dealers to corporate executives — who illegally contributes to this nationwide epidemic. And under the leadership of President Trump, we are fully committed to defeating this threat to the American people,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions as the founder and majority owner of Insys Therapeutics Inc., John N. Kapoor, 74, of Phoenix, Ariz., was arrested and charged with leading a nationwide conspiracy to profit by using bribes and fraud to cause the illegal distribution of a Fentanyl spray intended for cancer patients experiencing breakthrough pain.

2…………> Drone Cargo Delivery: China

China’s heaviest cargo 3.4 tonnes unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) completed its maiden flight of 26 minutes flight in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. It can take-off and land at 600 feet, has a range of 1360 miles at 200 mph with useful load 1.5 tonnes and service ceiling of 18,000 feet.


3…………> The Chocolate Houdini: Guatemala


 The Guatemalan citizen Jacobo Leonel Orellana-Estrada, 21, was arrested by DHS ICE officers for transporting three kilograms of heroin that had been coated in chocolate in a failed attempt to bring the drugs undetected through Newark Liberty International Airport.


4…………> The E-cigarette Scam: Hidden Danger

“There is confusion about whether e-cigarettes are ‘safer’ than cigarettes because the potential adverse effects of e-cigarettes are only beginning to be studied. Our results suggest that e-cigarettes might be just as bad as cigarettes, like comparing the harm of e-cigarettes with cigarettes is a little like comparing apples to oranges,” said Dr. Mehmet Kesimer, senior study author and associate professor of pathology at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

A recent study suggested that E-cigarettes appear to trigger unique immune responses as well as the same ones that cigarettes trigger that can lead to lung disease.


5…………> Siberia ET: Get Ready

“The glowing ball rose from behind the trees and moved in my direction, and my first thought was of a very powerful searchlight, but the speed [the spectacle] changed everything around changed [my] idea, at first I was taken aback for a few minutes, not understanding what was happening,” a witness reported as the people in Siberia were stunned by an out of this world spectacle: a huge glowing sphere rising up in the sky.