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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/12/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> Forgotten Palace: Turkey

A team of researchers who went underwater in Lake Van, the largest lake in Turkey and the second largest in the Middle East have discovered the remains of what is believed to be a 3,000-year-old castle from the Iron Age Urartu civilization, also known as the Kingdom of Van, thought to date back to the eighth to seventh centuries B.C.

2…………> In The Footsteps Of Evil: IS Mass Graves

General Mortada al-Luwaibi said the Iraqi military have discovered 72 mass graves in areas that were once under IS control, sites that could be a resting place of 5,200 to more than 15,000 bodies, with the latest gruesome find of at least 400 bodies near Hawija, an Iraqi city that was occupied by Islamic State (IS) fighters until last month. The burning question is why did our beloved 1st Islamic President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama and his cronies in the US security directorates deceived the American people with fairy tales of “surgical strikes” against IS and their “la gumbas”, AlQaida wholly owned subsidiary Al Nusra Brigade, and why just few weeks ago the so called fighters aka “Obama’s boys” were pulled out to safety under US military umbrella? Can one really blame President Trump for his mistrust of  “Tres Amigos” Brennan, Comey and Clapper who for months have been lying and covering up for McCain/Clinton “Deep State” parallel US government, working feverishly at the same time to undermine and impeach a democratically elected  leader? The war crimes in Iraq and Syria remind us about President Roosevelt whose OSS spies knew that Jews were exterminated in Hitler’s death camps, yet dragged his feet for few years at cost of sending half of world’s Jewry to their deaths and probably another 10 millions Russian and other souls meeting a similar faith, while US companies were wheeling and dealing with Bank of International Settlements in Basel Switzerland and their dearest customers, Herr Hitler’s goose stepping goons.

Reading this story cannot help but make people wonder if US liberals have been all along a conduit for the New World Order, an order with one currency, no borders and all religions and personal freedoms delegated to a totalitarian state, now led by the 1st Secretary of the Planetary Commission and dearest “Uncle” of Hillary, Barack and Angela over at the Islamic Merkeldom of Germany.


3…………> Haters & Fools: Trump

“He [Putin] said he absolutely did not meddle in our election,” President Trump said, blasting “haters and fools”, who do not encourage good relations between the countries and suggesting that Mr.Putin was insulted by allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US election.

4…………> Germany’s Greatest Ace: Erich Hartman 

Caught in Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s maniacal vision of enslaving the “Russian savages” and getting rid of all Jews and and other “brown nations”, a young German pilot Erich Hartmann was destined to earn the dubious distinction of shooting down 352 “enemy airplanes” during World War II, planes piloted by people who simple fought for the basic human right to live free from the evil National Socialism. Now, some 70 years later, the question still remains the same for the new wave of followers of Hitler’s and other dictators madness in US and around the world:”Why”? Should we be training our kids to start listening to classical and folk music, read enlightening books, marvel God’s creation including all forms of lives, instead diving into hatred and killing each other?

5………..> Allah’s Anger: Massive Earthquake 

Tremors were felt in many middle eastern nations after a major earthquake hit the border area between Iran and Iraq, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC). Recent estimates reveal that at least 1000 people have been severely injured and some 100 people killed in the powerful 7.3 quake. 

A 7.3-magnitude earthquake hit a remote region about 20 miles southwest of the Iraqi town of Halabja near the Iran-Iraq border on Sunday, the EMSC reported. The epicenter of the earthquake was located some 127 miles north-east of Iraq’s Baghdad, and 67 miles west of Iran’s Kermanshah at a depth of 6 miles.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/12/2017: Morning Edition

1…………> Media Lies & Distortions Collapse:Turkey
Turkish Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli announced that despite malicious reports in US “Fake News” media that President Erdogan’s ministers have decided to cancel defense missile deal with Russia, his country has “completed” the purchase of the S-400 air-defense system that can carry three types of missiles capable of destroying targets, including ballistic and cruise missiles.
It can track and engage up to 300 targets at a time and has an altitude ceiling of 27 kilometers (17 miles).

