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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/08/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> In ICE Claws: Detainer Jumpers

In one week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) New York deportation officers arrested five individuals, each after being released from local custody with an active immigration detainer.

Moussa Diaby, 28, a Mali national, Teofilo Santana-Perez, 25, a Dominican national,Mikolaj Michalski, 36, a Polish citizen,Darwin Benegas-Ortiz, 32, a Honduran citizen and Bertin Moran-Herrera, 29, a Mexican citizen were all rounded up on active immigration detainer by DHS ICE police unit.

“These individuals are criminal aliens who were released back into our neighborhoods, posing an increased risk to New York residents. Because of the unnecessary threat being imposed by the city’s decision to not honor ICE detainers, ICE remains committed, in the interest of public safety and national security, to welcoming changes to current New York City policies and strengthening its relationship with local law enforcement,”  said Thomas Decker, field office director for ERO New York.

2…………> Let’s Make A Deal: Trump

“We cannot allow North Korea to threaten all that we have built, [and] we hope to God we never have to use the United States’ full military capabilities”, President Donald Trump warned Comrade Un that he is prepared to use a full range of military alternatives if needed to defend itself and its allies, yet signalled a willingness to negotiate — urging Pyongyang to “come to the table” and “make a deal”.

3………….> Texas Shooter: An Outcast

Wherever Texas Madman Shooter Devin Patrick Kelley went after graduating from high school, a trail of violence followed, demonstrated by his confinement by the Air Force for 12 months after allegations he had abused his wife, Tessa, and reportedly hit his step-son hard enough to fracture his skull.
His former girlfriends felt the evil within him, describing him a threatening figure and outcast and twisted.”

4…………..> Empire Cracks Back: Murdock

Rupert Murdoch’s business empire could lose a crucial ally with this week’s arrest of one of the world’s richest men and Saudi investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal as a part of a Saudi anti-corruption crackdown this week.
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is one of 11 princes, four government ministers, and dozens of ex-ministers rounded up the son of King Salman in an effort to centralize power during a period of transition of country’s economy from leading commodity producer to a modern information based state.

5…………> Dead Sharks, Torture & Slavery: Chinese Boats

A Chinese company Pingtan Marine Enterprise has been by accused by Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) and Sea Shepherd’s Ocean Warrior following a joint raid of 15 boats of financing forced labour, torture, and poaching by fishing crews found with “thousands” of dead sharks in Timor-Leste waters.

6…………> US Campuses: A Civil War In Motion

A visual and very disturbing view from inside UC Berkeley’s campus of the fist fight confrontations between the paid to fight “Antifa” punks, and groups of Trump supporters.

7…………> Apple Dark Secret: Hiding Money

Apple Computer, world’s most profitable firm stealthy tax avoidance structure enable it to send $250 billion of its untaxed cash to the Channel Island of Jersey, according to the Paradise Papers leakers, joining the crowd of world’s biggest fat cat elites cheating the US and EU tax men.

8…………> Hillary’s Donald Duck Idiocy: Brazille

Donna Brazile writes in her new book that she became enraged at what she considered “the idiocy” of the Clinton Donald Duck project, concluding that it would confirm the Trump campaign’s contention that the Democrats were paying protesters to infiltrate and disrupt the GOP candidate’s campaign rallies.

9…………> Market Report 11/07/2017, sell stop 23,450, CG(4100),11/21/16

Our short position was covered at DIA 21800 for a gain of 50 points and a new position established at 21850, sell stop 21800 closed for a loss of 50 DIA points. A new short position was established at 21850, cover short stop at 21800 for a gain of 50 DIA points was closed and a new long position established at 21800, sell stop 23450 for a spectacular gain of 1769 DIA points. 

