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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/13/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Kenya Masais:People In Nature

A Masai woman milks a sheep at a Masai village in Amboseli National Park, Kenya, Jan. 9, 2018.



2…………> Wrong Number: US Missile Defense

In a supreme display of bureaucratic idiocy and irresponsibility, Hawaii Emergency management officials sent the following alert to millions of citizens, all in capital letters: “Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill.”

The “error” caused a stir on social media and panic among the US state’s residents, yet no one answered the basic question: “Was someone on drugs, and will the person responsible be fired?” Answer? Of course not, those federal and state misfits have lifelong assurance that no one can fire them.

Hawaii Governor David Ige apologized to the state’s residents for the “pain and confusion” caused by the false alarm.

“STATEMENT: While I am thankful this morning’s alert was a false alarm, the public must have confidence in our emergency alert system. I am working to get to the bottom of this so we can prevent an error of this type in the future. This should not have happened. We are investigating the sequence of events that occurred. An error was made in Emergency Management which allowed this false alarm to be sent,” Gov. Ige said.

If you believe one word of what this man said, you are crazy.


3………….> A Message Of Peace

Turn of the channel on people who have offended and demeaned the teachings of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Rabbi Emmanuel. Walk away, let them dry on the scorching sun. Listen to the sound of Christus Vincit, a message of peace and hope. 

4…………> A Shield Over Crimea: Putin

Russia has deployed a new division of S-400 surface-to-air missiles in Crimea in an escalation of military tensions over the peninsula, an iron dome that will control the airspace over the border with Ukraine and bring down airborne targets over 300 miles range. 

The systems radars can track up to 300 targets simultaneously, and the division’s battalions were also supplied with other advanced weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles.

Washington is expected to impose fresh sanctions against Moscow next month for alleged meddling in the 2016 US presidential vote, further straining relations between the two superpowers.

The new division will be based next to the town of Sevastopol and will control the airspace over the border with Ukraine, the RIA news agency reported.

5……….> A Gift Of Life: Sudan

Turkey biggest zoo, and the third largest in Europe received four lion cubs, a wonderful blessing of life, given as a gift to Turkey’s president from his Sudanese counterpart during a recent visit to Africa, went on public display on Saturday. 

The female cubs were named after Nile and Sultan, while the males were named Sudan and Suakin, Mayor Fatma Sahin told a news conference at the Gaziantep Zoo.
An average of 3.5 million animal lovers visit the Zoo annually.…………> Culinary Delights: Vietnam

Visitors buy food at the booth of Vietnamese street food during the 12th International Culinary Festival held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Jan. 13, 2018.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 01/13/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Las Vegas Shooting: New Leads

The question of the century? What motivated a 64-year-old multimillionaire professional gambler Steven Paddock to kill 58 people and injure hundreds by opening fire from a sniper’s nest on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay resort in Las Vegas into an outdoor country music concert below, attended mostly by Trump supporters and admirers?

How did he sneak in 19 assault weapons and hundreds of rounds of ammo into his room without anybody from hotel security connecting the dots? And why his Filipina girlfriend whose fingerprints were found on some ammo casings by the FBI saw nothing, heard nothing and knew nothing about a clearly defined, multi years trek to a mass murder?
Why did the Islamic State claimed responsibility for Paddocks attack, and why the authorities ignored and hushed it up, despite evidence and accounts from FBI profilers that all such claims by the Jihadists in the past have proven to be true?
Do you smell rats? Is someone suppressing evidence of a major terrorist attack in favor of keep hotel rooms full with gamblers? Judge yourself.


2…………> Hijab Attack Up North: Toronto

Toronto police are hunting for an Asian male suspect in his 20s after he tried twice to cut off with scissors the hijab an 11-year-old Muslim girl on her way to
Pauline Johnson Public School.

“I felt really scared and confused,he continued cutting at my hijab again” Khawlah Noman said.


3…………> Venezuela Burning: Food Riots

“In this town, lots of people go hungry,” said Addy Coromoto Valero, deputy to the National Assembly for Merida state as 4 people died and 16 were injured during riots this week in Venezuela’s state over food shortages.

