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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/07/2018: Evening Edition

1…………> Serial Shooter: Las Vegas

Las Vegas police are searching for a gunman suspected of shooting four, mostly homeless people, killing two of them, with one of the killings caught on surveillance.

Capt. Robert Plummer of the Las Vegas Police said at a news conference that
the same gun was used in all four shootings. 

“We must stop this man before he shoots and kills someone else,” he said.

The suspect was driving what appears to be a Hyundai Tucson SUV, police said.–abc-news-topstories.html



2…………> Ohio Drug Ring: Illegals

 “They had thousands of hits of heroin, cocaine, guns … thousands of dollars. 

Over 200 are gonna die this year with heroin overdoses. We’ve had babies born in our jail — the last one was born in the toilet — all addicted to heroin that’s coming from Mexico. It’s destroying us.We need help from our government. We need our government to come in and do some workplace enforcement. We need to send a message. We have a real poor governor here — Gov.[John “Pothole”] Kasich, who encourages all these people to come in to the state of Ohio. He calls it an act of love,” Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones told Fox News Laura Ingraham. 

At least half of the suspects apprehended in a major drug bust last month in Cincinnati were reportedly in the United States illegally, according to “Ingraham Angle”.




3…………> IS Snake: OK

 Naif Abdulaziz M. Alfallaj, 34, a citizen of Saudi Arabia and a current resident of Weatherford, Oklahoma, was arrested for visa fraud and making false statements to the FBI by, among other things, concealing his application to and attendance at an al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan in late 2000.


The FBI found 15 of Alfallaj’s fingerprints on an application to an al Qaeda key training camp, known as al Farooq sites in Afghanistan. The document was recovered by the U.S. military from an al Qaeda safe house in Afghanistan and also included an emergency contact number associated with Alfallaj’s father in Saudi Arabia. Alfallaj is alleged to have first entered the U.S. in late 2011 on a non immigrant visa based on his wife’s status as a foreign student. According to the complaint, he answered several questions on his visa application falsely, including whether he had ever supported terrorists or terrorist organizations.



4…………> Latvian Hacker: MN

A Latvian man named Peteris Sahurovs aka Piotrek and Sagade, 28, pleaded guilty in Minneapolis for participating in a lucrative “scareware” hacking scheme that targeted visitors to the Minneapolis Star Tribune’s website, and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. In November of 2016, Sahurovs was located in Poland and extradited by its law enforcement to the United States in June 2017 as one time the FBI’s fifth most wanted cybercriminal with a reward of $50,000 offered for information leading to his arrest and conviction.  Sahurovs operated a “bullet-proof” web hosting service in Latvia that leased server space to customers seeking to carry out criminal schemes without being identified or taken offline, including the transmission of malware, fake antivirus software, spam, and botnets to unwitting victims, despite receiving notices from Internet governance entities (such as Spamhaus) that his servers were hosting malicious activity.




5…………> Market Report 02/07/2018, sell stop 24,600, CG(4380), 11/22/17

Short position closed at 24912, triggering cover short stop at 24500 with indicating a gain of 1900 DIA points upon closing short position. New position long DIA at 24500 with a stop at 24600 for a paper gain of 312 points.

Stock market old timers have said that “you buy the rumor, and sell the news”, and that is exactly what is happening right now, with Democrats screaming murder as a close look at the new FISA memos that are suggesting an incredible Constitutional crisis brewing, a crisis that may reach the very leaders of the “opposition party”. DIA resistance is in the 27,000 area, with supports at 24135, 21354 and 18900 level, US dollar in down trend, resistance at 1.003319 CHF, support at .92 and 0.9: Gold in uptrend, watch break resistance of 1377 to be taken soon. The massive Fed balance sheet contraction will result in a $600 billion dollars being dumped on the credit markets each quarter, a leftover of the horrendous $4.3 trillion money printing of Obama’s septic tank that will surely exert a severe pressure on stocks and financial assets.


We warned long ago that an organized attempt to remove President Trump from office is underway, and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.

Stocks were down 20 to 24893DJ futures at -57

Gold down to 1315.6 and USD/CHF up to 0.9429 due to intervention crosscurrents. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop at 24,600. We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.

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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/07/2018: Morning Edition

1…………> Biodiesel Fraud: NY

Andre Bernard, 65, of Mount Kisco, NY was sentenced to 87 months in federal prison for conspiracy to commit wire fraud, making false statements related to the Clean Air Act, and his participation in a multi-state scheme to defraud biodiesel buyers and U.S. taxpayers by fraudulently selling biodiesel credits and fraudulently claiming tax credits. As part of his sentence, the court also entered a money judgment in the amount of $10.5 million, the amount of proceeds of the charged criminal conduct that the defendant personally received. Two accounts already seized from the defendant worth in excess of $1.5 million will be credited against the money judgment.