The market was flat after Yellen’s firing from the Fed, so the ominous plan of balance sheet contraction that will dump 600 billion of Obama’s monetary septic tank securities on the market every quarter is clearly on hold,  a move suggesting flat interest rates due to flat dollar that would surely bleed the profits of the multinationals. The  budget deficit for the last 8 months is 460 billion, in line with Obama’s and the GOP planned country wide tax cuts will explode it to new highs. All this dance and song ignores Comrade Un’s playing with matches supplied by Mr.Xi, and there are talks that that Saudi Arabia may be forced to peg the oil price to Chinese yuan, a decision that will unleash a deluge of paper dollars. Yet like an insane inmate in an asylum beating its bloodied head in a stone wall, Yellen  printing money is on hold for now, halting markets push upward and leading to formation of a gold price bottom. Last week President Trump put an end to all those speculations by appointing Jerome Powell as the next Fed chair, finally showing Obama’s not so secret weapon Janet Yellen the door, a decision met with a cautious rally on Wall Street. A close look at the new budget indicates that states like California and New York who have been leading the fight to dethrone or impeach Trump may be in for a nasty surprise if the mortgage deduction is phased out, leaving millions of mansions above $500,000 with a hefty uptick in mortgage payment, a sure prelude to a crash.


We warned that it appears there is organized attempt to remove President Trump from office and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.


Stocks up 9 to 23557, DJ futures up at -29.

Gold down to 1277.5 due to flat dollar, and USD/CHF was unchanged at 0.9985 due of Yellen’s removal. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop 23,450. The real shocker had been predicting for months, the relentless treachery of dedicated CFR, Soros Planetary Commission and KBI(Koch Bureau of Investigation) soldiers Paul “Granny Crusher” Ryan and Mitch “Harry’s Twin” McConnell became evident last week when none of Trump’s grandiose projects were passed by the criminal consortium of Establishment GOP and Unified Party USA. Clearly defrauded and offended President Trump has now made a deal with Nancy Schumer and Charles Pelosi to fund the government for three months and get a relief for Harvey’s victims down in Texas, something that does not bode well for the future of GOP.

Yellen’s attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000 failed due to the simple fact that both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/07/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> Applied Global Warming: Delphi Smog

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) declared “a state of medical emergency” and urged the government to “make every possible effort to curb this menace”,
as panic spread among the residents of the Indian capital, Delhi, covered by a blanket of thick grey smog, with very poor visibility in a pollution count 30 times the World Health Organization’s recommended limit in some areas.

2…………> A Holy War: Iran vs Saudi Arabia

Houthi-controlled media report that the rebels had fired a Iranian Burkan H2 ballistic missile at King Khalid International Airport from 530 miles away, prompted Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to accuse Iran of an act of “direct military aggression” for supplying missiles to rebels in Yemen, ominously suggesting that this “may be considered an act of war”.

3…………> Pharma Fraud: Florida

The president and owner of a Florida pharmacy that promulgated a massive compounding fraud scheme which impacted private insurance companies, Medicare and TRICARE, pleaded guilty today for his role in the scheme with seven other individuals, leading to a forfeiture of numerous real properties, cars and a 50-foot boat  as part of the guilty pleas.
The conspirators executed a fraud scheme involving prescription compounded medications that generated over $100 million in fraud proceeds in Florida.



4…………> Mexican Cartels Hit Men: Lifetime In The Slammer

Two Mexican nationals were sentenced to two terms of life in prison for the murder of a federal officer, attempted murder of a federal officer, and related offenses in the killing of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (ICE-HSI) Special Agent Jaime Zapata and the attempted murder of ICE HSI Special Agent Victor Avila on Feb. 15, 2011, in Mexico.



5…………> Smile, You Are On Camera: Mexico City

Mexico City will have 8,500 next-generation surveillance cameras in operation by the end of the year, with total of 15,310 cameras to keep an eye on the capital’s streets in a search of curbing down spiraling cartel violence in the country.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/06/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> Smugglers Nightmare: US Coast Guard

After sailing nearly 7,000 nautical miles during a 30-day patrol on a cocaine interdiction duty off Mexico,  Coast Guard Cutter Aspen and crew returned to their homeport. A suspected smuggling vessel carrying more than 224 pounds of cocaine worth approximately $3.3 million was impounded and six suspected smugglers arrested.