“An armed group in moving vehicles shot at people queueing to buy rice in front of a store,” said Mayor Silvio Luis Torres.


4…………> IS Brethren: Money Laundering

Marchello Dsaun McCain, a convicted violent felon and the brother of Douglas McCain, the first known American who died fighting for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), was sentenced in federal court today to 10 years in prison for his illegal possession of a cache of firearms and body armor and making false statements to federal agents involving international terrorism.

In a related case, Canadian national and former San Diego resident Abdullahi Ahmed Abdullahi was charged with providing, and conspiring with Douglas and other individuals in the United States and Canada to provide, material support to terrorists engaged in violent activities in Syria, that is, a conspiracy to murder, kidnap and maim persons in a foreign country.

In imposing an 10 year sentence, the court found that defendant’s obstructive conduct frustrated, delayed and thwarted the United States’ efforts to uncover the scope and membership of conspiracies to provide material support to terrorists and a foreign terrorist organization, ISIS.

“ISIS has brought the war on terror closer to home by directing and inspiring attacks in the U.S. and other countries, thereby putting Americans lives in danger,” said U.S. Attorney Adam Braverman. “By lying to federal agents, Marchello McCain delayed, frustrated and thwarted an investigation into a group that supplied U.S. and Canadian fighters to ISIS. We are committed to doing whatever it takes to protect American lives here and abroad.”




5…………..> Dog Fighting Boys: NC

Brexton Redell Lloyd, 54, of Eagle Springs, North Carolina, pleaded guilty to one felony count of conspiracy and two felony counts of possession and training a dog intended for use in an animal fighting venture, contrary to the animal fighting provisions of the federal Animal Welfare Act. Each count carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

“Organized crime has no place in North Carolina or the United States – and dog fighting of this sort is nothing short of organized crime. Our law enforcement partners at the Department of Agriculture, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Moore County Sheriff’s Office, and the N.C. State Highway Patrol demonstrated exceptional coordination in bringing this defendant to justice,” said United States Attorney Matthew G.T. Martin for the Middle District of North Carolina. 

“Yesterday’s guilty plea and our continuing efforts to investigate and prosecute these cases send a strong message that our justice system will not tolerate the torment and death of animals in the fighting ring, all for the sake of illegal gambling,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General. “Federal law is clear on this point and will continue to be enforced.”

“The provisions of the Animal Welfare Act were designed to protect animals from being used in illegal fighting ventures, which often entail other forms of criminal activity involving drugs, firearms and gambling,” said Special Agent in Charge Bethanne M. Dinkins for U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Office of Inspector General. “Together with the Department of Justice, animal fighting is an investigative priority for USDA OIG, and we will work with our law enforcement partners to investigate and assist in the criminal prosecution of those who participate in animal fighting ventures.”


6…………> LA Skid Row: A “Shithole” Now

“The three major reasons for people being homeless in Los Angeles County are: housing availability, housing affordability and poverty,” Los Angeles homeless services authority executive director Pete White explained as his organization counted a raising number of individuals on the streets – about 58,000 in 2017, a 23 percent increase compared with the year before.

With more than 2 million households facing housing costs exceeding half of their income, the gap between income and the cost of housing is so huge, that even having a full-time job will not be enough to prevent a person, or even an entire family, from becoming homeless.

An eye-opening video featuring thousands of homeless people on the streets of Los Angeles appeared on the web over Christmas, showing people in the 50-block district Skid Row having erected tents to have a shelter for the night.


The “Fake News Media” has exploded in anti-Trump frenzy following his remark about why migrants from “shithole” countries are flooding Americas motherland, while the “Open Borders” exponents of McCain, Hillary, “Hoodlums” & Co are ignoring the fact that millions of our own citizen brothers and sisters are sleeping on the sidewalks, courtesy of 40 years of relentless treachery by the Council of Foreign Relation and its wholly owned subsidiary, Unified Party USA?
In plain English, the elites are letting millions of citizens rot and die on America’s streets, while flooding the country with fresh pee drenched peddlers from distant lands in hope that they will vote DNC, and that is what you call “shithole” traitors.

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