2…………> IS Affectionado: Prison

Munther Omar Saleh, 22, of Queens, New York, was sentenced today to 18 years in prison, to be followed by a term of 10 years’ supervised release, for conspiring and attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization, and for assaulting and conspiring to assault federal officers. Saleh pleaded guilty on Feb. 10, 2017, to all counts in the indictment.

“Inspired by ISIS’s violent and hateful ideology, the defendant conspired with others to use a pressure-cooker bomb in a terrorist attack in New York and attempted to attack members of law enforcement who were conducting surveillance of him,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General O’Callaghan. “Today’s sentence is but one example of our resolve to bring to justice homegrown violent extremists who plot and attempt attacks on innocent people, including law enforcement agents, in the U.S. in the name of foreign terrorist organizations.”

“Munther Omar Saleh and his co-conspirators conducted attacks on members of law enforcement who worked tirelessly to keep our city safe,” stated U.S. Attorney Donoghue. “Saleh’s sentence will not only incapacitate the defendant for a significant period of time, but should also serve as a deterrent to those who contemplate waging violent jihad in New York City at the direction of a foreign terrorist organization. This Office, and our partners on the Joint Terrorism Task Force, will never relent in our efforts to hold terrorists accountable for their cowardly acts, including attacks on those who protect us.”

“Saleh attempted to turn our city into a staging ground for violent attacks, including those aimed at both local and federal law enforcement officials. Directed by a known terrorist organization responsible for civilian massacres and other heinous crimes worldwide, he supported and attempted to facilitate the martyrdom of those with similar views,” said Assistant Director in Charge Sweeney. “Today’s sentencing promises he’ll remain behind bars for a significant period of time, upholding our faith in a justice system that has little compassion for those who wish to harm our way of life.”



3………….> Bravery In The Ice: Polar Star

On Jan. 16,2018 U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star shaft seal failed, causing flooding in the engine room at a rate of approximately 20-gallons per minute, triggering a quick crew response by using an emergency shaft seal to stop the flow of freezing, Antarctic water into the vessel. The crew was able dewater the engineering space and effect more permanent repairs to the seal ensuring the watertight integrity of the vessel. There were no injuries as a result of the malfunction, which allowed the ship to cut a resupply channel through 15 miles of Antarctic ice in the Ross Sea and escorting supply vessels to the continent.

The Polar Star sailed from Seattle to assist in the annual delivery of operating supplies and fuel for NSF research stations in Antarctica during Operation Deep Freeze by carving a navigable path through seasonal and multi-year ice sometimes as much as 10-feet thick.

“Although we had less ice this year than last year, we had several engineering challenges to overcome to get to the point where we could position ourselves to moor in McMurdo,” said Capt. Michael Davanzo, the commanding officer of the Polar Star. “Our arrival was delayed due to these challenges, but the crew and I are certainly excited to be here. It’s a unique opportunity for our crewmembers to visit the most remote continent in the world, and in many respects it makes the hard work worth it.”


4…………> Assassination Special:Guadalajara, MX

A shooting war led a man known as “El Argentino,” the presumed cell capo of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, a war triggered by the dismantling of two criminal groups that ended up with more than 10 arrests, and the assassination of twenty-three people during a wave of violence in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Nine of the latest victims of gang violence were killed in Tonalá, seven in Tlaquepaque, four in Guadalajara and three in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga.


5…………> The Endless Shutdown: Trump

“If we don’t change it let’s have a shutdown. We’ll do a shutdown, and it’s worth it for our country. If we don’t change the legislation, if we don’t get rid of these loopholes where killers are allowed to come into our country and continue to kill… if we don’t change it, let’s have a shutdown,” President Donald Trump said about the looming battle with Establishment GOP clowns and their Democrat “la gumba’s” DACA lovers, as the February 8th budget deadline doomsday clock is ticking.


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Bibi1581 Blog For 02/06/2018: Evening Edition

1…………>Market Report 02/06/2018, sell 24,600, CG(4380), 11/22/17

Short position closed at 24912, triggering cover short stop at 24500 with indicating a gain of 1900 DIA points upon closing short position. New position long DIA at 24500 with a stop at 24600 for a paper gain of 312 points.