2…………> Another “Fake News” Lie: FETO Chief

When asked if Trump’s former aide Gen. Flynn had given any assurances to Turkey regarding the extradition of FETO chief, PM Binali Yildirim said: “No, we are not dealing with Michael Flynn, we are dealing with the government of United States,” denying involvement in an alleged plan to kidnap U.S.-based Fetullah Gulen widely floated in the McCain/Clinton “Deep Cover” parallel US government controlled “Fake News” media.

3…………> Riots In Manila: Welcome Uncle Don!
“Trump is the CEO of the imperialist government of the US, we know he is here to push for unfair treaties between the Philippines and the US,”protesters shouted as riot police used water cannons to prevent rowdy crowds reaching the US embassy in Manila, just a few hours before the arrival of US President Donald Trump in the Philippines for a regional summit and the last leg of his Asia tour.

4…………> ”I ain’t Old” & “He Ain’t Short Or Fat”: Trump

After a week of ramping up pressure on North Korea during his first visit to Asia, it appears US President Donald Trump is extending the hand of friendship to the rogue nation

His tweet reads: “Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me “old,” when I would NEVER call him “short and fat?” Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend — and maybe someday that will happen!”

5…………> An Air Of Mistrust: Trump vs “Deep State”


U.S. President Donald Trump tried to clarify his stand on whether he believed Russia meddled in the U.S. presidential election last year, trying to distance himself from his previous remarks by saying that he believed his intelligence agencies.

“I believe that he (Putin) feels that he and Russia did not meddle in the election. As to whether I believe it or not, I am with our agencies,” Trump said, adding that he believed in U.S. intelligence agencies.

The U.S. president said he believed “having Russia in a friendly posture as opposed to always fighting them is an asset. People don’t realize that Russia has been very, very heavily sanctioned. It’s now time to get back to healing a world that is shattered and broken,” Trump said.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 11/11/2017: Evening Edition

1…………> Airbus Lucky Star: UAE

With 100 Airbus 380 of the superjumbo jets currently in service, and another 142 on order — not including the possible latest order for 36 more aircraft on order valued at 16 billion dollars, UAE-controlled airline the world’s largest owner of the aircraft, a shot in the arm to the French aerospace corporation, as well as a boost to the airframe design itself.

2………….> Poland Rising: Far Right Marching

Among the many celebrations of Poland’s national rebirth was a rally with nearly 60,000 participants organized by the far-right National-Radical Camp (ONR), the National Movement (RN) and the All Polish Youth (MW), which trace their roots back to anti-Semitic groups active before the Second World War. 
Some participants expressed sympathy for xenophobic or white supremacist ideas, with one banner reading, “White Europe of brotherly nations,” with slogan for this year’s event was “We Want God,” in line with emotional themes of the past rallies. The words were taken from an old Polish religious song that US President Donald Trump quoted from during a visit to Warsaw earlier this year.

3………….> A Message Of Peace

Turn of the channel on people who have offended and demeaned the teachings of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Rabbi Emmanuel. Walk away, let them dry on the scorching sun. Listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope.

4………….> Horse Meat : New Gourmet Madness

More than 2.6 million kilograms of Mexican horse meat, graded as high-quality, reached foreign shores last year with Russia, Hong Kong, Egypt, Japan, Vietnam, Kazakhstan and Belgium among the customers, with the meat being in the news last week when a study found some stores selling it as beef. But while not popular domestically, the product is actually exported to seven countries around the world where it is considered a delicacy,

5…………> Distasteful And Offending: Hitler Selfie

An event where life-size model of Adolf Hitler used for “selfies” by retarded visitors to an Indonesian museum has been removed after photos shared on social media show people grinning as they pose with the Nazi leader in front of an image of the gates of Auschwitz concentration camp.
The museum director apologized for the deeply offending, rude and distasteful charade and removed the mock-up of world’s infamous dictator and mass murderer.

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