2…………> Market Report 11/06/2017, sell stop 23,450, CG(4100),11/21/16

Our short position was covered at DIA 21800 for a gain of 50 points and a new position established at 21850, sell stop 21800 closed for a loss of 50 DIA points. A new short position was established at 21850, cover short stop at 21800 for a gain of 50 DIA points was closed and a new long position established at 21800, sell stop 23450 for a spectacular gain of 1769 DIA points. 

The market was flat after Yellen’s firing from the Fed, so the ominous plan of balance sheet contraction that will dump 600 billion of Obama’s monetary septic tank securities on the market every quarter is clearly on hold,  a move suggesting flat interest rates due to flat dollar that would surely bleed the profits of the multinationals. The  budget deficit for the last 8 months is 460 billion, in line with Obama’s and the GOP planned country wide tax cuts will explode it to new highs. All this dance and song ignores Comrade Un’s playing with matches supplied by Mr.Xi, and there are talks that that Saudi Arabia may be forced to peg the oil price to Chinese yuan, a decision that will unleash a deluge of paper dollars. Yet like an insane inmate in an asylum beating its bloodied head in a stone wall, Yellen  printing money is on hold for now, halting markets push upward and leading to formation of a gold price bottom. Last week President Trump put an end to all those speculations by appointing Jerome Powell as the next Fed chair, finally showing Obama’s not so secret weapon Janet Yellen the door, a decision met with a cautious rally on Wall Street. A close look at the new budget indicates that states like California and New York who have been leading the fight to dethrone or impeach Trump may be in for a nasty surprise if the mortgage deduction is phased out, leaving millions of mansions above $500,000 with a hefty uptick in mortgage payment, a sure prelude to a crash.


We warned that it appears there is organized attempt to remove President Trump from office and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.


Stocks up 9 to 23548, DJ futures up at +27.

Gold up to 1280.3 due to dollar’s raise, and USD/CHF was down at 0.9985 due of Yellen’s removal. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop 23,450. The real shocker had been predicting for months, the relentless treachery of dedicated CFR, Soros Planetary Commission and KBI(Koch Bureau of Investigation) soldiers Paul “Granny Crusher” Ryan and Mitch “Harry’s Twin” McConnell became evident last week when none of Trump’s grandiose projects were passed by the criminal consortium of Establishment GOP and Unified Party USA. Clearly defrauded and offended President Trump has now made a deal with Nancy Schumer and Charles Pelosi to fund the government for three months and get a relief for Harvey’s victims down in Texas, something that does not bode well for the future of GOP.

Yellen’s attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000 failed due to the simple fact that both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.

3…………> Bin Salman Takeover: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia late Sunday said it will freeze the assets of dozens of businessmen and officials detained in a major anti-corruption purge.
“The amounts, which prove to be linked to corruption issues, would be returned to the treasury of the State of Saudi Arabia,” the Information Ministry said in a statement as authorities detained 11 princes, four sitting ministers and a dozen of former ministers in a massive anti-corruption sweep.


4…………> El Popo is angry: Mexico

The volcano Popocatépetl, located in the states of Puebla, México and Morelos (and 70 kilometers southeast of Mexico City), has been active for more than 24 hours as reported the National Disaster Prevention Center (Cenapred), with the volcano monitoring system registered 200 low-intensity emissions and three explosions.


5…………> Diversity Immigrant Visa Fraud: Minnesota

The U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced today that the United States filed civil complaints in the District of Minnesota against four individuals —a supposed husband, wife, and two sons—unlawfully, knowingly, and fraudulently represented to immigration officials that they were a family to gain admission to the United States through the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. Each individual, the complaints allege, was ultimately naturalized due to his or her fraudulent representations.

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