Stock market old timers have said that “you buy the rumor, and sell the news”, and that is exactly what is happening right now, with Democrats screaming murder as a close look at the new FISA memos that are suggesting an incredible Constitutional crisis brewing, a crisis that may reach the very leaders of the “opposition party”. DIA resistance is in the 27,000 area, with supports at 24135, 21354 and 18900 level, US dollar in down trend, resistance at 1.003319 CHF, support at .92 and 0.9: Gold in uptrend, watch break resistance of 1377 to be taken soon. The massive Fed balance sheet contraction will result in a $600 billion dollars being dumped on the credit markets each quarter, a leftover of the horrendous $4.3 trillion money printing of Obama’s septic tank that will surely exert a severe pressure on stocks and financial assets.


We warned long ago that an organized attempt to remove President Trump from office and if this activity is not curtailed soon, market will open on gap below 20,000 with next stop 17300 and 11800 support levels.

Stocks were up 567 to 24913, DJ futures at -27

Gold down to 1332.6 and USD/CHF up to 0.9354 due to intervention crosscurrents. Translation? As the dollar goes down, we have to wait and see if the new Fed Chair Jerome Powell will continue pressuring gold and the Eurasian block with it down below $1000/oz in an economic WW3. Watch sell stop at 25,800. We have to wait and see if new Fed chair Powell will attempts to destroy Eurasian block by sending gold prices below 1000, despite the fact both Russia and China have been buying their whole gold production in local gold backed currency instead of money printing machines. In other words, US has lost controls of the precious metals complex, and with Trump’s infrastructure and tax cut campaign the National debt will soon be at, or over 30 trillion dollars, since D.C. swamp alligators have no intention dropping their pet projects. Read “Ziban Must Die” for more details on the coming collision of Trump’s administration with “Deep State” operators funded by the billionaires supporters of the New World Disorder.


2…………> Trump & Stock Market: Love & Hate

President Trump did not have the chance to weigh in stock market since a big selloff began at the end of January, dropping nearly 8% off the S&P 500 (^GSPC) since January 26, and culminating in the biggest-ever one-day point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) loss of 1175, then sharply reversing the next day with a gain of 567 points, triggering short covering in a move famous among professional traders as a “bear trap”.

What exactly is going on? It is simply a re-arrangement of the major money flows by changing the guard at the Federal Reserve, the invisible, un-elected, answerable to no one “Deep State” true government of the US, with the expulsion of the completely inept and irresponsible Janet Yellen, who printed money when she was sad, printed money when she was mad, printed money and exceeded her mandate by dropping rates to nearly negative, robbing savers(mostly the seniors) out of hundreds of billions of dollars in support of the convoluted economic vision of our 1st Muslim President, Grand Ayatollah Barack Obama.

Now with Mr.Jerome Powell at the helm, markets are expected to normalize; i.e. let the forces of supply and demand determine the equilibrium points of prices, instead by faceless bureaucrats following orders from the globalist wing of the Council of Foreign Relations.

3………..> Stop Female Mutilation: ICE

“We continue to partner with the FBI, non-governmental organizations, and governmental partners both domestically and internationally to identify potential victims and those who conduct female genital mutilation,” explained unit chief Mark Shaffer, of ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center. “If HSI can help prevent this from happening, it is a win for everyone.”

Female mutilation and cutting refers to cutting and other procedures that injure the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

“Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is a violation of the rights of women and girls that leaves lasting mental, emotional and physical scars,” said Chris Hacker, Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Criminal Division. “The FBI’s work investigating human rights issues such as FGM/C is among the most important work we do, safeguarding children. We will continue to work with our partners at U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to protect vulnerable members of our community, and bring to justice those who have harmed young girls.”



4…………> Ready For War: China

 Rumors abound that 30,000 PLA troops had been transferred to the border of Comrade Un’s kingdom to prepare for a possible war, and that new missile defense batteries are being deployed “near North Korean reservoirs by the Apnok and Duman rivers.” China’s Ministry of National Defense Information Office denied South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo report that some troops had been transferred and that new missile defense batteries had been emplaced along the border.


5…………> Scorched Earth: Obama Saboteurs

Nancy “Amy is not my daughter” Schumer, Chuck “I cried tears for the Muslims” Pelosi, The Russia probe, “deep state” conspirators, “Fake News” media & Co, all of those could potentially blow-up the Trump agenda, not forgetting the flood of lawsuits now filed by blue-state attorneys generals who have made no secret of their disdain for the administration’s policies. 

“The Trump administration has trouble understanding the rule of law and that’s the reason Democratic attorneys general are filing lawsuits and winning them,” said Sean Rankin, DAGA’s executive director, as California Attorney General Xavier Becerra sued the Trump administration over fracking rules, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced his intent to sue the Trump administration for reversing the Obama-era Waters of the United States regulation and several East Coast states may soon band together to try to undermine the newly passed tax overhaul.

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